Silence is a Valid Option

So with many of the dialogue options for all of the TT's recent games you're given an option between three lines, or to have your character to stay silent. How often do you feel inclined to stay silent?

In most situations I feel it's more important to say something rather than stare at whoever is accusing/asking my character for advise. I'm kind of curious on what would happen if I tried a "silent treatment" run through most of TT's games because I've actually never chosen to stay silent before.


  • Sometimes being silent is in fact a valid option, an entire play-through sounds really boring, but that's why we have the magical land of YouTube with people who have already done this.

  • When I'm talking to the villain I sometimes stay silent just to piss them off.

    The only other times is when I disagree with any of the other choices.

  • I usually say something, unless I dont agree with the other 3 choices


    This is all I could think about with the youtube thing. And you are right, it seems quite a few people have done silent playthroughs, I might need to check them out.

    Sometimes being silent is in fact a valid option, an entire play-through sounds really boring, but that's why we have the magical land of YouTube with people who have already done this.

  • I say something unless all 3 options seem like a big no-no. And if you wanna see how it turns out, they are silent playthrough videos of The Walking Dead on YouTube.

  • I think I stayed silent when Zer0 got 'stabbed'. Cause really, overreacting or underreacting to a Vault Hunter being hurt seems kinda... Yeah.

  • edited February 2015

    When I feel like it. It was very cool in TWAU, actually, on many occasions it was the best option. It added to the atmoshpere. I really liked pursuing that guy in the meat store in silence, it was really cool... Actually, all the times when Bigby tries to scare people or make them talk it's cool.

    In TftB there are also some moments when it adds something, like staying silent when Assquez gives you your new job and right after that. Or when Sasha starts to press the topic about Hyperion. But I gotta agree that in TftB it's not quite effective most of the times, just sometimes because other characters will just carry on like always. Still, I really like the option I think other games should have it.

    Cause really, overreacting or underreacting to a Vault Hunter being hurt seems kinda...

    Hm, but saying "How is that you're not dead?..." is also ok imo.

  • edited February 2015

    I have to say, I clicked your thread because I thought your title was referring to Telltale and the episode 2 release, then I was like " oh...". " OOooohh".

    I agree with most people above. Sometimes there's nothing else I want to say so silence is the only option, other times (especially in TWAU) it just adds that cool factor. " Yeah I didn't answer you motherfucker what you gonna do now?"

  • Yeah, the characters in Tales I don't see as using silence as much as Bigsby or Lee would. Fiona and Rhys are smooth talkers, one is a con-woman, the other having to lick boots to get further into his career. Sasha is basically the only character I really see as a silence user (which she does in the first recollection of the vault key meeting).

    I'd love to see different situations in the next episode that might make me decide to use silence for the first time.

    DeityD posted: »

    When I feel like it. It was very cool in TWAU, actually, on many occasions it was the best option. It added to the atmoshpere. I really like

  • (Like we needed another thread demanding TT staff to release the game already.)

    I still needed to play both seasons of TWDG so I'll try more to think of staying silent.

    scraplust posted: »

    I have to say, I clicked your thread because I thought your title was referring to Telltale and the episode 2 release, then I was like " oh.

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