The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • [District 8 female]

    Shit, that was close, I'm scared for Hope's life. ;~;

    Rest in peace, Finn and Garrett.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • Is Susie going to die?!? She was just stabbed in the back.. :(

    [District 8 female]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • Enter it!

    supersagig posted: »

  • [District 8 female]

    Holy shit, susie just got stabbed and Hope is getting chased by two careers... O.O


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • No, no, Susie no! I was rooting for her, I actually wanted her to win this... but I guess her chances are close to zero now...

    Alt text

    Well done, this bloodbath actively continues to emotionally crush me. Damn those ninjas cutting onions again ;_;

    [District 8 female]

    Again, such a hard decision. But please, don't vote for Atlas. And I have hopes that Viola manages to hit some career with her arrows. So it shall be Jeanie for me...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • Ive decided ill be making another fanfiction since this one has been so successful!

    I'll be making the page for it tonight (wont start it until these games end) Hopefully you guys can support it like you supported these games :D. Also its not a Walking Dead fan fiction... lets just say it has something to do with a ship...

  • Titanic? Poseidon? a copy of Mr.Quality´s fic Stranded? Lost?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Ive decided ill be making another fanfiction since this one has been so successful! I'll be making the page for it tonight (wont start it

  • [District 8 Female] Then Zelda will have a bow.

    Awesome chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • I don't know why... But I immediately thought it had something to do with a "ship" like "shipping two people together."


    supersagig posted: »

    Titanic? Poseidon? a copy of Mr.Quality´s fic Stranded? Lost?

  • her chances are close to zero

    more like close to NERO amirite :DDDDD

    No, no, Susie no! I was rooting for her, I actually wanted her to win this... but I guess her chances are close to zero now... Well d

  • Who says it isn't? xD

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I don't know why... But I immediately thought it had something to do with a "ship" like "shipping two people together." XD

  • Haha nope its not a copy of Mr.Quality fic stranded xD

    supersagig posted: »

    Titanic? Poseidon? a copy of Mr.Quality´s fic Stranded? Lost?

  • Sounds exciting :D I'll be sure to take part and support your writing just post the link in here once it's up c:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Ive decided ill be making another fanfiction since this one has been so successful! I'll be making the page for it tonight (wont start it

  • Almost done writing out the page

    ayylmao posted: »

    Sounds exciting I'll be sure to take part and support your writing just post the link in here once it's up c:

  • edited February 2015

    God this is hard. RIP Finn and Garrett. But on the plus side Susie has a weapon now haha... no? Okay.

    I'm going to vote [District 6 male] because he's an actual threat. Looking back at training scores Viola and Jeanie are the two weakest here but Atlas is ranked sixth or seventh if I'm correct. This is also a pity vote for Jeanie because most people seem to be ganging up on her and I think she's an interesting character.

  • I'll patiently await this "Ship" related forum game. :3

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Who says it isn't? xD

  • My new fanfiction is in fact Titanic

    Go here!

  • Too soon, Soon... too soon...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    her chances are close to zero more like close to NERO amirite :DDDDD

  • edited February 2015

    Part 3 will be tonight!

  • [D8 female]

    Damn. This is brutal...

    Great chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 1/4 ZELDA D1 I throw the girl from 4 to the ground when suddenly I see the girl from 7 throw a throwing axe at me. I manage

  • I know...I'm sorry. :c


    Too soon, Soon... too soon...

  • Tonight! Do it tonight!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 will be tonight!

  • I think I might :)

    Carley123 posted: »

    Tonight! Do it tonight!

  • The hype is so high O.O

    I don't think I'd make it overnight xD

    If you have time, do another tonight!!! :P

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 will be tonight!

  • I'm going to do Part 3 tonight, i'll start writing in about 15 - 30 min

    ComingSoon posted: »

    The hype is so high O.O I don't think I'd make it overnight xD If you have time, do another tonight!!! :P

  • Awesome!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm going to do Part 3 tonight, i'll start writing in about 15 - 30 min

  • Sweet :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm going to do Part 3 tonight, i'll start writing in about 15 - 30 min

  • Starting part 3 of Bloodbath! >:)

  • :DDDD I can't wait!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 3 of Bloodbath!

  • edited February 2015

    Bloodbath: 3/4

    HOPE D9

    I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods..

    "Nero!" She screams "It hurts, it hurts!"

    "Shhh" Nero says shushing her and they run into the low forest, the arena is so pretty.. suddenly I see both District 2's running after me.. holy crap. They're going to kill me...

    I take a throwing knife that I got from the District 12 girls body and flick it, it glides through the cool air and hits the District 2 girls arm.

    "Ugh!" The district 2 girl yells in pain "How dare you!"

    In the distance I see the District 1 girl swing her sword at the District 8 girls throat and it slammed into her neck, she quickly fell over and blood spewed from her tanned neck.


    JEANIE 0:05:03

    A knife goes flying past me and I begin to run, my heart is quickly racing as both District 2's are hot on my trail. I run down the hill and tumble down tripping, I quickly get up and keep running.

    "We got her now!" Carley yells excitedly

    "Yeah!" Zach chants "Who's helpless now!"

    I grab my long curved knife while I run, another knife goes flying past me. I'm almost at the forest.. I just need to get there...

    I'm running down the hill when I fall over again.. my leg is stuck in thick mud and I can feel Carley over me..

    "Zach, go back to corn. I got this bitch" Carley snarles

    "Sure" Zach says "Don't have too much fun"

    She turns my body around so I can face her, my eyes widen as I look at her.

    "Please" I beg

    "Aww..." Carley says evilly "Thats cute"

    I try to lift my knife up to stab her but she grabs my wrist and throws it to the ground.

    "How dare you!" Carley hisses, she digs her knife deep into my hand.

    "AHHH!!!" I scream in pain as the knife goes through my hand into the ground.

    Warm red blood comes out of knife and runs down my shaking arm.

    My eyes from hot, warm tears and they fall down my cheek as Carley smiles over my body.

    "Now you know how I feel" Carley hisses.. "I think it's time I kill you now"

    I'm so stomach begins to stir and turn inside my body... its happening again. I open my mouth and orange and green mush comes flying out as I projectile vomit all over Carley's face. It was a direct hit, the vomit splashes her entire face.

    "AHHHHH!" Carley screams as she stands up "ZZZAAACH!"

    I quickly get up while Carley is focused on my vomit, I wipe the vomit off my face and run away trying to close the gash on my hand and run towards the forest, it doesn't hurt yet. After a few minutes of running I feel safe once again..

    I open my backpack and find a medical kit.. I sit on the grass and can see the District 2 female far away walking back to cornucopia covered in vomit.

    "Thank you stomach, you saved me again." I think to myself as I put peroxide on my gash.. theres a sudden pain which quickly subsides. Then I bandage it up and tighten it.

    I hear a voice in the forest and begin to panic.. maybe the forest isnt the safest place to go? Theres a village with about three houses... a blue lake in the distance and also a mountain that was pretty close to me.

    Where should Hope go?

    [Forest] [Village] [Mountains] [Lakeside]


    18th: JEANIE

  • RIP Jeanie


    Best to get there first.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc



    as I projectile vomit all over Carley's face. It was a direct hit, the vomit splashes her entire face

    Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • edited February 2015

    Oh my god, I love Hope. She's definitely the funniest POV around.

    [Lakeside.] Careers are definitely going to take over the village, plus the lake has water and Hope won't get dehydrated.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • Hmm...good point, it would depend on if it's salt water or fresh water.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Oh my god, I love Hope. She's definitely the funniest POV around. [Lakeside.] Careers are definitely going to take over the village, plus the lake has water and Hope won't get dehydrated.

  • edited February 2015

    I just realized that they can always melt the snow and drink it.

    Unless the Capitol poisoned it. That way the tributes would be forced to go to the lake and confront each other.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hmm...good point, it would depend on if it's salt water or fresh water.

  • edited February 2015

    Maybe the Capitol poisoned the lake.. ;)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I just realized that they can always melt the snow and drink it. Unless the Capitol poisoned it. That way the tributes would be forced to go to the lake and confront each other.

  • LOL

    Finn1 posted: »

    RIP JEANIE [Mountains] as I projectile vomit all over Carley's face. It was a direct hit, the vomit splashes her entire face

  • Oooo

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Maybe the Capitol poisoned the lake..

  • Yay more dead people

    ComingSoon posted: »


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