Yes, people who fit well with the harvest hills community will most likely appear faster. With you characters I used their parents as a gateway into the community.
Oh yiss, good to see my people in this
[Bury his parents.]
Even though I know how horrible the Harpers have been, I think they still deserve some sort of burial.
Anthony looked down at the corpses, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they looked down at the bodies.
“They’re dead then…” She whispered, her tone unsure of itself. “I don’t mean to sound…” Her voice trailed off and she remained silent as her brother embraced her in half hug.
“It’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you, I let anything happen to me. For here on… Everything’s gonna be okay.” Anthony insured, his expression becoming a little more hopeful. Would things be okay? Anthony thought. Things weren’t looking good for anyone, but he would see to it that his sister remained safe, to make up for the years he left her behind.
“What’s going to happen now… We’re not going to make it, the things… them, the walking corpses…” Her voice trailed off again, but this time she quickly resumed with an uneasy tone. “Their fuckin’ dead, dad and mom, their dead… The whole world is going to shit for all we know, we’re fucked…” Her tone was full of anger and sadness, but Anthony saw where she was coming. After all they saw today, it wouldn’t be easy to recover, even if things went back to what yesterday. This whole experience was mentally damaging, he didn’t know how bad things could get from here, but at as long as he was here, he would make sure his sister was okay, not just alive, but as well as mentally.
He sighed. “Josie… If you talk, just tell me, and we’ll talk.” He gave a genuine smile.
“Anthony… I’m gonna go back across the street to Atlanta’s house, the smell here is killing me… I’m sorry, you should come over when ready.” Josephine gave a half-hearted smile and a soft pat on the back to Anthony, then walked out the front door, closing it behind her.
Anthony let out a long sigh, things weren’t going as planned. He wanted to make amends with his parents. He himself didn’t leave their house on a good note. They had a fight last time they had seen each other, verbally. But he couldn’t dwell on the past, for his sister sake. He walked to the sliding door and pulled back the curtains, soon opening the door to began burying his parents.
Finding a shovel outside in the shed, he began digging a hole, the dirt was soft and easy to dig through. He reflected on what was happening as he dug. The city’s in disarray. Maybe even the whole state, if not the world. In all his days of working as a medical practitioner, he never had seen anything like this. It could be vodo for all he knew, though he knew better. It seemed to be similar to rabies, the… Infected, they would kill ravenously… Eating living people. He himself knew this wouldn’t go away overnight, hell, the damages done in this single day could take years to recover from this.
He felt reflected on this long enough, he quickly started to change his train of thought, the people within this community seemed safe, he had life here for most of his later childhood himself. The cement wall around Harvest Hills and My Anns Hill offered a well defended place to live until this thing blow over, however long it took.
Anthony was done, the hole on wide and deep enough to fit the bodies of his parents. He lay them to together and began filling the hole with the dirt piled to the side. Leaving a mound of turned dirt where his parents now rested. Anthony reentered the house. The smell remained, upstairs he gathered the bed sheets that were covered in blood and tossed them into the garbage can outside. As he walked back, his attention turned to the large cardboard box sitting on the porch to the right of the door.
He bought the box inside and sat it on the coffee table. He ran his finger along the label. It was addressed to the Mr. Harper. He pondered opening it, there was no reason to not open it. Taking his car key, he cut through the tape. Now opened he sorted through packing peanuts and pulled out a flat wooden case with a metal latch. Anthony unhitched the box’s latch and opened the lid. His face cracked into a smile as he found a slick revolver. Lifting it from the box he held it in his hand to get a feel for it. He used to train with a revolver regularly a few years back. He reached his hand in the box full of packing peanuts and dug through it, going much deeper into the box. Now finding several boxes of ammo and even a hostler.
It bought his spirits up. But the smile that dawned on his face, quickly left as he began to feel guilty for the sudden happy feeling. He shouldn’t be happy right considering what had happened. But it was a lifesaver during this time, he could use this for the better. He’ll make good use of the revolver. He himself might be a little rusty, but he’ll get used to it very quickly.
He donned the hostler and firmly put the revolver in it after loading the pistol itself. Taking the ammo boxes and putting them in his pockets. He had a grand total of 50 bullets. Upon finishing, he left the house and stood on the porch after closing the door behind him. He had two options that seemed worth choosing between. he could go across the street and talk with the girl, Atlanta, as well as his sister. Or he could go to the gate and talk with the other two, maybe get some target practice with the revolver.
[Go to Atlanta’s house.]
[Go to the gate.]
Jerry Stewart - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Both feet on the wall and the rifle in hand, Jerry was picking off every walking corpse that got close. Slowly, and over time, more would appear, filling the place of the last one. To Jerry it was starting to become clear, they might be attracted to the sound of the gunshots. There was about 15 within a 30 foot radius of the front gate, they needed to be taken out before that got close. Jerry lowered his rifle and took a good look at the them, recently kill, on the horizon he could see pileups on the highways. But it was further the road, meaning nobody could get on this highway outside of Harvest Hills, but a few cars would drive by, here and there.
With Jerry no longer firing at the ever approaching group of walkers, Dean questioned. “W-why aren’t you killing them?” His voice carrying a certain steady like tone, but it seemed almost forced.
“I’ve got the sneaking suspicion they’re attracted to the noise. We’ll have to deal with them some other way, I’m not gonna fuckin’ go out and fight the fuckers… But we can inside.” Jerry gave a devilish smile to Dean, but his attention turned back to the approaching walkers as he fearfully jumped back into the safety of the walls, his eyes and expression had a fearful looked. But he hashed out a new looked, one of more confidence.
“Well, what’s the plan?” Dean further questioned, his voice sounding more level. But his eyes became worrisome as he turned to face the gate, the walkers were wern feet away from it. “I don’t know how many of them that gate can take. You got a plan you need to put it into action.” Dean inforced, waiting for Jerry do something.
Jerry bent down of one knee was he opened a gun case sitting next to the inside wall, he set the rifle away. He looked around, his vision quickly landing on a new by shed in the backyard of one of the houses. Soon returning with a relatively long piece of rebar, and a pair of welders gloves that went up to his elbow. A smile cracked on his face as he brandished the rebar like a sword, making a stabbing motion. “Yes… This will work.”
“What’ll work?” Dean asked, as he nervously eyed the walkers.
“You see, there shouldn’t be much danger in doing this, stabbing through the gate and the head with the rebar. The gloves… Well, I gotta get somewhat close. They reach through the gate after all.” He point towards the group of 15 as they all struggled to reach for the two within the safety of the gate. The smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “Time for the ‘fun’ part.” Jerry muttered, shoving the rebar into one of the walker’s faces, piercing it’s skull with a splatter of blood. It started falling to the ground, taking the rebar with it. But Jerry quickly gave a good pull and the rebar escaped the walker’s head.
“Shit… We’re gonna need to move their bodies before long. If we need to get out of here and time soon, we can’t have them blocking the driveway.” Dean brought up a point, but this seemed to be the last group of corpses walking through here. But that could change very quickly.
Jerry stabbed another one through the gate, and it too fell to the ground. “Yeah… Sure, you want to go out there… I won’t stop you once we get these ones taken care of. Until then, go into the shed and grab some rebar, and check under the counter, there’s another pair of gloves.” Jerry said as he dealt with another walker. It’s body falling to the ground in a heap. But more of them would pile against the gate and just stand on top of the dead ones. But lucky there weren’t anymore in sight. Once Dean returned, the two of them began mowing down the group of walkers from inside the gate.
But more came, walking from just outside their field of vision. The gunshots must have attracted a lot of them, but they weren’t the only people firing guns in the city, shots could be heard from miles around. Though the two dealt with the incoming walkers.
Some time past and about 27 dead bodies lay in front of the gate, both Jerry and Dean were wore out and tired. They did this in silence, but Jerry felt the need to break it. “What’s your take on the matter?” Jerry asked, his voice carrying a secure tone.
“Ugh... “ Dean looked up from the pile of bodies and sighed. “It’s fucked… I can’t see this getting better too soon. I’m…still getting to grips with that, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to… It’s just… I think things will be getting better, I mean… Fuckin’ look! ‘round us, we’re safe here, we’ve got the wall, I’m happy be here… I mean… Fuck, if I was out there right now, I’m not sure I’d still be kicking.” Dean paused and looked back down at the corpses on the ground outside the gate, before continuing. “Between… Being out there and being here, I’m pretty sure this is 10 steps above anything out there. But overall… I don’t know, what do you have to say on the matter?”
Jerry sigh, sitting the piece of rebar on the ground. “It could be worse… These things, they eat people, imagine, a large group them could tear someone apart like a pack of goddamn hyenas. Fuck… that’s a fate worse than… Anything I could think of. And fuckin’ believe me, I could dream up some fucked up shit, but this, this is the devil’s nightmare.” Jerry stopped talking, leaving a moment of silent staring between the two until Jerry continued. “This is going to suck, y’know. I’ve got damn bee hive under my house and I was waiting for the guy to come to take care of it. Now we’re fucked, we got what we have, it’s not like we could just go to the store and buy food. The powers out, I’m pretty sure the waters out too. What’s next? Maybe the motherfucking sun!” Jerry laughed out loud, a crooked grin on his face. He sighed. “Right now, it’s either gonna clear up, or stay like this for the rest of our lives. I quite frankly don’t see any silver lining.” Jerry finished, his voice seemed cold and serious.
There was the sound of a car engine, causing both Dean and Jerry to turn to the highway and looked as a small van seemingly stopped on the highway in front of them, but the engine of the car had gone out by the sounds of it. With the engine dead, the silhouettes of several people could be be seen within the car. But they didn’t get out of the car, there wasn’t any reason to why they would just stay there. Dean quickly climbed over the wall, careful to avoid landing, or stepping, on any of the dead bodies. But as Dean approached the car, he turned to a sound to his left, there about 50-60 of the walkers that walking up the highway. Stumbling and moaning as they approached, only about 50 feet away. But the people inside the car didn’t open the door and run to the safety of the wall. As Dean arrived his face looked a little shocked, he tried to open the door. But it was locked, and the people inside the car didn’t try to unlock the door. Jerry could see Dean fearfully eying the approaching walkers as he tapped the glass of the window. “You gotta open the door!” Dean yelled to the people in the car. He turned his head to Jerry. “Their kids! They won’t open the door, help me get ‘em out!”
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Okay! There's today's part. I'm sorry it was released so late, and there probably won't be any part tomorrow. But bare with me as I'll try to get another one out some time the next day. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part, if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have something you'll like to see in the story all you gotta do is let me know.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
That's not the only weird thing about our weather. We here in northern Europe have these things called polar nights. That means we don't really have days in here in December - January.
Example of our days in december:
And in summers the sun doesn't really set at nights. The pictures below are taken at 2 am like I said, our weather is fucked up.
Okay! There's today's part. I'm sorry it was released so late, and there probably won't be any part tomorrow. But bare with me as I'll try t… moreo get another one out some time the next day. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part, if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have something you'll like to see in the story all you gotta do is let me know.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 1.
Harvest Hills Community.
Her vision was blurring, but she knew the sound of a … moregunshot. As her vision cleared she stood up and looked down, looking at the dead woman. Her breaths became more quicker as she backed away from the Harper’s lawn. He spotted the delivery man throwing up in the flower bed. Her vision quickly turned to the man holding the gun, that kind of grumpy neighbor, that was him in the flesh. “Jerry, you fucking killed her!” Ashley yelled.
“That hell was I supposed to do??” The man identified as Jerry responded, having lowered the rifle, he stepped towards the dead body of Ms. Harper. “She could’ve killed some--” Jerry was cut off by Ashley immediately shorting back. “You the fucking killed her!”
Jerry’s patients seemed to waver on a thin line, a line about to be crossed. “It was a fuckin’ judgment call!” He shouted with anger. “If you don’t like it, you can sh… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpse… mores, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they lo… [view original content]
of course! But it wall be awhile before they start to explore their own neighborhood, looking for people hold up in their homes, gathering supplies, etc.
That's not the only weird thing about our weather. We here in northern Europe have these things called polar nights. That means we don't rea… morelly have days in here in December - January.
Example of our days in december:
And in summers the sun doesn't really set at nights. The pictures below are taken at 2 am like I said, our weather is fucked up.
Examples of our nights in summers:
After a coin flip, the choice is now going to close.
(!) Anthony will go the the gate
(!) Jerry will let Dean handle it
Again, probably won't come out today, but you can except it tomorrow!
Thank you!
Not really, but it'll start picking up soon.
I have not yet began to make you question your actions. >:3
Yes, people who fit well with the harvest hills community will most likely appear faster. With you characters I used their parents as a gateway into the community.
Well, right now there doesn't appear to be much to fear. >:3
Right now...
Voting is closed!
(!) Anthony will bury his parents
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 2.
Anthony Harper - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Anthony looked down at the corpses, lifeless in death as they were in life. He needed to give his sister and himself a place to live, he couldn’t just leave them here rot either. They deserved to be respected. Even if they were uncaring and cold people. The light shined through the sliding door, it illuminated the corpse, casting shadows and scripts of light through curtains, and onto the white sheet covered corpses. He stood on his feet and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes, leaving them slightly red. It was time bury them. A light filled them room as someone opened the door behind Anthony.
He turned to face the person who entered. “Josie…” He softly muttered as she walked next to him. Her vision landed on the sheet wrapped corpses of her mother and father. Her expression mimicked the sad face of her brother’s as they looked down at the bodies.
“They’re dead then…” She whispered, her tone unsure of itself. “I don’t mean to sound…” Her voice trailed off and she remained silent as her brother embraced her in half hug.
“It’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you, I let anything happen to me. For here on… Everything’s gonna be okay.” Anthony insured, his expression becoming a little more hopeful. Would things be okay? Anthony thought. Things weren’t looking good for anyone, but he would see to it that his sister remained safe, to make up for the years he left her behind.
“What’s going to happen now… We’re not going to make it, the things… them, the walking corpses…” Her voice trailed off again, but this time she quickly resumed with an uneasy tone. “Their fuckin’ dead, dad and mom, their dead… The whole world is going to shit for all we know, we’re fucked…” Her tone was full of anger and sadness, but Anthony saw where she was coming. After all they saw today, it wouldn’t be easy to recover, even if things went back to what yesterday. This whole experience was mentally damaging, he didn’t know how bad things could get from here, but at as long as he was here, he would make sure his sister was okay, not just alive, but as well as mentally.
He sighed. “Josie… If you talk, just tell me, and we’ll talk.” He gave a genuine smile.
“Anthony… I’m gonna go back across the street to Atlanta’s house, the smell here is killing me… I’m sorry, you should come over when ready.” Josephine gave a half-hearted smile and a soft pat on the back to Anthony, then walked out the front door, closing it behind her.
Anthony let out a long sigh, things weren’t going as planned. He wanted to make amends with his parents. He himself didn’t leave their house on a good note. They had a fight last time they had seen each other, verbally. But he couldn’t dwell on the past, for his sister sake. He walked to the sliding door and pulled back the curtains, soon opening the door to began burying his parents.
Finding a shovel outside in the shed, he began digging a hole, the dirt was soft and easy to dig through. He reflected on what was happening as he dug. The city’s in disarray. Maybe even the whole state, if not the world. In all his days of working as a medical practitioner, he never had seen anything like this. It could be vodo for all he knew, though he knew better. It seemed to be similar to rabies, the… Infected, they would kill ravenously… Eating living people. He himself knew this wouldn’t go away overnight, hell, the damages done in this single day could take years to recover from this.
He felt reflected on this long enough, he quickly started to change his train of thought, the people within this community seemed safe, he had life here for most of his later childhood himself. The cement wall around Harvest Hills and My Anns Hill offered a well defended place to live until this thing blow over, however long it took.
Anthony was done, the hole on wide and deep enough to fit the bodies of his parents. He lay them to together and began filling the hole with the dirt piled to the side. Leaving a mound of turned dirt where his parents now rested. Anthony reentered the house. The smell remained, upstairs he gathered the bed sheets that were covered in blood and tossed them into the garbage can outside. As he walked back, his attention turned to the large cardboard box sitting on the porch to the right of the door.
He bought the box inside and sat it on the coffee table. He ran his finger along the label. It was addressed to the Mr. Harper. He pondered opening it, there was no reason to not open it. Taking his car key, he cut through the tape. Now opened he sorted through packing peanuts and pulled out a flat wooden case with a metal latch. Anthony unhitched the box’s latch and opened the lid. His face cracked into a smile as he found a slick revolver. Lifting it from the box he held it in his hand to get a feel for it. He used to train with a revolver regularly a few years back. He reached his hand in the box full of packing peanuts and dug through it, going much deeper into the box. Now finding several boxes of ammo and even a hostler.
It bought his spirits up. But the smile that dawned on his face, quickly left as he began to feel guilty for the sudden happy feeling. He shouldn’t be happy right considering what had happened. But it was a lifesaver during this time, he could use this for the better. He’ll make good use of the revolver. He himself might be a little rusty, but he’ll get used to it very quickly.
He donned the hostler and firmly put the revolver in it after loading the pistol itself. Taking the ammo boxes and putting them in his pockets. He had a grand total of 50 bullets. Upon finishing, he left the house and stood on the porch after closing the door behind him. He had two options that seemed worth choosing between. he could go across the street and talk with the girl, Atlanta, as well as his sister. Or he could go to the gate and talk with the other two, maybe get some target practice with the revolver.
[Go to Atlanta’s house.]
[Go to the gate.]
Jerry Stewart - Harvest Hills, San Antonio.
Both feet on the wall and the rifle in hand, Jerry was picking off every walking corpse that got close. Slowly, and over time, more would appear, filling the place of the last one. To Jerry it was starting to become clear, they might be attracted to the sound of the gunshots. There was about 15 within a 30 foot radius of the front gate, they needed to be taken out before that got close. Jerry lowered his rifle and took a good look at the them, recently kill, on the horizon he could see pileups on the highways. But it was further the road, meaning nobody could get on this highway outside of Harvest Hills, but a few cars would drive by, here and there.
With Jerry no longer firing at the ever approaching group of walkers, Dean questioned. “W-why aren’t you killing them?” His voice carrying a certain steady like tone, but it seemed almost forced.
“I’ve got the sneaking suspicion they’re attracted to the noise. We’ll have to deal with them some other way, I’m not gonna fuckin’ go out and fight the fuckers… But we can inside.” Jerry gave a devilish smile to Dean, but his attention turned back to the approaching walkers as he fearfully jumped back into the safety of the walls, his eyes and expression had a fearful looked. But he hashed out a new looked, one of more confidence.
“Well, what’s the plan?” Dean further questioned, his voice sounding more level. But his eyes became worrisome as he turned to face the gate, the walkers were wern feet away from it. “I don’t know how many of them that gate can take. You got a plan you need to put it into action.” Dean inforced, waiting for Jerry do something.
Jerry bent down of one knee was he opened a gun case sitting next to the inside wall, he set the rifle away. He looked around, his vision quickly landing on a new by shed in the backyard of one of the houses. Soon returning with a relatively long piece of rebar, and a pair of welders gloves that went up to his elbow. A smile cracked on his face as he brandished the rebar like a sword, making a stabbing motion. “Yes… This will work.”
“What’ll work?” Dean asked, as he nervously eyed the walkers.
“You see, there shouldn’t be much danger in doing this, stabbing through the gate and the head with the rebar. The gloves… Well, I gotta get somewhat close. They reach through the gate after all.” He point towards the group of 15 as they all struggled to reach for the two within the safety of the gate. The smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “Time for the ‘fun’ part.” Jerry muttered, shoving the rebar into one of the walker’s faces, piercing it’s skull with a splatter of blood. It started falling to the ground, taking the rebar with it. But Jerry quickly gave a good pull and the rebar escaped the walker’s head.
“Shit… We’re gonna need to move their bodies before long. If we need to get out of here and time soon, we can’t have them blocking the driveway.” Dean brought up a point, but this seemed to be the last group of corpses walking through here. But that could change very quickly.
Jerry stabbed another one through the gate, and it too fell to the ground. “Yeah… Sure, you want to go out there… I won’t stop you once we get these ones taken care of. Until then, go into the shed and grab some rebar, and check under the counter, there’s another pair of gloves.” Jerry said as he dealt with another walker. It’s body falling to the ground in a heap. But more of them would pile against the gate and just stand on top of the dead ones. But lucky there weren’t anymore in sight. Once Dean returned, the two of them began mowing down the group of walkers from inside the gate.
But more came, walking from just outside their field of vision. The gunshots must have attracted a lot of them, but they weren’t the only people firing guns in the city, shots could be heard from miles around. Though the two dealt with the incoming walkers.
Some time past and about 27 dead bodies lay in front of the gate, both Jerry and Dean were wore out and tired. They did this in silence, but Jerry felt the need to break it. “What’s your take on the matter?” Jerry asked, his voice carrying a secure tone.
“Ugh... “ Dean looked up from the pile of bodies and sighed. “It’s fucked… I can’t see this getting better too soon. I’m…still getting to grips with that, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to… It’s just… I think things will be getting better, I mean… Fuckin’ look! ‘round us, we’re safe here, we’ve got the wall, I’m happy be here… I mean… Fuck, if I was out there right now, I’m not sure I’d still be kicking.” Dean paused and looked back down at the corpses on the ground outside the gate, before continuing. “Between… Being out there and being here, I’m pretty sure this is 10 steps above anything out there. But overall… I don’t know, what do you have to say on the matter?”
Jerry sigh, sitting the piece of rebar on the ground. “It could be worse… These things, they eat people, imagine, a large group them could tear someone apart like a pack of goddamn hyenas. Fuck… that’s a fate worse than… Anything I could think of. And fuckin’ believe me, I could dream up some fucked up shit, but this, this is the devil’s nightmare.” Jerry stopped talking, leaving a moment of silent staring between the two until Jerry continued. “This is going to suck, y’know. I’ve got damn bee hive under my house and I was waiting for the guy to come to take care of it. Now we’re fucked, we got what we have, it’s not like we could just go to the store and buy food. The powers out, I’m pretty sure the waters out too. What’s next? Maybe the motherfucking sun!” Jerry laughed out loud, a crooked grin on his face. He sighed. “Right now, it’s either gonna clear up, or stay like this for the rest of our lives. I quite frankly don’t see any silver lining.” Jerry finished, his voice seemed cold and serious.
There was the sound of a car engine, causing both Dean and Jerry to turn to the highway and looked as a small van seemingly stopped on the highway in front of them, but the engine of the car had gone out by the sounds of it. With the engine dead, the silhouettes of several people could be be seen within the car. But they didn’t get out of the car, there wasn’t any reason to why they would just stay there. Dean quickly climbed over the wall, careful to avoid landing, or stepping, on any of the dead bodies. But as Dean approached the car, he turned to a sound to his left, there about 50-60 of the walkers that walking up the highway. Stumbling and moaning as they approached, only about 50 feet away. But the people inside the car didn’t open the door and run to the safety of the wall. As Dean arrived his face looked a little shocked, he tried to open the door. But it was locked, and the people inside the car didn’t try to unlock the door. Jerry could see Dean fearfully eying the approaching walkers as he tapped the glass of the window. “You gotta open the door!” Dean yelled to the people in the car. He turned his head to Jerry. “Their kids! They won’t open the door, help me get ‘em out!”
[Help Dean directly.]
[Let Dean handle it.]
[Give sniper support.]
[Go to the gate.] He can help the others
[Help Dean directly.] OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR
Awesome Chapter!!!
Okay! There's today's part. I'm sorry it was released so late, and there probably won't be any part tomorrow. But bare with me as I'll try to get another one out some time the next day. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part, if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have something you'll like to see in the story all you gotta do is let me know.
Your people must not like doors. :P
[Go to the gate.]
[Let Dean handle it.]
Less mouths to feed longer we last. Plus the first bozo can come to the gate anyway to help.
You don´t want to kill a herd of walkers? XD
Well, that's one way to look at it. XD
But I get your drift.
That's not the only weird thing about our weather. We here in northern Europe have these things called polar nights. That means we don't really have days in here in December - January.
Example of our days in december:
And in summers the sun doesn't really set at nights. The pictures below are taken at 2 am
like I said, our weather is fucked up.
Examples of our nights in summers:
I'm curious, will you include anyone from My Anns Hill?
[Go to the gate]
[Let Dean handle it]
Go to Gate
Let Dean Handle it
[Go tot he gate]
[Help dean directly] I hate doors, I hate walls, I hate fences....
[Bury his parents]
Edit: Oh wait, sorry I was late xd. Great chapter btw.
[Go to the gate.]
[Help Dean directly.]
[Go to the gate]
[Help Dean directly]
Go to the gate
Let Dean handle it
of course! But it wall be awhile before they start to explore their own neighborhood, looking for people hold up in their homes, gathering supplies, etc.
That's freaking weird, but pretty cool at the same time.
After a coin flip, the choice is now going to close.
(!) Anthony will go the the gate
(!) Jerry will let Dean handle it
Again, probably won't come out today, but you can except it tomorrow!
(?) You forgot about Anthony going to the gate
You saw nothing >.>
Okay, you might have. :P
I saw it too >:D
lol u made a mistake HAAHAHA
judge him, everyone
hugs sry
accepts hug
It's okay
Aww c:
New part will be out today?
Yep! I've been working on it since yesterday and It'll hopefully be finished some time later today