Creative Writing Assistance Thread.
I just want to thanks everyone who's supporting me through my writer's block. With your help I was able to come up with an idea for my project 1. I usually look at pictures and watch media to get inspiration then when I go to sleep my mind puts that image in a scene. My negative thoughts and procrastination gets in the way making me give up and think of another idea, but this time I will focus on one.
This is still the assistance writing a short story thread. I just renamed it.
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It may not work for everyone, but listening to music really helps me get motivation, if the music fits with what I'm trying to write I just sort of think with the music and I can get ideas that way.
Well it really depends what type of story it is, but characters with arks and flaws make them feel more believable and interesting
I'll try that.
It was for adventure, and horror stories, and I'll try listening to music like ya'll stated.
arks and flaws? please explain
Well most good characters are not invincible and perfect so they have flaws. Also a good character has an arch, where they drastically change from the start to the finish of the story.
No one is 100% Good or 100% Evil. Or if they are in your story, they're boring. The Good ones need to be tempted. The Evil ones need their own mindset that explains why they turned Evil and makes sense to them, but they can still do good things outside that path. Everyone needs to act in a way that the reader can relate to.
Next time you're bored, look at something and think about where it's been. It has a story, too. That stack of printer paper? It was shelved by clerks at the store. Before that, it came in a box in a big truck down the highway, from the paper-making plant. It might have some partially recycled paper in it that has a story of its own. Otherwise, it came from farmed cotton and trees cut down by lumberjacks. I'm not saying you should write a story about your printer paper, but its history may give you some ideas you can use in your story.
Hey, you can PM me about the story of you want any further help, but I know this deck of cards that you can order online which basically just gives you ideas on what to do in your story, I think you can find in on kickstarter somewhere. Also, there are a lot of websites that can help you, like this:
Wow thank you so much for your help. I will pm you for help
Didn't you already do this kind of thread on your other profile?
Just do it or dont, in the end its up to your commitment to the work, usually I just let things float around in my head and then writing out my idea. Bits at a time, then it just sort of melds
That's Rosemary's account
Well it's my goal to do it, so I just need to motivate myself.
Why does the reader need to be able to relate to every single character in a story? Can not being able to understand someone not be a powerful tool of characterisation?
And yours because if I'm not mistaken, there was some talk about you Being RosemaryTWD, back in 2014.
Because the best way to make a good character is one that the audience can actually care about. Every single fictional character that you've grown to enjoy, you relate to them in some way.
Also, a sense of mystery is what can make an interesting character, not having them do something questionable.
The best way to make a character is to model them after someone in your life. It could be a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a teacher, etc. No one knows these people the same way you do. Hell, you can even mix up certain personality traits, but be careful that they don't contradict each other.
And come on, if you're serious about this, you NEED confidence. Otherwise there was no point in making this thread. If you want to make stories that everyone can enjoy, you're just going to have to accept the fact that your first attempt might not be a hit. If that's the case, then learn from your mistakes and keep on doing it.
If you dont have confidence why are you writing for other people? You need to write stories that you would like to read for your self as a hobby first you cant hit the floor running you need to walk first.
Edit: you cant realy ask too much from others when it comes to advice because writing is a creative exercise and everyone has a different method of doing it. Lots of advice will be contradictory so I dont think it would be helpful, also I dont think creativity is something that can be taught
I can help you with 'basic' stuff, I am bad writer my self but I know when a story is good.
All you need to know the important of a 'basic'... characters and story plot the rest is up to you but remember the characters must have robust personality, you can make it simple but not vague... we can try to share. Fell free to PM me I may able to help you, Illuminate you Δ
What Tyler said. Yes, the reader needs to relate to every single character in the story.
What do I mean by "relate"? Ideally, if the reader were in the same position, the reader would do the same thing. But if not that, then the reader should be able to understand why the character did what he/she did. If the character is acting illogically, then the reader gets confused, and sometimes even mad at the story when characters don't do something obvious.
If a character has to do the wrong thing, then there should at least be some little voice in his/her head that cringes at the thought.
I think that's her sister's account but i'm not sure
First you have to chose a story that you like otherwise you won't be able to make a good story or make other people like it, also the characters are a very important part, you have to make them go through some change in the story and make them relatable. If you need more help you can PM me.
If you want some experiences writing characters and plot, you could always join a RP-Forum, where you write and play the character and plan plots. I do that in my spare times.
It's tough.
Writer's block has been my Achilles heel for years. My advice, start with short, manageable stories and get a feel for your characters.
Thanks for the support guys. Been a rough weeks and couldn't get back on the forums. Now I'm back and rosemary gave me an idea for a short story. I already told awesome and he thinks it's nice.
People said use opposites so that's what I did. Feel free to pm me any advice and tips.
Have a great day community.
Seems like you're obsessed with her. you always ask this. lol
site link? and thank you
I know exactly, I mean exactly what you're going through, I'm going through it right now... but I've learned two things in the past months:
Why should I care what people think if I haven't finished the story?
Inspiration comes from anything.
It wasn't until I told people of my crazy fantasy/sci-fi story did I find that people were actually interested in reading one but I still procrastinate in continuing it lol
Lol same here. I started so many ideas that came to my head but never seem to continue them. My first one was a priest who has to raise this little baby girl named Akiko after someone came to the church asking for his assistance. When she grows up he makes sure she's in the christian faith and soon learned that a group known as The Celestial Guardian Angel's of Light is after her because during her time as a baby something dark gave her powers that could be used for good and evil. Priest also has to deal with his problems as well as the sinful citizens. He'll need some support from the Nuns and everyone who's willing to help him. Note he's the only priest in the city due to the others surcoming to the darkness. Also the group will have problems to deal with too and not that evil. They want Akiko for a certain reason and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Priest isn't that innocent either. I already have an idea for the ending and it's crazy lol.
Akiko will have problems controlling the power at first, but eventually learn.
Crazy things will happen in this short story and I'll do my best to make it awesome. Also priest won't believe Akiko has powers at first, but the things that happen will make him a believer.
I don't know, but awesome told me not to care if people don't like it which will make me do better. Also since i'm sharing my idea with you it allowed me to be more focused and excited to start it. I find it easy to find pics from google to match the scenes and music. I hope it motivated you and everyone else in the thread to work on their projects.
Thanks everyone for the support.
This was going to be horror/action/fiction mature audience.
demons, monsters, sinners, angel's, workers of God will play a role in my story.
Sounds interesting lol I'd read that
It definitely motivated me, inspiration for art can comes from different artists
Mine is called 'Legends of the Elements' spanning from the beginning of the creation sequence to the end of our solar system. Spanning in different times in history where people discover these special cores that could let them harness the power of the elements and the ancient beings. It was going to end on a note where it's as if everything in the story really did happen but in order for them to erase time to before the course of time changed and humans would meet their end inevitably they would have to erase their own existence and remove all aspects of supernatural phenomenon and magic, and only those who were touched by the guardians holding the elemental cores would feel like supernatural forces are real but can't explain why
pretty silly lol
I like it. Seems we're both on the same point and have potential to be one of the greatest some day. My idea is to start with your project as a short story to get the feel for our characters. Then write or type out the first chapter and share it with friends and people we trust. If people like it and critique it then we keep on going regardless
. Also we must not be afraid to get it wrong and edit at the end. Don't worry about adding more details till the end. Writer's block is very evil and so is procrastination. My goal for this year was to work on a project.
We can do this. I know we can. If other member's here can write their stories, so can we.
Mostly you have to search these kinds of forums on your own. It is easiest to find a setting you are familiar with. I am mostly playing on a Dragon Age RP forum and I used to play on Walking Dead forum (I left that one due to all the drama going on OOC.)
Here is the link of the forum, I am currently playing.
But you could try and look for another setting that you link. The Chronicle Of Thedas has links to other sites at the advertisement. I suggest you find someone where the forum is consistently active or you are doomed to wait a VERY long time before it is your turn to post your character.
So are there plenty of character creations possibilities, and how do I save my characters to my computer to use in my short stories?
Basically it just amounts to writing a character that you will use while roleplaying with other players. You are free to use the characters you create in your short stories. I don't know if Dragon Age will suit your short story. I am only suggesting these forums because you can train your creativity, plot-writing and character writing.
And yeeah....the possibilities for character creation is only limited by how far you are willing to push your creativity.
You should also try runescape. It's still fun and probably updated too.
Thanks for your help and see ya'll tomarrow
I was actually thinking of doing that
I've mostly began with a short story of the creation sequence to introduce the characters. You're right, I really do want to be an author when I'm an adult so I've got pick up some slack and stop procrastinating especially since I have allot of free time when I literally do barely anything.
To be honest I've actually thought of 'Legend of the Elements' for many years now lol it started with me drawing my friends as people who controlled different elements and transpired to this idea of a 10 book series XD I also have thought of 'Apocalyptic' and 'High School Drama'
Wow that's awesome how you got your inspiration. Author's tell us to write what we like and use our imagination.
Inspiring author's like us tend to make mistakes by trying to be like professionals right now and eager to get it published. We should just write for the sake of it and when where ready to share with the world we will be ready.
Also short stories can be best seller's too. I'm thinking about making my short story like a comic where each book in my mini series is 10 pages to keep it going. Once I do great on the series I will make a book with all the chapters in it.
Here's our challenge for the weeks:
Lets focus on getting our Plot, Characters, Setting, and Conflicts down on an outline that will help us. Make this an outline for your first chapter and events
After writing chapter 1 outline, it is time for us to write the story for the chapter. When you get to chapter 2 do the same thing as before.
I find this easy for me to do.
You're absolutely right, at times I've dreamed of being an author and seeing my book become a movie overtime, but in all honesty I don't want to write books for fame or fortune but to share my creativity and imagination in the hope that it will bring a smile to people, make them cry, make them feel emotions.... P.S. my stories are mainly happy but the ending is rather sad.
I didn't really think about short stories being best seller's to be honest.
I'll accept that challenge, I've got the main plot for my stories, I've got the characters, I've got the setting and the conflicts
However, I feel like we should also think of creating sub-plots that last for a few chapters, we should create a chart where we can think of each characters' personality so we know how to use them and their relationships with other characters, with the setting we should describe the areas in each places to make it easier for when we start writing the first chapters and as for the conflicts, I think we should also think of possible conflicts create from the main one and find a way to resolve each one, just a thought since I've noticed the biggest conflicts aren't always the main focus for the characters until near the end.
I've been having a bit of trouble writing mine up, mostly with wording, I understand how I word things but sometimes others don't grasp my emotional tongue
but I'll make sure to try your suggestions and thanks 
You're very welcome, and omg same here. I think that's the reason I mostly stop writing. The use of wording is very difficult to write and sensory words. I do my best though and use google for big wordings.
I find myself writing down words that I don't know the meaning of but it still makes sense lol