so guess telltales slow again with ep 2?

is it just me or are they sloowwwwwly making games and please HAVE MINEcraft not be a actual thing telltale!!!!



  • Seeing how they're planning Minecraft, working of Game of Thrones, TFTB AND the Walking Dead at the same time, they're pretty slow at the moment.

  • I've seen turtles move faster.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Seeing how they're planning Minecraft, working of Game of Thrones, TFTB AND the Walking Dead at the same time, they're pretty slow at the moment.

  • Yes, they're working on five games so naturally things are slow.

  • edited March 2015

    They said that the reason for it being slow is NOT due to other games being worked on but because they're putting extra time into Episode 2 to make it perfect due to the overwhelmingly positive reception of Episode 1. There are separate teams for these games, one should not have an effect on the other. And yes, Minecraft is a thing.

  • You have much to learn, young padawan. The ways of the PR-speak, know you do not.

    They said that the reason for it being slow is NOT due to other games being worked on but because they're putting extra time into Episode 2

  • Lol I rarely side with @himmatsj but I doubt it was due to the "overwhelming reception of Ep1". I'm sure something unfortunately went wrong

    They said that the reason for it being slow is NOT due to other games being worked on but because they're putting extra time into Episode 2

  • Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales from the Borderlands Ep 2, this was the case. The reception to the first episode was, quite frankly, above and beyond what we ever hoped! We cannot thank you enough for playing this series as we kicked off! We want Ep 2 to be awesome. This of course means that it's taking a few extra weeks to make sure it's as fun as the first.

    Job Stauffer

    Lol I rarely side with @himmatsj but I doubt it was due to the "overwhelming reception of Ep1". I'm sure something unfortunately went wrong

  • Well, he can't really say 'Listen, guys, we screwed something important up :P' even if it was the case, so it's probably just PR talk.

    Not that Episode 2 won't be amazing, but it's very unlikely that this is the only reason for the game taking so long.

    Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales fr

  • which is stupid, imo - unless they start hiring more people

    himmatsj posted: »

    Yes, they're working on five games so naturally things are slow.

  • and you fell for that shiz?

    They said that the reason for it being slow is NOT due to other games being worked on but because they're putting extra time into Episode 2

  • dude, he's blowing smoke up your ass.....the episode will probably be awesome...but it's not cause they "put extra special care into it"

    they are doing too much and can't handle it...bottom line.

    Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales fr

  • rest in wolf ep 2

    Lol I rarely side with @himmatsj but I doubt it was due to the "overwhelming reception of Ep1". I'm sure something unfortunately went wrong

  • And do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof that it's because the other games are taking away from their current games other than Telltale is a small company. Ever since TWD S1, the company has grown tremendously and continues to grow, they just got an investment from Lionsgate, and Kevin Bruner has said that the current workforce of the company is 240 people, so I highly doubt it's because they have too many games. And if the other games like Minecraft and TWD were causing the games to be delayed, then why was GOT Episode 2 released in the typical 2 month fashion. If these other games were a problem, wouldn't both games be suffering as a result, not just one.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    dude, he's blowing smoke up your ass.....the episode will probably be awesome...but it's not cause they "put extra special care into it" they are doing too much and can't handle it...bottom line.

  • Cough Making 2, writing 3 Cough

    himmatsj posted: »

    Yes, they're working on five games so naturally things are slow.

  • Someone's gullible...

    Not to mention they've also essentially been scooped up by Lionsgate, and are planning some new "super show"/original IP with them–both of which are pretty time consuming.

    Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales fr

  • They are definitely actively making Minecraft, and probably that super show thingy. TWD S3 though may only be in the writing stages.

    Cough Making 2, writing 3 Cough

  • Name me one actual game STUDIO working on five games simultaneously dude?

    And do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof that it's because the other games are taking away from their current games other

  • Well after the choices screwing up on some of the gaming consoles for GOT ep.2 I'm sure they're trying to not to let it happen again and that took a long time to fix, probably happened to TFTB as well.

    ...Or maybe Telltale is already done episode 2 and its been done for weeks, maybe even months, and they're all just laughing at us, mocking us over every comment we make! Those evil bastards! Why must Telltale punish the good?!

  • They're not doing 5 games simultaneously, they're doing two games simultaneously, TFTBL and GOT. Minecraft, TWD, and their original IP are only in the early stages, they're barely doing anything on those games. I don't see any problem with a studio making one or two games with separate teams for each game and have others in the development stages. Once these games are done or close to being finished, more effort will be put into the other games.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Name me one actual game STUDIO working on five games simultaneously dude?

  • Alt text

    himmatsj posted: »

    They are definitely actively making Minecraft, and probably that super show thingy. TWD S3 though may only be in the writing stages.

  • Telltale is make us badly angry! Resident evil revelations 2 episode 2 came only one week after episode1.

  • Alt text

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Well after the choices screwing up on some of the gaming consoles for GOT ep.2 I'm sure they're trying to not to let it happen again and tha

  • No shit Sherlock. That's cause they made the entire game beforehand.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Telltale is make us badly angry! Resident evil revelations 2 episode 2 came only one week after episode1.

  • edited March 2015

    I know(your shitty user name is so hard and I can't make any adjective) .Telltale can make some episode together and send them out after one week.Is it better or we play one episode and maybe after three month next episode come?

    himmatsj posted: »

    No shit Sherlock. That's cause they made the entire game beforehand.

  • Yeah well......One thing I've learned about Telltale is that they are not discriminatory when it comes to being slow with their episodes. ALL of their games were on a sluggish time release (one reason I never purchase any of their season passes). I have noticed however that it would seem that the more popular of a pair of games being worked on and closely released simultaneously almost always follows the more prompt schedule. Such as with last years game duo The Walking Dead season 2 and The Wolf Among Us It was The Walking Dead episodes that were released in a more timely fashion however still long waits in between. Episode 2 of the Wolf took about as much time as Borderlands episode 2 is taking now. A whopping 4 month time-span in between 1 and 2.

    The rest of the borderland episodes after the 2nd will most likely be released more reasonably. I'd hope.... but then again at the same time I don't really care that much for Borderlands or Game of Thrones (game series I mean, The TV show rocks!) so the waits aren't as tormenting for me as for others that are bigger fans. I don't care as much for any of their other games besides their Walking Dead series or ( I might be in the minority but I personally enjoyed their Jurassic Park adaptation as well a few years back which is my 2nd favorite after their Walking Dead). I know how frustrating the waits can get when you really enjoy the game but it would seem no one has any choice beside occupy their time in other entertaining ways.

  • edited March 2015

    Like @EpicMustacheGuy said, its not like he can "lol we screwed up one of your favorite games of the year so far guys, sorry." And yeah, its not like we're saying Episode 2 won't be good, but I doubt that its taking so long due to them wanting to "perfect it"

    Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales fr

  • yes, yes I do - it's called common sense

    And do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof that it's because the other games are taking away from their current games other

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    your fine with an episode taking 4 months to be released? that's not normal..

    They're not doing 5 games simultaneously, they're doing two games simultaneously, TFTBL and GOT. Minecraft, TWD, and their original IP are o

  • Patience is a virtue. Of course it would be nice to have an episode in 2 months, but as long as we get it one way or the other, I don't care. Good things come to those who wait.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    your fine with an episode taking 4 months to be released? that's not normal..

  • 'current workforce of the company is 240 people'

    some of your statements are really just making telltale look THAT much really then? why is it taking so long to get an episode out? why do we have to wait 8-10 months until a game is completed in its entirety? that's ridiculous, and I don't care what you have to say beyond that.

    And do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof that it's because the other games are taking away from their current games other

  • You need factual evidence, stating what you believe happened isn't going to be enough to convince others. And if your only evidence is that it's taking a long time, that's not good enough.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    yes, yes I do - it's called common sense

  • why do we have to wait 8-10 months until a game is completed in its entirety?

    Do you not know how Telltale makes games? All their games are in this episodic format, that way they can improve their games as time goes on by listening to feedback. During the wait between episodes, that's when the episodes are written, designed, acted, etc. There's a lot of work that has to go into this kind of stuff and it takes time. Again, be patient.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    'current workforce of the company is 240 people' some of your statements are really just making telltale look THAT much real

  • ' then why was GOT Episode 2 released in the typical 2 month fashion.'

    did you forget the MASSIVE bugs/errors that had gamers/fans standing outside telltale's office with pitchforks and torches? people were going nuts on twitter and this board about how bad of a job they did on releasing episode 2 of GoT...that was a terrible argument for you to use in telltales defense. they lost a ton of credibility with their actions on episode 2 of GoT...not answering back people who bought the game, staying silent, no press release on a patch/fix for what seemed forever, etc.

    you either work for telltale or you are just an extreme fanboy who sees no wrong in what telltale does.

    I love their games as much as the next person....but their actions lately have been wellll below standards....GoT episode 2 and now taking 4 months to release episode 2 for borderlands (but hey, maybe they are THAT scared that the same thing will happen again like it did with GoT episode 2)....telltales name has already been tarnished over that nonsense...they have a lot of making up to do.

    And do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof that it's because the other games are taking away from their current games other

  • episodic games are fine - waiting a whole year until all episodes are released is a JOKE (and that's my prediction for GoT AND borderlands)

    why do we have to wait 8-10 months until a game is completed in its entirety? Do you not know how Telltale makes games? All their ga

  • Are you going to do this with every single sentence of my comment? If you're going to quote me, just use the quote function.

    I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about how it was written, designed, developed, acted, etc in the normal time frame Telltale takes to make episodes, and the episode was fantastic. The episode was better paced, better written, and had impactful choices compared to the first episode. No doubt the game had bugs, but working on multiple games is not the issue with that. And don't give me that fucking bullshit of me being a fanboy and defending what Telltale is doing, that's the shittiest argument I have ever seen. I'm not joking, that "comeback" if you can call it that, is fucking stupid. I'm not a fanboy because I like Telltale or I defend some of their actions, I call it as I see it, as I do with everything. If something is shit, I'll say it's shit. If something is great, I'll say it's great. I don't know what you're problem is and why you're treating me with such disrespect when I have been nothing but respectful towards you. If you're this pissed off over a GAME, might I suggest finding something better to do with your time.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    ' then why was GOT Episode 2 released in the typical 2 month fashion.' did you forget the MASSIVE bugs/errors that had gamers/fans standi

  • And if you're prediction is wrong?

    Dubz13 posted: »

    episodic games are fine - waiting a whole year until all episodes are released is a JOKE (and that's my prediction for GoT AND borderlands)

  • I don't think how frustrating the wait can be can be influenced by how much you enjoy the game. I, for one, am loving the shit out of the Game of Thrones right now but I'm not getting worked up over the wait. Just taking my time and enjoying the game as it comes and goes.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I have never found the wait for any Telltale Game to be frustrating. I just like enjoying the time with other players and talking about the game.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Yeah well......One thing I've learned about Telltale is that they are not discriminatory when it comes to being slow with their episodes. AL

  • Yes well in most circumstances.. no one can speak for everyone. However speaking from plain general observation, it would seem that the majority do find the extensive in-between waits highly frustrating. While probably the minority find the waits more manageable and probably have gotten use to waiting so long for everything from TTG that they have simply accepted and adapted to the irregular schedule or are just patient folks. To be honest I would like episodic games much more if the waits were not so long and episodes so short. Its quite a unique type of way to play, but trying to keep invested by following the story this way is really quite strange. Then again I guess Life is Strange and even they take awhile to release episodes as well.

    I don't think how frustrating the wait can be can be influenced by how much you enjoy the game. I, for one, am loving the shit out of the Ga

  • Same here. And I had a pet turtle.

    It died, but damn if it wasn't fast.

    I've seen turtles move faster.

  • you either work for telltale or you are just an extreme fanboy who sees no wrong in what telltale does.

    Alright, let's stop slinging insults around and get back on topic, please. Thanks.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    ' then why was GOT Episode 2 released in the typical 2 month fashion.' did you forget the MASSIVE bugs/errors that had gamers/fans standi

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