How is **YOUR** Bigby?

Simple question,What's your Bigby personality? Furious?Angry?Kind?Kind with friends dog with enemies?



  • edited March 2015

    I try and play Bigby as a good guy, but sometimes you want to do evil things like yelling and attacking people simply cuz they piss you off!

  • My Bigby has his beastly side under control and only gets angry when he deal with his enemies. He is mostly nice when he talks to people.

  • When he found a option for violence,He chose violence! But he was kind with friends and limber for Snow! He gave drink to Colin and smashed Dee!(or Dum?)

  • I tried to be a good guy as much as possible, but I couldn't help sometimes being violent when people were refusing to cooperate, which is why I tortured Dee in Episode 2 and killed Dum in Episode 3. But other than that, I tried to stay calm, I didn't burn the tree, I brought the Crooked Man in, I didn't rip off Gren's arm, etc.

  • Bigby is boring as a good guy I went full throttle and ripped people's arms and throats away from them

  • Willingham would've been proud!! XD

    Clemenem posted: »

    Bigby is boring as a good guy I went full throttle and ripped people's arms and throats away from them

  • I don't want to talk about...

  • I played Bigby as nice as possible until the gun fight in ep 3, then I was just a dick

  • D..k friend! Be polite please!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I played Bigby as nice as possible until the gun fight in ep 3, then I was just a dick

  • To the hell !

    papai46 posted: »

    I don't want to talk about...

  • Honestly, my Bigby is a goody two shoes.

  • That's not nice.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    To the hell !

  • My Bigby is a dick but in the end it doesn't really matter, he has a canon based personality.

  • Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Dude.But if you don't like this subject,why even commented?

    papai46 posted: »

    That's not nice.

  • Lol true.

    My Bigby is a dick but in the end it doesn't really matter, he has a canon based personality.

  • Damn didn't you see i was joking?

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Dude.But if you don't like this subject,why even commented?

  • I am always joking !

    papai46 posted: »

    Damn didn't you see i was joking?

  • My Bigby was a nice person, but that's not to say I didn't kill Dum, tortured Dee, and smashed everything in Georgie's place.

  • Bigby's definition of nice: Be a dick to those that annoy you!!! XD

    bloop posted: »

    My Bigby was a nice person, but that's not to say I didn't kill Dum, tortured Dee, and smashed everything in Georgie's place.

  • Come on, they were being unnecessary dicks.

    I was nice to everyone else. And let's be honest, we all to be dicks to those who annoy us.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Bigby's definition of nice: Be a dick to those that annoy you!!! XD

  • edited March 2015

    Oh I agree completely!

    Every time I replay Ep. 2 I want to hit Georgie and smash his place up AND I want to yell at Johann in Ep.4 for his stonewalling XD

    bloop posted: »

    Come on, they were being unnecessary dicks. I was nice to everyone else. And let's be honest, we all to be dicks to those who annoy us.

  • I always hit Georgie! Always was a hit option! You come with your bitch? punch! Synonyms? punch!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh I agree completely! Every time I replay Ep. 2 I want to hit Georgie and smash his place up AND I want to yell at Johann in Ep.4 for his stonewalling XD

  • He just needed to be punched at every opportunity! I was angrier that he took his punishment in stride as opposed to actually fearing Bigby...

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    I always hit Georgie! Always was a hit option! You come with your bitch? punch! Synonyms? punch!

  • edited March 2015

    Agree! I have some questions:1-What Snow said to Jack in Crane flat? 2-Who was that guy on the phone in Beauty and Beast flat? 3-If you remember Next times, In two of them showed A beast.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    He just needed to be punched at every opportunity! I was angrier that he took his punishment in stride as opposed to actually fearing Bigby...

  • Urrrr....

    1) Snow probably just wanted to know why he was there, maybe ask him other questions

    2) We still don't know who the caller was...

    3) The 'beast' shown in the Next Times of Ep.1 and 2 is Bigby as a Werewolf.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Agree! I have some questions:1-What Snow said to Jack in Crane flat? 2-Who was that guy on the phone in Beauty and Beast flat? 3-If you remember Next times, In two of them showed A beast.

  • So question and two are still mystery.I think Snow wanted say somethings important.Think about Jack in Jersey devil shop...... Are you sure about beast was Bigby? I thought it was Beast (what a beast to beast!)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Urrrr.... 1) Snow probably just wanted to know why he was there, maybe ask him other questions 2) We still don't know who the caller was... 3) The 'beast' shown in the Next Times of Ep.1 and 2 is Bigby as a Werewolf.

  • The beast in the Next Times is obviously Bigby!

    Snow didn't know Jack worked for Jersey...

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    So question and two are still mystery.I think Snow wanted say somethings important.Think about Jack in Jersey devil shop...... Are you sure about beast was Bigby? I thought it was Beast (what a beast to beast!)

  • I think Snow knew some things.Or maybe got that from Jack.Did Crane die in comics?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The beast in the Next Times is obviously Bigby! Snow didn't know Jack worked for Jersey...

  • Crane does die in the comics, Bigby smashes his head in with a headless statue of Napoleon Bonaparte whilst in Paris...

    Whether or not Snow knew more about the Crooked Man than she let on has yet to be seen, he certainly seemed to know her as a person...

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    I think Snow knew some things.Or maybe got that from Jack.Did Crane die in comics?

  • Yes.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Crane does die in the comics, Bigby smashes his head in with a headless statue of Napoleon Bonaparte whilst in Paris... Whether or not Sn

  • My Bigby was very kind towards Snow (what a shocker, right?), I mostly did what she wanted me to do... but then again, I couldn't stop myself from smashing Georgies place, annoying the sh*t out of Beauty and Toad, beating up on Beast, Dee and Jersey and maaany many more :)

  • I mostly did what she wanted me to do

    Ep.4 was a tough one for me when I first played it; Snow had turned so bitchy by then that I wanted to scream at her! But now that I have read the comics and know the truth of her being so distant, I just find all of her and Bigby's attempts at keeping distance to be laughable :P

    Jacol posted: »

    My Bigby was very kind towards Snow (what a shocker, right?), I mostly did what she wanted me to do... but then again, I couldn't stop mysel

  • In TWAU she really was beauty and clean but in comics......

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I mostly did what she wanted me to do Ep.4 was a tough one for me when I first played it; Snow had turned so bitchy by then that I w

  • Clean?

    Snow looks beautiful in both the comics and the game! I think she looks better in the comics...

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    In TWAU she really was beauty and clean but in comics......

  • Clean here means don't want ......... . In comics she looks like little bitchy!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Clean? Snow looks beautiful in both the comics and the game! I think she looks better in the comics...

  • Personal opinions man... I know not a lot of people are like me, but I really love TWAU Snow more than her comic counterpart

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Clean? Snow looks beautiful in both the comics and the game! I think she looks better in the comics...

  • Me too!

    Jacol posted: »

    Personal opinions man... I know not a lot of people are like me, but I really love TWAU Snow more than her comic counterpart

  • Spoiler

    My Bigby was always kind to Snow, but the others it depended on how they treated me.

    For a twerp like Jack Horner, I always give him a good thrashing, I swore and badmouthed Crane (although I didn't smack him at Puddin and Pie in front of Snow), and with Beast, I gave him a good smack when he was down because he wouldn't listen to reason.

    For characters like Holy and Gren, well, I didn't make an effort to be nice, but I didn't antagonize them either (though I did give Gren a good smack when he badmouthed Snow, calling her a "#$#%"). With Woody, I tried to be reasonable and listened to him.

    Faith and Nerissa, I was a kind to them (though was there any option to antagonize them to begin with? hmmm), and with Toad, while I didn't abuse him in his apartment, I was strict with him regarding his glamour (sent him off to the farm), along with Colin (who I was moderately nice with, bu still sent to the farm anyway).

    With bad guys, I showed no mercy - I ripped out Tweedle Dee's throat (heck even if my Bigby got told off by Snow in his apartment, I didn't care, these two tried to kill me, and they had to pay), and enjoyed beating the heck out of Jersey Devil when he was down (he was a #$%$%# taunting me when I tried to exit the Lucky Pawn, and I just wanted to shut him up)

    With Crooked Man, I followed Snow's orders and brought him to trial and at first considered imprisonment, but when he tried to kill me there (again), that was the last straw for me - I threw him down the Witching Well.

    So yeah, my Bigby was a complex character of differing responses to different characters - it was never being all nice, or being all bad.

  • Neutral. But if someone messes with him, he won't hold back.

  • edited March 2015

    My Bigby is kind to friends and merciless to foes. Gren, Crane, The Tweedles, Jersey, Georgie, and The Crooked Man all felt the wrath.

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