Dear Telltale, please......

Dear Telltale, please do not continue on this path, please do not continue on the path where you release multiple games at once and cannot keep up with your (usual) regular 2 month time frame. It has been almost 4 months since Tales was release. Will anybody remember what happened? We don't know. All we know is you should not release more than 1 game at once as it seems you cannot keep up to schedule with your small studio, and with the new minecraft and leaked Walking dead season 3 release dates this year, how are you gonna keep up to schedule with 4 games when you can barely do it with 2? this was not meant to be harsh, just a let's say, friendly heads up.



  • cannot keep up with your (usual) regular 2 month time frame.

    Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they have always been released when everything is finished.

    Will anybody remember what happened? We don't know.

    I'll remember and I'll know, and if you're having trouble, go back and play the episode again, you have multiple save slots.

    All we know is you should not release more than 1 game at once as it seems you cannot keep up to schedule with your small studio

    Again, no regular schedule, and Telltale has a staff of 240 employees and the games have separate teams, one game does not affect the other.

    and with the new minecraft and leaked Walking dead season 3 release dates this year, how are you gonna keep up to schedule with 4 games when you can barely do it with 2?

    Minecraft ft won't be out until late this year, it's only in the development stages and is not their main priority. TWD has not been leaked, no release date has been announced by Telltale, wherever you heard that is false information.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2015

    When Telltale initially starts work on a new game, they initially only have a few people hash out the details of how the game and story will play out. They don't instantly dedicate a regular sized team to working on a game until the game is further along, which usually happens around the point when Telltale finishes work on their current titles. For example, both the major beats of the story for Walking Dead: Season 1 and the choice gameplay were both worked out by only two or three people long before Telltale dedicated a whole team to working on the game. As Telltale's PR Manager Job Stauffer said in the Episode 2 waiting thread, the delay for Episode 2 was caused by Telltale spending more time on the episode than usual to respond to player feedback when it came to how they would present choices in Episode 2.

    leaked Walking dead season 3 release dates this year

    A Clickbait news site made up a fake news story about an alleged Walking Dead: Season 3 leak for views. Telltale only mentioned at the end of December in a Playstation Experience panel that they are still at the point of trying to decide where to even take the story in the first place, and they were unsure if they would even have anything beyond news this year. There is absolutely no way that Telltale turned things around that quick, unless they got good at putting together episodes in a much quicker pace - in which case, people would not be complaining about long waits. ;)

    Walking Dead: Season 3 is not coming out in May. Trust me on this.

  • himmatsjhimmatsj Banned
    edited March 2015

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. You also speak as if you know nothing about game development. There is no proof of all 4 or 5 teams working completely independently (damn, I feel like going and digging up credits for all their past 5 games and see how many names match), and Minecraft is indeed a top priority.

    cannot keep up with your (usual) regular 2 month time frame. Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they hav

  • Come on man Blind Sniper. Please don't do this. You're just regurgirating PR-talk.

    Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start working on their upcoming games in a "large scale" (note, I said large, not "full") until their current games are finished? So meaning, this happens sometime in August/September, and then they launch their new games a couple of month later?

    This is nonsense.

    Of course 2-3 years before a game is out, a very small skeleton team works on a game. This is usually the writers, and maybe one or two concept artists. But I can guarantee that 12 months before the game is released, they need to get a proper team in place to work on art assets, put in the visual framework/animations, do the coding/scripting, start building levels. They can't do that 3 months before a game is out. And in the case of Telltale, because they work with other people's licenses, there is always a back-and-forth going on with the license owners and themselves. So, by now, development of Minecraft would be in full swing. Of course, not a "full" sized team like those working on the game currently out, but still quite huge. And some people would be sharing roles between the current games and future games. I seriously hate it when people say TTG has separate teams, when it just isn't feasible for a studio that is relatively small as TTG can keep 4 separate and independent teams running at once under a roof.

    When Telltale initially starts work on a new game, they initially only have a few people hash out the details of how the game and story will

  • Do you have game development experience in a team of 100+ people? Because I'm having a hard time accepting your 12 month minimum figure on the basis of your personal guarantee.

    Especially with a game like Minecraft. The graphics will be relatively simple, and Mohjang will surely provide some assets to Telltale.

    Note that I'm not terribly impressed with Sniper's assurances either. I looked for a Telltale interview or post talking about their development process and was unable to find one. It seems like Telltale is very opaque about their operations and everyone's talking out of their asses.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Come on man Blind Sniper. Please don't do this. You're just regurgirating PR-talk. Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start

  • No it's not. As Blind Sniper said, Minecraft is in the development stages where only a small group of guys are working on it, not a large team like TFTBL and GOT currently have, and same goes for TWD S3. And if you're curious as to how Telltale Games has their writers and designers work, I'm sure Blind Sniper would be happy to explain to you how their system works.

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate.

    I'm going to tellt you what I told that others guy, don't give me that fucking bullshit about being a defender or a fanboy, that's the worst comeback I can think of. I call it as I see, plain and simple.

    himmatsj posted: »

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. You also speak as if you know nothing about game development. There is no proof of

  • I call it as I see, plain and simple.

    God bless you, sir. I respect you for that. I need to be more like that.

    No it's not. As Blind Sniper said, Minecraft is in the development stages where only a small group of guys are working on it, not a large te

  • All you do is moan about Telltale from a lot of your posts that I have seen. It is getting really tiresome.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Come on man Blind Sniper. Please don't do this. You're just regurgirating PR-talk. Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start

  • Thank you.

    I call it as I see, plain and simple. God bless you, sir. I respect you for that. I need to be more like that.

  • minecraft is a lame idea for kids....stick with the teen-mature rated games telltale..

    cannot keep up with your (usual) regular 2 month time frame. Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they hav

  • edited March 2015

    Early Telltale games, before TWD, we're family friendly or kid games, you do know that right.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    minecraft is a lame idea for kids....stick with the teen-mature rated games telltale..

  • himmatsj is 100% right...thank god there's someone else here who doesn't fall for the PR nonsense...

    himmatsj posted: »

    Come on man Blind Sniper. Please don't do this. You're just regurgirating PR-talk. Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    then don't read his posts? free-will

    All you do is moan about Telltale from a lot of your posts that I have seen. It is getting really tiresome.

  • "You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate"

    I noticed that too..

    himmatsj posted: »

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. You also speak as if you know nothing about game development. There is no proof of

  • or you could be a person who just sees no wrong in what telltale games does and agrees with everything they say..

    I call it as I see, plain and simple. God bless you, sir. I respect you for that. I need to be more like that.

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    yes, I do know that....then they started a turn with games like hector and back to the future (rated teen)...not since those games have they made a game that wasn't rated mature besides Jurassic park and law and order....the walking dead games, the wolf among us, GoT, borderlands...they clearly started targeting a mature audience...why go back to making stupid kiddie games?

    so you're actually wrong about just 'before' the walking dead...because Jurassic park was in no way a family friendly game (did you watch some of the death scenes?) and order also had some graphic material...back to the future had cursing and thematic elements...and hector was just pure r-rated awesomeness

    Early Telltale games, before TWD, we're family friendly or kid games, you do know that right.

  • TWD S3 release date was not leaked, it's fake. Kinda like how someone is lying to you just so they can get your attention, that sort of thing.

    After a choice glitch that screwed up some consoles for GOT ep. 2, Telltale was probably was fixing the mess they created and making sure it didn't happen to TFTB and their first episode (although good) was filled with plenty of bugs as well. Have them take the time to polish their game, so we can get a better episode and remain that way for future ones as well.

  • Or I could be someone true to what they say and actually do call it as I see it. I have no loyalties, I call people out on their shit all the time, I don't know how many times I have to say that to get it through your head. If you have such a problem with me, then just ignore me.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    or you could be a person who just sees no wrong in what telltale games does and agrees with everything they say..

  • Because they want to appeal to a bigger audience, it's a marketing move to get their name out there. A bigger audience means one thing, MONEY.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    yes, I do know that....then they started a turn with games like hector and back to the future (rated teen)...not since those games have they

  • Tales of Monkey Island is my favorite telltale game to date.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    yes, I do know that....then they started a turn with games like hector and back to the future (rated teen)...not since those games have they

  • Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start working on their upcoming games in a "large scale" (note, I said large, not "full") until their current games are finished?

    Indeed, I am...

    So meaning, this happens sometime in August/September, and then they launch their new games a couple of month later?

    ...but the turnaround isn't that quick though. Obviously, I don't know specifics as I'm not a Telltale Staff member, but the transition from conceptually figuring out ideas to having a large or a full team working on the game is longer than "a couple of months later." Telltale's games are much more mechanically simple than a typical full retail title and they likely spend more time working on the story and how to incorporate gameplay, so I doubt they work on conceptual ideas for 2-3 years before hand (except for Wolf Among Us, which was entirely revamped to include the choice system after the success of Walking Dead: Season 1).

    Of course 2-3 years before a game is out, a very small skeleton team works on a game.

    Yeah, but Telltale isn't most studios so the turnaround is a little bit quicker - again, due to the episodic structure and mechanically simple gameplay. Also keeping in mind that the production qualities aren't as high as a Triple A retail title, this means that they can spend less time on individual episodes.

    Prior to when Telltale made choice based titles, they were consistently able to deliver 3-6 hour long episodes with far more gameplay on a genuinely monthly basis. However, with Telltale's newer titles that respond to player choice, they spend more time adjusting the script and responding to player choice. Of course, that's not to say the improvements are always noticeable on our end as only Telltale knows their original direction. In some cases, the improvements are subtle such as minor revisions in dialogue, cinematography, etc, but they are still there. Whether or not you think it's worth it for Telltale to spend so long on these revisions is another question, but again, the onus really is more or less on the story and/or its associated revisions between episodes. The games are too mechanically simple and don't have the high end production qualities of typical AAA retail titles to have the problem originate from elsewhere.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Come on man Blind Sniper. Please don't do this. You're just regurgirating PR-talk. Are you for real in saying that Telltale doesn't start

  • well you've said one thing I can agree with..

    telltale is definitely all about the MONEY now. they'd rather rake in the money than satisfy all their paying fans (ios itouch users for example who really got screwed over with their two new games)

    Because they want to appeal to a bigger audience, it's a marketing move to get their name out there. A bigger audience means one thing, MONEY.

  • Just by reading this comments i wish they cancel TFTB completely.

  • In what world would canceling a live season be a good idea? If there is this much vitriol from a delayed episode release, imagine the vitriol from Telltale canceling an entire Season - and a successful one at that!

    Just by reading this comments i wish they cancel TFTB completely.

  • Oh man, there would be more salt all over the forums. I didnt really mean it literally cancel the entire thing but all the fuss people make just because of a late episode is cringy.

    In what world would canceling a live season be a good idea? If there is this much vitriol from a delayed episode release, imagine the vitriol from Telltale canceling an entire Season - and a successful one at that!

  • You do know this is my first time 'complaining', right?

    All you do is moan about Telltale from a lot of your posts that I have seen. It is getting really tiresome.

  • Ah, gotcha. :)

    Heh, I'm just desensitized to people making outrageous statements so I couldn't pick up your sarcasm.

    Oh man, there would be more salt all over the forums. I didnt really mean it literally cancel the entire thing but all the fuss people make just because of a late episode is cringy.

  • Ha, NP. Makre sure you check your messages or private discussion when you can.

    Ah, gotcha. Heh, I'm just desensitized to people making outrageous statements so I couldn't pick up your sarcasm.

  • They weren't meaning you. They were talking about Himmatsj.

    You do know this is my first time 'complaining', right?

  • You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate.

    Says the guy that 99% of his posts are complaining about what TTG does. pls.

    himmatsj posted: »

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. You also speak as if you know nothing about game development. There is no proof of

  • edited March 2015

    ***** Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they have always been released when everything is finished.*****

    No, they may not have an official schedule, but what they do have is and unofficial schedule, you see, if you look back at there more recent games, the majority of them are released on a bi-monthly basis.

    ***** I'll remember and I'll know, and if you're having trouble, go back and play the episode again, you have multiple save slots.*****

    Yes, we know TFTBL is about two hours long, but some people may have very busy work lives, or they don't want to play it again because they want to play other games. Who knows what the reasons may be, all we know is that some people will replay it, and some will not, and therefore some people who's minds are focused on more important things will not remember the episode.

    ***** Again, no regular schedule, and Telltale has a staff of 240 employees and the games have separate teams, one game does not affect the other.*****

    As a matter of fact it does affect the game. With only 240 employees (that's a pretty small studio) their's bound to be lots of the same people working on more than 1 game.

    ***** Minecraft ft won't be out until late this year, it's only in the development stages and is not their main priority. TWD has not been leaked, no release date has been announced by Telltale, wherever you heard that is false information.*****

    Yes, i know Minecraft won't be released until later this year (that's if later this year to you is Oct, Nov, Dec) but, if Game of thrones stays on the schedule their currently on, Game of thrones episode 6 will be released in October, which is also later this year. So yes, Minecraft could also affect the games no matter when the other games are coming out. Also, I know TWD season 3 leaked information was falsely leaked as told by the other users in this forum.

    cannot keep up with your (usual) regular 2 month time frame. Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they hav

  • Ignore them Green, nothing you or I say will stop their bullshit complaining.

    Green613 posted: »

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. Says the guy that 99% of his posts are complaining about what TTG does. pls.

  • (damn, I feel like going and digging up credits for all their past 5 games and see how many names match)

    I've mentioned this before. People at Telltale used to work on one Season at a time, but can now move between episodes while still only working on one episode at once. Also, not everyone on the team works on the same episode at once, as the writers/artists/etc first work on an episode, and when they move onto later episodes, coders/animators/etc work on the earlier episodes once the narrative backbone is set up by the writers.

    himmatsj posted: »

    You seem to be extremely exuberent in defending TTG mate. You also speak as if you know nothing about game development. There is no proof of

  • but what they do have is and unofficial schedule

    Exactly, it's unofficial, meaning unconfirmed and, therefore, doesn't have to be stuck to.

    they don't want to play it again because they want to play other games.

    Then watch someone on Youtube where you can skip or fast forward to important parts and save time.

    if Game of thrones stays on the schedule their currently on, Game of thrones episode 6 will be released in October, which is also later this year. So yes, Minecraft could also affect the games no matter when the other games are coming out.

    While the game may be released in October, production of the actual game would probably have ended a few weeks before that. Once production is finished on that game, people who worked on Game of Thrones would then be put on either Minecraft or TWD S3. And that's for the final episode, you can have people that worked on Episode 5 who aren't involved with the final episode start working on Minecraft or TWD. Same goes with TFTBL, each episode has it's own set of designers and writers that may or may not be involved directly with the next episode of the series. So when production on Episode 4 of TFTBL or Episode 5 of GOT ends and some of those guys aren't needed for the final episode, they can easily move over into Minecraft or TWD S3 and start working on those games.

    ***** Telltale does not have a regular schedule to release episodes, they have always been released when everything is finished.***** No,

  • stick with the teen-mature rated games telltale..

    Or... how about Telltale does what they do best, and stick to good story telling overall. A Telltale game having teen/mature source material does not aways indicate a game will be good, nor does a Telltale game having family friendly source material indicate a game will be bad. If you played games such as Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse or Tales of Monkey Island, Telltale managed to have some emotional moments even in those games.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    minecraft is a lame idea for kids....stick with the teen-mature rated games telltale..

  • fair enough, i'll take your word for it....but just not my taste in games so I probably will end up skipping it unless I see a walkthrough that changes my mind

    stick with the teen-mature rated games telltale.. Or... how about Telltale does what they do best, and stick to good story telling o

  • edited March 2015

    God I'm getting tired of these threads, all they do is bring unneseccary arguments. Anyway, Wolf Among Us had a 4 month gap in between episodes 1 and 2 and was on a consistent 2 month release afterwards. Likely will be the same for Tales.

  • The constant criticism and complaining from people is indeed getting annoying.

    God I'm getting tired of these threads, all they do is bring unneseccary arguments. Anyway, Wolf Among Us had a 4 month gap in between episodes 1 and 2 and was on a consistent 2 month release afterwards. Likely will be the same for Tales.

  • Heyyyyyyy you're back. I'd post a celebration gif but I'm on my phone xD

    The constant criticism and complaining from people is indeed getting annoying.

  • Wasn't talking about you.

    You do know this is my first time 'complaining', right?

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