Sasha vs. Fiona

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited March 2015 in Tales from the Borderlands

Hey hey hey, it's character versus time! Right here we Fiona:

Alt text

And Sasha:

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Here's a strawpoll, vote your hearts out.


  • Fiona, I don't see the appeal with Sasha IMO.

    Also you should take out the /r from your strawpoll link, since that's causing it to link to the results.

  • Agreed. I personally couldn't stand Sasha whereas I liked Fiona's character.

    Green613 posted: »

    Fiona, I don't see the appeal with Sasha IMO. Also you should take out the /r from your strawpoll link, since that's causing it to link to the results.

  • Fiona.

    Why do people love Sasha?

    She did nothing but threaten my life in EP.1.

  • Fiona, no contest.

  • Clicks on Strawpoll to vote

    Goes Directly to Results


    Alt text

  • Sasha's my baby sooo ^~^

  • Sasha is the more developed and more interesting character at the moment for me, I felt she actually quite over-shadowed Fiona in this first episode. I really wanted Fiona to leave a bit more of an impression, I like the whole idea of her character but at the moment she just seems quite... well, bland? Although having said that I really didn't like how Sasha treated Rhys in this episode so I would have to say I like Fiona more at the moment. But I really want to see a lot more development of Fiona in upcoming episodes!

  • edited March 2015

    Although having said that I really didn't like how Sasha treated Rhys in this episode

    But... you've played BL2, right?

    I really wanted Fiona to leave a bit more of an impression, I like the whole idea of her character but at the moment she just seems quite... well, bland?

    I was thinking the same maybe they did it on purpose? To add contrast or I dunno. If we had 2 lead characters with the same attitude and the same "role" in the story it would be odd I guess. Because for now Rhys and Fiona are kinda opposite, she's more serious and grounded and he's so freaking funny and flippant it hurts xD The only similiarity between them is their want for money/fame.

    Sasha is the more developed and more interesting character at the moment for me, I felt she actually quite over-shadowed Fiona in this first

  • Sigh
    Yes, I have. And yes, I know who Hyperion are and what they mean to the Pandorans. Doesn't make prejudice okay though does it? Two wrongs don't make a right last time I checked. Anyway as far as Fiona goes, I don't want her to be the same as Rhys but at the moment she just doesn't seem to have much substance to her character in my opinion, to me she's just a bit meh when you compare her to the other three who all have something charming and interesting about them. Fiona just didn't evoke any strong emotion from me at all in the first episode, and I really want to like her and root for her as much as I do Rhys. But it's only the first episode so TT have plenty of time to develop her more, that's one of the things I want to see most from the second episode.

    DeityD posted: »

    Although having said that I really didn't like how Sasha treated Rhys in this episode But... you've played BL2, right? I reall

  • Doesn't make prejudice okay though does it?

    Uhh, no I think it kinda does. It's not like she did anything to him, she just was afaid and cautious. I think it makes perfect sense that she's waiting for him to backstab her, it's not like he was a nobody - in her eyes someone important enough to carry 10mln $. His kind = trouble. And he has a reason to end her and Fiona - they tried to 1. rob him and 2. threw out of the car after all.
    I know it's perfectly natural to feel sympathy for Rhys here, because he's basically "us". So her attitude towards him we subconsciously take as offense to ourselves. And we know he's harmless, that he's not lying and actually that pathetic. :D But she doesn't. Also, some people (because there's quite a number of those who didn't like how Sasha handled herself there) I'm sure don't like it because she's just a young girl and a nobody. And it's natural for some extent too so.

    But it's only the first episode so TT have plenty of time to develop her more, that's one of the things I want to see most from the second episode.

    Yeah me too. I hope it's due to the episode and her story which is not that interesting in comparison and the fact there wasn't much of an opportunity to develop something. I'm really looking forward to e2.

  • She's like Carley....the weapons.....the jokes....the pinky swear....

    I Cry Everytime

    I like Sasha much more at this stage. I feel like her and Rhys had great chemistry in the second half of Episode 1, and the interactions bet

  • edited March 2015

    I like Sasha much more at this stage. I feel like her and Rhys had great chemistry in the second half of Episode 1, and the interactions between them were both adorable and hilarious.

    The pinky swear, the bad jokes and the sheer enjoyment Sasha has whenever she's near a weapon just make her really likable in my opinion.

  • Fiona.
    I love her design, her voice actor, and sarcastic attitude. xD

  • Fiona.

    Here is a fixed link for anyone who couldn't vote:

    Vote Here

  • I fixed it in the op as well.

    No one told me XD.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Fiona. Here is a fixed link for anyone who couldn't vote: Vote Here

  • edited March 2015

    There are literally 2 comments up there saying the link didn't work lol

    I fixed it in the op as well. No one told me XD.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015

    I thought Poogers meant that he just went to the results without voting on his free will, and I just never noticed that Green said that. XD

    There are literally 2 comments up there saying the link didn't work lol

  • Fiona, obviously.

  • Since I can make Fiona a bit like me with the choices, I find myself liking her a bit more than the abrasive and trigger-happy Sasha. 8U

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