Tired of waiting. Can I get my money back?



  • I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not sure how to get your money back (besides canceling it on your credit card) and also, there is an explanation for why it took so long. They've stated an official letter to the fans saying that this episode needed a little more love to be as incredible as the last, if not better, so it's taking longer to be released. I understand your point of view, but TT gives an ESTIMATE as to the ETA of the episodes. They are never 100% guaranteed to be released based on whatever calendar it is you found and they give out "expected" days. If that's an issue for you, than I think it's safe to assume that the wait is not worth your trouble. TT has created a new way to play games and interact with a story, which is why the games are as brilliant as they've been and will continue to be. I don't mean to be rude or too blunt, but you're not the only one who has paid for the $25 package and I assure you that a majority of those people would prefer to wait longer for a jaw-dropping, amazing episode than just an alright episode when the "expected" date comes around. I know because I'm one of those people and I don't mind the wait if the game turns out to be better because of it- and from what I've heard, it will be.

  • edited March 2015

    To put it bluntly, he's straw manning it.

    So, you're old enough to have a credit card and PayPal, yet you act this immature and whiny about a $25 purchase and then go on ahead to make up "promises" the company made to try to reinforce your already weak argument. K.

  • Alt text

    choircorgis posted: »

    I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not sure how to get your money back (besides canceling it on your credit card) and also, there is an explanat

  • Alt text

    choircorgis posted: »

    I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not sure how to get your money back (besides canceling it on your credit card) and also, there is an explanat

  • edited March 2015

    Please explain to me how not providing me with the things I pay for makes me immature. I have been patient and refuse to be any more. When disagreements arise between a seller and a purchaser, this is one way to solve the problem.

    Just because you are complacent doesn't mean I have to be.

    You are seriously too immature to have access to something as dangerous as a credit card, let alone access to the internet.

  • To ease my pain, I'm playing Borderlands 2 to pass the time.

    Maybe you should too.

  • They are providing you with what you paid for. You're just too impatient.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Please explain to me how not providing me with the things I pay for makes me immature. I have been patient and refuse to be any more. When

  • People really shouldn't complain about the wait. Yeah ep 2 of this and wolf were annoying because it was alot longer than regular, but there wasnt a set date to begin with. Its not like they said Ep 2 would come out January 10th and now its finally coming out March 17th

  • Congratulations, you're a special snowflake and no one has ever brought this up as a concern before.

  • Also, Telltale tends to finish an episode in 2 months, then polish it for another 2 months. If you think that's a waste of time, I don't think you should be here then.

    A lot of people don't understand the time and effort that comes into making games, too.

  • Complacent: "Pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied:"

    One cannot be complacent when there is no official calendar to go by. Again, there are "expected" release dates, but there is nothing that is absolute. It's not the lack of an episode that is making you appear immature, but how you are handling it. Of course, you should be able to complain about the wait as much as you want, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude to others on the forum because of it. True, some have commented on it rudely, but that does not mean you have to do the same. You can cancel it on your card and decide that you don't want to play the games because the wait is too much, and you have every right to do so. However, claiming that the company has done some personal injustice to your purchase by going off of a calendar that doesn't exist is not a reason to claim that they are not sticking to their commitments. They have never offered the $25 package without delivering all the episodes it promises. There's no deceit or dishonesty here. I'll say this again, you have every right to take back your purchase (if possible) and choose to not play the game (which is completely fine and your choice)- but please, do not continue to throw around names for TT when your reasoning behind doing so does not make logical sense. In all honesty, I do understand why you don't want to wait for the game because yes, it has been a long while since the last has been released. All I'm saying is that there are better ways to handle the situation. I hope you have a good day and that this problem does not continue to bother you after you cancel the order. :)

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Please explain to me how not providing me with the things I pay for makes me immature. I have been patient and refuse to be any more. When

  • I appreciate paying for something, and then NOT having it being a rushed buggy unplayable mess, NOT having them ignore player feedback so they can tailor the episode live to what people want.

    If this episode came out two months ago, and was a piece of shit, THEN I would be pissed. Right now? I'm just annoyed. That's way better.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Speaking of apologists, it seems I have stirred the nest a little. Tell me, do you appreciate paying money and not getting what you paid fo

  • edited March 2015

    It won't bother me to cancel the order through my credit card, and I will happily steer people away from TTG in the future.

    I must say though, that if this was Blizzard, EA, or any other company treating their customers this way, there would be hordes of people wanting their money back. People have succeeded getting their money back. If TTG has developed an environment where people pay them and they release whenever they please and they are happy with that, all the better for them I suppose. People are in business to make money, and if this is their model, I guess it works.

    choircorgis posted: »

    Complacent: "Pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger

  • Isn't it a bad reflection on a company when it keeps getting brought up? This is my first TTG and I guarantee I won't reward them further for ignoring customers.

    ActionHank posted: »

    Congratulations, you're a special snowflake and no one has ever brought this up as a concern before.

  • edited March 2015


    Hammerhil posted: »

    Isn't it a bad reflection on a company when it keeps getting brought up? This is my first TTG and I guarantee I won't reward them further for ignoring customers.

  • Yeh, I'm sure it's a bad reflection. But trust me. They know about it by now, and I'd like to see more positive stuff start showing up in these forums again. Like speculation and theories, and exciting talk.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Isn't it a bad reflection on a company when it keeps getting brought up? This is my first TTG and I guarantee I won't reward them further for ignoring customers.

  • I suppose it does work. I want to bring up that Blizzard, as well as EA, are very different gaming companies compared to Telltale. Blizzard and EA release a wide-spread of formatted games, a majority of which are not episodic. Telltale produces strictly episodic games (besides their older games), which is why the release (and results) of previously mentioned games vary. Yes, people have succeeded in getting their money back, and if you put enough of an argument against it, they will probably not fight you and will happily give you your money back after hearing all that you have to say, whether it seems correct to them or not. If you do not want an episodic gaming experience that requires you to wait, than Telltale is not the gaming company for you and that's okay. I promise you they will not change the way they have created their company and how their games have evolved, unless it is truly for the better. Although I doubt that you will decide to do this, if you end up playing a different game of theirs (perhaps one that isn't incomplete as of now, like Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us), I suggest to not buy the $25 package (seeing as that's what is causing the issue here) and buying them as you finish the episodes. I hope I've been helpful or at least forward (but not rude). :)

    Hammerhil posted: »

    It won't bother me to cancel the order through my credit card, and I will happily steer people away from TTG in the future. I must say th

  • Lmao you are not getting a refund. Jokes on you.

  • Lmao, agreed.

    Lmao. No.

  • I'm gonna level with you. I hate the waiting as much as anyone, and think Telltale needs to address these episode 2 waits. Its basically 3 years in a row this has happened. With that said, asking for a refund is a bit much. If you done some research before buying, you'd know there's a chance of a wait like this. The good news is it comes out next week, and I'm confident there will be no more crazy waits the rest of the season. For the future I would advise you to buy the season pass after episode 2 or just wait for the season to finish.


    ActionHank posted: »

    Yeh, I'm sure it's a bad reflection. But trust me. They know about it by now, and I'd like to see more positive stuff start showing up in these forums again. Like speculation and theories, and exciting talk.

  • We don't want to stymie criticism of Telltale (as long as it is civil, within the Forum Guidelines, and preferably constructive) as we like to keep the forums open to feedback. However, I'd like to ask that you guys try to keep the discussion civil and on track. People are welcome to have their own opinions for or against Telltale, but insults against others are not OK.

    I am only a volunteer Moderator and not a Telltale Staff member (meaning I can't personally help you, so this should not be mistaken as "Telltale responding to you"), but we volunteer Moderators still like to keep the forums open and friendly for everyone. Constructive criticism of one's arguments are OK, but please to try to discuss this topic civilly and without personal insults. I'm not going to lock this thread for criticism, but I may have to lock it if you guys aren't civil. Thanks for reading.


    Who was it that pointed that out?

    LawmanZero posted: »


  • Would you please email or PM me contact information where I can bypass this board and speak to someone at TT directly? Thanks.

    We don't want to stymie criticism of Telltale (as long as it is civil, within the Forum Guidelines, and preferably constructive) as we like

  • If it's a chronic problem over the last three years, how is demanding a refund too much? When I hear that I think this company absolutely does not care about what it does with my money. Screw the customer, we will get to it when we want to.

    I've launched the support ticket asking for a refund with Steam, if that doesn't work Paypal is next, followed by Visa.

    I'm gonna level with you. I hate the waiting as much as anyone, and think Telltale needs to address these episode 2 waits. Its basically 3 y

  • You've made some great, civil posts in this thread. Calm posts like yours that explain the argument instead of lashing out make for better discussion overall. :)

    choircorgis posted: »

    I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not sure how to get your money back (besides canceling it on your credit card) and also, there is an explanat

  • Thank you. That means a lot. :)

    You've made some great, civil posts in this thread. Calm posts like yours that explain the argument instead of lashing out make for better discussion overall.

  • As far as I am aware, contacting support@telltalegames.com for assistance might be your best option if you are against leaving a post in the support forums.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Would you please email or PM me contact information where I can bypass this board and speak to someone at TT directly? Thanks.


    ActionHank posted: »

    RHYS' HEAD IS BLEEDING FROM THE CHIP SLOT. Who was it that pointed that out?

  • So, if you'd please get your head out of your ass for just two seconds to appreciate that TT is doing this in the first place, that'd be great. Thanks.

    Please try to be more civil when responding to arguments from other users.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    This is a blatant ripoff. At what point do you get sick of paying money for nothing? So, you're telling me that if you preorder a ga

  • Alt text

    choircorgis posted: »

    I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not sure how to get your money back (besides canceling it on your credit card) and also, there is an explanat

  • This is why people shouldn't buy season passes if they can't take the game wait. One episode, too long wait, guess what? I don't have to buy the next!

    No insult intended.

  • Except they don't have a set schedule.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    So what if it's releasing next week? This is a blatant ripoff. At what point do you get sick of paying money for nothing? I bought based o

  • I'm sorry, it just really seemed at the time that he didn't care about the work they put into their games.

    I know it's a lame excuse, and if you're reading this @Hammerhil , I apologize.

    So, if you'd please get your head out of your ass for just two seconds to appreciate that TT is doing this in the first place, that'd be great. Thanks. Please try to be more civil when responding to arguments from other users.

  • If it's a chronic problem over the last three years, how is demanding a refund too much?

    Simple. There's no set release schedule. That's why you won't get a refund.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    If it's a chronic problem over the last three years, how is demanding a refund too much? When I hear that I think this company absolutely do

  • You do know this was a digital purchase and thus you are not entitled to refund, right?

  • Plus they delay is so they can make the episode as good as possible.

    If it's a chronic problem over the last three years, how is demanding a refund too much? Simple. There's no set release schedule. That's why you won't get a refund.

  • By the way, sorry about the comment about the other thread, I saw your logo in it and I assumed you wrote it. My mistake.

    I bought based on the release schedule they published, and they disregarded it without explanation. What promised schedule is that e

This discussion has been closed.