Tired of waiting. Can I get my money back?



  • [removed]

  • edited March 2015

    Alright, Hammer, let me make this straight with you.

    The reason why Telltale's taking so long is that they spend 2 months making the actual game, then polishing it for another 2 months.

    SOME particularly entitled people think this is a complete waste of time. HOWEVER, if they didn't polish it, we wouldn't have the Wolf Among Us, so to speak.

    So yeah, mull this over:

    Would you rather have a wonderful, brilliantly planned and polished episode or a rushed, reasonably good one?

    Mull it over, alright? Get back to me when you're done.

  • Sometimes I wonder what the Telltale staff think of threads like these.

  • They sit there and laugh while cracking jokes.

    Sometimes I wonder what the Telltale staff think of threads like these.

  • I don't blame the dude. Some of you guys are really willing to defend Telltale while they sit around and deliver us fuck-all.

    This wait is 4 times longer than what they promised when I bought this. As a consumer, that just isn't acceptable. I'm patient enough, but the concept of lying to my face and then barely giving updates is a little insulting.

  • Most likely. Or maybe they just shake their head in disbelief.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    They sit there and laugh while cracking jokes.

  • Kid? Jesus Christ, you don't have to be demeaning.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Alright, Hammer, let me make this straight with you. The reason why Telltale's taking so long is that they spend 2 months making the actu

  • Comment updated at your request.

    Piggs posted: »

    Kid? Jesus Christ, you don't have to be demeaning.

  • Then they shouldn't have sitting on the Forum Moderator's FAQ that episodes will be released 5-8 weeks apart? This is exactly what they have there:
    (12) I'm new to all that episodic game stuff. How are they doing this?
    You can expect to receive a new episode roughly every five to eight weeks. Each episode contains an individual part of a story that is held together through a narrative that connects all of the episodes together into what Telltale calls a season. Think along the lines of a serialized television series such as Lost. An episode usually lasts about as long as a good movie would.

    They don't say they take 2 months to write it, then get everybody together and produce it, then maybe QA it after the last one is produced. Let's face it, every scrap of this could be done before the first episode is released, and it is probably more economically sound to do it that way. Why release and episode if the next one (or next ones) aren't produced? This is how any program is produced on TV (hence the word episode) and why wouldn't they follow that? Once the thing is built, you can still modify it based on feedback, but I seriously doubt that it takes 4 months to read it and make changes. Sometimes a deadline is a good thing to get people motivated, and I certainly see a lack of motivation here, if not outright disregard for the customer.

    Why they choose to not produce several episodes before release is beyond me, and given that they have a major problem getting anything out in a timely fashion, I wonder why people keep paying them to do that. By paying them to do so and/or not holding them accountable to their timelines we let them do it. I actually expect them to provide them when they said they would, and that's why I want a refund. Stop rewarding them for doing a bad job and maybe they will get better at it.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Alright, Hammer, let me make this straight with you. The reason why Telltale's taking so long is that they spend 2 months making the actu

  • Oh, wow. Thanks, man.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Comment updated at your request.

  • yeah i agree. the no-update and ''soon'' which is 4 months later is what made me loath them. i think they are nice people who work at TTG but this customer service is atrocious.

    Piggs posted: »

    I don't blame the dude. Some of you guys are really willing to defend Telltale while they sit around and deliver us fuck-all. This wait i

  • Thanks. I believe that if your content is episodic then you have a requirement to deliver it in a timely fashion to keep interest alive and the customer happy. I'd probably be happier with the game if there was some sort of communication back to users, but there isn't. I lost interest a long time ago because of this.

    Telltale may actually produce good games, but their efforts are nothing when they don't get content out. People shouldn't stand for that. They certainly wouldn't if this was a pay per view TV show or something similar.

    Piggs posted: »

    I don't blame the dude. Some of you guys are really willing to defend Telltale while they sit around and deliver us fuck-all. This wait i

  • Was that sarcasm?

    Piggs posted: »

    Oh, wow. Thanks, man.

  • The fact that you want a non fanboy opinion is pretty stupid considering were on these forums because we love Telltale's Games...so

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    I found it and I had to. Thank you! <3

  • Nah. That was mature of you.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Was that sarcasm?

  • You're not rewarding them, you paid money in exchange for content that you knew would be released without a specific schedule. You knew that you would not be getting a product "now". If you're unhappy with the experience, then use this experience as a reason not to purchase a season pass for future TTG games.

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Next week is not now. Next week is not a month ago. I don't want to reward people who don't live up to their commitments.

  • I'd rather than a 4 month wait for a fantastic game than a one or two month wait for shit

    I wholeheartedly agree. I was beyond impressed with the first episode of TFTBL. Has the wait been disappointing? A little. But I have a feeling episode 2 is going to be worth the wait.

    If more people spoke out and demanded the service they paid for, lateness wouldn't happen, and maybe this will encourage others to demand wh

  • You realize that when you choose to buy a SEASON PASS for a game, you will undoubtedly have the chance of having to wait longer for another episode. You chose to buy it, you've gotta pay the price ;)

  • edited March 2015

    hey look another impatient person who thinks telltale took their money and ran settle down it's coming next week if we were still left in the dark and we had no info at all whatsoever then i would agree but right now there is no reason to complain you would have bought the season pass knowing how telltale are

  • Except that there is a specific schedule, one I based my purchase on. It says 5-8 weeks per episode. You can find it in the forum moderator's FAQ, published on this forum by the mods. This whole thread has been about meeting commitments or at least communicating why they can't be met. None of this has happened.

    nursethalia posted: »

    You're not rewarding them, you paid money in exchange for content that you knew would be released without a specific schedule. You knew that

  • Technically that's not confirmed

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    hey look another impatient person who thinks telltale took their money and ran settle down it's coming next week if we were still left in th

  • Omg dud that FAQ just says how long they might be making the episode

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Except that there is a specific schedule, one I based my purchase on. It says 5-8 weeks per episode. You can find it in the forum moderato

  • didn't care enough about their customers to even give an explanation as to why.

    Dud Job Stauffer tweeted to all the fans to tell them its going well and that they are polishing it. That not an explanation?

    Hammerhil posted: »

    My span of patience ended when they failed to meet their commitments and didn't care enough about their customers to even give an explanatio

  • himmatsjhimmatsj Banned
    edited March 2015

    Where did you buy the game from?

    If Steam, I know that no refund is possible unless you are from Germany (or countries with similar local consumer protection laws).

    If iTunes/Google Play, I know that a refund is fully possible.

    As for PSN and XBLA, I have no idea. Wouldn't hurt to send in a ticket and I am sure the companies would oblige.

    One year ago, I posed a similar question and got vilified to no end on these forums. The stigma persists till this day. Know that you fight the good fight. Never relent. Telltale must be accountable for any and all delays.

  • Bet its his moms credit card that he swiped...

    So, you're old enough to have a credit card and PayPal, yet you act this immature and whiny about a $25 purchase and then go on ahead to make up "promises" the company made to try to reinforce your already weak argument. K.

  • The thread you cited specifically states:

    You can expect to receive a new episode roughly every five to eight weeks.

    In other words, recieving a new episode every five to eight weeks was never a guarantee, not even in their own FAQ.

    However I do agree that since Telltale can't guarantee a release date, then they should have a guaranteed money refund policy.

  • Looks like SOMEONE needs a little patience.

  • I honestly don't care about the stigma, I was only interested in TFTB because I am a fan of Borderlands, and interactive fiction as a genre doesn't interest me. Honestly, it reminds me of those Full Motion Video games that were popular back in the early 90's.

    If there is one thing I cannot abide by is companies like TTG taking advantage of people's money and faith. Boggles my mind that people defend them. I guess buying episodes is up there with pre-ordering. Companies will take advantage of you.

    I bought it from Steam, and sent in a ticket about it. I buy about 15 games a year from it so if they want me to continue to do that they will see the value in helping me out. I will check the consumer protection laws I live in, but if it is going to be that much hassle, I'll just dispute the charge with PayPal and Visa. This is honestly worthy of a dispute. Or, you know, TTG could just do the right thing and refund my money directly.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Where did you buy the game from? If Steam, I know that no refund is possible unless you are from Germany (or countries with similar local

  • I would urge caution. If you dispute a charge or do a chargeback, Steam will lock your account. TTG will never refund you, of that you can be certain.

    All I can say is, I'm voting with my wallet. I didn't buy Game of Thrones, and neither will I buy their upcoming games at launch. I would urge you to do the same...kick Telltale where it hurts!

    Hammerhil posted: »

    I honestly don't care about the stigma, I was only interested in TFTB because I am a fan of Borderlands, and interactive fiction as a genre

  • Do you know what UNOFFICIAL FAQ means?!

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Then they shouldn't have sitting on the Forum Moderator's FAQ that episodes will be released 5-8 weeks apart? This is exactly what they have

  • Have you noticed where it is published and approved?

    Do you know what UNOFFICIAL FAQ means?!

  • Have you ever seen telltale sticking to your so called deadline?

    Hammerhil posted: »

    Have you noticed where it is published and approved?

  • I hope that they take it seriously. I understand that there are people who would wait one year for 2 hours of awesome gameplay but Iam sadly not one of them.
    When I told my friend about TTFB and told to him that new episodes supposed to be here every 4-6 weeks he just smiled at me and told me: more like every 4-6 months, no ?
    Dammit, he was quite right.
    I know that the second episode takes usually longest time to make, but 4 months for development and polish..?
    And its not like they have to do some cool physx and open world. Its 2 hours long linear game.
    And again I love their games but I better should not buy season passes and just wait untill is everything finished.
    Because this waiting.. Is ridiculous..

    Most likely. Or maybe they just shake their head in disbelief.

  • roughly - adverb - (NOT EXACTLY). But right now its taking roughly 5 months !

    JetLee posted: »

    The thread you cited specifically states: You can expect to receive a new episode roughly every five to eight weeks. In other

  • Thanks! On the Steam Discussions, you learn about things like these the hard way.

    Piggs posted: »

    Nah. That was mature of you.

  • edited March 2015

    I did.

    Btw, there's a picture on tumblr where he basically just "stabs" himself in the "usb-port" with stun-baton to get rid of J for some time. xD
    I like this explanation. xD

    ActionHank posted: »

    RHYS' HEAD IS BLEEDING FROM THE CHIP SLOT. Who was it that pointed that out?

  • Post a link, please?

    DeityD posted: »

    I did. Btw, there's a picture on tumblr where he basically just "stabs" himself in the "usb-port" with stun-baton to get rid of J for some time. xD I like this explanation. xD

  • The wait is really long this time around. But it will be worth it in the end.

    However, them leaving us in complete dark for 3 months and then give some shady feedback is not acceptable, and it is a thing that generally annoys me with TTG. I can understand that there are people that are angry at this concept, it rustles my jimmies aswell. I see your point there.

    That being said, you bought on Steam if I got that right, which means you won't get a refund. Steam almost never gives those out, and definitley not in this case, since Telltale is delivering.

This discussion has been closed.