What are your beliefs?
In what or who you believe, that if you have faith or you may believe in science, we all know there 'facts' that make us strongly believe in, not in fictional character... I may self believe in many think, still doubt but no one have blind faith, there is a point of the thinks they are or not?
It can be simple answer to a simple question, I am just curios...
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I'm an agnostic atheist. And as such, I've got a fancy song to share.
I'm an Episcopalian, for those of you who don't know, they're basically the American Church of England.
I don't care enough about religion or atheism to choose a side :P
I believe that there might be in god, but I doubt it.. I believe more that we will find aliens who are WAY smarter than us. I believe aliens have already found us and think of earth as we think of an ant.
Oh back to religion I switch like every week
Nothing, I don't really want something to hold me back from doing what I want to do.
Agnostic Atheist.
I just like to note that people aren't forced to choose between science and faith: they can be totally compatible.
That said I am a Roman Catholic, and I believe in evolution and such.
I don't believe nor I stop believing.
I don't like to be categorized in a religion, since they've all grown distant from God to an extent. I'm a Messianic Jew - I'm Jewish but unlike most Jews I've accepted Yeshua Christ (you call him Jesus for some odd reason) into my life.
Ever heard of Ancient Greek?
I know where it stems from, but it's stupid not to call someone whom they believe to be the son of God by a poorly-translated name.
And how is it stupid? Is it stupid, for example, to refer to Confucius as such and not as "Kong Fuzi" as it is rendered in Chinese? Greek was widespread at the time and it simply became convenient to use a Greek transliteration and not a local Hebrew iteration of the name. Just like with a whole lot of other names.
Christ is Greek too. If anything it would closer to Yeshua bar-Yosep.
Wanted to point that out, too.
Nobody 'believes' in science. If they do they're doing it wrong. Science is a process for analyzing phenomena, taking evidence into account, and constantly probing its own theories. I think a lot of people overestimate the power of science to explaining everything, especially when they try to evaluate morals empirically, but science is based on skepticism, not belief.
is rudimentary said but we believe what science say... kind of tricky, you ruined my fun smart one.
you say like Science is our lord/creator...
Well, considering how I'm definitely going to hell if what the Bible says is true, I'm mostly agnostic. I'm not sure if there's a "Heaven" or "Hell", but I think there must be SOMETHING after you die.
I'm saying Christ since Christ translates to "Messiah."
In Hebrew it's "Yeshua Ha'mashiach", if you want to get into details :P
...That's not how evolution works...We are not monkeys and monkeys are not us...Both monkeys and Humans evolved from a common ancestor.
I just find it weird that they couldn't keep it as it was instead of translating it, it's not exactly a Hebrew word - it comes from the word salvation but isn't spelt the same way in Hebrew.
I think it's stupid because to those people it's the son of God, and it seems more plausible to me to call him by his actual Hebrew name and not the Greek translation.
mine is Iisus Hristos, but there is not point of this, it may have all name you want... if you refer to Him...
that how 'Religious Science' work
Hmm, Clear something up for me, do you mean that "that's how religious people view evolution?"
I find it more appropriate, idk.
no, that how 'Religious Science' view evolution... you call them people?... monkey aren't people
) o god
I'm sorry but I'm confused by your grammar.
Either way, I think it's a matter of convenience. People are more used to using a transliteration and not the supposed way it is pronounced originally.
And I don't know, nor do I really care. It be a waste of time trying to disprove something that enriches human culture like that. I like to note that literature has figurative and real aspects to it. I believe Genesis is almost entirely a metaphor, that the Hebrews used to explain creation and teach a lesson at the same time. I still apperciate though.
About the fire and water: Why do we need to explain it? Somethings are better left a mystery. And again, might be figurative for something lost to history.
First off, humans are not monkeys, they descended from the great ape line of primates, which split off from the 'monkeys' millions of years ago. I'm not exactly sure whatever that alien part is, but if you mean God is an alien that experiments on humanity, you could phrase it as someone who sets up an ant farm and watches how the ants survive, provides them with stuff for living, and removes their bodies on death (people do that right?). Regardless, I think this example is flawed and I am confused by what you mean't.
Do you know about Mendel genetics? There's a thing in there called co-dominance. It's when there is no one dominant allele and they are equal to each other, so the offspring get both phenotypes, i.e. A man with homozygous A blood and a woman with homozygous B blood have a child which has AB blood, where both phenotypes are present. What you said was incomplete dominance, where they mix. There certainty will be some overlap, but they are different enough to distinguish two individual parts. And it enriches oneself, a yin and yang, a balance between them.
What. The. Fuck.
I'm just gonna to take that as an insult.
Yeah, I'm just upset when people are ignorant about the origins of important names, they're all used to it anyway
you say about evolution from science perspective... I say about evolution from religious using science
grammar make me feel wierd
But evolution is from the science stand point either way, it's not Monkey=Human, it's that Humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. Religion doesn't use science but you can be both religious and scientific, you still confuse me.
Thank you Golden. I'm glad you agree that you can be both.
I have religious friends that love science. It's not hard to be both, unless you believe that everything in the Bible 100% happened and all that then you can't be both.
Well, people can be aware of the name's origins, but still not use it.
I think a crushing majority of (for example) Americans doesn't know that Jesus is a translation of Yeshua, don't you think? Idk because some people just ask me "Yeshua wth" and I have yo explain to them that Jesus is a translation.
I think she's referring to a literal interpretation of the bible. "In the beginning, there was nothing. And God floated above the waters." - Wait a minute? I thought there was nothing? That kind of thing.
I understand that but she's talking about evolution and she doesn't make sense to me.