IS the Walking Dead TV Series coming to an End?
From what i've seen so far, most of Rick's group members are perishing, from Herschel to Noah. I would have wanted to see a character development in Noah being the architect's student and also Beth as a badass survivor but then their already both dead. also, Tyreese. So what's going to happen to TWD Series, it seems they are picked off one by one.
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Nah not really, only super minor characters and maybe a major character death every season or so. As long as the ratings and $$$ keep coming in, I don't see it going away anytime soon. Hell I think even Scott Gimple said they could even go on for 10 more seasons.
The show isnt going to end anytime soon, they even said they have enough plans to go to 12 seasons
I will forever be disappointed and bitter about Beth's random and untimely death. She had so much potential as a character. All of it gone to waste. Seriously, what was the point of her dying? How has it at all contributed to the plot other than giving the living characters even more to angst about there "being no more hope left, the world's gone to shit etc"? All that character development, and then she dies? It makes no sense to me. And then Tyreese dies for some inane reason. That was pretty random. Still can't figure out the point of his death other than to get rid of another character who had an optimistic outlook on their situation, as well as to cause Sasha to go crazy. As for Noah, it's sad that I'm not at all surprised he died.
A large amount of characters dying solely for shock value and character angst =/= a good tv show. I had hoped that things would be different with the new show runner, but I seem to have been mistaken.
I love TWD don't get me wrong, but season 5 has been such a letdown. It's just gotten so repetitive and predictable. Basically, if you're a TWD character, and you show that you have hope for a better life despite how terrible the situation is, you're going to die. If you aren't Rick, Daryl (especially Daryl), Michonne, Carl, or Carol, you're most likely going to die. I can't imagine how they're going to turn this show around, and if they don't do it soon, I won't be surprised if it does end up getting canceled.
You know, I created a thread about Beth's death.
And in it, I expressed basically the same sentiments.
Before, Beth's death had the symbolism of self-sacrifice, even though it was unintended.
But now, as you said, what's the point of her death now?
What was it all for?
I do have to ask, why are you not surprised that Noah died?
I know I certainly was!
And from what I gather, I take it that Daryl is your favorite character.
Mine to, next to Rick, and Abraham.
I'm really impressed what they've done with Daryl's character, and far he's come since we were first introduced to him, back in Season 1.
Feel free to have this put in the Walking Dead section. We discuss things all Walking Dead things.
Nah it ain't going to end. It's got a lot of viewers and will stay around.
Season Five has been mostly character deaths, but I'm sure they'll change that around eventually.
And Herschel's death was last season XD.
TWD has the tendency to kill off characters solely for the sake of killing them. After Beth and Tyreese, I figured next was Noah.:/
I wouldn't say that Daryl is my favorite character. I don't hate him or anything, but I don't really see why he's such a fan favorite tbh. He's a great character, but I think he gets too much spotlight sometimes, spotlight that should be going to other characters' development. It also kinda bothers me that you just know that he's never going to get killed off because he's so popular. I'd have to say my absolute favorite characters in the whole show are Merle, Abraham, Beth, Hershel, Dale, Lori, Morgan, Rick, and Shane...and 6 out of those 9 characters are dead lol. Merle and Beth are my top two though.:)
They're renewed for season six so no
Rick, Michone, Carol, and Daryl, too badass to die. Just saying. I mean they could kill them but I know so many people that would just quit the show if one of those four die. And they'll just introduce new characters, and kill them off, the cycle continues. I have no idea how it will end so I'm curious to see how they'll deal with that. I think it will last a long time because it's really popular, and making a lot of cash so they'll want to drag that out as long as they can.
You like Merle?
If you don't mind me asking, why?
And to expound a little on my previous post, I like Rick, and the fact that even though he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the group, he still strives to maintain his humanity.
That, and the fact that he's able to keep a cool-head when things are tense.
In fact, I think in many respects, Rick is a younger version of Hershel; another favorite of mine.
And on Abraham, I was really impressed with what I saw last night.
Abraham stepped up, and protected that poor woman, and pulled the the others together, so that their goal could be accomplished.
In many respects, I think Abraham is every bit as qualified to lead the group as Rick is.
Though if Rick were not able to lead any longer, then I'd like to see Daryl as Rick's successor, as I think that given how long they've been together; Daryl is the most appropriate choice.
XD no. It is the most watched show on tv(or atleast 2nd behind Game of Thrones). And I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they plan to go till atleast season 10.
And one of those characters keeps getting teased, but seemingly will never come back. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if the show never ends up doing anything with him <_< (Talking about Morgan here). I reallllly wanted the guy to come back, and thought he finally would join up with the group at the start of the 2nd half of this season... but apparently hes not going to be around at all this season. He'd definitely make things more interesting in my opinion.
All in all I think these last couple of episodes have been better, and leads me to hope things are getting back on track. I thought the first two episodes following the break were awful. I'm actually a little glad that Noah kicked the bucket... as there are now less characters stretching the spotlight, and I didn't really find him to be a great character anyway. The back and forth between so many characters from episode to episode has been too much in my opinion. For example, we really haven't seen much out of Abraham since "Self Help", and I think he's a very good character that should be in the spotlight more.
But truthfully, I think the show has been going downhill because it's been lacking in the Shane department since season two. We need a flashback or something
I think I saw that Reedus is getting some Hollywood love now and his role might end this season. Don't quote me on that but it's something I thought I heard. Anyway, as long as it's profitable it will keep going.
Well, it's kinda hard to explain. He's a very complex character. To bring up one of his quotes, "he doesn't know why he does the things he does.. he's a mystery to himself". He purposely antagonizes others, knowing that they will hate him for it, it makes you wonder if he'd rather they hate him than want him around. And then when you think about his upbringing, it's not hard to understand why he would think so negatively about himself. We as the audience know that Daryl was abused by his parents, we can easily deduce that Merle was as well. Before he got carted off to juvie, I think that Merle very likely tried to take the brunt of the abuse, and also tried to protect Daryl while they were kids. That was the beginning of their co-dependent relationship, and out of the two brothers, Merle is definitely the most messed up, so I honestly think that Merle may have gotten worse treatment than Daryl(Not to say that Daryl's abuse wasn't heinous, but I think that Merle is the only one who was so broken that he could never fully adjust to normalcy, unlike Daryl who ended up being able to later down the line.). Merle says several times to Daryl that no one would love him but him, I suspect that Merle may also be talking about himself when he says that. That the only person who could and would love him is Daryl, which is why he tries to make sure that Daryl is dependent on him and him only. I think Merle needed Daryl more than Daryl needed him, and he tried to mask that fact with his obnoxious behavior. He messes up time and time again, he's very flawed and he knows it. I find that intriguing. He really did love Daryl above all else when you think about it, he just expressed it in a fucked up way. Yes, his familial relationship with Daryl was incredibly unhealthy, but just so interesting imo. From Merle's pov, he really thought he was doing what was best for Daryl by keeping them isolated from others, their own parents beat them, why should they trust anyone else not to fuck them over? I think that was the way Merle thought about it at least. And the way Merle went out in the end, to give Daryl a chance at a normal life with his new "family", he was trying to atone for all the wrong he'd realized that he had done. In the end, the only person who really could kill Merle was in fact Merle lol. In his own fucked up way, I think he's always tried to do what he believes is right, and I think he thought that everyone, especially Daryl, would be better off if he was dead. I find that to be so sad, because in a way it's somewhat true. Merle sacrificing himself is one of the most heroic and selfless acts I've seen on the show to date. There are a lot of reasons why he's my favorite, but overall, I'm just fascinated by the way his mind works and I always thought he was such a badass lol.
Abraham is my favorite character from the comic books, I like how he's a soldier through and through. He is a born leader, and his military experience makes him a very valuable group member. It's funny that you say that Daryl should be Rick's successor, because Abraham was actually his right hand man in the comics!
With as little of screen time as he had, I still found him to be extremely compelling, especially in the first episode where you see him debating whether or not to shoot his walker wife. One of my favorite scenes in the show. I wonder if he'll be sane when he finally comes back. He was half mad last time we saw him, it would be interesting if he still wasn't fully sane. They do keep teasing us over his return..I have a feeling he won't get much screen time until the finale or next season.:/ I really hope we aren't overhyping his return only for him to get killed off.-_-
I just recently caught up, I don't think I'll ever fully forgive the show for the mid season finale, but I decided to give it another chance. There have been some good moments, but I agree that there are some characters that need to be spotlighted a bit more, like Abraham. A little off topic, but I honestly have no idea where they're going with Daryl's character, he's so despondent, they make it seem like he's become suicidal tbh. I figure he's upset because of Beth, but they seldom even bring her up now. She didn't even get a burial scene, how rude lol. Anyways, I'm still not that impressed with season 5 as a whole, mostly because I had such high expectations.. but who knows, maybe the finale will surprise me.
Abraham was Rick's successor in the comics?
You're kidding!!!
What are the odds?
But I do have to agree with you, Daryl and Merle's relationship was very unhealthy.
As long as Merle was alive, Daryl could never have a normal life.
Daryl had been so co-dependant on Merle, for so long, that when Merle was around, Daryl went back to that type of behavior.
Once Merle was gone, Daryl could start to live his own life.
And regarding Abraham, obviously I've never read the comic series, but based on what I've seen from Abraham's character on the show, I wouldn't be surprised that he doesn't become the leader of his own group again.
Im hoping it ends after season 7,that should finish the all out war arc and then it should stop one episode after that. Its a good place to end the story and any show that goes on longer than 7 seasons tends to start being a drag, aside from the odd show that does a "week to week" story approach.
Since you mentioned Morgan, and I know that there has been nothing conclusively stated or shown, but I think that Morgan is got it together again, and that he will show up for the last episode for this Season.
Maybe even assist Rick and the group in the battle that is sure to come, now that Gabriel betrayed Rick and his clan.
It was renewed for a 6th season before the 5th season even aired. So, no. I don't think it's gonna end.
For a second I got very excited, thought the show might actually get cancelled
It's not going to be cancelled or done any time soon, it's AMC's cash cow and they have shat on so many devoted actors and producers (ahem Frank Darabont ahem) in order to keep the money flowing.
They have no artistic integrity, I wish they were canon with the comics. But they're basically veering away from it all slowly (except going to Alexandria and the whole thing with Pete.)
I disagree.
I think the show has gotten even better, and I'm looking forward to next Sunday's episode.
And I hope that it'll still keep going strong!
I agree that it had gotten a little better in this episode, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's still good in my eyes. To be honest, even if the show gets better now, they had damaged too many iconic moments from the comics for me to ever take them seriously.
Just wait and watch how they fuck up Negan's character by not letting him curse at all.
Well I've never read the comics, so I really don't have any idea how far the show has deviated from them.
Not that you could tell, as I've been trying to keep a real low profile in that department, Lol!
But on a serious note, the only things that I know, and that's based on what I've heard, to have been a direct deviation from the comics is:
1: Daryl was designed specifically for the show.
2: Rick still has both his hands on the show, whereas in the comics he lost his right hand.
3: Dale lost his leg, instead of Hershel.
4: Carroll was supposed to be weird in the comics, and yet on the show she is one of the strongest members of the group.
Other than those 4 things I mentioned, I don't know jack about the storyline in the comics.
And quite frankly, I don't ever see myself reading them, it's just my thing, personally.
There are many more, including: Maggie attempts suicide, they never visit that weird damn hospital where Beth dies, Terminus isn't a thing, only a group of cannibals is, Judith is crushed to death by Lori while fleeing the prison as she's shot in the stomach with a shotgun, and many more.
It's alright, you don't have to (even though I encourage you to, you're missing out), but the show had been changing a lot of iconic moments from the comics (for example Rick's "We are the walking dead" speech, which was held in completely different circumstances in the comics), and that's something Frank Darabont would have never done, I'm really pissed at AMC due firing him like that only because he tried to stay loyal to Robert's comics, and because it made them more money.
I really hope they don't fuck up Negan, but I'm 90% sure they will, since every scene he has he will have to swear (especially saying "fuck"), and despite the abnormal amounts of gore in the show, apparently what would hurt the children watching this most is hearing the word "fuck".
I definitely wouldn't put it past the show to do that lol. That would be so beyond annoying. I do want him to be a tad crazy if he returns though. Not to the extent that he was in season three, but some traces of that would make him an interesting and refreshing character. Perhaps Daryl will run into him when he's out on the road looking to "recruit".
Yeah, same here I guess. I personally was going to keep watching regardless though, as honestly it doesn't even seem like it was that long ago that I just started watching (though I guess it's been quite awhile now).
I actually more or less said the same exact thing in a different thread. But yeah, apparently he's pretty broken over his inability to save Beth. That's understandable, but I think the show has had him on this course for way too long.
Lmao, I totally didn't even realize that for some reason. The Beth mistreatment continues even after death apparently <_<. I think I was a little too distracted by Tyreese's completely random and over the top artistic death (devoting a whole episode to that was a total waste of not only the character but the episode itself in my opinion). I love how the mid season opener initially made it look like the group was mourning Beth... only to turn around and actually have them mourning someone else instead. What a joke lol.
He'll probably always be my favorite. I think regardless of how people felt about his character on a personal level, he was pretty brilliant. Rick having hallucinations of Shane would actually be really awesome in my opinion, especially now that Rick is arguably similar to how Shane was in season two. They would have some pretty interesting conversations.
I definitely agree that seasons 1-2 are the best.
I agree. The actor they have playing Morgan just does crazy so well lol. I too hope that he's not fully in touch with reality, it would definitely shake things up if Rick wants him to stay, but others are wary to let him stay because of his mental stability. I'm pretty sure that Daryl is going to quickly run into Morgan while he's out recruiting, last time we saw the guy he was tracking the group after he found the sign to Terminus if I remember correctly.
I guess I was so bent out of shape over it because I was so sure that the show would go against recycling the same plot device, and would surprise the audience. After that I just had to take a break, this time I'll just sit back and see what happens instead of having too high of expectations.:/
I feel like the TWD does this a lot, they purposely build Daryl up, give him a reason to have hope( Sophia, Beth), and then they just break him down in the worst kind of way so he goes into this spiral of depression. Idk what it is about season 5 and angst, but there is a lot of it haha. But tbh, it's kinda getting tiring to watch Daryl constantly be on the losing end.:/
ikr?? His death came out of nowhere for me, and it was pretty over the top lol. That level of artistry, I really shouldn't have been laughing but I was.XD
Where did they even put her body? Didn't they put her in the trunk of a car or something? I think she's the only group member who hasn't gotten a proper funeral scene, I hope there is a reason to that other than just mistreating her character. It's not as though they didn't have the time to show her being buried on screen..
So true, whether you liked him or not, it's undeniable that he was a great antagonist. I think what I found the most intriguing about his character is that on some level, all of his paranoia about not trusting anyone was coming from the right place. The difference between Shane and the Governor is that everyone hated the Governor and didn't want him to succeed, but while season 2 was airing, there were a lot of viewers who agreed with Shane's course of action as opposed to Rick's. It's funny because the whole group is pretty much acting exactly the same way as Shane did in season 2.
I have been wanting some Shane-Rick parallels to be addressed since the moment Rick ripped that guy's throat out. I would love to see those conversations go down, I definitely think it would make sense for Rick to go off the deep end again.
They've been building up to his return all season, I would be pretty surprised if he isn't in the finale.
No way. Walking Dead has way more viewers than Game of Thrones (considering that Thrones is on HBO).
If you count how much Game of thrones is pirated it is probably has more viewers overall than the walking dead.
Ha, that may be true lol
No, I don't think it's coming to an end.
I think it still has plenty of life left in it.
Nope, they are going to make a 6th season, so, I can't see it going to end for a while yet,
Since it's rated for a Mature audience, it's probably not a show that children should be seeing at all, in reality.
The rating system is a good thing in itself, but it's only works if people abide by it.
Unfortunately, some people; and I'm not implying this about you, seem to lack common sense, in knowing what is appropriate material for a child to view, and what isn't.
Well, I think that a person who has seen people devoured by zombies and heard the word "shit" at the same show, wouldn't be damaged by the word "fuck"
Well, there are only two episodes left, so I guess we're probably going to be finding out pretty quick. I'm going to be pretty disappointed if the show leaves him out... because that would mean that they were just screwing with us and intentionally getting our hopes up lol. Last time we saw him he was at the church I believe, and only shortly after the group had left it. So I would assume that he pretty much has to be somewhat nearby.
Agreed. I honestly kind of feel like his change in personality is meant to be permanent at this point
. I want the old Daryl back.
I don't think I was laughing until after the guy died (that sounds terrible lol). I was just kind of like "the hell was that..?". After that episode my hopes for the 2nd half of the season were definitely at an all time low.
Did they? I honestly can't even remember them doing anything with her lol.
I was trying to think of anyone else who hasn't gotten a burial scene, but I seriously can't think of anyone, with the exception of the cases where the situation didn't permit it (Shane, Hershel, ect). Hell, even Noah will likely get a burial scene next episode, and he really hasn't been around for very long.
Did Andrea get one? She's the only one that I'm not sure of.
Exactly. Especially in the case of where the show is now, it really looks to me like Rick and Carol are actually kinda playing the roles of antagonists. Seeing as the last episode is titled "Conquer", it looks like they potentially may be responsible for taking over what was a peaceful community (peaceful as far as I know at this point anyway). I suppose you already know the answer to that seeing as you've already read the comics though.
I heard it's because of some law or standard that you can't say the word "fuck" on most TV networks. In fact, the only shows that do use that word (Game of Throne, Spartacus etc) are on HBO.
Super minor characters? I hope you aren't referring to characters in the group since some of them are recurring important characters at the least.
It's The Walking Dead... they killed off billions of characters off-screen on the first episode...
Well then they should have made the same exception, this show can't have so much gore but be scared to say "fuck". I guess AMC are just too scared to lose some of their younger viewers because it's more money, HBO wouldn't do that.
As I said to Kenny/Lee, I would be very surprised if he doesn't show up at least once before the finale, but you never know with TWD.:/ You're right, my mistake, the scene with Morgan at the church completely slipped my mind for some reason lol.
Same, I hate to sound insensitive, but he's been such a sad sack lately. Hopefully he'll be able to pull out of this soon. I miss the angry redneck.:/
Perhaps I'm remembering it incorrectly, but I think there was a scene where the group was looking into a trunk of a car before closing it, and we didn't get to see what was inside? I was guessing that it was Beth, but if I'm wrong..seriously, where the hell did they put her body?? They made a pretty big deal out of Daryl carrying her out of the did he just put her down on the concrete somewhere and then leave?? I feel like this is pretty important.XD
I think Rick and the group brought her back to the prison and buried her after she shot herself in Woodbury. Not an official funeral scene, but at least we know she got buried haha.
Yeah, it certainly does seem like they both want to take over as leaders of the community, and neither are above doing the unthinkable to accomplish that from what I can tell.(Carol threatening to kill a kid, both want to kill Pete, it's a matter of who gets there first)
You will see~,I don't want to spoil anything! This season does seem to be the closest to comic canon, that's one thing I can commend the show on.