With this staggered release I really, really, really don't want to spoil ep 2 for anyone, but I also really want to talk about it!


This was the exact moment that I knew Atlas Mugged was going to be awesome (and it just got better from there):

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  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I liked the fact Telltale poked fun at themselves :P

    I felt this was a really good episode, we had some cool Loader Bot moments and funny jokes. The one part that was really disgusting was the part with the eyeball but it also made me laugh due to how crazy that scene was.


  • I deliberately didn't put anything in the main post because I knew people wouldn't be able to resist! But seriously, from now on there's going to be nothing but spoilers so stay away so you can enjoy it fresh!

    Green613 posted: »


  • As soon as I saw that spork, before I'd even seen the guy, I knew where they were going with it... A great homage to one of Jack's best lines!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I liked the fact Telltale poked fun at themselves :P I felt this was a really good episode, we had some cool Loader Bot moments and funny

  • edited March 2015

    Omg jesus cvk nxdknvksznvckdxv I just loved this episode. Simply as that. I laughed my ass off, And I forgot to breathe at the finale, It was really intensive. BRoO, Brobrobrobro, Shirtless Vaughn, that opening scene where Vaughn and Rhys were flying, how Rhys just ran off when the episode started, I loved how that was handled..Rhy's cute sock, Handsome Jack and Vasquez and his hair implants, I'm sorry I just can't handle all this awesomeness after all this waiting and hbhvhvhvjhv overall I loved this just as much as the first one...maybe even more... great job TTG, great job.

    Only one tiny complain: there was not enough Handsome Jack time. And I can understand that, We'll have those moments in the future. And It's interesting that we didn't have that one discussion between Rhys and Jack from the trailer...or did I miss it?

    Now I'm curious: what did you choose at the end? Jack or Fiona? I chose Fiona. What a cliffhanger...

  • edited March 2015

    The sock bit (stripes socks with stars!) just made Rhys even more adorkable to me and I deliberately avoided the option to ask Fiona for his shoe back because I found the image of him walking around with one shoe on funny especially in serious moments.

    I chose Jack but only because to my Rhys, he thought it was the "best" option and so was willing to risk himself if it meant Vaughn, Fiona, Sasha and Loader Bot had a better shot at getting out alive. He knew it was a huge risk as he is realising Jack is a sociopath through and through and might just murder his friends for the fun of it when in control but thought they still had better odds than with the guard robots.

  • edited March 2015

    Some things I adored off the top of my head:

    • I really liked the way they handled the "previously on" segment via Marcus' narration - it was super clever, and made it a lot more immersive.

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    • Telltale's characterisation of Jack was spot-on, and they definitely did a lot of justice to the character. I was quite shocked that he didn't realise he was dead, but it fits perfectly with his arrogance, it was clear in BL2 that he thought he was bulletproof (and thanks to Nakayama he kind of was). My Rhys is fairly sycophantic, so my Jack is douchey, yet mockingly helpful ('your new best frenemy' is the perfect description), but I'm looking forward to a second playthrough where I can piss him off a bit and get that great Sherlock-esque line from the trailer. I also like that he comes and goes. I of all people should want all Jack, ALL the time, but because the character is so over the top I think it'd be impossible to have him in every scene Rhys is in - he'd either have to be interrupting every 5 seconds and ruining the flow, or be uncharacteristically silent - this is a good balance, I think. (Also, him referring to Rhys as Rhysey is the most adorable thing ever...)

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    • The opening credits were perfection (I really didn't think they'd be able to match ep 1).

    • The 'x will remember that' jokes are once again on point.

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    • Vaughn's body was a waaay bigger twist than Jack's resurrection (and the ensuing dialogue had me laughing so hard - pro-tip, choose the bee line).

    • The bro scene equally had me in stitches.

    • So much Loader Bot goodness!!!

    • Ep 2 succeeded in making me love-hate Vasquez (I mean Wallet Head) even more, but more surprisingly made me genuinely like August (I now feel really sorry for the guy!)

    • I am the least shippy person in the world, but I need Telltale to let Scooter find love (way to make me feel for/give depth to a character who was only ever comic relief)

    • As a whole I really liked all the depth that was given to the various characters. This episode wasn't quite as actioned-packed as the first, but I actually enjoyed the change in tone, and those quiet moments spent just with two-or-so characters at a time worked well. There's lots of relationships/characters that I feel way more invested in now (including unexpected ones like Scooter and August). It was surprisingly emotionally charged, while still retaining the laugh-out-loud moments of the first.

    • And finally, did anyone else try and not shoot Finch only to get killed? First Rudiger, now him - I need to stop trying to be a pacifist in the Borderlands universe!
  • Adorable Rhys is adorable. :3 t

    The final decision was really hard for me, I kinda wanted to choose Jack but Fiona looked so yeah I chose to trust her and then.. (SPOILER)....she blows them up (herself, ball-thingy, Rhys, guard robots)

    Uh, great plan indeed..

    Now I need to watch some let's plays to see other decisions..

    SnownRaven posted: »

    The sock bit (stripes socks with stars!) just made Rhys even more adorkable to me and I deliberately avoided the option to ask Fiona for his

  • I think you get the Jack line from the trailer if you choose the dialogue option about "too many people dying" (we were obviously too nice to him!)

    I chose Jack. Quelle Horreur!

  • So in your playthrough does Rhys still only have one shoe on (and Fiona's holding it hostage)?

    That's hilarious! What happens when he climbs on the bin? With the shoe, his foot slips in the hole and gets stuck. I hope he doesn't ruin his adorable Hyperion socks!

    SnownRaven posted: »

    The sock bit (stripes socks with stars!) just made Rhys even more adorkable to me and I deliberately avoided the option to ask Fiona for his

  • Oh wow, I NEED to see that Fiona ending now!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Adorable Rhys is adorable. t The final decision was really hard for me, I kinda wanted to choose Jack but Fiona looked so confident...s

  • The 'x will remember that' jokes are once again on point.

    It was funny too when Rhys got his face hit and the text says: "Why it's always the face?" or something like that xD

    Some things I adored off the top of my head: * I really liked the way they handled the "previously on" segment via Marcus' narration -

  • I would say that this episode was totally worth the wait (please TTG don't make us wait the next episode as long okay?)

  • Wait, wait, wait...

    Who's funeral did we crash?

    Our own, with the grave digging?

    Actually, half of those achievements have me scratching my head...

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Who's funeral did we crash?

    Let's see here...

    Okay, so we were digging graves for our funeral... but then we killed our own funeral and got away...

    So... if we killed our funeral, then that can mean only one thing: we crashed the funeral's funeral!

    Of course, it almost makes too much sense!

    Wait, wait, wait... Who's funeral did we crash? Our own, with the grave digging? Actually, half of those achievements have me scratching my head...

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    I didn't enjoy Atlas as much as Zer0. After 3 months of waiting... you know. Episode raises more questions: wtf is this GP, what is Athena's problem, are Bigby and Lee more than one time gag, why is the lady from ep. 3 screen after Sasha and Fiona, is she their mother, how did they survived the grenade and more. About humor - less funny than previous chapter; Jack mocking Hugo was hilarious. And Scooter's face when Sasha came.

    (Impression after first walkthrough)

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    Deltino posted: »

    Who's funeral did we crash? Let's see here... Okay, so we were digging graves for our funeral... but then we killed our own funer

  • Hmm, valid option, you raise a good point.

    MasterStone posted: »


  • I thought the episode was absolutely incredible. This is definitely shaping up to be Telltale's best ever series in my eyes.

    And that ending (sided with Fiona). Wow. How odd that a comedy series can have so much emotional impact. When August pointed the gun I actually yelled out.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I liked that part too, i managed to get a screenshot.

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    The 'x will remember that' jokes are once again on point. It was funny too when Rhys got his face hit and the text says: "Why it's always the face?" or something like that xD

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't take that many screenshots but this is one of my favorites.

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    I also like this one.

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  • GP = Gortys Project = something to do with a vault?

    Athena's problem = conjunctivitis/eye infection? (but seriously, I have no idea. I think it was interesting that Fiona was actually called out for making up that part of the story, makes me wonder what else wasn't true in that part - like, say, Athena's glowing eyes and robotic voice?)

    Lady from ep 3 screen = Vallory, she's after them because they tried to screw August over with the fake vault key. I don't think she's their mother, but I do think she had a relationship with Felix and is the woman in the picture at the safe house.

    Grenade = can't answer that because it didn't happen in my playthrough, really need to watch that though!

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I didn't enjoy Atlas as much as Zer0. After 3 months of waiting... you know. Episode raises more questions: wtf is this GP, what is Athena's

  • Yeah, but it's still being 'told' by Fiona at that stage.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Athena's eyes glow in the video at the beginning of the episode.

  • Athena's eyes glow in the video at the beginning of the episode.

    GP = Gortys Project = something to do with a vault? Athena's problem = conjunctivitis/eye infection? (but seriously, I have no idea. I th

  • Yeah, I was genuinely surprised how emotional that end part was, wasn't expecting that in Tales at all - the music was also gorgeous. The whole thing was very affecting, I actually got goosebumps! Let's just hope we don't have to wait too long, because what a cliffhanger!

    Flog61 posted: »

    I thought the episode was absolutely incredible. This is definitely shaping up to be Telltale's best ever series in my eyes. And that end

  • Also, Telltale, WHY would you physically force me to shoot a certain someone again - I barely survived the last time... :'(

  • For Rhys and Sasha shippers
    When you pick a certain dialogue option right before the final decision (having Fiona say that August is smitten with Sasha), Rhys says something interesting.

  • I know GP has something to do with a vault, but I don't understand the purpose of factory, what was going on in final scenes. I believe it'll be explained. In June...

    Athena hates Atlas? Maybe she's after Fiona because of that eye? Maybe she's bounty hunter and doesn't want Janey to know. She has appeared in preview. It'll be explained too.

    GP = Gortys Project = something to do with a vault? Athena's problem = conjunctivitis/eye infection? (but seriously, I have no idea. I th

  • In June...

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    Omid's cat posted: »

    I know GP has something to do with a vault, but I don't understand the purpose of factory, what was going on in final scenes. I believe it'l

  • Why would she exaggerate her appearance at that point?

    Yeah, but it's still being 'told' by Fiona at that stage.

  • now I really need to play this game again just for that.

  • Because she's telling it in the future and the second scene has already happened, shaping her portrayal of her in the first.

    So, maybe whatever really happened scared Fiona and made her think of Athena as this monstrous beast, so when she retells it she has those same scary features even in the video. Or what if Athena helped Fiona and Sasha? She scared Finch and Kroger away and maybe found out their story and decided to walk away from them, but she made them promise that they couldn't tell anyone she helped them/let them go? Then, true to her word, Fiona makes up a story about this terrifying ex-Lance assassin that they just managed to escape from...

    I'm not saying it's 100% and that there isn't something weird going on with Athena - I'm just trying to take everything that's told with a large grain of salt.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why would she exaggerate her appearance at that point?

  • Yeah, I got that moment too and straight away I thought, Rhysha confirmed! In saying that though, it's only one-sided so far...

    Actually what is up with guys and Sasha? They seem completely enamoured by her. I mean, August obviously loved her, Rhys has a crush, and Scooter was totally smitten. Vaughn is the only one who seems immune to her charms, and that's probably only because they haven't spent much time together.

    Guys, Fiona is totally a catch, too!

  • My only disappointment was that there weren't more Loaderbot jokes. You might think I'm kidding but I'm actually serious.

  • edited March 2015

    I just realised there was no Janey (Edit: apparently there was, just not in my playthrough) - I wondered why her voice actor was credited)! Oh well, hopefully her and her chirpy ocker accent will spring up next episode...

    Oh God, that was terrible. I need to go to bed. >_<

    When I'm back I hope most people have had a chance to play, and that the forum resembles my prediction gif:

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  • Oh, and yeah, that Opening sequence was incredible too. I literally got goosebumps.

  • There can literally never be enough Loader Bot jokes.

    They should do an entire episode where all the characters are replaced by Loader Bots in bad wigs and dodgy costumes, and when The Stranger asks why Rhys should just say, "I'm sick of telling this story, I wanted to make it more interesting."

    With unreliable narrators, the possibilities are endless!

    My only disappointment was that there weren't more Loaderbot jokes. You might think I'm kidding but I'm actually serious.

  • ...and then, the Loaderbots only speak in "Bro" like Rhys and Vaughn! It's perfect.

    There can literally never be enough Loader Bot jokes. They should do an entire episode where all the characters are replaced by Loader Bo

  • Eh. Jokes can be overdone so easily. I'm about at my limit of them (unlike the choice notification things, which I generally don't find funny any more).

    My only disappointment was that there weren't more Loaderbot jokes. You might think I'm kidding but I'm actually serious.

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