I can see why it took so long...
Well, I can see why it took so long; in my opinion, not only it's the best Telltale episode yet, but it's the best game I've ever played and the best movie I've ever watched. Really, congrats Telltale.
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I was so nervous, but they truly outdid themselves.
I literally just finished and I already want to replay it so I can absorb all the awesomeness.
Yeah, and by the way, the new intro song was freaking awesome!
I agree, i found it on youtube
how long it guys take you to finish? I have about 2 hours and a bit spare before I gotta go get a bus.
Ahaha, I was already listening when you posted it - another great pick, it fit the opening really well, while also feeling 'Borderlands-y'.
I think it also sums up the difference between the two eps - it's a bit slower and mellower than Busy Earnin', but still packs a lot of punch!
Roughly 2 hours for me.
I wanna play it nooooow
i enjoyed episode one a lot, so im guessing this is gonna blow me away?
Although I don't remember this happening.
OMG I can't wait anymore!
No spoilers but does august appear in this episode along with tector and jimbo? Just yes or no
Yup, pretty much.
Well... it was good, but i expected a little more after 4 months...
Yes august, no tector, no jimbo.
Tector does appear if you go the other direction and not follow Sasha
Cool is august badass in the episode? again yes or no. Also i can't wait i want it now
I really liked it but after 4 months, this episode was really short and I felt like 60% of the time you didn't even have control of the game and they had their own conversations. But besides that it was amazing and I am looking forward to episode 3
Oooh, interesting. Didn't realise this. I really need another playthrough - I feel like I've missed so much!
That man crying always creeps me out...
All the time spent was probably working on Jack's fantastic transparent hologram texture.
hope it'll be FASTER this time
Yes, very
It was just a wee bit under 2 hours, but yeah for some reason this Episode did feel a little bit short.
It's weird; I felt like the first episode was too long. The pacing on this one was great and I was really satisfied with the length.
I know right! The bar just keeps getting higher across both TFTB and GOT. At this rate, the finales are going to be mind blowing!
Also, hubs... Wow. Brought a tear to my eye.
I don't remember that episode as a kid. Yeah, Mirai's normally a good looking, has-no-idea-how-to-be-human badass dork, but I don't remember him crying like that. The tears must have been edited in.
He's also...eh...nicer than Vasquez.
If that's the case it was totally worth - it shows off his handsomeness perfectly!
Loaderbro really came through for us time and time again on this episode. Though some might have been slight..... embellishments
Loaderbro: The hero Pandora wants but doesn't deserve!

Edit: And with this cliffhanger..... [distorted HoloJack voice] It won't be 4 months again, ain't that right pumpkin? [/distorted HoloJack voice]
...huh. That was weird.
Great episode