episode 2 not available on ps4?

usually psn updates at 10 am but its 12:30 now and episode 2 is still not there, any other ps4 players having this problem?


  • same thing with xbox 1, to different console but same problame

  • thats annoying but oh well, nothing i can do about it.

    j0ltfish posted: »

    same thing with xbox 1, to different console but same problame

  • I can't find it either at 1pm PST. I'm on PS4.

  • I got PS4 and cannot find it. I wonder if its all psn.

    I can't find it either at 1pm PST. I'm on PS4.

  • i wonder what the problem is, there wasnt any problems with game of thrones episode 2, hope this is fixed soon.

    I can't find it either at 1pm PST. I'm on PS4.

  • I'm having the same problem too and its really bugging me. Its 4:15 where I am and I have been waiting all day.

  • Guess I might as well post it in this thread too; The only trace of the episode I've been able to find is this banner in the web browser version of the store, which started appearing about half an hour ago. However, clicking on it is a broken link. PSN has most certainly updated already as other games with release dates for the 17th are all already up in the store. My guess is that somebody at Telltale or Sony screwed up and they're scrambling to get it in the store now.

    Alt text

  • For a game that took almost four months to make or set up, you'd think they would actually release it at the right time.

  • Seems like Telltale always screws up at least 1 thing each release.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Guess I might as well post it in this thread too; The only trace of the episode I've been able to find is this banner in the web browser ver

  • edited March 2015

    Heyo, the banner link is finally working. This is for PS4: Web store

    I've got my PS4 turned on right now, and once I had the episode purchased, I just clicked the download button on my computer and it transferred the download over to my PS4 automatically. :D


    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Heyo, the banner link is finally working. This is for PS4: Web store I've got my PS4 turned on right now, and once I had the episode purc


    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Heyo, the banner link is finally working. This is for PS4: Web store I've got my PS4 turned on right now, and once I had the episode purc

  • Good shit dude. Thanks worked for me.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Heyo, the banner link is finally working. This is for PS4: Web store I've got my PS4 turned on right now, and once I had the episode purc

  • Awesome! Glad the link is working for others.

    For those of you on PS3, don't worry. It should be showing up very soon. I just happened to find the PS4 download link while digging around, before they had it all properly set up in the store.

    2DLee posted: »

    Good shit dude. Thanks worked for me.

    • I found it. I went to playstation store and did a search for "tales from" and it finally popped up. Downloading it now!
  • Still not working for me, I can't find it on the store on my playstation or on the website. Very frustrating waiting for the game and expecting a 17/03/2015 release date. I'm on PS4 and in the UK and it hasn't worked it now 22:00 at night here. Disappointed as I am going on holiday for 10 days so I won't be able to play episode 2 until I get back. I have already bought the season pass. Come on Telltale/Sony don't let this happen, it is very frustrating

  • I'm from Australia and downloading it right now. I went into the game and there was an alert on episodes. Clicked on Episode 2 and it took me to PSN store and I downloaded it.

    Cohle posted: »

    Still not working for me, I can't find it on the store on my playstation or on the website. Very frustrating waiting for the game and expect

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