Not what I was expecting...

Please don't take this as a negative because I still REALLY liked Episode 2. It just went into a route I was not even expecting...Like wow that Episode was kinda bleak compared to Episode 1. It's no near Walking Dead levels but, wow that last choice and that fucking preview...JESUS Telltale! I like the direction this series is going!

I'm just gonna spoiler tag this so you can express your opinion's and such



  • I didn't laugh as hard as Episode one but this episode was amazing and that opening music scene, just perfect.

  • Dude that intro was absolutely phenomenal! 10/10

    I didn't laugh as hard as Episode one but this episode was amazing and that opening music scene, just perfect.

  • edited March 2015

    I didn't laugh as hard as Episode one

    That's what saddens me the most. I kinda liked how TftB was different from Borderlands series being more funny and easy going. Even violence was funny, without the undertone like madness or creepiness. I hope they'll lighten up again in ep3... but who am I kidding.

    I didn't laugh as hard as Episode one but this episode was amazing and that opening music scene, just perfect.

  • I didn't know how they were going to handle it but I saw it and I was just stunned.

    Dude that intro was absolutely phenomenal! 10/10

  • edited March 2015

    I felt this episode exceeded episode 1 in every way possible. I thought it was much more interesting, much funnier, way better paced and had a much more hype ending.

  • I loved it too but I agree it took a darker tone. Not a bad thing, but noticeable.

  • I was having a bad day and this lifted my sprits up to max so who am I kidding...IT WAS FUNNY!

    DeityD posted: »

    I didn't laugh as hard as Episode one That's what saddens me the most. I kinda liked how TftB was different from Borderlands series

  • Honestly, it was nothing I expected at all.

    Episode one was a bit more humorous and light-hearted, while episode two is still funny, but takes a bit a darker turn. Absolutely loved it. I love the direction it's going in so far and I absolutely cannot wait for episode three. Not even that, it managed to re-ignite my love for the series, despite falling out of it over the long break.

    Great job, TellTale! Definitely worth the wait.

  • I thought Episode 1 was better, but this was still great, and that intro was phenomenal. It was a little darker, but still had some very humorous moments.

  • Like wow that Episode was kinda bleak compared to Episode 1. It's no near Walking Dead levels but, wow that last choice and that fucking preview...JESUS Telltale! I like the direction this series is going!

    Great. Like we needed another one game like this. Like we totally don't have that depressing bunch - TWAU, TWD, GOT and the whole Borderlands series. TellTale, this is totally uncool.

  • In the matter of funny nothing will ever beat ep1 and Saints row 3-4. This episode left a bitter aftertaste, tho I admire I had a good laugh.

    I was having a bad day and this lifted my sprits up to max so who am I kidding...IT WAS FUNNY!

  • This episode didn't feel as memorable as Episode one but it was still great and I love it.

    DeityD posted: »

    In the matter of funny nothing will ever beat ep1 and Saints row 3-4. This episode left a bitter aftertaste, tho I admire I had a good laugh.

  • I liked first episode tiny bit more, but the second one was awesome too. This is slowly becoming my favourite Telltale game I've played.

  • Who said Borderlands can't be dark? This also isn't even that bleak.

    DeityD posted: »

    Like wow that Episode was kinda bleak compared to Episode 1. It's no near Walking Dead levels but, wow that last choice and that fucking pre

  • Which is kinda sad too. And here I though they could've done even better in the time given.

    This episode didn't feel as memorable as Episode one but it was still great and I love it.

  • Ugh...Don't even start that. This was great and well worth the wait. Yes, it wasn't a rollercoaster of laughs like episode one but it was still a great episode and I'm glad they didn't over do the jokes.

    DeityD posted: »

    Which is kinda sad too. And here I though they could've done even better in the time given.

  • Borderlands IS dark. Especially BL2 - creepy as fck. Tales from the Borderlands wasn't. And it was damn great in it's own way exactly because it was different being a Borderlands game at the same time.

    J-Master posted: »

    Who said Borderlands can't be dark? This also isn't even that bleak.

  • So Tales, taking place in the EXACT same universe and has the same ideas can't be good unless it's over the top and not dark.


    DeityD posted: »

    Borderlands IS dark. Especially BL2 - creepy as fck. Tales from the Borderlands wasn't. And it was damn great in it's own way exactly because it was different being a Borderlands game at the same time.

  • Nope. Just nope.

    You have your opinion and I have mine, nothing will change that.

    Ugh...Don't even start that. This was great and well worth the wait. Yes, it wasn't a rollercoaster of laughs like episode one but it was still a great episode and I'm glad they didn't over do the jokes.

  • Whatever.

    DeityD posted: »

    Nope. Just nope. You have your opinion and I have mine, nothing will change that.

  • edited March 2015

    They can be "good". Which doesn't mean everyone should like them, especially since it was not what we saw in the first episode - and it' kinda logical to be prepared for the same approach they used instead preparing for the madness of BL2.

    J-Master posted: »

    So Tales, taking place in the EXACT same universe and has the same ideas can't be good unless it's over the top and not dark. What?

  • Excellent argument. Very thorough too.


  • Oh yes because your argument was excellent, just remembered you responded to me and that you decided to pull the opinion card buddy.

    DeityD posted: »

    Excellent argument. Very thorough too.

  • Okay, what the hell are you talking about?

    The first episode was all about introducing people to the universe and characters and showing just how wacky and crazy this series is going to be, episode 2 reminds us that this universe still has some stakes and people you care about can die at any moment or stab you in the back at any moment, and it wasn't even that dark.

    DeityD posted: »

    They can be "good". Which doesn't mean everyone should like them, especially since it was not what we saw in the first episode - and it' kinda logical to be prepared for the same approach they used instead preparing for the madness of BL2.

  • Doesn't mean you should answer or act like a 12 years old if you don't like something someone wrote.

    Oh yes because your argument was excellent, just remembered you responded to me and that you decided to pull the opinion card buddy.

  • You realize it's not going to get back to being any "brighter" anytime soon don't you.
    And I'm saying I liked that pure humor of ep1 more than this - I don't know how to call "this".

    J-Master posted: »

    Okay, what the hell are you talking about? The first episode was all about introducing people to the universe and characters and showing

  • I said "Whatever", get over it.

    DeityD posted: »

    Doesn't mean you should answer or act like a 12 years old if you don't like something someone wrote.

  • edited March 2015

    So....episode 2 is a downgrade because it goes a little bit darker?

    There's a DICK joke in this episode, so it's not bleak.

    How the freak do you know that this series is going to be bleak through and through, episode 3, 4, and 5 might actually be a little more light hearted, but we don't know that because they're not out yet.

    DeityD posted: »

    You realize it's not going to get back to being any "brighter" anytime soon don't you. And I'm saying I liked that pure humor of ep1 more than this - I don't know how to call "this".

  • It's no near Walking Dead levels

    Relax guys I was mostly talking about the final scene.

    DeityD posted: »

    You realize it's not going to get back to being any "brighter" anytime soon don't you. And I'm saying I liked that pure humor of ep1 more than this - I don't know how to call "this".

  • Definitely, but I think that's more suited to Borderlands.

    I loved it too but I agree it took a darker tone. Not a bad thing, but noticeable.

  • Since when did Tales go dark? Literally one of the funniest moments in this episode is scooping an eyeball out of someone with a spork. I don't see where the dark turn is taking place.

    DeityD posted: »

    You realize it's not going to get back to being any "brighter" anytime soon don't you. And I'm saying I liked that pure humor of ep1 more than this - I don't know how to call "this".

  • Well now, that's funny.

    I said "Whatever", get over it.

  • Okay, this is going nowhere fast, I'm not going to waste my time here. Bye.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well now, that's funny.

  • edited March 2015

    There's a difference between depressing and dark.

    Besides, if you didn't appreciate TWAU and TWD's darker themes, why would you play them?

    DeityD posted: »

    Like wow that Episode was kinda bleak compared to Episode 1. It's no near Walking Dead levels but, wow that last choice and that fucking pre

  • Not... a little bit, like 50% more.

    There was a dick joke in the first one.

    J-Master posted: »

    So....episode 2 is a downgrade because it goes a little bit darker? There's a DICK joke in this episode, so it's not bleak. How the fr

  • Yes, a dick joke where Handsome Jack imitates a talking dick with a cartoony voice.

    DeityD posted: »

    Not... a little bit, like 50% more. There was a dick joke in the first one.

  • edited March 2015

    You sir, have a point.

    Piggs posted: »

    There's a difference between depressing and dark. Besides, if you didn't appreciate TWAU and TWD's darker themes, why would you play them?

  • The eye is nothing actually, it's the atmosphere and whatnot. It's hard to explain it, it's a feeling. But almost everyone can agree there are far less moments to laugh on something this time. Also, there are less witty and funny comments from characters too.

    Green613 posted: »

    Since when did Tales go dark? Literally one of the funniest moments in this episode is scooping an eyeball out of someone with a spork. I don't see where the dark turn is taking place.

  • I know. In the first ep there was a dick joke from Vasquez, in ep 2 it was from Jack. Kinda even.

    J-Master posted: »

    Yes, a dick joke where Handsome Jack imitates a talking dick with a cartoony voice.

  • Humor is trial and error. There were some lines in episode 1 I didn't find funny.

    DeityD posted: »

    The eye is nothing actually, it's the atmosphere and whatnot. It's hard to explain it, it's a feeling. But almost everyone can agree there a

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