Anyone else notice......

Handsome Jack only appears after Rhys hits his head (after his first appearance) or someone punches him in the face. And then the next time that Rhys bangs his head, Handsome Jack disappears again.


  • Yep, it was pretty heavily implied by the end of the episode. Not to be sassy, but I'd actually be suprised if there was a big chunk of people who didn't notice.

  • Just played, was all excited that i figured it out. Guess im not as savvy as i thought i was. Lol.

    Piggs posted: »

    Yep, it was pretty heavily implied by the end of the episode. Not to be sassy, but I'd actually be suprised if there was a big chunk of people who didn't notice.

  • I didn't notice. i guess i'm one of the dumb few

    Piggs posted: »

    Yep, it was pretty heavily implied by the end of the episode. Not to be sassy, but I'd actually be suprised if there was a big chunk of people who didn't notice.

  • I just think it's an interesting development, and hey, Rhys hasn't figured it out yet either. :)

    Mercyva posted: »

    I didn't notice. i guess i'm one of the dumb few

  • Yup, I also thought it was funny when Rhys hits himself and you hear jack go

    "Look, you hit yours-"

  • Handsome Jack: extremely amusing, but bad for your health.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup, I also thought it was funny when Rhys hits himself and you hear jack go "Look, you hit yours-"

  • Yup, that's his thing. Apparently the chip Rhys put into his head only "activates" Jack when he hits his head. But then again, at the end Jack stays with him for a pretty long time, so I don't know if there's some limit to when Rhys needs his head hit.

    I have a feeling in the next episode if we need Jack's help we'll have to ask one of our friends to hit us really hard in the head. Funny moment.

  • A lot of people didn't notice. I actually just pointed this out to my friend. The only exception is Jack's delayed appearance in the desert after they fall out of the caravan.

    Part of me believes that Jack is half-hallucination.

  • I was thinking along those lines too. If Jack stays in Rhys' consciousness for too long at a time, will it give him more control? When Vasquez finds them in the desert Jack has been 'active' for a while right? And by the end of that confrontation, Jack has some physical control over the mechanical aspects of Rhys' body. Enough that Rhys seems to be fighting hard to regain it.

    I wonder if the more you interact with him the more ' conscious ' he becomes, and if the reverse would be true? If you ignore him all the time, will he get bored and fade?

    Yup, that's his thing. Apparently the chip Rhys put into his head only "activates" Jack when he hits his head. But then again, at the end Ja

  • Hmmm, maybe the heat was getting to Rhys.

    A lot of people didn't notice. I actually just pointed this out to my friend. The only exception is Jack's delayed appearance in the desert after they fall out of the caravan. Part of me believes that Jack is half-hallucination.

  • My theory was that it was a delayed reaction and the only reason that Jack wasn't there when Rhys first awoke was because Vaughn and Yvette's call distracted him.

    Or it could've been the heat. I suppose since it's in the Borderlands universe, not everything needs explaining!

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Hmmm, maybe the heat was getting to Rhys.

  • I actually think he was there, just not visible to Rhys. He says as much if Rhys says to stop sneaking up on him.

    My theory was that it was a delayed reaction and the only reason that Jack wasn't there when Rhys first awoke was because Vaughn and Yvette'

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