Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now
Release Dates:
- PC/Mac - June 23rd
- PS4/PS3 NA - June 23rd
- PS4/PS3 EU - June 23rd
- Xbox One - June 24th
- Xbox 360 - June 24th
- iOS - June 25th
- Android - June 25th
Update: June 14th
- Tweet from Job: Played #TftBL Ep 2 again last night before playing Ep 3. Chose Jack this time. Results are quite tailored in 3...
Update: June 11th
Update: June 10th
- Tweet from Job: "Tales from the @.Borderlands Ep 3 details in the AM! 1st look & release info. Trust me, this one was worth the extra love the team gave it!"
Update: June 8th
Tweet from Laura: Done w/ 1st playthrough! Intense, hilarious, &... surprisingly emotional. I had no idea I'd come to care about this bunch of idiots so much.
Tweet from Laura: Really cannot wait for folks to play this one! My favourite 'Tales from the @.Borderlands' episode so far.
Tweet from Laura: So y'know that @.telltalegames feeling where you just REALLY hope all your choices don't come back & bite you in the butt? Yeah, I got that.
Tweet from Laura: This is my evening...
Update: June 3rd:
Update: June 2nd:
Update: May 27th:
Update: May 26th
- Tweet from Eric Stirpe (Tweeted May 24th): Man guys. There is a lot of insane stuff in #TalesFromTheBorderlands episode 3. Team pulled out all the stops on this one.
Update: May 24th
- Tweet from Nick Herman (Tweeted May 17th): Spending way to much time on a Sunday putting a stupid Ferris Bueller ref. into episode 3. Even if only 1 person gets it, it'll be worth it.
Update: May 22nd
- Tweet from Kevin: #overheardatTTG "Not to beat a dead butt stallion"
Update: May 21st
Tweet from Laura: Confirmed. @.BAFTA winning @.TheVulcanSalute has joined the cast of 'Tales from the @.Borderlands'! Spoiler Alert: She's amazing. Show, stolen!
Tweet from Job (in reply to Laura's tweet above): @.lauraperusco @.TheVulcanSalute Agreed! Without giving anything away, just know that she plays a * very * core character. Ep 3 is bananas!
Tweet from Ashley Johnson (In response to the tweets above): So. It's true. I got to be a part of @.telltalegames 'Tales From the @.Borderlands' Episode 3. Things get a litttttle crazy. BEYOND stoked.
Update: May 20th
- Forum post from @Puzzlebox (Page 58): "Tales from the Borderlands has definitely not been forgotten! We might even have a TINY bit of Borderlands news as well as the Thrones Ep 4 trailer tomorrow... I repeat, it's small, but definitely a cool little piece of info.
Update: May 12th
- Tweet from Job: This week: Play GoT Ep 4, TftBL Ep 3- Meeting involving walker design- Test pilot Minecraft: SM, creep in on @.dennis_lenart's VO session
Update: April 22nd
- Tweet from a Telltale Staff Member: Photo: Oh man, if you guys didn’t make the right choice in #TalesFromTheBorderlands you’ll be missing out... tmblr.co/Zw_Tgt1j0JTZk
Update: March 31st
Tweet from Dameon Clarke (Handsome Jack): While recording #TalesFromTheBorderlands today I thought "I recognize this perverted writing style". I've missed you reverendanthony
Anthony Burch confirmed on Ask.fm that he wrote some scenes for episode 3.
Also, remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale facebook page, on twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks.
Damn, ya beat me to it, Jack lol
Oh well, second comment aint so bad
Anyways, episode 3 cant come soon enough.
After that cliffhanger, it better not be another five month wait.
still waiting for ep2 on 360
Patience is a virtue ... which I probably have.
After Episode 2, I don't really care how long the wait is. Just...please, LESS than 4 months.
But other than that, BRIIIIIIICK!!!!
You've changed your avatar and there is Handsome Jack now? Are you... obsessed with him?
(?) Not creppy at all.
Bro, I have that gravatar for weeks now, but onto point...Totally not obsessed with him. I'm not Nakayama, pumpkin!
...Wait...Did I say pumpkin?
I want to know i am permited to reveal how does it look Vallory?By the way is in menu
Yeah, Vallory is the...beautiful woman from Episode Three pic
I'm in your head, Kiddo.
Well look at this
I haven't noticed. Sorry about that but I haven't been often here for the past few weeks.
Don't worry, a lot of people seem to mistake me after I change my gravatar xD
Anyway... you have Jack in your head! You can't be trusted from here and now.
Oh my God, I love her already...
Real Housewives of Pandora
And is that Fiona's arm I spy?
Swap episode 1
Please don't crucify me (Is that how you spell it?)!!!!!
Well...the wait between ep 1 and 2 is longest...right?! RIGHT?!?!?!
Hello waiting, my old friend...
Yes. Hopefully only 2 months, not 4...
F17 I believe
A random guess but...
MAY 19?
If it comes out on May 19th, thats the same day witcher 3 will be released! That would be like the best day ever!
The best day ever - if episode 3 will be released even earlier.
Well, even if telltale won't admit anything, it looks like a rewrite having watched the ep.1 next time again.
what up guys
I'm thinking more in the lines of June 1st ish, but I would never say no to M19!
It's happening again kane.... (wonder if anyone will get that reference xD )
June 2nd is my prediction.
Where's that waiting music that we had in the last thread? You know the one with the popcorn?
Blind Sniper ate all the popcorn.
We are in this wait together. Brofist
You down, bro? Bro, that's bro, bro. #LoaderBros
Yeah bro, we wait together bro, that's totally bro, bro. Bros 4 Life bro.
Still no news?! Dear God! Why is Ep3 taking so long?!
I am never purchasing another season pass again!
Well, if it's more than 3 month wait for ep3, I'll never purchase season pass, no joke.