Borderlands 3 possibility of Rhys being antagonist w/ jack

So I finished playing the pre-sequel about a week ago and finished this a hour or so ago.
The distinct ending to Borderlands the pre-sequel "War is coming"
Is obviously referencing to Borderlands 3.
So I started thinking about who could be leading the war.
I feel, personally, that it would be friggin' awesome to have Handsome Jack make a surprise return along with Rhys, or have in the following episodes of Tales from the borderlands, showing Jack somehow using Hyperion tech to "rebuild" himself, or put himself into a "robo-Jack" like that Professor Nakayama tried to do In the pre-sequel.
Personally, I feel like they have re-introduced jack in Tales from the borderlands for another purpose, Telltale couldnt do it without consulting 2kgames, so they have obviously approved this story development/twist, so honestly, I feel it is a really strong possibility that Borderlands 3 will be seeing Jack's second coming?
It just seems like a real waste to introduce him into Tales from the Borderlands and not use him in upcoming ones. Personally I feel this is a perfect opportunity for them to use Jack again, one I would jump at, to see again.
So what do you think?
Possibly we won't see Jack rebuild himself in Tales from the Borderlands, but maybe have it end without knowing what happens to him. E.g. he manages to install/transfer himself to Hyperion network and you dont hear of him since (throughout tales from the Borderlands), or maybe you just end with him still in your head.
Then in BL3 he could explain how he exists to the player "jadajada..blablahblablaaha" how he installed himself re-built himself etc.
We were told that Hyperion wants to recover Rhys to get jack, so everything seems to be going in the right direction for Jack being a real possibility for an antagonist or maybe (hopefully, in my dreams), a protagonist, teaming up with Vault hunters to fight off another corp/race trying to claim vaults to destroy Hyperion, forcing jack to work with Vault hunter "bandits".
Just me shooting from the hip. But I am so desperate for more of Jack!
He is such an amazing, hilarious character and am glad he is in Tales from the Borderlands, but yeah.
What do you guys think, is Handsome Jack being back just a bit gimmicky and only for Tales from the Borderlands?
or do you think it's the start of how he will Run Hyperion again and return in Borderlands 3?
I mean surely they MUST use him, if they dont in Borderlands 3, then there will be a lot of questions as to where he ends up, unless he gets killed off in Tales from the Borderlands, but that would be incredibly cheap and it would really, really suck.
So fingers crossed that doesn't happen, so what do you think, opinions?
Keep it friendly please!


  • Well, Gearbox has confirmed that Tales is canon to the main games, so I definitely think the events that take place will be setting up BL3.

    As for Jack's fate, I also agree that there wouldn't be much point of going to the trouble of (effectively) resurrecting him only to kill him once more, but as for setting him up as the next games villain, I'm not sure. The ending's of both BL2 and TPS (more vaults and needing more vault hunters) seem to suggest something far greater than Jack - but you never know what powers something like the Gortys project could provide him with.

    A lot of this stuff is far more up in the air than previously because Borderlands' head writer, Anthony Burch, has left. Previously, Anthony had said that he didn't want Borderlands turning into "the Jack franchise" and insinuated that having him being the villain in BL3 would be bad writing - on the other side of the spectrum everyone else working at Gearbox seem to want to milk Jack for everything he's worth. They know that people like him, so they're just giving people what they want. Anthony was seemingly the main person trying to move on from Jack, but with a new writer in the role they may fall more in line with the rest of Gearbox.

    I think Telltale has a tremendous amount of power over the Borderlands story at the moment. It is their only game that will actively influence another property going forward - and (particularly with Burch's departure) they're setting the scene for the next writer to come onboard. I absolutely adore Anthony's writing (and more specifically characterisation), but if there is one group that could (and has) done his creations justice it's Telltale. When TPS and Tales first came out a lot of fans were bemoaning the over-saturation of Jack (something that no doubt affected Anthony's perception of the character), but since Atlas Mugged I have heard nothing but good things about Jack - Telltale seem to have managed to rekindle Borderlands' players love of the character (while introducing him to a whole new audience) and I think people will be far more receptive to him having a role in BL3. I think it made people realise that his resurrection was not just a cash-grab, and that he's just a genuinely engaging character who deserves to be more fleshed out in a narrative driven game.

    I think it also gives us, as fans, a lot of power - with Telltale shaping the future of the franchise (and with their reputation for listening to and delivering what their fans want) BL3 could effectively be tailored to us!

    So on that note:


  • Has borderlands 3 been confirmed yet?

  • edited March 2015

    Has borderlands 3 been confirmed yet?

  • Could just be a mobile game or something.

    Dapnee posted: »

    This should be proof enough.

  • edited March 2015

    I kinda admit that Jack was the story forcing power in both BL2 and TPS and without him the games wouldn't be the same, but seriously enough is enough. I don't mind if he stays as a character, but making him a main villain again or giving him Hyperion back will be just an overuse of his character. The series has to move forward otherwise there's a huge risk for it to become a total crap.

    I mean surely they MUST use him, if they dont in Borderlands 3, then there will be a lot of questions as to where he ends up, unless he gets killed off in Tales from the Borderlands, but that would be incredibly cheap

    It won't be cheap. It will be if they keep milking him for the rest of BL series. Which is a way worse. It will be like Supernatural all over again where the original writer wanted to end it long time ago but the fans and other people wanted to keep it up despite everything. And now the story there is a joke but people keep watching it because they like characters that much. People should know where to stop.


    So on that note:


    They have a tons of interesting characters but everyone is so fixated on Jack alone...


    Could just be a mobile game or something.

  • OK never mind yall are right they are making borderlands 3:


  • They either need to substantially lift his villain game (go with the whole "he saw the future at the end of TPS and knew he would die etc. and all of this has been part of his master plan to literally take over the entire universe") OR Dump his AI into a Claptrap (because it's an ironic fate worse than death) and make him become your new side-kick/quest-giver/hilarious NPC etc.

    DeityD posted: »

    I kinda admit that Jack was the story forcing power in both BL2 and TPS and without him the games wouldn't be the same, but seriously enough

  • Yeah that's the only options that can work out... somehow. But I think it will break the spell - I mean, the reason why most of the fandom like him exactly cause he's so "evil" and all that, they mainly like BL2 Jack. Reducing him to the funny AI or making him an ally will alter the character once again. Though it would be lesser of two evils (between killing him off completely and bringing back in full power),personally I could live with that.

    They either need to substantially lift his villain game (go with the whole "he saw the future at the end of TPS and knew he would die etc. a

  • edited March 2015

    I really hope he isn't "killed" again in Tales. However, having Jack stick around to be the main villain again is far too repetitive. I'd love for them to find a way to make him some sort of npc in BL3, though! I'm sure he still has a lot of unknown knowledge about the vaults that could prove useful to the heroes. Honestly, for me at least, it would feel strange to play a borderlands game without him at this point.

    They either need to substantially lift his villain game (go with the whole "he saw the future at the end of TPS and knew he would die etc. a

  • They should make him the new Angel where he guides players throughout the game, and take advantage of the whole "the AI inexplicably appears as a real person" thing by whacking Dameon Clarke in a mask and getting him to perform everything in person!

    (This started off as a total joke, but now I actually want it to happen...)

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I really hope he isn't "killed" again in Tales. However, having Jack stick around to be the main villain again is far too repetitive. I'd lo

  • edited March 2015

    But it would still be milking the use of Jack if they just introduced him then killed him off a few episode later, that's annoy me more than anything as it would be just to hype the game up.
    I do agree I cant see Jack as a main antagonist, perhaps he may be forced to working together with us Vault Hunters due to the another race/corporation/ trying to claim the solar system, or all of the vault bound planets. Perhaps trying to save Pandora, although that would feel cheap and almost mimicking the pre-sequel storyline.
    I dunno, but I dont think they're exactly milking him in my opinion. Using him in Borderlands 3 seems logical. he is such an interesting, funny and brilliant character, I would rather they use him, than introduce a new villain who's just a bit average.
    I feel having him as the main protagonist is too predictable.
    But having him as some "mini-boss" also seems gimmicky, so if he isn't killed off in Tales from the Borderlands then I feel he must make a return of some kind in Borderlands 3.
    I mean it feels like they're setting it up to be that, but then where has jack gone? We see consistently that Jack appears when Rhys bangs his head, in the present time when Fiona punches Rhys, he isnt there? Could Jack already have been "deleted" (they killed him) from Rhys? Possibly transferred to Hyperion?
    I honestly don't know, but I think it'd be neat to see him play along side the protagonists/ But your opinion is yours, mine is mine, at the moment I personally cant get enough of Jack, I would love to have him as a main character in borderlands 3! Perhaps not main villain, but in the pre sequel we see how he "sees everything" when he got to the vault. Possibly he knows of incoming danger? I dunno, but I feel that may play into it.

    DeityD posted: »

    I kinda admit that Jack was the story forcing power in both BL2 and TPS and without him the games wouldn't be the same, but seriously enough

  • edited March 2015

    SHE punches him in the neck, just sayin'

    But it would still be milking the use of Jack if they just introduced him then killed him off a few episode later, that's annoy me more than

  • Sad to be saying this but i think Jack has outstayed his welcome I think its time for a new antagonist. I don't mind Jack being in the game just not as the antagonist. Or maybe even one of the good guys? Not that hes not the good guy....

  • Somebody photoshop angels face on Jack plz

    They should make him the new Angel where he guides players throughout the game, and take advantage of the whole "the AI inexplicably appears

  • Please not. Borderlands is an universe when it's pretty easy to create a villain. Just look at Vasquez, August, Vallory...I mean, the main antagonist doesn't have to be as good as Jack, but he needs to serve his purpose. Look at the fantastic job Vasquez does, although he may be the antagonist only for Tales.

    That being said, I really hope that HJ will stay as an AI or he'll gain a body unable to create him a new villain.

  • edited March 2015

    Using him in Borderlands 3 seems logical. he is such an interesting, funny and brilliant character, I would rather they use him, than introduce a new villain who's just a bit average.

    That's how milking starts. When fandom likes a character so much they don't want to let go of him. It says a lot when a leading writer doesn't want to use a character anymore and even leaves the studio. That's just doesn't sound good.

    We see consistently that Jack appears when Rhys bangs his head, in the present time when Fiona punches Rhys, he isnt there? Could Jack already have been "deleted" (they killed him) from Rhys?

    From the other topic and discussion there, I think it's more likely. For now. But Fiona punched him in the neck, not in the head so we can't be sure.

    But uh I gotta admit I really really really don't like the idea of him riding Rhys' meat suit for too long. Or him becoming the new antagonist. It will be just another Timothy all over again.

    at the moment I personally cant get enough of Jack, I would love to have him as a main character in borderlands 3

    Yeah I know how that feels. I kinda forgot that he can be that funny after playing BL2. I guess all the insults to pc and death threats took it's toll, by the end of the game I really wanted to shoot him in the face. And now seeing him in TftB being so... damn adorable and I just completely forgot about that part of his personality despite playing TPS before BL2 and being less biased than many players. But I'm pretty sure don't want to see him getting all BL2 on us again. And that can happen very easily.

    I'm not sure where TftB will go with him and even less sure where will it lead in BL3. I think gearbox will do what they want to no matter what anyway and we'll have to deal with it.

  • I will not remain silent on this one, however in terms of borderlands 3 confirmation:


  • It sort of makes sense making a Jack Trilogy of sorts. Jack is behind the scenes in 1, TPS is bridging 1 and 2, 2 obviously villain Jack, TFTB is bridging 2 and 3, 3 Jack's swansong through Rhys.

    Well, Gearbox has confirmed that Tales is canon to the main games, so I definitely think the events that take place will be setting up BL3.

  • Have you heard of paragraphs? 8U; That was a major headache to read, if I may be blunt.

    But Jack, as amazing he is as a villain, should remain out of the spotlight for BL3. I'd love for something to happen where he remains in Rhys's head indefinitely or something, and for Rhys to be a major character along with Fiona, so that a new villain can arise.

  • One of Rhys' first lines of dialogue in Tales is, "...I suppose that makes me the villain in this story."

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