How Was Episode 2

I haven't played yet i won't have time to until next week so keep it spoiler free but was it worth the wait? Just as funny as episode 1, and how was the length?


  • Incredible

  • The episode is amazing. Not as good as Zer0 Sum but very good nonetheless. It has that Borderlands humor and charm to it. The length was the same as Lost Lords. I wouldn't say it was worth 4 long months of waiting but still very good

  • From my experience, I played it on the xbox 360 the day it came out. Absolutely amazing beginning to end. My choices carried over no problem and hardly experienced any bugs/glitches (maybe a word stuttered and a line of dialogue spoken but mouth didn't move, that's it). More variety from choices that felt like they mattered, more hub areas, and a few no-brainer puzzles.

  • edited March 2015

    It was mind blowing. So much.. STUFF!! (and I experience zer0 glitches)

  • Absolutely awesome! After playing it I wasn't even irritated at having to wait so long for it. It was definitely worthwhile.

  • It was one of the best episodes i ever played. To bad Sasha had to die :(

  • She ain't dead fool

    It was one of the best episodes i ever played. To bad Sasha had to die

  • She is in my playthrough :(

    zeke10 posted: »

    She ain't dead fool

  • How?

    She is in my playthrough

  • Wait she is how?

    She is in my playthrough

  • Killed by those bandits at the auto service. That jerk did not cover for us :|

    zeke10 posted: »


  • Scooter jizzed his pants when he saw her of course he covers for them

    Killed by those bandits at the auto service. That jerk did not cover for us

  • I call BS

    Killed by those bandits at the auto service. That jerk did not cover for us

  • Alt text

    Linsepins posted: »

    It was mind blowing. So much.. STUFF!! (and I experience zer0 glitches)

  • whispers Psst, that's a lie, to troll the OP.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Wait she is how?

  • edited March 2015

    Don't know because the PC client is broken right now and keeps telling me to update the game when I've already updated it. It keeps spamming this notice that the game needs to be update with a link and refuse to update my PC client to episode 2 because the TotB servers thinks my PC client has not been updated and believes Episode 2 is not released for the Direct PC client.

    This issue seems to be affecting people who did not update the game on the 17th.

  • edited March 2015

    TFTB is the best thing that has ever happened to humanity.
    Wait, wasn't that too much? Naaah

  • Thanx guys pretty hyped to play it now

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