The story is REALLY tailored by how you play
Like seriously most of the stuff people are talking about didn't even happen in my playthrough. It really feels like I had a completely different experience than anybody else's and it feels awesome to say that about a Telltale game!
How different was your playthrough?
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I feel like I was thrown through an alien void. It was...AWESOME!
I didn't even know you could meet up with Sasha and Fiona until my second playthrough of episode two. I'm glad I did, not having Rhys' shoe was giving me major OCD. I might replay again tomorrow, since it seems so different each time I play. It's wonderful!
Question: Did anyone tell Sasha to help Fiona? If so, what's the result? Just curious.
Yeah, this is probably the first Telltale episode that literally the second I finished playing I already wanted to do another playthrough because I felt like there were so many different choices - then when I came on the forum and saw that those choices mattered I was even more keen. This will undoubtedly be my quickest second playthrough ever (I'll hopefully get to it today or tomorrow).
I feel like I missed a lot in my playthrough.
Like, I didn't see Loader Bot being rude to Rhys since I let him flee, I didn't talk with Janey or Athena because I went to Hollow Point...And the Pimp-My-Caravan thingy was so awesome! Too bad I didn't have enough money to buy the red outfit since red is my favourite colour, so I bought a mix of gold, blue and red.
My experience was WAY different from my sister's experience, which is pretty awesome.
Yeah, Telltale really knocked it out of the park with this episode. Excited to see all the things I missed in my next playthrough!
Was also very happy with the return of hubs offering additional dialog. There was even a little puzzle with Rhys!
When I could talk to Sasha and Fiona as Rhys I was like ''No way, omagod''
The conversations were short, but it's an improvement!
Well yeah, I was onto them in the first episode: getting to choose if Felix lives or dies is pretty big! Then second episode came, and I'm even more amazed.
Btw who kept bullet through episode 1, do you now have 2 bullets?
I gotta say that there was a lot of stuff in this episode. I would like to see what happens if I didn't follow Sasha during the chase scene and run another direction instead. And I love the use of money in this episode. I would like to see what I can get by buying the most expensive vehicle at Scooter's garage (I chose the one for 1000 dollar, the Maliwan one.)
Also apparently, there is a scene where HJ sticks his digital head out from Vaughn's privates, making Rhys looks like he is staring at his bro's...uhrm...stun baton.
If you don't keep it you don't have any bullets by the end of episode 2, but if you do (like me) you have 1 bullet left for later episodes
Sasha shoots the rakk that goes for Fiona, then Fiona's thrown out of the caravan and she has to climb back up.
I did, I had 2 bullets but used one on Finch
Wait, what? Lol, I need to see that now! Anyone have a video?
Yeah, the choice between Hollow Point and Old Haven was actually pretty huge one, but I'm satisfied with mine. I have Athena's shield, teehee.
That part is missable?! It was freaking hilarious. I feel bad for anyone who didn't see it. Especialy when the text pops up in the corner. [Vaughn will try to forget this] xD
Edit- Oooohhh, I bet it's determinate depending on weather or not you keep Jack a secret! I didn't tell anyone about Jack, so he started doing this to annoy Rhys and creep out Vaughn.
I did tell him. Also funny, but no talking hand-crotch. But I am totally bro with my bro and hiding truth from bro is un-bro. You dig, bro?
Yeah this is definitely the first episode of a Telltale game that I will replay.
Too bad I already saw the funny conversation that will happen, but hey its so funny xD
This time I will not tell Vaughn about Jack
My two playthroughs were actually quite similar this episode, as opposed to most episodes.
Shit, maybe Telltale should be given a 3.5 month development cycle after all. We got a lot outta this episode.
I didn't tell anyone about Jack so I got funny scenes with Vaughn, Rhys and Jack XD
I also trusted Jack at the end so I got a badass ending.
I went to Old Haven while my brother went to Hollow Point so we saw all the differences
Same here!
Oh my god that was so funny. And I love Vaughn going like "Hey what are you looking down there?" and Rhys looking at Vaughn like "UUUUHM...." XD Vaughn will think weird things about Rhys now, great hahaha
Lol I have never seen that before.
Man, all the differences in this episode, imagine it being like that for other Telltale games!
That isn't very exciting. :c
Here take a look at the clip (22:17):
Jesus, I need a video to this ;-;
I recorded myself and I got this scene, I will send you a link when it's out if you want xD
Why was my loader bot there to help us get out? I recall having him self destruct....
Yes please! I cant find it anywhere
Alright, I'll let you know then
(Jack's voice in this scene is hilarious)
Surprised really at all the optional/extra content you can see, considering the file size.
I'll replay it sometime, but it'll be amusing if GoT E3 with its current size doesn't contain much optional/missable content.
It's only like the biggest episode so far, I believe, unless the file size shrinks again.