've got some explaining to do.

Okay, just got done playing Episode 2, and it was pretty damn good, thrilling action scenes, great writing, and really intense moments through and through, but that's not the what I'm mad about.

Vaughn seemed like a cool guy, a nerd, but a nerd that would have my back......or so it seemed.

So, Vaughn you're telling me, that you agreed to sell me out to Wallethead, then you start begging for mercy and say you weren't really going to sell me out because Wallethead scared you into it, and I forgive you.

But, even after I give you a brofist, A BROFIST OF TRUST, I ask Wallethead on how's he's finding me all around Pandora, Wallethead starts hinting at the fact that you're STILL selling me out, given how you freak out and immediately tell Loader Bot to smash Wallethead's face in before I question. keep this up......I'm going to be the only one who's going to move up.

Thoughts anyone?



  • Actually, at the end of Episode 2 (if you bro'd out and forgave Vaughn and such) he's completely hostile to Vasquez, even when Vasquez tries to be "buddy-buddy" with him. Vasquez then of course wants to kill both Vaughn and Sasha.

    Whether or not he meant to betray you early on I'm not sure, but I do know that even if he did he quickly turns against the idea.

  • After he told me he sold me out, he wasn't getting any fist bumps from me. We don't trust these bros.

  • As for the "he freaks out and tells Loaderbot to attack", he does that regardless of what you say. I don't think he was trying to hush-up Vasquez.

  • I don't know what to think. There's no way we can find out for now if he's telling the truth or not. I can't trust him anymore obviously but I knew from the start I can't do that so nothing really changed. I only wish we could lie and tell him we do.

  • I trust him.

  • But he's my bro bro, we did a bro brofist, BRO!

  • Eh, I trust him. For now. We'll see if he actually ends up betraying us.

  • edited March 2015

    If he does, it's one spineless Hyperion goon against Rhys, Sasha, Fiona, Loaderbot, and possibly Handsome Jack. It'd kinda be like a fly buzzing in your face then getting swatted into oblivion. I trust him, more-so because I don't think he'd be a real threat.

    Bralef posted: »

    Eh, I trust him. For now. We'll see if he actually ends up betraying us.

  • Right now I don't know how to feel. I brofisted him, but at the same time, a feeling that I can't trust him anymore. I want to trust him and believe him when he said he wouldn't go through with it, but he's really going to have to prove it.

  • edited March 2015

    I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD AT ASSQUEZ & his RED CAR XD! then i was like WWWTTTTFFFF ASSVAUGHN!! but i forgave him and we became bro bro.went 0 to 10000 real quick there. i was like please no Fiona/Felix situation. but idk,

    '' You Fuck me up ONCE shame on you, you fuck me up TWICE shame on me! '' SO, untill then, my bro'ness is still intact.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    I did the exact same thing he did for the exact same reasons, so its cool.

  • If I cant trust our brofist I will turn it into a facefist >:C

    But it all cool for now

    But he's my bro bro, we did a bro brofist, BRO!

  • I told him about Jack and bro-fisted him.

    Of course, I plan to replay episode two and I'm not going to do either. In the ending, Vasquez mentions that he knows all about Project Gortys and such. He even hints that he's aware that Rhys is able to see Handsome Jack's hologram. How else could he know that unless Vaughn ratted you out? I'm convinced he rats the MC out and for that, no trust from me.

  • I never talked with Vaughn about Jack, I need to make another playthrough and see if the dialogue is different. Vasquez did mention that there's something important in Rhys head that he wants, though.

    I told him about Jack and bro-fisted him. Of course, I plan to replay episode two and I'm not going to do either. In the ending, Vasquez

  • He wants the ID Drive, I guess.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I never talked with Vaughn about Jack, I need to make another playthrough and see if the dialogue is different. Vasquez did mention that there's something important in Rhys head that he wants, though.

  • He wants the ID ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    LawmanZero posted: »

    He wants the ID Drive, I guess.

  • I actually never even considered the ID drive. Vaughn did mention that Hyperion pays handsomely for them and considering it was a Black Ops project, I'm sure it's worth quite a lot now that I think about it.

    Still not trusting Vaughn.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    He wants the ID Drive, I guess.

  • I feel less bad about dealing with Vasquez. I never really trusted Vaughn

  • Funny enough, I trusted him. I despise Vasquez to ridiculously high levels.


    I actually never even considered the ID drive. Vaughn did mention that Hyperion pays handsomely for them and considering it was a Black Ops project, I'm sure it's worth quite a lot now that I think about it. Still not trusting Vaughn.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    If you mention to Vasquez that Jack helped you, he obviously doesn't know what you're talking about. That means he doesn't know about Jack and at most, his superiors do who's not telling him.

    I actually never even considered the ID drive. Vaughn did mention that Hyperion pays handsomely for them and considering it was a Black Ops project, I'm sure it's worth quite a lot now that I think about it. Still not trusting Vaughn.

  • Really? That's fascinating.

    I actually didn't unlock that dialogue option quite yet. I claimed that it was Fiona, Sasha and LB who helped me.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    If you mention to Vasquez that Jack helped you, he obviously doesn't know what you're talking about. That means he doesn't know about Jack and at most, his superiors do who's not telling him.

  • edited March 2015

    "I told him about Jack and bro-fisted him.

    Of course, I plan to replay episode two and I'm not going to do either. In the ending, Vasquez mentions that he knows all about Project Gortys and such. He even hints that he's aware that Rhys is able to see Handsome Jack's hologram. How else could he know that unless Vaughn ratted you out? I'm convinced he rats the MC out and for that, no trust from me."

    Just a mention, he says that regardless of whether you tell Vaughn about it or not.

    I figure that Hyperion was probably aware of Nakayama and the possibility of Jack returning, but didn't know where to look since they evacuated Pandora.

  • I didn't forgive him outright, but I did tell him I'd get over it. I trust him. He's my bro, bro.

  • Also, I have a feeling that Vasquez used the ID drive to track them, NOT Vaughn telling him. After all, he says he wants what's in Rhys' head, right? But he doesn't know about Handsome Jack... and even if he did, he wouldn't believe him. Vasquez must be talking about something Nakayakawhateverhisnameis had stored on his drive that Rhys uploaded - Hyperion is interested in the contents.

  • I was fairly surprised, buuuuuut considering I was willing to sell him out...

    I didn't forgive him, and I left him hanging. His face was heartbreaking, but you shouldn't lie to me, Vaughn.

  • I believe Vaughn totally sold you out, remember his orange bracer (probably gps tracker of some kind)?

  • Yes, I think he used tracker from Atlas hideout. That's HOW. Another question - WHEN Vaughn did contact Hugo? Was it when Rhys was unconscious, when they were left on the desert? Maybe Vaughn believed they'll die of dehydration and asked Hyperion for help.

    It's just theory. I didn't check every speech option yet.

    Istibul posted: »

    I believe Vaughn totally sold you out, remember his orange bracer (probably gps tracker of some kind)?

  • when he went to pee?

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Yes, I think he used tracker from Atlas hideout. That's HOW. Another question - WHEN Vaughn did contact Hugo? Was it when Rhys was unconscio

  • edited March 2015

    Update: I replayed telling Vaughn that I can see Jack and Vasquass[cough]Vasquez didnt react differently, so I think Vaughn didnt tell him for all I know. Also, when you tell Vasquez that Handsome Jack helped you he will say that he helped everyone as an inspiration and stuff like that, so he doesnt really get that you can see Jack.

    I told him about Jack and bro-fisted him. Of course, I plan to replay episode two and I'm not going to do either. In the ending, Vasquez

  • nah, he dosnet seems like he would do it. he stubbed people to get you up the ranks in hyperian (or in his words he does stuff he regret and have nightmare for it). and the way he says he wasnt gonna do it seems really honest

  • edited March 2015

    He is tracking Rhys by Jack, almost certainly. When you ask him about it he says 'you can't escape your own shadow' vel sim; Jack is his shadow.

    This means that Rhys will try to get rid of him in a future episode, possibly explaining the arm and eye replacement he receives by the end.

  • That option is kinda... well, Jack's reaction says it all. He's like "are you just going to tell that to everyone you meet dum-dum?" xD I bet no one picked it in the first two runs. For obvious reasons.

    Really? That's fascinating. I actually didn't unlock that dialogue option quite yet. I claimed that it was Fiona, Sasha and LB who helped me.

  • edited March 2015

    This is actually... sounds reasonable. I was very confused with that phrase about the shadow. And it explains everything, except for the fact that so far Vasquez gave zero indication that he knows about Jack. Though he might be lying of course.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He is tracking Rhys by Jack, almost certainly. When you ask him about it he says 'you can't escape your own shadow' vel sim; Jack is his sha

  • Am I the only one who is thinking that Yvette has turned on us? She sounded weird when she called after the intro, and Vasquez did call from her line in e1...

  • I thought the second time around that Vasquez tracked you down was because he had that master control on Loader Bot and I figured their must be a tracker on him as well. I'm not saying it was loader bot's fault NO NO, it's just he came from Helix and Vasquez has access to a lot of stuff from Hyperion.

  • No brofists for those who sells me out to wallethead. Even if it was fake or not.

  • Well he knows Rhys is using Nakayama's ID chip, maybe he means that.

    DeityD posted: »

    This is actually... sounds reasonable. I was very confused with that phrase about the shadow. And it explains everything, except for the fact that so far Vasquez gave zero indication that he knows about Jack. Though he might be lying of course.

  • Yeah, I just remembered the other thing - when Vasquez arrives in the desert Jack tells us "I guess the tracker's still working". So it seems it's all tied to Nakayama's ID and Handsome AI. I'm not sure how* exactly* that works, but oh well.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well he knows Rhys is using Nakayama's ID chip, maybe he means that.

  • I don't know why, but it seems like I've been seeing you a lot these past two days.

    Anyway, I told Vaughn on my "first" playthrough, but I rewinded and decided not to tell anyone. I'm going to play it again a third time before episode three is released and I still probably won't tell anyone. Despite the dialogue not changing, I still don't trust Vaughn and won't tell him about Jack.

    Aside from that, it's much more amusing for it to appear like Rhys is talking to himself and slowly going crazy.

    DeityD posted: »

    That option is kinda... well, Jack's reaction says it all. He's like "are you just going to tell that to everyone you meet dum-dum?" xD I bet no one picked it in the first two runs. For obvious reasons.

  • I did the opposite and I noticed that Vaughn seemed panicked when I asked Vasquez how he kept finding the main characters. I'm sure this happens in everyone's playthrough regardless, but I just don't trust Vaughn. I don't know why.

    I also feel like Jack's too dangerous for anyone else to know about, especially if a company who worships him finds out that his hologram still exists. Maybe that's just me though. Sooo, if Vasquez doesn't know, I'd rather keep it that way -- assuming he does survive episode three, but we'll see when we get there.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Update: I replayed telling Vaughn that I can see Jack and Vasquass[cough]Vasquez didnt react differently, so I think Vaughn didnt tell him f

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