've got some explaining to do.



  • And we didn't see her face.

    Perhaps she is being threatened by Vasquez a la being held at gun point . Or maybe they'll trace a signal more quickly if it's transmitting a video as well?

    Aglardulin posted: »

    Am I the only one who is thinking that Yvette has turned on us? She sounded weird when she called after the intro, and Vasquez did call from her line in e1...

  • edited March 2015

    Given I sold him out, I found it in my heart to forgive him. And now he thinks Rhys is his bestest bud, and an angel or something. I'll still throw the bro under a bus the second it's beneficial. Scumbag Rhys is most fun Rhys.

  • I did, I figured no one would believe me, so it makes me sound crazy and would make Wallethead disconcerted.

    DeityD posted: »

    That option is kinda... well, Jack's reaction says it all. He's like "are you just going to tell that to everyone you meet dum-dum?" xD I bet no one picked it in the first two runs. For obvious reasons.

  • Well you know. The new episode came out... And I'm unemployed so. Have nothing better to do really. >_> Just sitting here playing TftB (till I bleed) and reading forums.

    Heck, I don't even remember what my canon choices from ep2 anymore, I've played it 4 times already. I wanted to see it all so there's a bunch of different outcomes, regarding Jack, Vaughn, Felix, LoaderBot... Even telling different things to Rhys and Vaughn at the Hollow point. Calling them friends turned out to be such a cute thing :) Sometimes choosing even the ugliest things pays out - like telling Vasquez that you're jealous of Jack's attention or whatever that line was. Turns out Rhys is kind of a creep, the same as Vasquez tho. I'm not sure that revelation made me feel better but the more you know I guess. I always hope to hear a liitle more about the characters through the dialogues so "gotta try them all even if they suck".

    I don't know why, but it seems like I've been seeing you a lot these past two days. Anyway, I told Vaughn on my "first" playthrough, but

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I have nothing to do either. And I'm doing the same exact thing. You can be my little special forum buddy.

    I keep playing around with the options as well, just to hear the different dialogues and solutions. From it, I'm deciphering what my "canon" choices will be once episode three is released. So far, I'm going with going to Hollow Point, not telling anyone about Handsome Jack, still not looking in Sasha's gift, killing the guy with corrosive (only because I'm a sadistic bastard) and trusting Jack in the ending.

    Still don't quite understand how a flashbang is supposed to help them at all, but I have a feeling that Fiona's plan wouldn't ever work at all. Besides, it's far less amusing than Jack's.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well you know. The new episode came out... And I'm unemployed so. Have nothing better to do really. >_> Just sitting here playing TftB

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    The thing on his wrist? That's the retro Atlasio he got underneath the death race when we found the Gortys Project, so I doubt it's a tracker.

    Unless you're referring to something else?

    Istibul posted: »

    I believe Vaughn totally sold you out, remember his orange bracer (probably gps tracker of some kind)?

  • Alt text

    "Insert "You've made a new friend" joke here"

    Yep, mine's are pretty much the same though I don't have a preference regarding Hollow Point/Old Haven. But to think of it... since that friendship-bonding moment was adorable, I guess I'll stick with Holow Point because of that. :D Also, not telling about Jack and trusting Fiona. I know her plan sounds dumb and I'm sure Jack will be pissed but what the heck, I'm pretty sure he will hack turrets or something else will save us either way. And he will try to take over Rhys anyway in the future so I don't want to give up so easily. I'll pretend to be a good person... But god I'm worried he's gonna be pissed.

    Still can't figure how Rhys even feels about him tho which makes roleplaying hard. This is all kinda ambiguous. One moment he tells he wants to be just like him, puts his posters all over his office but at the same time freaking out by him and being kinda rude and not really respectful (telling him to shut up and all). And it's both not a players choice to say. Like jesus, get your shit together Rhys - make up your mind already. Because I don't get you at all sometimes.

    And still don't know what to think of Vaughn and Yvette, but it all stinks.

    Yeah, I have nothing to do either. And I'm doing the same exact thing. You can be my little special forum buddy. I keep playing around wi

    1. I hate fist bumping
    2. I hate Vaughn
    3. Now I super hate Vaughn
  • Wow, someone else who actually wants to Roleplay as Rhys. I always feel like I screw up with his dialogue, but that's the same for any TellTale character, considering the player can choose their dialogue and they can be any sort of way. There's no "canon" really.

    And I don't trust either of them. Yvette would probably sell you out for a free lunch.

    DeityD posted: »

    "Insert "You've made a new friend" joke here" Yep, mine's are pretty much the same though I don't have a preference regarding Hollow Poin

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    Ok scratch out the thing on wrist. In first episode Vaughn was somehow able to use.. Rhys tracker, when he passed out. Possible he did it again during second ep. Notice - when Rhys wants to contact Yvette, Vaughn becomes nervous and goes pee.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The thing on his wrist? That's the retro Atlasio he got underneath the death race when we found the Gortys Project, so I doubt it's a tracker. Unless you're referring to something else?

  • You're not alone. Yvette just feels the most opportunistic of the bunch and she is in the perfect position to sell Rhys out. Never underestimate what people will do for a free lunch <.<

    Aglardulin posted: »

    Am I the only one who is thinking that Yvette has turned on us? She sounded weird when she called after the intro, and Vasquez did call from her line in e1...

  • Vaughn did come clean with me, so I came clean to him. I told him Vasquez gave me the same deal, which I think really showed Vaughn if he's got to rethink if he's going to double cross me.

    Though I trust him either way, but that's just me.

  • Maybe, but you can ask Assquez about that after he shows up in Episode 2, and he mentions that with the amount of times Rhys has called Yvette since going planetside, he wouldn't need her to rat them out. Hyperion was tracking their transmissions. You gotta remember that Rhys is using Hyperion tech to send a message to someone on a Hyperion space station.

    Aglardulin posted: »

    Am I the only one who is thinking that Yvette has turned on us? She sounded weird when she called after the intro, and Vasquez did call from her line in e1...

  • I kinda always think what he would do first. But with all the controversy I just can't tell. I mean, who the hell tells Handsome Jack to get lost?! Or yells at him? xD God that guy is so stupid... gotta love him. xD

    TftB is a little different from other TT games (at least for me), because in TWD and GOT there are simply no right answers, we're screwed anyway, in TWAU we could ptetend to be a good wolf because that's what Bigby is trying to do or could play as a big bad wolf just as easily because he can still be like that. But here I always think what would the characters do, I mean it sounds wrong for con artits to genuinely care about our other heroes, and it sounds wrong for Rhys telling Jack he "deserved it" after admiting he's obsessed with him just like that creep Vasquez. I wish there were some hints that could clear it all out.

    And I don't trust either of them. Yvette would probably sell you out for a free lunch.

    Yeah I guess Felix's warning suit all of them, not just Sasha and Fiona.

    Wow, someone else who actually wants to Roleplay as Rhys. I always feel like I screw up with his dialogue, but that's the same for any TellT

  • edited March 2015

    I did the same thing. Though I found it interesting that when Vaughn says something along the lines of "What did you tell him?" you didn't get to respond; or at least I didn't. Makes me wonder if that's going to come back up again at some point.

    I trust him for now, though. Besides, in my playthrough I haven't exactly told anyone about Handsome Jack soooo... Glass houses and all that.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Vaughn did come clean with me, so I came clean to him. I told him Vasquez gave me the same deal, which I think really showed Vaughn if he's got to rethink if he's going to double cross me. Though I trust him either way, but that's just me.

  • edited March 2015

    I brofisted him, and I think it's unlikely that he will betray us... but I am still bearing that possibility in mind, just in case. Personally, I think Yvette is the one you shouldn't trust.

  • I dunno, I liked Felix. Which is why I let him live.

    The old man had some good advice, so I'm going by his word.

    DeityD posted: »

    I kinda always think what he would do first. But with all the controversy I just can't tell. I mean, who the hell tells Handsome Jack to get

  • How does Vasquez know everything? Like the Gorty's halves shock? Seriously only Vaughn and the girls saw that. So I can only think of Vaughn... The more I think the more suspicious he is. I don't trust Yvette either but she can't know about these things.

  • No, not Felix (he's a family after all) but our Hyperion guys and other people (like August and such).

    I dunno, I liked Felix. Which is why I let him live. The old man had some good advice, so I'm going by his word.

  • Personally Jack kinda got mad and told me "Oh so now we're telling everyone, is that what we're doing?" because I didn't tell anybody but Vasquez... Well I knew Vasquez wouldn't understand so I wanted to say that in a metaphoric way xD Like if Rhys took example on Jack.

    But it shows that (my) Jack prefers to keep himself as a secret. Which is fine with me. xD I don't know why, but I don't want to tell anyone about him. Weird. Because before episode 2 I was like "I'm gonna tell only Vaughn", but I didn't even tell Vaughn. o_o Maybe I just like keeping secrets. What the f*ck though.

    ( by the way when I say "(my) Jack" I mean the Jack of my game. xD )

    DeityD posted: »

    That option is kinda... well, Jack's reaction says it all. He's like "are you just going to tell that to everyone you meet dum-dum?" xD I bet no one picked it in the first two runs. For obvious reasons.

  • Nakayama xD

    nursethalia posted: »

    Also, I have a feeling that Vasquez used the ID drive to track them, NOT Vaughn telling him. After all, he says he wants what's in Rhys' hea

  • I don't get why everyone thinks that. xD I think she's still on our side.

    She said herself that she got Hyperion to stop shooting Rhys and Vaughn and she sent Loader Bot to help them. She seemed super happy to see that they were fine. .__.

    And seriously if Yvette betrays us, it would just be repetitive. Felix betrayed Fiona. Vaughn betrayed Rhys (well not really but that deal thing can give us doubts about his loyalty even though I 100% trust Vaughn)

    I guess people thinks that because we don't see her that much. Which I find kinda sad, I wish we could see more of her.

    Aglardulin posted: »

    Am I the only one who is thinking that Yvette has turned on us? She sounded weird when she called after the intro, and Vasquez did call from her line in e1...

  • Do realize that they might have realized (repetitive lol) that Rhys has Jack in his head, hence when they sent Vasquez in.

    I don't get why everyone thinks that. xD I think she's still on our side. She said herself that she got Hyperion to stop shooting Rhys an

  • But Yvette knew nothing about it, I mean, she would've asked about it to Rhys himself I think xD

    Do realize that they might have realized (repetitive lol) that Rhys has Jack in his head, hence when they sent Vasquez in.

  • Okay, I don't think Vaughn or any of your friends are responsible for Vasquez finding you. You can flat out ask Vasquez if Yvette told him where to find you and he'll say no (he will also say that he knows about Yvette's calls to you, but she doesn't know). Vasquez will also tell Rhys that he's Hyperion property and Hyperion keeps track of its property, so I'm guessing:

    1) Hyperion knew where they were because they monitor employee calls


    2) Rhys' cybernetic arm is painted in Hyperion colors, so it's likely he received it as an employee (whether due to a requested upgrade or work accident, we don't know). It's likely Hyperion has a tracker in the arm. I mean, they're dicks, I could totally see them taking implants back from workers they fired just to be assholes, even in cases where they were going to murder the employee afterward anyway. Just to rub it in that it was "their property".

  • Let's hypothetically say that Rhys' ECHOeye implant was installed at Hyperion. Do you think Hyperion secretly can remote access employee ECHOeyes to spy on them? That would explain how Vasquez knew the Gortys Core pieces would shock you and always knows where Rhys is. And I wouldn't put something like that past Hyperion.

  • I think Rhys' EchoEye is broadcasting everything back to Helios, either because Hyperion is super shady and likes to keep tabs on their employees or because Jack hacked it.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    How does Vasquez know everything? Like the Gorty's halves shock? Seriously only Vaughn and the girls saw that. So I can only think of Vaughn

  • Eeek, I literally just replied the same thing above before reading this. Yes, I completely agree. Either that's just an automatic thing that Hyperion does or Jack has hacked into it (and is desperate to get back).

    nursethalia posted: »

    Let's hypothetically say that Rhys' ECHOeye implant was installed at Hyperion. Do you think Hyperion secretly can remote access employee ECH

  • That might be true. It'd explain a lot and personally I'd be happier If Vaughn didn't sell us out.

    I think Rhys' EchoEye is broadcasting everything back to Helios, either because Hyperion is super shady and likes to keep tabs on their employees or because Jack hacked it.

  • Nah, nah. With that body, noone stands a chance against Vaughn. Just look at them ABS.

    Fuck with Vaughn and get rekt.

    If he does, it's one spineless Hyperion goon against Rhys, Sasha, Fiona, Loaderbot, and possibly Handsome Jack. It'd kinda be like a fly buz

  • edited March 2015

    If we tell Vaughn but later say that we need to keep it a secret he'll gets pissed. But. Even if we tell Vaughn, he still gets annoyed at Rhys telling the same to Vasquez. Which is actually kinda odd. I mean, Vasquez is his ticket back to Hyperion so why he doesn't want him to know. So... Jack knows something we do not? That's because he's convinced that if Rhys dies he goes too, but why's that?

    Maybe I just like keeping secrets. What the f*ck though.

    Gonna keep Jack all to yourself? xD Greedy. xD

    Personally Jack kinda got mad and told me "Oh so now we're telling everyone, is that what we're doing?" because I didn't tell anybody but Va

  • 2) What if it's Loader Bot who has the tracker on him? Those brobots were everywhere on Pandora for a bit, Hyperion would need to somehow keep track of them. Or hell it would be funny if everyone has a tracker on them.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Okay, I don't think Vaughn or any of your friends are responsible for Vasquez finding you. You can flat out ask Vasquez if Yvette told him w

  • There's also the fact that the Jack AI knows about the Gorty project in general - and since he was, assumably created prior to Jack's death [otherwise why would he be so shocked by it?] it's not a huge stretch to think the Hyperion higher ups would know about that and warned Vasquez.

    I mean, Atlas has been gone from Pandora long enough for Hyperion to have gone through everything they left behind files-wise, and there's probably some kind of notes on the project somewhere. Chances are the only reason they didn't have the core was because the general obviously moved it without permission from his own higher ups after the project was terminated.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    How does Vasquez know everything? Like the Gorty's halves shock? Seriously only Vaughn and the girls saw that. So I can only think of Vaughn

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If Loader Bot did have a tracker, Vasquez wouldn't have been able to find Rhys and Vaughn in the desert as they were separated. Vasquez finding them was way too specific.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    2) What if it's Loader Bot who has the tracker on him? Those brobots were everywhere on Pandora for a bit, Hyperion would need to somehow keep track of them. Or hell it would be funny if everyone has a tracker on them.

  • Yup I realized that after playing through again thx.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If Loader Bot did have a tracker, Vasquez wouldn't have been able to find Rhys and Vaughn in the desert as they were separated. Vasquez finding them was way too specific.

  • Oh.
    That sounds so interesting. I can't tell why he's pissed though. I mean, Vasquez is nothing next to Jack, so I don't think he should be worred or anything. xD

    Gonna keep Jack all to yourself? xD Greedy. xD

    I guess so XD HE'S MINE.

    (?) Not creepy at all.

    DeityD posted: »

    If we tell Vaughn but later say that we need to keep it a secret he'll gets pissed. But. Even if we tell Vaughn, he still gets annoyed at Rh

  • I'm still holding out that Yvette is definitely 100% awesome and would never ever betray me. It would be a letdown if she did.

    I don't get why everyone thinks that. xD I think she's still on our side. She said herself that she got Hyperion to stop shooting Rhys an

  • So I'm super curious, what happens if you tell Vaughn that you don't forgive him? I just can't bring myself to choose the option.

  • If you select "I don't think I can", Rhys says something along the lines of "I'm pretty disappointed in you" to which Vaughn replies "Don't say that, bro!" but says he understands that Rhys might need some time to get over it so it's cool.

    If you stay silent, Rhys gives Vaughn a pretty epic eye roll to which Vaughn says "Aww, don't be like that, bro!". Vaughn will offer a fist bump regardless of which option you chose, and then you can select whether to accept it or not.

    nursethalia posted: »

    So I'm super curious, what happens if you tell Vaughn that you don't forgive him? I just can't bring myself to choose the option.

  • Same. I know we didn't see her that much, but as soon as I saw the "Your Other Best Friend!", I was like: "Okay I love you already". xD I mean, this is kinda like roleplaying, I'm just being Rhys and if Yvette is his best friend, she's my best friend too hah.

    I really don't think she would betray us. It would be, like I often say "repetitive" since we already got that with Felix and almost everyone thinks she's gonna betray us so I don't think Telltale will go with that anyway... ._.

    ( Please Telltale don't make Yvette betray us xD )

    nursethalia posted: »

    I'm still holding out that Yvette is definitely 100% awesome and would never ever betray me. It would be a letdown if she did.

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