This might be weird, but...

...does anyone else thing Hologram!Jack was CUTE? Not "sexy cute", but "cute cute"? He has just about the same personality as Jack, yeah, but somehow he seems a lot cuter than the actual Jack. Like he has wider expressions and stuff.

I don't know, maybe I'm just weird. But I couldn't get over how freakin' cute Jack was.


  • I was thinking that a lot. I don't know why tho. I felt like I'm going crazy and imagine things.

    I guess he's just different from what we saw in BL2 and more like TPS Jack for some reason. And hey, he wasn't even violent - almost.

  • It all seems that the hologram is a copy of TPS Jack personality, since Nakayama made the AI during TPS.

    That means BL2 Jack is still dead.

    Seems like TPS Jack is very nice and funny if you can't lead him to power...

    DeityD posted: »

    I was thinking that a lot. I don't know why tho. I felt like I'm going crazy and imagine things. I guess he's just different from what we saw in BL2 and more like TPS Jack for some reason. And hey, he wasn't even violent - almost.

  • edited March 2015

    You mean cute kind of in like, "that puppy you shouldn't bring home because your parents might kill you" sort of way? Because I can totally see that.

  • ...Because puppy can turn on you and kill you, cause it's not a puppy but big ass angry dog with a hero complex. xD

    You mean cute kind of in like, "that puppy you shouldn't bring home because your parents might kill you" sort of way? Because I can totally see that.

  • Nah, did you see the TPS AI? There were definite improvements between then and Jack's death - plus he has the mask and wears his BL2 outfit. He may not know exactly what happened at the ending of BL2, but he's definitely post the TPS ending (which was when he officially went bonkers and became dangerous).

    Crips posted: »

    It all seems that the hologram is a copy of TPS Jack personality, since Nakayama made the AI during TPS. That means BL2 Jack is still dead. Seems like TPS Jack is very nice and funny if you can't lead him to power...

  • edited March 2015

    But "physically" he resembles Jack from BL2 time. He has that white straid of hair and all his clothes.

    He also says that killing people is how he deals with bullshit, and he tried to strangle Rhys. That all sounds more like Jack from BL2/after opening the Vault.

    Sucks tho that we couldn't ask him what's the last thing he remembers - that would've been my first question.

    Crips posted: »

    It all seems that the hologram is a copy of TPS Jack personality, since Nakayama made the AI during TPS. That means BL2 Jack is still dead. Seems like TPS Jack is very nice and funny if you can't lead him to power...

  • Oh, yes, I forgot the mask.

    ...That's interesting

    Nah, did you see the TPS AI? There were definite improvements between then and Jack's death - plus he has the mask and wears his BL2 outfit.

  • Because puppy can turn on you

    I read ''Because puppy can turn you on'', I apologize

    DeityD posted: »

    ...Because puppy can turn on you and kill you, cause it's not a puppy but big ass angry dog with a hero complex. xD

  • No need to apologize. It's hilarious. And true. xD

    Crips posted: »

    Because puppy can turn on you I read ''Because puppy can turn you on'', I apologize

  • Ha, well glad I'm not the only one! Telltale did a great job with his animations. Really did find his facial expressions in particular oddly adorable.

    I also didn't do anything to piss him off in my playthrough, so he was acting pretty chill and fooling around a lot. That probably helped to add to the "cuteness" as well.

    But the thing with Jack is he can go from being hilarious to horrifying in half a second. I'm sure I won't be finding him too adorable in my next playthrough where I side against him on everything!

  • Well to be fair, Jack isn't angry, he's just deranged, sadistic and a megalomaniac who needs to be put on a reaaaaly long leash. Could totally headcanon the idea of Rhys treating him like a dog everytime he does something wrong.

    "No, bad Jack! Stop trying to kill people!"

    DeityD posted: »

    ...Because puppy can turn on you and kill you, cause it's not a puppy but big ass angry dog with a hero complex. xD

  • Let's not mention Angel and it will be all good!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Ha, well glad I'm not the only one! Telltale did a great job with his animations. Really did find his facial expressions in particular oddly

  • ... that won't end well. No sir.

    Well to be fair, Jack isn't angry, he's just deranged, sadistic and a megalomaniac who needs to be put on a reaaaaly long leash. Could total

  • To me he feels like BL2 Jack in the very beginning, when he seemed kind of bemused by your existence and liked to taunt and play with you (the spoon story, Butt Stallion etc.), before you started to ruin his plans and before the end of 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' (at which point he became straight up terrifying)!

    Crips posted: »

    Oh, yes, I forgot the mask. ...That's interesting

  • Haha, you're absolutely right. Would still be fun though.

    DeityD posted: »

    ... that won't end well. No sir.

  • Yes, you are right.

    Ah, Where Angels Fear To Tread. Gotta be my favourite mission in BL2 right after Kill Yourself and Talon Of The God.

    To me he feels like BL2 Jack in the very beginning, when he seemed kind of bemused by your existence and liked to taunt and play with you (t

  • Mmh he won't do that much trust me. At least not in the episode. I acted like I don't trust him at all when I first played and he still was goddamn adorable.

    I gotta admit I don't get why. Even when it was a life-death situation for Rhys he was just... begging (not yealling, not demanding) him to do what he says. It was so confusing.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Ha, well glad I'm not the only one! Telltale did a great job with his animations. Really did find his facial expressions in particular oddly

  • From experience, the nicer Jack acts the more horrific the betrayal is going to be...

    Aaannnddd I still picked him over Fiona. >_<

    DeityD posted: »

    Mmh he won't do that much trust me. At least not in the episode. I acted like I don't trust him at all when I first played and he still was

  • Aaannnddd I still picked him over Fiona. >_<

    Because YOLO. xD

    From experience, the nicer Jack acts the more horrific the betrayal is going to be... Aaannnddd I still picked him over Fiona. >_<

  • Ah, well I'm sure he'll start to change for the worse in the next episode if he doesn't like our decisions. Maybe this first episode of his was mostly fun and games to get people attached to him? :P

    I think the way he just kinda stands off to the side, silently judging everything going on with those silly faces of his adds to the adorableness. Like when he kept staring down Vasquez, trying to remember who he was. It was pretty hilarious.

    DeityD posted: »

    Mmh he won't do that much trust me. At least not in the episode. I acted like I don't trust him at all when I first played and he still was

  • Wow, glad I wasn't alone in that regard lol. Yeah it has a lot to do with him watching everything that happens while he's present, judging everything. Perhaps we'll see if Hologram Jack can be as frightening as actual Jack.

  • I won't lie, I was honestly going, "OMG, you want to rip out my throat so bad, but you can't! AWWWW!" when I saw how confused he was that he couldn't kill me.

    Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me.

  • Well uhm he IS Jacks AI after all so its basically the same person.
    If youve played the "Handsome AI" sidequest in Borderlands Presequel.. It shows how the AI is built (the origins of this hologram) by Nakayama. It is all of Jacks memories but without the latest happenings from Borderlands 2 (cause theres no way Nakayama couldve found Jacks body)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Wow, glad I wasn't alone in that regard lol. Yeah it has a lot to do with him watching everything that happens while he's present, judging everything. Perhaps we'll see if Hologram Jack can be as frightening as actual Jack.

  • edited March 2015

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    Replayed Episode 2 for a bit to see things clearer, and here we see a face I never thought I'd see Jack make. Looking sad and unsure of himself in a serious way... This is what I mean, he just looks so sad and confused in this moment. There are a lot of great faces for Jack in this episode, it's amazing...

  • There are a lot of great faces for Jack in this episode, it's amazing...

    I was quite impressed with the animation for him! Normally I find the movement in Telltale games to be a tad stiff, and the faces occasionally a tad awkward, but I got no complaints when it comes to Jack in this episode. Feels like the animators went all out with him and had a blast.

    I've been making a bunch of gifs ever since the episode released, and here are some of my favorite "adorable" moments from him. (all of my Borderlands gifs can be found here) :P

    Alt text Alt text

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    fayescarlet posted: »

    Replayed Episode 2 for a bit to see things clearer, and here we see a face I never thought I'd see Jack make. Looking sad and unsure of hims

  • Holy s#!t what if he doesn't even know that Angel is dead? If he finds out in the middle of TFTBL things could go south pretty fast. I can totally see him freaking out and (through a controlled Rhys) lashing out at an ally.

    Crips posted: »

    Let's not mention Angel and it will be all good!

  • Ooh, nice gifs, dude. Yes, it's very impressive how expressive Jack is. They really did outdo themselves here, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Jack in later episodes.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    There are a lot of great faces for Jack in this episode, it's amazing... I was quite impressed with the animation for him! Normally

  • Seeing as how this is an AI and based on pretty crappy data (Jack refused to take Nakayama's questions seriously in TPS), it's possible for him to evolve - and develop - down a trajectory completely different from the other Borderlands titles. Telltale has so much freedom right now, I'm so excited.

  • Thanks! Been having a lot of fun making these. Here's one more that I made. That scene where he's trying to remember who Vasquez is was hilarious. Great faces. :D

    Alt text Alt text (full set)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Ooh, nice gifs, dude. Yes, it's very impressive how expressive Jack is. They really did outdo themselves here, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Jack in later episodes.

  • Tbh, I think it was actually nice to hang out with Jack cause

    A. Rhys is from Hyperion

    B. Jack is trying to make sense of himself being dead

    C. More screentime (actually being present in the game)

    Through BL2, you're playing against Jack, so obviously when he's joking around, you're the butt of the joke and he could almost care less. As Rhys, Jack knows (or thinks) you're on his side. You work for him- I mean, used to work for him. And then you drop the bombshell that he's not alive anymore. (I'd estimate that Holo-Jack's memory probably runs into BL2, but before Angel's death, as if he was actually funneling his memory/personality into the AI, he most certainly couldn't after he took Lilith away to "keep their date with the Warrior"). I'm actually surprised Jack didn't ask who took his place. He doesn't really have much to go off of Rhys apparently to make fun of him (other than some slap comedy and appearing when Rhys gets hit), Rhys even remarks that the most interaction he and Handsome Jack had was that he spat on him.

  • I am so glad they upgraded Jack's model - I just can't imagine his scenes having the same resonance with the old glitchy/pixelated one. Half of these expressions are worth the wait, alone! And it's awesome to see a different, more vulnerable side to Jack - can't wait to see where TT take him!

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Replayed Episode 2 for a bit to see things clearer, and here we see a face I never thought I'd see Jack make. Looking sad and unsure of hims

  • Eeek - these are amazing!

    :bookmarks for future use:

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    There are a lot of great faces for Jack in this episode, it's amazing... I was quite impressed with the animation for him! Normally

  • Oh God...

    Man, Angel will once again bring sadness to us :S

  • edited March 2015

    Dat 2nd gif. I absolutely adore this moment when Jack leans to Vasquez, gazing at him and thinking.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Thanks! Been having a lot of fun making these. Here's one more that I made. That scene where he's trying to remember who Vasquez is was hilarious. Great faces. (full set)

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