Is Loader Bot special or was it rewired?

This line had me thinking "Loader Bots can't do that", is Loader Bot special or was it rewired in some way by someone else if you self destructed it or told it to evacuate?

I know, it might have been Fiona "embellishing", but why would she embellish something like Loader Bot saving their tales from Athena rather than Sasha or herself turning the tables on Athena?


  • Because hes a special load bot <3

  • You mean saving their "tails" and going with how they handle Athena if Rhys goes to new Haven first, Fiona is likely just embellishing.

  • edited March 2015

    It's a pun, and I don't think Fiona was embellishing, at least with the Loader Bot scenario.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    You mean saving their "tails" and going with how they handle Athena if Rhys goes to new Haven first, Fiona is likely just embellishing.

  • It's very obvious that she was. I played Borderlands 2, like the kidnapper said, Louder's can't do that.

    If she wasn't embellishing, the Kidnapper wouldn't have cut in.

    J-Master posted: »

    It's a pun, and I don't think Fiona was embellishing, at least with the Loader Bot scenario.

  • edited March 2015

    That's why I'm theorizing that Loader Bot either may be special or someone else rewired its circuits during its absence in episode 1, I don't buy that Fiona would make that up.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    It's very obvious that she was. I played Borderlands 2, like the kidnapper said, Louder's can't do that. If she wasn't embellishing, the Kidnapper wouldn't have cut in.

  • In episode 1 we jailbreak his circuitry or whatever and optomize him to 110%. But Rhys also comments that the Loader Bots have all been getting smarter since Jack died.

    So it may be a combination of evolution and our own intervention?

  • Loaderbots were redesigned after Jack's (first) death to be more expensive, more powerful, and more capable against Pandora's threats rather than just cannon fodder. Especially since Loaderbot's been "overclocked" and had extensive upgrades, it could definitely take on Athena one-to-one.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    It's very obvious that she was. I played Borderlands 2, like the kidnapper said, Louder's can't do that. If she wasn't embellishing, the Kidnapper wouldn't have cut in.

  • Power of friendship!

    Though I'm likely banking on what Arya said. Or Fiona just embellishing, but I really can't see a motive as to why she would.

  • I remember reading somewhere that the loaders are acting slightly different since jacks been gone. I forget where though.

  • Rhys says it during the first scene with Loader Boat. He mentions that they've been getting smarter.

    sonofargo08 posted: »

    I remember reading somewhere that the loaders are acting slightly different since jacks been gone. I forget where though.

  • You're welcome.

    sonofargo08 posted: »

    Oh right, thank you =D

  • Oh right, thank you =D

    Rhys says it during the first scene with Loader Boat. He mentions that they've been getting smarter.

  • Totally! Loader Bot seems to genuinely have feelings for Rhys, and everyone else too. But especially Rhys, is this just because Rhys is his 'handler' or because he saved him?

    I mean do all of the Loader Bots FEEL? Do they form attatchments to their Hyperion counterparts?

    Or is it all because we treat him like our Friend and allow him to evacuate? Bring him along on our adventures?

    Power of friendship! Though I'm likely banking on what Arya said. Or Fiona just embellishing, but I really can't see a motive as to why she would.

  • Well, I was partially joking, but it's certainly possible. It doesn't make sense if Rhys decides to abandon Loader Bot, but most people aren't heartless and didn't do that. Obviously, he cares for Rhys the most (should Rhys save him) as he declares him as "righteous father".

    As fargo beneath us mentioned, Rhys says that Loader Boats have been getting smarter since Jack died to which Vaughn replies, "I'd like to think we all have", which can also indicate some sort of upgrade. Otherwise, I agree with your theory that it's mostly different due to being a creation of jailbreaking.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Totally! Loader Bot seems to genuinely have feelings for Rhys, and everyone else too. But especially Rhys, is this just because Rhys is his

  • doubt it she got cocky but she's killed FAR more powerful things

    Loaderbots were redesigned after Jack's (first) death to be more expensive, more powerful, and more capable against Pandora's threats rather

  • Yeah if you abandon him he is Pissed with you.

    I dunno, i just love the idea of our friendship making him a better Bot. :)

    Well, I was partially joking, but it's certainly possible. It doesn't make sense if Rhys decides to abandon Loader Bot, but most people aren

  • edited March 2015

    She wasn't really trying. She didn't even use a gun or her sword, and even her shield seemed like it wasn't properly activated.

    Compare this:

    Alt text

    With this:

    Alt text

    Noticed that something is missing there?

    zeke10 posted: »

    doubt it she got cocky but she's killed FAR more powerful things

  • I'm pretty sure Loader Bot is special ;_; I can't help thinking of him as a giant Wall-e.

    Loader Bot has feelings, maybe protecting his friends makes him all super and powerful? >.>

  • Her being cocky I suppose, Fiona might have actually been hit in the face and landed on the ground and Sasha having to come pick her up.

    She wasn't really trying. She didn't even use a gun or her sword, and even her shield seemed like it wasn't properly activated. Compare this: With this: Noticed that something is missing there?

  • edited March 2015

    You have a chance to scan him in this episode, when they're standing around in Old Haven.

    The scan lists his biggest fears, and they are:

    "Outliving everyone he loves"

    "Realizing how meaningless life is"


    The "outliving everyone he loves" one is really sad :c

    Poor Loader bro! I do think he has feelings.

  • Generally going to be the most emotional moment of a telltale game if he passes away. If there was another sacrifice type scene like the first ep in a later episode but without a choice, then... Alt text

    Pride posted: »

    You have a chance to scan him in this episode, when they're standing around in Old Haven. The scan lists his biggest fears, and they are:

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