Electricity, Fire, or Poison?

What elemental effect did you shoot Finch with? I shot him with poison


  • I chose electricity, because in Borderlands, electricity is more effective against enemies with shields. They were saying that he liked getting shot at for fun, so I figured he must've had a shield on him.

  • edited March 2015

    I chose electricity as well. It kind of fits the whole "hit me with your best shot" scenario. However, at first I wanted to go with incendiary.

    Also, I'm glad we got to hear Dave and Adam again, even if they had a small part(they do show up in the next episode preview, though).

  • I shot him with Corrosive (Posion), it felt like I wouldn't need Corrosive that much compared to electricity & fire

  • ditto

    Piggs posted: »

    I chose electricity, because in Borderlands, electricity is more effective against enemies with shields. They were saying that he liked getting shot at for fun, so I figured he must've had a shield on him.

  • Corrosive. I figured it'll be effective against that armor of his. Also I ruined that dude's face, that's a plus.

  • Electricity, if only to stun and run. There was another element that I wanted to hit him with, but I couldn't think of the name of it......damn it's on the tip of my tongue....what the hell was it?....this is gonna bother the crap outta me......Oh that's right it's.....EXPOSIVE!!!!

  • Incendary, because I wanted to roast that motherfucker. Gotta give him credit though, he was a really good sport about the whole "Setting-him-on-fire" thing.

  • you got rid of his dumb haircut so...

    Rock114 posted: »

    Incendary, because I wanted to roast that motherfucker. Gotta give him credit though, he was a really good sport about the whole "Setting-him-on-fire" thing.

  • Corrosive. I'm glad I chose it, the effect was pretty great.

  • Poison.

    If the guy likes getting shot at then fire or electric won't affect him. I don't think he likes breathing in poison for fun. :P

  • Corrosive. I just wanted to see his flesh melt away.

  • Incendiary.

    I regret nothing.

  • closer to acid than poison

    Poison. If the guy likes getting shot at then fire or electric won't affect him. I don't think he likes breathing in poison for fun. :P

  • Eh, still hurts him.

    zeke10 posted: »

    closer to acid than poison

  • Poison, because I could think of more practical eventualities we may need to use the shock bullets/fire bullets for in future (as in, we may have to melt ice, or restart an engine, and we could use the elemental effect for that).

  • edited March 2015

    I was thinking of fire, or shock, but then I saw his robo-arm, and hoping I would melt it off I chose corrosive. His face got messed up, so I was happy.

    Come to think of it the 4th episode has two loader's fighting. Hopefully I won't have to fight them as Fiona.

  • Electricity. It's time for him to, ride the lightning.

    Alt text

  • I chose fire just to... burn his hair.

  • Yeah boyeee.

    AlfMusic posted: »

    I chose fire just to... burn his hair.

  • Incendiary.

    After seeing the other options I think it is best choice as well. It's the funniest of the three.

  • Electricity. Why? Cause I thought poison would have killed him and I didn't wanna burn his...sweet...sweet...haircut off, sooo...

  • I literary melt him :P you should see his face...

  • Yeah same, had to go for the option that allows me to singe his hair off.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Incendiary. After seeing the other options I think it is best choice as well. It's the funniest of the three.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I also chose the same, i found it funny that it singed his hair off as i also talked about his hair after the smash card told me not to :P

    Yeah same, had to go for the option that allows me to singe his hair off.

  • Yeah same! It was too tempting...

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I also chose the same, i found it funny that it singed his hair off as i also talked about his hair after the smash card told me not to :P

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