So am I the only one who was underwhelmed?

So am I the only one who was underwhelmed by this episode?

Don´t get me wrong, I didn´t think it was bad, however I didn´t think it was great either. Just kinda forgettable and all over the place.

I think my biggest problem was, that we didn´t really get a payoff. I have no problem with cliffhangers but really this one wasn´t very fitting. We really aren´t any closer to any conceivable goal than we were in episode one. Character development was barely existent between our main characters because they were separated for most of the time and in the end we are still just as clueless about Gortys as we were in episode one, just at another location.

I really think that if Jack wasn´t in this episode it would have been almost bad. Really felt more like filler to me. Take some characters that people fell in love with in E1, give them some funny dialogue and then let them do irrelevant stuff for an hour until we arrive at the one thing that is finally relevant to the plot just to end it in the middle of the scene with an imo missplaced cliffhanger.

I also think some of the writing was very weird, especially in the beginning there were alot of awkward dialogue moments. Not like in funny awkward but more like awkward awkward. Almost as if they were trying too hard. A good 10 to 20 minutes of this episode could have been cut imo. I am more of a quality over quantity guy.

I am already preparing for all the rotten veggies that´ll be thrown my way but that´s my opinion.


  • No but most seemed to love it

  • Once the hype died off, yeah, I started to feel the same.

    I played through the episode again and noticed there were a lot of parts where I was rushing through them because they were very...'meh'. Like you said: simply filler. The only moments I really enjoyed and therefore wanted to get to (and no surprises here I'm sure) involved Jack and/or development.

    It's not enough for me to feel underwhelmed, but it does make me understand why the cliff hanger got me so annoyed; cause we were finally getting somewhere just for it to end!

  • edited March 2015

    Probably....calling this episode filler is just as stupid as calling Walking Dead: Starved For Help filler.

  • Really? What filler was there?!

    Once the hype died off, yeah, I started to feel the same. I played through the episode again and noticed there were a lot of parts where

  • I too felt a little underwhelmed about the episode. I wasn't sure what it was, but I think you explained it nicely. In my opinion, the part in the facility in Old Haven was the best. I feel August and Vasquez really started to get some decent development, especially if you choose the "I could've learned so much from you" speech option playing as Rhys. I think it showed that, if you choose that option, Vasquez feels the tiniest bit of remorse for planning on killing you. Maybe that's just me, though. I really like Rhys' dialogues with Vasquez.

  • I agree this one gave us more info on the story such as the villains are working for vallory and more character development

    J-Master posted: »

    Probably....calling this episode filler is just as stupid as calling Walking Dead: Starved For Help filler.

  • Yep, every scene in this episode you learn something about the story and characters.

    Filler, my foot.

    zeke10 posted: »

    I agree this one gave us more info on the story such as the villains are working for vallory and more character development

  • No...I don't think he explained it nicely.

    There's NO WAY this entire episode was stupid filler, does this guy even know what that word means?

    I too felt a little underwhelmed about the episode. I wasn't sure what it was, but I think you explained it nicely. In my opinion, the part

  • There's NO WAY this entire episode was stupid filler


    J-Master posted: »

    No...I don't think he explained it nicely. There's NO WAY this entire episode was stupid filler, does this guy even know what that word means?

  • There still isn't, and I played it twice.

    We might have another Dr Norrington on our hands people. :/

    JackMarco posted: »

    There's NO WAY this entire episode was stupid filler *sigh

  • Shhhhh sweetie it´s gonna be fiine.

    No ones trying to take your episode away from you. Easy easy..

    Alt text

    J-Master posted: »

    There still isn't, and I played it twice. We might have another Dr Norrington on our hands people.

  • Okay...? I get your opinion, but calling this episode filler makes no sense.

    JackMarco posted: »

    Shhhhh sweetie it´s gonna be fiine. No ones trying to take your episode away from you. Easy easy..

  • edited March 2015

    I'm not sure I agree with your thoughts, but it's personal anyway. Can't be wrong and there's no issue to be had with it. You weren't rude about it.

    However, there is an issue to be taken with the filler comment. Only because you're using the word wrongly.

    Filler is generally used to refer to, for example, anime episodes that have absolutely no relation to the main story, which can be missed without harm as things aren't referenced again or the plot isn't moved along 'at all'. Likewise, you could put an X-Files comedy episode on and that would be filler.

    So yeah, opinion's okay, but it's not filler. If anything, it's just that the plot didn't move along fast enough for you or that it could be shortened.

    Sorry to be nitpicky etc. (A quick example really, to show why it's not filler. If you were to play episode 1 and then pop episode 3 on, you'd wonder how they ended up in the situation they're in. That's just one thing I could list. ;) )

    PS: Issue is probably not the right word I've used, as I'm hardly sat here mad or anything, but you get what I meant, I hope. ;)

  • edited March 2015

    just as stupid as calling Walking Dead:

    Just because people giving an opinion you don't like doesn't give you the right to call said opinion stupid. Like seriously, you've expressed how much you don't like TWD season 2 over a million times, do you see me calling your opinion stupid? No, because I respect your opinion like you should with other opinions.

    J-Master posted: »

    Probably....calling this episode filler is just as stupid as calling Walking Dead: Starved For Help filler.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You most likely aren't the only one who felt that way, but I personally loved it. It's definitely my favorite Telltale series.

  • I really loved the ending, actually.

  • Maybe a little. I thought that the fights were a little off this episode, but besides that it was a pretty great episode. It gave us some much needed bonding time with Vaughn and Sasha.

  • Green, the guy literally said

    Walking Dead: Starved For Help

    He wasn't talking about Season 2 at all

    Green613 posted: »

    just as stupid as calling Walking Dead: Just because people giving an opinion you don't like doesn't give you the right to call said

  • It was a bit filler-ish to me, sorta like Smoke and Mirrors. They dragged out a lot just for some last story development in the very last minutes of the episode. So yeah, I feel that but that may be just because I'm not as invested in this series.

  • Hmm, I felt these parts were fillerish:

    Three chase scenes. Actually, the first was a great opening and had the plot intention to separate the companions, so I'll excuse that one! If Athena returns, I can also check one more off. It would still be labeled 'repetitive' though.
    Scene with cutting out eye at the start was dragged out. (I guess to make up the time Rhys was freaking out about Jack?)
    Process of wiring to reveal secret entrance. (Not as bad if you also have Fiona and Sasha there to talk with.)
    Scenes with Scooter went on for a while, considering he was just 'fix the vehicle guy'. (A returning character, so they probably wanted to give him more screen time.)

    No big deal and as you can see they all could have reasons for being there, but these things will deter my enthusiasm to replay ep2 in the future. It was a good 'build up for the next' episode!

    J-Master posted: »

    Really? What filler was there?!

  • edited March 2015

    I was talking about based on his previous posts, but that wasn't what my post was about anyway Shubba :p

    Green, the guy literally said Walking Dead: Starved For Help He wasn't talking about Season 2 at all

  • felt like it had more jokes then story in it

  • Oh my bad <3

    Green613 posted: »

    I was talking about based on his previous posts, but that wasn't what my post was about anyway Shubba

  • It's good mayn I still love u <3

    Oh my bad

  • This seems to be a common Telltale theme. First episodes are spectacular. Second episodes are good. Third episodes are ok. Fourth episodes are kinda meh. Fifth episode is kinda short but still good enough for the game to have been great.

  • edited March 2015

    Tbh, I actually really liked the episode. I thought the pacing was pretty good for an "episode 2" since they can't reveal too much this early, but we're chomping at the bit for more. I think it's more of a "That's it?!" feeling than anything else, especially considering the cliffhanger ending.

    Though Handsome Jack really did steal the show in this episode for sure.

  • I wouldn't say it was exactly "filler"-ish, but it was all over the place. I definitely agree with that much.

  • edited March 2015

    Everything's subjective. Just how I felt. But I do agree with you on that. S2 was iffy.

    That's only happened for TWD S2.

  • That's only happened for TWD S2.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    This seems to be a common Telltale theme. First episodes are spectacular. Second episodes are good. Third episodes are ok. Fourth episodes are kinda meh. Fifth episode is kinda short but still good enough for the game to have been great.

  • I feel this is a bit of misrepresentation of what "filler" means, but I suppose I went too far.

    I get real defensive over things I really love. :/

    Green613 posted: »

    just as stupid as calling Walking Dead: Just because people giving an opinion you don't like doesn't give you the right to call said

  • Play again. It helped me.

  • Nope I'm sure their are others but this was the best episode of any TTG in recent memory IMO

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