Why I hate the gaming community these days
I can not stand people who glorify and over rate games to no end. This past year people will not shut the fuck up about The Last of Us and GTA V. Both games are grossly overrated and its a turn off to me the player. At first I didn't even want to play TLOU its all people were stuck on for god knows how long and GTA V was bombarded with undeserving 10s for straying away from it's roots. Then you have the fuck heads at IGN have the audacity to give GTA IV, TLOU, GTA V a 10 while giving Fallout 3 (perhaps one of the most underrated game of all time), GTA III, The Walking Dead, Skyrim, Heavy Rain and even Half Life (The first of it's kind) all 9s -_-. FUCK IGN and fuck today's gaming community. Sorry for the lil rant
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Movie review sites are much worse. Half of the reviews are a bunch of middle schoolers going "[actress] has great tits!"
Just because games are overated doesnt make gamers bad. The games are liked for a reason, GTA and the Last of us are still really good games. Fallout 3 and the walking dead got plenty of good response too. Also what a company like IGN rates doesnt really matter in the grand scheme.
Also people can have other opinions to yours, just because you felt like those 9's were better doesnt mean others did.
But did TLOU and GTA V really begin and pave the way for a new type of game? Seeing as how IGN marks most games down to shitty 9s it makes it look way less special
Fallout 3 is not underrated in the slightest.
"9"s aren't some kind of middle finger to say these games weren't good. it may not be as good as a 10, but it doesn't mean the games are underrated just because it didn't get a 10.
I have to disagree the Fallout games (New Vegas as well) are very underrated. My problem is that less deserving games got better scores while the games that did deserve them had to settle
Honestly, the Fallout series is far from being underrated. I'll let you believe what you want about, just my two cents.
Sadly, pretty much everything is highly opinionated. IGN especially.
What's wrong with people expressing their love for their favorite video game? You can choose to ignore this crap and just let people discuss what they're passionate about (I know it's annoying to see the advertisements posted everywhere, but that's just the world/internet we live in). It would be wise to just ignore the whole scoring system anyway and invest interest in games you may think you like, not what some numbers tell you.
It just infuriates me that games like GTA IV get easy 10s and Fallout 3 doesn't. I mean... really
and people like you also are the problem also. why do you give a fuck what a gaming website rate it? how does it affect you? and again why hate something just because someone else loves it a lot?? thats fucking stupid that makes you look like a dumbass. all this bitching is ridiculous. one person could say "gta is the greatest franchise of all time!" and then 20 motherfuckers would come out with stupid shit, ripping the game (sometimes without even playing it) and spouting a bunch of bullshit. and that happens in most of the places that are about that certain game or topic or whatever.
I feel ya. Played both and Fallout 3 IMO deserves way more praise. The reviewers just know that GTA is a easy sell and people pay way more attention to it, as it appeals to more of a grand audience (it's clickbait). Fallout 3 is good, but the casual gamer will only look at it face value and see a game where you walk around and shoot ugly stuff. Also there's reading, people hate that shit. You gotta get really into it to find out how awesome it is. GTA is slightly different. It's I guess you could say more user friendly.
9 is a great score..... 10's are a special case and again their opinion of it, The last of us and GTA are both worthy of tens and I can see why, because they appealed to both the story AND gameplay market, few games do that to tjhat level
God you wanna add in another "fuck" to get your point across. My point is that some great games are over looked in favor of status quo
The problem with people now is they don't know how to enjoy something for themselves anymore. Everyone is a hipster, sharing a hive-like mentality. Look, no matter what anyone says, TLOU was good, damn good. GTA5 was far superior to 4 and to an extent, is the best GTA since arguably San Andreas. It's just the way it is.
Now, I love TLOU and I enjoyed GTA5. Because they were good, I also love a lot of sleeper hits. If anything is good, no matter how much you scream that "it's overrated" it doesn't change a damn thing. I'm just tired of this "I'm a true gamer, I don't like Call of Duty or GTA, I play other games." I liked Call of Duty 4, WAW was one of my personal favs, MW2 was great, and even BO had it's moments. I don't knock the series because MW3 and Ghosts were shit, I still play every now and again.
All this bitterness is getting really bad and sooner or later it's going to cause another video game decline. It's why so many developers are scarred to take risks and why so many gaming conventions feel more like a PR meeting than an actually entertainment expo. People are scarred that they'll alienate all those 15 year old hipsters that think if a game sells over a million copies, it's automatically deemed "overrated."
Enjoy the games, fuck everyone else.
. . Is it bad that I haven't heard anything about GTA or The Last of Us recently? It tends to always be Five Nights at Freddy's or something else. Also, don't we basically do the same thing, just on a smaller scale? I mean, we love to talk about our Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us and Tales From The Borderlands. It isn't hurting anyone and IGN is an awful source for reviews and everyone knows it.
Though I understand your frustration, almost every fanbase or community tends to butcher the original content.
Nine is a realy high score though...
You do realize that a 9/10 is a fantastic score right?
Not when less deserving games score higher because the more deserving game is of a different type of genre
Review scores 50% of the time are bullshit, and members of gaming communities can majorly turn away the games for you if you let them. Like stated before, enjoy the game. Fuck everyone else.
It's an opinion, as for IGN they are giving their opinions, it doesn't matter how professional someone is at giving a rating for a game, whether they are a critic or not rating anything is biased from the rater's perspective.
what? if anything this game got the recognition it deserved, it won several game of the year awards and sold well so no it isn't underrated anyway i don't know why you are getting so mad over ign these are the guys who gave alien isolation a 5.9 cause the ai was too good and put pokemon's score down because it had too much water best you just ignore them
Yeah, these "PC Master Race" jerks are some of the WORST people in this community.
Don't get me started on that PC gaming community niche of "fuck console plebs." As someone who plays mostly console with sometimes computer games here-and-there, I personally enjoy console more. I grew up with the Playstation and continue loving the exclusives that come out with it.
And they are another huge problem with the VG community. We all need to learn to respect others' choice of console or particular computer. Video games are a very hateful and extremist community nowadays, probably why nobody takes any of it seriously anymore and charges five fucking dollars for a skin pack or some shit.
Too much divided bull.
eh i like fallout but 9 is fair considering how buggy it is
How dare they not prefer what you do
Don't be like that I'm saying they mark it down because they're foreigners to a certain genre
Its just the reviewers opinion
I agree with your distaste for IGN (their rating system seems... inconsistent at the very least), as for hating the gaming community for them loving GTA V and TLOU? I for one think TLOU is underrated, even for its already extremely "in to it" followers. I loved everything about it, and I don't feel it can be praised enough. The same goes for TWD S1 and....... Firefly. I don't love GTA V nearly as much because I'm a story person myself, but the game is undoubtedly fun and I can see why it is liked by others so much. The story is dreadful in my opinion, but most people don't put GTA on the screen for a compelling story line.
IMO its grossly overrated.... to the point of distaste and I've heard enough about it but I thought S1 was VERY underrated. Games like GTA IV get solid 10s when more deserving games like Fallout get 9s thats the problem
That's not a problem, it's an opinion, and a very, very easily avoidable one at that. If you hate the ratings that IGN hands out then... don't venture to see IGNs ratings.
S1 was hardly underrated. It was very well received, sold many, many copies, brought in lots and lots of money, spurred a sequel (unfortunately), and put TTG and "their type of game" on the map and mind of countless gamers/game makers. Though, as with TLOU, I think it earns all of the praise that it gets.
As for you having a distaste for TLOU because you've heard enough about it? Okay. As I said above... I absolutely love every aspect of it, and the majority of others loved it as well, that you disagree doesn't bother me, so why it bothers you that others don't agree with you bewilders me.
R* most likely paid them for the 10, and in the end it doesn't matter how much recognition from reviewers a game got, what matters is how much recognition it got from the fanbase.
It doesn't and its not just with IGN its websites everywhere. I just don't agree with The Last of Us being underrated and S1 not. And I'm also talking about Half Life (Which similar to what you said spawned a certain type of game) which didn't get all the praise I believe its entitled to among several others.
So you're angry that people don't review like you want them to? Then review yourself and give the games the ratings you believe they deserve, but be expectant of getting comments from people just like you who disagree with your reviews of the games.
A clarifying note: I tried to separate my terms a bit better in the second post. By over/underrating I meant receiving praise appropriate for the game. Neither was underrated by the community, but both got the praise I felt they deserved by the community.
Lol another moron behind a keyboard making threads.
Trolly Trolly Oxenfree
but they are not. all i ever hear is how great Fallout, specially 3, is and how everyone is waiting for 4. again ign is not the one that sets the scale of greatness. and people set their own standards, most people feel GTA vice is the best GTA while i feel GTA SA is the best and i consider it the GOAT of games. most people dont feel that way but i wouldnt go out there and say that vice is fucking overrated.
Or, people could just like different types of games than you...there's always that.
Well, that was just uncalled for.
Yep. I hear it all the time and it fucks me off. Arrogant jerks.
Enjoy the games, fuck everyone else.
And I totally fucking agree. People should be their own critic and play the games they want to, not just because everyone else is playing them.
The reason people give so much praise to TLOU and GTA V is because they ARE excellent games, regardless of what you think of them. I was a bit disappointed by AC Unity last year, but there are others who really enjoyed it. It should come down to whether they're saying it as a fact or an opinion. GTA V was a huge improvement over the boring and very shallow entry that was IV, and it deserves all the praise that it gets as being one of the best games of 2013.
As for IGN, I've learnt not to trust them anymore. They praise pretty much every game because you know what? They probably got offered $$$ to give bad games a good score. Take a look at their WWE reviews. Every game gets praise for how it "recreates" the real deal when that's obviously not true. If you want honest reviews, go to someone like Angry Joe or Totalbiscuit.