Handsome Collection
Hey guys! who will get the Handsome collection? i cant wait to play both BL2 and BL;TPS on PS4
although i cant deny that collectors edition is EPIC! too bad its sold out
Q : who will you play as in BL2? and BL;TPS ?!
i will play as my man Axton, maybe athena or wilhelm
I WANT THAT STEELBOOK!! Too bad i cant buy it alone
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Axton can shoot Rockets but the best PC in Borderlands of all time is Mordecai. IMO I would have called it the Jack Stack
I already have both games, just have yet to beat them.
I play as Zer0 in Borderlands 2 (refer to him as "Boxman", it's an inside joke) and in the Pre-sequel, I will be playing as Athena. If I get money anytime soon, I'm definitely buying Gaige and Timothy.
personally i didnt play BL1. waiting for them to do a remaster... but as far as BL2 Axton is my man lol, this will be my 2nd time playing as him, i have the PC version and too bad i cant transfer my save files over to PS4
i have to start from the beginning, but oh well, i'll have fun anyway 
eh i didn't care for mord im not really into sniping
yeah thank God i didnt buy the Pre sequel back then, because i bought game of the year edition of BL2 and i had gaige and krieg! and a bunch of extra add ons, i havent played them all in fact, i didnt have the time... thankfully i'll be able to now ''I HOPE'' lol. anyhow, now i'll have them all in one package which is nice
I'm definitely getting The Handsome Collection.
I've played BL1 and 2. In 1 I did a couple of playthroughs as Lilith and one playthrough as Mordecai. In BL2 I played Maya and later Gaige. Loved both games to pieces.
For TPS I'll probably play as Athena.
Lucky for me, I didn't spend money on either.
The second one was a gift from my older sister after her boyfriend got me hooked to the first game and the Pre-Sequel was a Christmas present. I wanted Gaige, but I never actually got around to purchasing her or Timothy. I'm not really a fan of add-ons, but I do want the one with Tiny Tina, because, it's Tiny Tina.
Either way, I hope you have fun. The Borderlands series is loads of fun, not sure if it's your first time playing them, but they're definitely worth the money and time.
i have BL2 on PC for a long time but it takes ALOT of time that i dont have ha.... its like your favourite game on the shelf because if you played it you wont do anything else xD .. thats why i didnt get the pre sequel when it first came out, i know that i wont have the time to play it when i already have BL2 add on's to play, so when i heard about the handsome collection its a must buy for me xD hopefully i can play all the things i didnt do on my PC version
btw who you play as?:)
yeah i always wanted to play BL1 !! i wanted a remaster version of that game... too bad it isn't included, but i hope they do in the future
First game, I was Lilith and my sister's boyfriend was Mordecai. The second game, I was Zer0 and he was Axton.
I haven't played the Pre-quel yet, but I'm definitely trying Athena. I was going to go with Nisha because she seemed cool at first, then I realized she killed puppies and I was noping the hell out of that. I'll be playing this one alone, unfortunately.
Come on he's the alcoholic with a bird best friend
i will play BL1 if they did a remaster version, BL2 i was Axton! .. BL;TPS i will be athena OR wilhelm... you know he was the robot boss in BL2?! IN THE pre sequel he is not a robot! so we get to see why he became one, is it because of all the upgrades? thats interesting to know his backstory, again i know nothing of the TPS so i hope its interesting!.. i'll have a hard time to decide between athena and wilhelm.. hopefully i'll make my mind when i get to play next week
I believe all of the Pre-Sequel characters are at least met (and for the most part, killed) in the second game. I'm not too sure, I only got to level twenty and then stopped.
yeah i heard about a bunch that i killed in BL2 xD, basically everyone who helped jack in TPS is our enemy in BL2.. and we killed 2 of them lol... we saw them as villians but TPS will shed a different light on handsome jack and his past gang so i hope its as good as i hope it would be
too bad athena wasnt on BL2, but atleast she's in tales 
EDIT : i killed wilhelm and nisha in BL2 thats why i dont want to play as them, but wilhem was a robot and im curious to know him as human and his backstory and what went wrong! that would be my only reason to play either nisha or wilhelm.. athena is new and she seem interesting so who knows
She's in the second game. Only as a DLC character, however.
who athena?! i didnt know that
which DLC? i did finish the main story of BL2 and did it twice on vault hunter mode, as fas as DLC goes i had almost all of them but i didnt have the time to play them! hopefully i do in this handsome collection 
My bad, she appears in the first game and is from "The Secret Armory of General Knoxx".
Apparently, she's captured after the events of Borderlands 2 by Lilith and Brick and is forced to tell her story, which allows for the Pre-sequel to exist.
oh wow i didnt know that! now i want to play as her and maybe wilhelm my 2nd playthrough xD