Consequence of final choice

Has anyone ever thought that maybe chosing to trust Jack will result in Sasha dying and chosing to trust Fiona will result in Vaughn dying? That could cause some heavy conflict between the two in the next episodes.


  • edited March 2015

    Nah, they'll Russian shoot out us. But in all seriousness, I think it's way too early for them to die, so they'll probably both end up surviving.

  • If that´s the case RIP Vaughn. :/

  • I'm kind of thinking, that if you play nice and don't mock or tease both August and Vasquez, maybe Sasha AND Vaughn won't die.

    I chose Fiona, cause I REALLY don't want Sasha to die.

  • edited March 2015

    I replayed the final part and changed my choice to Fiona simply for that reason XD

    Then again in TellTale Games if one character has the option to die they´ll either die later anyway or they won´t take part in much of the plot anymore due to the additional writing effort that would be required.

    J-Master posted: »

    I'm kind of thinking, that if you play nice and don't mock or tease both August and Vasquez, maybe Sasha AND Vaughn won't die. I chose Fiona, cause I REALLY don't want Sasha to die.

  • If that's the case, they're determinant either way.

    Meaning they'll die eventually anyway, so it doesn't really matter. We'd just be stalling the death for more stall dialogue and slight character development. And if this is the case, well, rest in peace, Sasha.

  • Well personaly I feel like maybe the first quarter of ep 3 it will just be Fiona and Rhys and Jack, maybe loadbot if he gets reactivated and they will go to save Vaughn and Sasha. Although I feel like if you trusted Fiona her plan will result to nothing happening and then Jack will take over Rhys without his permission

  • Or, you know, Sasha went her own way and Fiona went her own way....nobody has to die.

    If that's the case, they're determinant either way. Meaning they'll die eventually anyway, so it doesn't really matter. We'd just be stal

  • Generally, determinant characters die either way.

    I have yet to see a TellTale game as to where they don't die later in that episode (Sarah is a good example of this) or died later in the series (Nick, Carley, Doug, etc). I hate to be grim, but it's somewhat pointless to save determinant characters since they'll likely die 99% of the time.

    That is, if this is the case, then Sasha dies for me. Because I'm sticking with Jack's ending either way.

    J-Master posted: »

    Or, you know, Sasha went her own way and Fiona went her own way....nobody has to die.

  • edited March 2015

    Honestly, I feel like if Vaughn or Sasha died... we'd know about it. Rhys and Fiona clearly aren't on the best of terms at the beginning of episode one but it doesn't look like anyone has actually died. If Rhys was responsible for Sasha's death in any way, Fiona wouldn't be speaking to him at all. She'd be furious. Vice versa with Vaughn dying.

    That being said, I'm sure there will be consequences to the choice, but I doubt it will be something so final in the third episode.

  • I honestly don't think there will be any true life or death based off your choice, and if there is, it'll be between August and Vasquez. I don't see Sasha or Vaughn dying, especially this early. They are critical since they are the only main non-playable characters interacting with the playable ones regularly. There is a reason that there are not many scenes between just Rhys and Fiona with the exception of the present/future.

  • I don't think either will die. We weren't fully given a choice. There was nothing that indicated that choosing one character or the other would save Vaughn, kill Sasha or the other way around.

    I feel like the decision takes more precedent over who controls the Gortys building the guys are standing in. Jack states they can "take over the whole facility". Fiona's plan has them sneak out, while Jacks has them drive off Vasquez and August.

  • this is exactly what i was thinking. i chose to call Vasquez Wallethead, and he said he was trying to be nice. i actually reloaded to undo how rude i was to august the second i saw him pull a gun on Sasha. then i realized that happens either way at this point.

    J-Master posted: »

    I'm kind of thinking, that if you play nice and don't mock or tease both August and Vasquez, maybe Sasha AND Vaughn won't die. I chose Fiona, cause I REALLY don't want Sasha to die.

  • edited March 2015

    Lawrence survived despite of being determinant. Dum too.

    Generally, determinant characters die either way. I have yet to see a TellTale game as to where they don't die later in that episode (Sar

  • I don't know what'll be the result of trusting Fiona or Jack. But... I trusted Fiona and after some time I remembered that Telltale said before releasing the first episode that this is a game that rewards you if you are being greedy. And letting Jack use you to take over the whole facility might be that kind of choice so I'm worried now. But we can't know that, so far I was greedy with Fiona and it did pay off.. I hope they won't die

  • PLEASE don't give Telltale idea's. 0_0

  • edited March 2015

    That is a good theoryfor the Jack part, I was thinking this might happen aswell.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well personaly I feel like maybe the first quarter of ep 3 it will just be Fiona and Rhys and Jack, maybe loadbot if he gets reactivated and

  • If Jack will take over rhys body,it wont be determinant.I mean,come on..

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well personaly I feel like maybe the first quarter of ep 3 it will just be Fiona and Rhys and Jack, maybe loadbot if he gets reactivated and

  • Well I didn't see how threatening to blow up the device was going to save us from the robots, even if it did stop Vasquez and August. So I went with the practical and awesome choice of taking over everything in the base and then eventually Pandora and beyond. I can always get rid of the cybernetics if Jack gets out of line or too hard to control, and he can't read my thoughts.

  • That is one exception, but it can be argued Lawrence wasn't a key point in the storyline.

    In fact, he doesn't even appear again until the last episode of the game if you do save him. He wasn't as important to the plot as Sasha, Vaughn and countless other Walking Dead characters (Nick, Carley, Doug, Sarah, etc) would've been. This is multiplied by the factor that The Walking Dead and Tales From The Borderlands both have heavy focus on groups and their interactions, while Wolf Among Us, focuses more on factions and interactions.

    As far as Dum goes, I don't believe he has any further interaction with the storyline aside from being a background prop during episodes four and five. He may have a line or two, but otherwise, nothing in the story would've changed even if Bigby did kill him.

  • I have a feeling Sasha will die because of a consequence that Rhys did. Maybe that is why she is so angry at her. Actually no I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WILL HAPPEN and when will Rhys change clothes!!!! Because I love the clothes he is wearing in the present time :)

  • Lord Chet.

    Generally, determinant characters die either way. I have yet to see a TellTale game as to where they don't die later in that episode (Sar

  • Actually, Lawrence appears in Episode 3 at the funeral.

  • edited March 2015

    Well yes, there's also that.

    But the point is that he doesn't have any major dialogue or isn't prevalent to the main storyline aside from his initial introduction. Mostly, it's just an extra objective that you fulfilled, so now you get an extra face in the crowd. Meaning he won't have any major impact on the story's events, since it is a choice game and in certain games, Lawrence wouldn't have lived for certain people (i.e: those who went to Toad's first).

    Actually, Lawrence appears in Episode 3 at the funeral.

  • If this is the case then Vaughn is in for it.... I really hope it doesn't end up that you could of only saved them by not insulting either August or Hugo. When it came to Rhys and Hugo's conversation I tried to be polite but I couldn't resist taking the piss out of his hair :D I thought in a way since Hugo is a bit of a douche he would see the funny side but obviously not. However with August I tried to make it seem like there was a chance with him and Sasha working.. he showed a bit more humility than Hugo and love can be easily used to manipulate him. So if that is also true Vaughn is double in for it. :P I also trusted Fiona.

  • I was feeling good about my decision until I saw this on Anthony Burch's (AKA Handsome Jack's creator):

    So who did you choose at the end of ep 2? man, i wish you woulda streamed that yo cause it fun to see how you do you.

    It's kind of not totally fair because I knew what the script was before I played it. Wasn't really making the choice as intended.
    But I chose Fiona, because I don't trust Jack.

  • I'm hoping my "consequence" is more Handsome Jack screen-time.

    Alt text

  • Ya, I feel like trusting Jack could result in something happening to Sasha, and Fiona will be pissed at Rhys for not trusting her. This episode had a lot about building relationships between five of the characters (Rhys, Fiona, Vaughn, Sasha and Jack), so it may just be a decision that could mainly change your relationship with Jack/Fiona. I went with Fiona because you cannot trust Handsome Jack.

  • yep, jack probbley gonna get sasha killed cause he dont like her or something

    I was feeling good about my decision until I saw this on Anthony Burch's (AKA Handsome Jack's creator): So who did you choose a

  • edited March 2015

    omg then vaughn and sasha will die in my playthrough. because i was hella rude and mean to vasquez and the blonde guy xD forgot his name lol .. and i chose jack so yeah, its going to hell from there :p but i wont change anything, because that how i felt at the time. if i knew what i know now then i will change everything i did xD but i always do 2 playthrough. my main one and the 2nd is the opposite of what i did :)


    this is exactly what i was thinking. i chose to call Vasquez Wallethead, and he said he was trying to be nice. i actually reloaded to undo h

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