breaking the 4th wall a little too much



  • edited March 2015

    The 4th wall jokes in episode two weren't too major, so I'm not surprised they didn't stand out to you. One review I read had a good way of putting it; some jokes tapped on the 4th wall, rather than breaking it.

    The three that I remember are:

    1) Marcus in the intro saying "Yes, yes, it's been a while. Everyone knows." This being a reference to the 4 month wait for episode 2.

    2) Rhys talking to himself in a silly manner and putting constant emphasis on the "BIG" decision of choosing where to go. Just a joke about decision making in Telltale games.

    3) Scooter turning to the camera and striking a pose for his splash card, even holding the pose after the fact as Fiona looks around confused.

    Would you list examples of breaking the fourth wall in TFTB specifically? The things mentioned are all from other Borderlands games, and I d

  • I thought all of those were funny and there weren't even a lot of them.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    The 4th wall jokes in episode two weren't too major, so I'm not surprised they didn't stand out to you. One review I read had a good way of

  • Agreed! I really enjoyed them.

    I thought all of those were funny and there weren't even a lot of them.

  • I didn't notice it too much, but I don't find the jokes funny when they do make them.

    The most annoying ones for me are the 'x will remember that' jokes - they used to show when we'd get consequences for our decisions, be them minor or major. Now it's just used as either or a gag or has no actual meaning at all, just to add bland flavour.

    I'd rather use the story and characters and situations to make jokes, not the game supposedly serious mechanics.

  • edited March 2015

    Who said Tale's game mechanics have to be serious? I think this adds a very charming flavor to the experience.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I didn't notice it too much, but I don't find the jokes funny when they do make them. The most annoying ones for me are the 'x will remem

  • Who said Tale's game mechanics have to be serious?

    Erm, my opinion?

    I just said what I think.

    J-Master posted: »

    Who said Tale's game mechanics have to be serious? I think this adds a very charming flavor to the experience.

  • Not saying you're wrong.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Who said Tale's game mechanics have to be serious? Erm, my opinion? I just said what I think.

  • There were only like one, maybe two in the last episode. I don't count the Marcus thing at the beginning since that is sort basically the whole concept of that plot device, him setting up a story to an audience. Rhys talking about big decisions is iffy. The only one that I really consider definitively fourth wall breaking was Scooter during his splash screen.

  • The Marcus part does relate to the real world wait, but it also fits with his story telling and is reasonably something he would say to the listener (who I think is still that kid from the other Borderlands games?), so I don't think it can be called 4th wall breaking (even though its obviously also a nod to the players, its done in a way that doesn't break character).

    I thought Rhys was trying to get Handsome Jack to show up to help him decide for number 2, so that one is iffy since it has a plausible in-character reason to be said and fits with his "going insane, talking to himself" behavior ever since Jack showed up. I really didn't consider him talking to the player at all, but I guess I can see that interpretation too. But I'd still put him trying to get Jack to show up the most plausible, and even if the alternate meaning is a nod to the audience its still kept consistently in-character.

    I agree on the third one; that was definitely a joke to the audience with no reason for Scooter to do it in the game world since he isn't posing all the time for photos or anything to cause him to reflexively do that when meeting someone so the splash card is the only reason apparent to me as well for him to do it. He is talking about sponsorships and franchising though, so maybe someone could stretch out an argument that involves that and him daydreaming about how he'll look on the billboards or whatever, but I won't make that argument. I did think it was funny, though.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    The 4th wall jokes in episode two weren't too major, so I'm not surprised they didn't stand out to you. One review I read had a good way of

  • Those aren't jokes; that's what all TTGs have in them to give you feedback when you have a possibly important interaction with someone. The only time it was a definite joke that I can recall was during the credits (and it might actually affect something down the line, but its 4th wall breaking for sure, but so are all of the credits). I know I remembered them remembering for the first episode, so I made sure to let the credits run the 2nd episode. But it didn't say they'll remember that at the end of them, so that made me sad.

    I think Vaugh, Sasha, Loaderbot, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Scooter, August, Shade, and any other "will remember" characters I'm missing who return will actually remember things. Oh yeah, I'm sure Yvette remembers if you bought lunch or not. Greasy Face didn't remember it too long, but he might have done something slightly different if you hadn't called him Greasy Face. But who wouldn't do that? I'm sure he remembered it to his grave, though. If you call whatever splattered mess he was in a grave. I think there might have been a joke about an inanimate object remembering or something, but I can't recall for sure. It was definitely funny if it was there... Oh, do you think Zer0 remembers meeting me? That guy was so awesome. I hope he wants to hang out sometime. Did you see his sword? What a bad ass. I bet Athena will be remembering things next time we see her, if we talk to her or do something that affects her. I don't think we imprinted any lasting memories on her yet, though.

    If they only told you important times people will remember things, it would make it less fun because then you'd know exactly when you are making an important choice that will come back later.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I didn't notice it too much, but I don't find the jokes funny when they do make them. The most annoying ones for me are the 'x will remem

  • "I shoot the leader!" - paraphrase of Brick's diplomacy

    Mr Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington was so awesome there too.


    Asariel posted: »

    Reminds me of the Dragon Keep DLC and how Brick's goddamn die squashed and destroyed the quest-giver/Tiny Tina's butler model.

  • I don't think we imprinted any lasting memories on her yet, though.

    Oh, I did.

    Alt text

    She'll be so pissed.

    Those aren't jokes; that's what all TTGs have in them to give you feedback when you have a possibly important interaction with someone. The

  • You call side - quests easter eggs? Bro the side - quests are a part of the story and i don't know anyone who doesn't do them?

    clap-tp posted: »

    having a couple breaking the 4th wall moment in a 3 games franchise (that mostly wasnt part of the main campaing and was sort of easter eggs

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited March 2015

    when the hell did i said side quest are easter eggs, even though some actually are in borderlands 1. youve missread what i said

    You call side - quests easter eggs? Bro the side - quests are a part of the story and i don't know anyone who doesn't do them?

  • edited March 2015

    Whoa, guys! Rhys and Fiona are fighting again! Come see!

    J-Master posted: »

    Not saying you're wrong.

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