I just find it adorable that y'all actually think the kid's got enough game to be 'boated' with anyone - wait, am I saying that right? Boate… mored? Nah, shipped - shipped, right? Something to do with maritime vehicles... Oh, you kids and your Dumblr and your giffys and whatever else you guys use on your EchoComms these days.
Long story short, Rhysie won't be getting with anyone if I have anything to say about it - and his little Pandoran-scum girlfriends will be lucky if they last much longer. So unless you guys are into necrophilia (which lets face it, is the only way the guy could ever score), I'd just give up now, okay Cupcakes?
I never called you a Rhysha shipper - I implied they were better than you because they would never threaten the life of one half of their ship - which you, a Rhyiona shipper, did.
Wait, seriously?
You really don't get it?
I never called you a Rhysha shipper - I implied they were better than you because they would never threaten the life of one half of their ship - which you, a Rhyiona shipper, did.
You guys are all insane. Entertaining, but fucking insane.
You know you've gone too far when HJ says you're insane. xD
Gotta agree tho, I don't think I've seen anything like this even on Bioware forums. And you know how Bioware games have actual romances and all that. Like... Wtf even.
I'm no longer understand what's going on. At all.
It would be cool tho if TTG could make some kind of reference to it, like they did with the waiting for ep2. That would've been awesome. Sooo awesome.
Lel, you want to fight Handsome Jack? Good luck.
I already killed him once...
So tsundere, Jack. Why don't you tell us how you really feel?
What can I say, Pumpkin? I like a gal who can scoop a man's eyeballs out with a spork...
Handsome Jack never lets us down.
And look how well that turned out - I'm bulletproof, baby!
Bro, I'll kill Rhys and then we'll see where you go
You'd be willing to sacrifice your precious ship for vengeance?
A Rhysha shipper would never do that...
Fite me irl fgt
No, I'm saying a Rhysha shipper would never dare to threaten the life of one half of their OTP. You're making Rhyiona shippers look reckless...
Bruh that doesn't make 2 cents because I ain't a Rysha shipper. I think you're just makin up excuses for the mistake that you clearly made
Wait, seriously?
You really don't get it?
I never called you a Rhysha shipper - I implied they were better than you because they would never threaten the life of one half of their ship - which you, a Rhyiona shipper, did.
Bruh I would never kill Rhys - Senpai it was just a threat. Thou now I get it and it was my mistake.
Good - I was beginning to think I was losing it, I kept re-reading it going "that totally makes sense - doesn't it?!" >_<
You can't ship Loader Bot. Just no. He's Rhys' son. ;_;
Look at him trying to do a little thumbs up like his dad. Cute!
Double post again.
Children grow up.
Me too. Until your last comment I could not understand what you were blabbering about >.<
You know you've gone too far when HJ says you're insane. xD
Gotta agree tho, I don't think I've seen anything like this even on Bioware forums. And you know how Bioware games have actual romances and all that. Like... Wtf even.
I'm no longer understand what's going on. At all.
It would be cool tho if TTG could make some kind of reference to it, like they did with the waiting for ep2. That would've been awesome.
Sooo awesome.