Episode 1 Vs Episode 2

Just wondering which episode people liked more: Episode 1 or Episode 2. Personally I liked episode 2 more because of the increased role of Handsome Jack and the inclusion of Scooter and Athena. Also that moonshot escape/Intro was goddamn amazing.


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I like episode 1 more, but it'll be hard for any Telltale episode to ever beat it for me.

    By the way, I made you a strawpoll:


  • I think I like Episode 2 just a little more. Probably because of how awesome the intro was. I liked Scooter (who doesn't love cars, women, and cars all at once?) But Loader-Bot felt a bit off. Other than that, they both were amazing.

  • Episode 1. For me, personally, Episode 2 felt like a bit of a filler.

  • Man this is a hard one, but I gotta go with Zer0 Sum. Atlus Mugged was still fantastic though.

  • I don't see it. :/

    Episode 1. For me, personally, Episode 2 felt like a bit of a filler.

  • They're both just as good as each other for me.

  • edited March 2015

    Hmm both episodes are the best telltale has done in my opinion. I think I like episode 2 just a tiny bit more. I can't put my finger on why I liked it more though. I think it is because I thought it was funnier than episode 1 and because liked the more tense scenes (the eyeball scooping, Vasquez trying to kill us in the desert, Athena Chase, etc.)

  • Hard one. I would chose Zer0 Sum, but that Bro scene was friggin' funny for me. So Atlas Mugged is the way for me.

  • Zer0 Sum, but both are great episodes.

  • Man, this is actually really easy for me. Atlas Mugged. Zer0 Sum kind of sucked for me, I don't know why.

  • I loved them both, but Handsome Jack definitely swayed my favor towards Atlas Shrugged.

  • I loved them both, but Atlas Mugged wins for me because it is slightly funnier, it has Handsome Jack, and the pacing feels better, making it have more re-playability. Close call though.

  • edited March 2015

    They're both really fantastic, but if I had to choose, I think I enjoyed Atlas Mugged more. Zer0 Sum felt a bit too long for it's own good, plus E2 just felt even more hilarious. No doubt due to Jack's presence. :P

    Edit- Oh, and also the fact that E2 had some decent hubs in it as well as some pretty different scenes depending on the choices made. E2 had a lot more replay value for me.

  • Overall, Zer0 Sum is better than Atlas Mugged. But I'd go for Atlas Mugged because of crazy intro credit.

  • Both are equally as good, but I personally preferred episode one because it's what made me like the game so much in the first place. I'm hoping episode three is just as good as the second...

  • It was neck and neck for me, but last night I had to replay Zer0 Sum (stupid iPhone deleted my douchebag playthrough) and as much as I adore it, I realised that Atlas Shrugged just managed to beat it for me.

    Obviously more Jack is a big plus for me, but I think the biggest swayers are the tone, the less chaotic pace, and the characterisation. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy TT's hubs, and I love the scenes at the end where we break off and get those amazing interactions with August and Vasquez (so much character development, actually, a little too much, I worry that one or both will be killed off soon). I also felt like my choices mattered a lot more than the first - that may just be the illusion of choice, but even as a hardcore Jack-lover I really struggled with that final decision (which I never did with Felix). But even the smaller choices seem to impact the game so much more than the first...

    Also, that HJ talking dick joke is probably the greatest thing Telltale have ever done - screw TWD and TWAU's phenomenal season one ending(s) - that joke will go down as Telltale's magnum opus!

  • Episode 1: 10/10 (Perfect balance of comedy, character development, action, and a compelling storyline)

    Episode 2: 8/10 (Beginning was good and ending was good. Stuff in between was kind of hit and miss for me. The action and character development were still as great as ever. But the story felt really cluttered and some of the jokes felt really forced.)

  • Episode 2, and Handsome Jack really does help. It's nice to see him up close so often, and damn, the holograph is too cute.

  • Exactly! When I wanted to make another save for different choices, I was pleased to play it again and still had as much fun.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I loved them both, but Atlas Mugged wins for me because it is slightly funnier, it has Handsome Jack, and the pacing feels better, making it have more re-playability. Close call though.

  • The first one, Zer0 Sum, takes the cake by a bit, but both of them are amazing :)

  • Based on the sense of humour, Zer0 Sum really does the best job so far. The jokes in Atlas Mugged seem not so "pure" and the humurous taste is a bit "awkward" rather than "fun" in general. On the other hand, the plot, gameplay and camera angles of episode 2 are obviously put into so much efforts and greatly impress me. For me, "Atlas Mugged" can be claimed as a remarkable movie. The character development is also done so well for me to love all the characters. Therefore, I give 1 more point to episode 2 this time because of the scenario.

  • I liked the first episode tiny bit more, but they were both amazing. :)

  • I like Atlas Mugged more. Both episodes are awesome. But Atlas Mugged is where the group has gathered and the true story begins. Zer0 Sum was an establishing episode, setting up the characters and the story.

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