Claptrap? Claptrap!
If they are going to include Claptrap in this game, wich I really hope they do, how would you like him to be introducted? What kind of interaction? Ect.
If there is going to be dialogue options I'd wish there would be friendly and mean ones, you know, to please both the people that hate and the people that love him
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I hope he's introduced when we're talking wich characters who know him already, so that when he shows up from nowhere, we would witness a group facepalm followed by a sigh "Not again..."
Most likely he will be in it. At Old Haven, you can use Rhys' Echo Eye to scan one of the billboards and it talks about Claptrap, probably foreshadowing.
Would be nice to see him interact with loaderbot
Rhys is waking up from another trauma.
Claptrap is right there saying, "Hi."
Rhys screams and kicks Claptrap over and runs away with Claptrap chasing after him saying, "Hey, let's be friends or you can be my minion."
Imagine Jack's reaction....
'Didn't I kill you once already ?'
I love Claptrap, he's so funny. If he does show up, I'll try being nice to him best I can.
Oh him meeting Rhys and Jack would be gold. Imagine when Rhys would be nice to him and Jack would get pissed off at him lol.
It would be amazing if Claptrap could see and hear Jack.
He be like:
"You son of a bitch."
Screw Claptrap I hate that thing.
Rhys and Vaughn are absolutely HORRIFIED, and actually start screaming and banging on the walls and eventually sobbing in a corner, or even just straight-out fainting in terror.
Meanwhile, Sasha, Fiona and any others accompanying them look on with a "Calm down, it's just a Claptrap, we can shoot it to bits" expression.
And of course, everyone thinks he's crazy except Athena.
I just imagined Rhys and Vaughn getting trapped in a dark room with just one light at the exit, maybe after a chase and they are hiding or something. In the dark a creepy light slowly comes towards them, closer and closer. They get absolutely terrified and think it's going to kill them. But then it comes into the light and reveals that hes just a little robot and says something like "Greetings Travellers!". And they either are still confused or stay terrified while Claptrap just casually talks to them :'D
Wonder if he'd taunt Jack cuz he wouldnt be able to do anything to him anymore
Except maybe...posess Rhys hand and punch him.
And they try to silence him because his voice is getting annoying and is NOT soothing. Unlike what he says in BL2.
Yeah, it's advertisement for the CL4P-TP robots and says that one unit (we know who) is active right now
Also for anyone who hasn't seen it, this thing:

Possible robro's?
Even though people think that clap-trap doesn't care what you say about him, its been confirmed that clap-trap is deeply hurt by this and hates himself for everyone hating him. Maybe we should give him a break every once and a while.
Can't handle the feel
I don't want, Claptrap. He sucks.
I hope so
I wanna see how my Rhys and Fiona react to that adorable trash can shaped... thing
Clappy hates you too
Its sadder when you read fall off fyrestone
I was not prepared for feels
You should, they're pretty fun. And a bit feelsy.
I really need to get into the comics...
Fun and feelsy, you say? I'm sold!
Claptastic voyage gives you even more feels
Oh lord no spoilers I wanna play it today ;u;
Get your permission slip cause you'll be going on a feel trip
I already put my seatbelt on
I would be thrilled. I feel like it would go something like this. Rhys: "Okay, I just gotta find Vaughn, Fiona, and Sasha." Rhys is walking around, talking to Handsome Jack at the same time, and ClapTrap starts running towards them. Claptrap: "Hello, new minions!" Handsome Jack: "Shoot it. Right now."
I didnt come here to feel today, now they are just flooding free.
(played yesterday)
nooo now I'm sad