Handsome Jack or Fiona?

So who did you choose to trust at the end of Episode 2? I had to go for Handsome Jack (though under a bit of family pressure). I had to know what Jack was going to do! Who did you pick and why? Alt text



  • edited March 2015

    Fiona. Because I don't trust Jack and Rhys loves Fiona, so of course he would side with Fiona. :3

  • Jack. Because decisions that will ultimately come back to bite me in the ass are the only kind I know how to make. ;D

    ... Buuut also because I panicked and hit the option closest to my thumb, which just so happened to be Jack. No regrets. Kinda.

  • Fiona.It seems Fiona has been more trusted than Jack first time Jack was first but now Fiona.

  • Fiona. Though Jack is powerful, I think he chooses that certain point of time to "help" them with some reasons. Maybe he has speculated the situation for a long time to see if there is a "loophole" to control Rhys and carry out his plan. If he really wants to help, he can do it upon the group was captured or a little bit later but not at that critical last moment. Indeed, Fiona is a good friend to trust and fewer people will get hurt.

  • edited March 2015

    In my ending Fiona don't know what Felix bombs do and she say trust me... just wtf is this, is she plan to detonate it self?

    Handsome Jack is Rhys, persona of two, there is point in the story when they talk at unison.

  • Jack Because: HAIL TO THE KING

  • Fiona because I don't trust Jack at all.

  • Fiona because you cannot trust Jack at all with any power, and Fiona seemed to have an idea she was confident in. But mainly because Jack is way too dangerous

  • Fiona the bae.

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  • edited March 2015

    Jack for me, mainly because any plan Fiona had didn't seems like a real plan... I took the hypothesis that Jack needs us more than we need him so he "should" protect our interest even if he go a little crazy with the floating guns

    EDIT: Oh and the Hail to the king Duke Nukem reference was just so cool

  • Fiona, I'm not giving up control to Jack. He's not a man to be trusted, he's funny, but untrustworthy.

  • Jack, because Fiona's plan was awful.

  • Went with Handsome Jack. The man said himself he needed me to live, so I doubt his plan will get us killed. I may regret allowing him full control of my body, but time will tell. I'd be worried for those who didn't choose Jack, because it seems he does NOT take it well.

  • Hail to the king.

  • Fiona, because if/when her plan fails it will be her fault not Rhys's.
    I Don't want to create a rift between the teams, and Fiona can be quick to anger, so if anything bad happens that is Rhys's fault they'll be less likely to reconcile than if it's Fiona's fault. In theory, that is.

  • Jack because in the situation I felt his plan was the best - threaten with a grenade or hack the drones to take over the facility. Sure some people might die and Jack is untrustworthy (that said I think he needs Rhys alive for now), but I figured death was much more likely if I trusted Fiona than if I trusted Jack. Plus his ending is more awesome lol.

  • Jack. Fiona was pretty dumb for wanting to shoot something that could be a Vault Key

  • I like Jack more than Fiona, but I have to pick Fiona.

  • I chose Jack... I don't know why, but mostly because I was under pressure and as many have already said his plan just seemed better in that moment. Sure, I don't completely trust him but he is just too awesome to not choose him xD I didn't choose Fiona because I had no idea what her plan was and what point it had? I just feel that if I chose her, something could happen to Vaughn or Sasha... or us...But now when I'm thinking about it I can't be sure that nothing happens to them/us even when I chose Jack... :D Guess I have to wait till next episode and see how much I screwed up xD

  • You can NEVER tell when Fiona and Rhys will or even if they ever will end up together. But Jack? Jack's even more of a mystery as to when he's set to leave. Fiona isn't in your head to bug you all the time but Jack is so I had to side with him, plus, Command over the Mechs, what could go wrong? (oh boy)

  • yesss :)

    Fiona. Because I don't trust Jack and Rhys loves Fiona, so of course he would side with Fiona.

  • Jack.. it seemed like the only logical choice at the time.. if he could control the bots that were in the same room as my friends and with us, aiming their guns right at us, then you needed to take that. What's fiona gonna do? Throw a grenade to kill you, and then get your friends killed? she has a grenade, in a seperate area with bots pointing weapons at her, and her friends being held hostage behind glass in a seperate room.. not alot she can logically do to get us out of that situation..

  • Jack is my pick. who can say no to such lovely creature?

  • I have saves for both, but Fiona on my first playthrough.

    Jack is a great character, but completely untrustworthy. He has ulterior motives in wanting Rhys to give him control.

  • Jack because a flash-bang is a stupid intimidation move once the flash has faded and You Are Still Standing There.

    With every gun Pointing At Everyone.

    Besides, Rhys has looked up to and obsessed over Jack for at least a few years now and has known Fiona like a week at the max? I'd rather trust the person I've obsessed over to the point of mimicry than a "random hick" from a planet of sand and sadness when it comes to soulless drones pointing guns at me. Oh, and the robots too :P

  • It's an "experimental grenade". For all we know, it could be more complex than the flashbang Felix made.

    It's still a dumb idea to just throw it at your feet and hope something good happens. Going with Jack seems like a better choice all around, even if you risk him gaining some sort of control.

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    Jack because a flash-bang is a stupid intimidation move once the flash has faded and You Are Still Standing There. With every gun Pointin

  • True that it is experimental, but as a few others have pointed out, Felix seems to focus on non-violent solutions to problems when possible. That strikes me as a person who would make more of a flash-bang than a paint-the-walls-red type of grenade.

    Piggs posted: »

    It's an "experimental grenade". For all we know, it could be more complex than the flashbang Felix made. It's still a dumb idea to just t

  • Jack, because what happens next is pretty bad-ass. When he wants something done, he gets it done...in style....(and usually with a bunch of deaths, but ya know what let's not focus on that part ahaha...T_T)

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    And, weirdly enough, I did trust Jack to a certain extent; to get me out of that mess alive, far more than I thought Fiona could, and that's exactly what the game was asking me soooo it was an easy choice (for once).

  • BOTH. (one Jack, other Fiona.. not in that order)

  • Jack...

    Hail to the King, baby!

  • I was tempted to go with Jack, but I didn't trust him so I went with Fiona.

  • edited March 2015

    Jack. I need Jacks trust because:

    1. He can control my body and

    2. Jack isn't afraid to F**k somebody up to get what he wants. My beautiful Rhys body isn't getting messed up. Need it in order to get that pu~~y

  • edited March 2015

    It was Jack for me... I didn't want to trust him but Fiona's "plan", whatever it is, might not work. Throwing a grenade on the platform you are STANDING ON? WHAT? I know i'll regret this but Jack seemed like the more logical option. "Listen, we can take over the whole facility, kid." (in my mind: Better than Fiona's! GO, GO, GO!!!)
    Oh, and by the way, I have recently found myself going back to redo decisions mainly due to the fact that I was stressed and chose the wrong one. (I went back for Jack) --- So, are you?

  • Fiona cuz loyalty. And because Handsome Jack thinks my Rhys is creepy.

  • I've played it through like seven times now and I still can't work up the courage to go against Jack. I can't imagine what he'll end up doing to Rhys, especially if he hates Rhys.

    Plus Jack's one of my favorite Borderlands characters, and I'm not gonna turn down the opportunity to be his right-hand man.

  • Fiona, just cuz.

  • Fiona because I ship Rhyona~ But I was really tempted to go for Jack
    Ok I'll lead myself out.

  • i chose jack because i was selfish, that doesnt make this the right choice but i really love jack and he's the villian that i killed although i was like WTF NOOOO you cant die on me lol. yeah that was me while killing him, so having him not only near but in my head, that can go real wrong real quick, and we all know jack, he can make you kill yourself if you dont get along with him, selfishly i chose him, i dont regret it though xD i share his plans regarding the vault key, and rhys deserve it honestly, its pandora people, being nice aint shit there, so rhys and jack are going to the moon with a vault key, (i hope) lol. unless i get them both killed xD

    AChicken posted: »

    It was Jack for me... I didn't want to trust him but Fiona's "plan", whatever it is, might not work. Throwing a grenade on the platform you

  • Handsome Jack, beacause he's just too sexy. (and handsome, I guess...)

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