Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I'd have to say that Episode 2 was a lot better. I wasn't that impressed with the first one, but this one pushed the envelope a little more. Granted the dialogue and the pacing was still a little off, but I'd have to say I was a lot more satisfied with this episode.

  • I am still completely devastated hours after I finished the episode...I was trying to be so nice the Kate, and she jumped anyway...I think I feel this way cause it's actually in a realistic setting (despite the rewind time aspect) whereas other games such as the walking dead were not. This is one of if not the hardest hitting moment in any game I have played. The episode was superb. I think it was a little slow at some points but still really good. Can't wait until May

  • What matters in that kate scene?

    Because I took the photo (which she refuses to see is the better choice), Ignored her call.

    I did erase all the messages on her board and the message in the bathroom. Oh and I got the bible quote and the correct family member who liked her. What did you pick?

  • Yes. There was a point in her dialogue where she says: "Okay max, I'll come with you." She tells max she would come with her, but then she pulls a 180, threating once again to throw herself from the roof. Conversations were everywhere. Chole's character is the only driving point for me as of right now. Hell Max is starting to get a bit annoying.

  • I didn't erase the writing cause I did that in my alternate playthrough in ep 1 and wanted to see what difference it makes. It was probably the quote and/or family member as I picked a vague "Suicide is a sin" and picked her Mother as the family member.

    What matters in that kate scene? Because I took the photo (which she refuses to see is the better choice), Ignored her call. I did era

  • Really? Chole is the worst for me, I dont know if I laughed more when she got hit by the train or shooting herself. I find it hard to find any scene tense due to the rewind thing.

    If chole didnt put herself in dangerous situations and bitch at max constantly I might like her.

    Oddly enough I like Max a bit

  • I totally guessed the bible quote to be fair, I did remember the family stuff she said, I think the game allows two fuck ups or maybe just one

    Batteries posted: »

    I didn't erase the writing cause I did that in my alternate playthrough in ep 1 and wanted to see what difference it makes. It was probably

  • Now I'm curious what was the original ending. Send me a PM, please. :)

    Well diferent ending you do not see the other ending of ep2,leaked.If you want i can send you in pm.

  • Good to see the first episode wasn't just a one hit wonder. Episode 2 is getting really positive reviews too :D. Though ign as usual gave it an underwhelming score because Mitch Dyer is an idiot.

  • edited March 2015

    Chloe's atleast a consistent character. She's an idiot through and through. Her stupidity is what makes her funny and entertaining. But with Max, you have this cautious character whom does stupid things. It doesn't makes sense. She tells Chloe over and over it's a bad idea to go shooting, but she has no problem lying on railroad tracks. She tells Chloe how much she hates gun, but then she points the gun at the guy. She whines as much as kate and ends up participating in the exact activity she's whining about. She's a walking contradiction.

    Really? Chole is the worst for me, I dont know if I laughed more when she got hit by the train or shooting herself. I find it hard to find a

  • I think that Kate scene is where Life is Strange show us that our previous choices from previous episode and our choice what to say to her to convince her not too jump really matters. The choices are branching to whether she'll jump or not in the end.

    Even you screwed up for not treating her nicely (taking photo instead of intervene, didn't erase her slate, didn't answer the call, tell her to do nothing), you still have a chance to convince her not to jump.

    A pretty powerful scene for me if I might say.

  • Max is just consistently weak willed and lacks confidence, she is still annoying in her own way, but I control her so she cant be that annoying

    MosesARose posted: »

    Chloe's atleast a consistent character. She's an idiot through and through. Her stupidity is what makes her funny and entertaining. But with

  • edited March 2015

    I agree, Chloe is starting to annoy me during the train scene. Yeah it was sweet, cute moment and all but lying on a railroad tracks?! You freaking kidding me?! And Max needs to do all the saving. Sometimes I questioned Chloe's friendship towards Max, is she really open her heart to Max or still with Rachel...

    Really? Chole is the worst for me, I dont know if I laughed more when she got hit by the train or shooting herself. I find it hard to find a

  • I thought that review was perfect, the end scene was great but besides that it was still pretty iffy particularly that railway scene,

    Good to see the first episode wasn't just a one hit wonder. Episode 2 is getting really positive reviews too . Though ign as usual gave it an underwhelming score because Mitch Dyer is an idiot.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm glad you liked Max. But in this episode I found myself screaming at my television telling her to shut up. I just hope next episode she grows a back bone or balls or something. Because it feels like I'm just playing with a more stable Kate.

    Max is just consistently weak willed and lacks confidence, she is still annoying in her own way, but I control her so she cant be that annoying

  • anybody else suspend David?I kinda feel bad for him,because you get an extra clip when all the slideshows of all characters pop up,of him being comforted by Chloe's mom.I think he means well,but i had a photo evidence.I felt like i couldnt back up claims against Nathan,so yeah :(

  • edited March 2015

    Oops,i rechecked,you right

    Pipas posted: »

    You get the same scene no matter what.

  • You get the same scene no matter what.

    anybody else suspend David?I kinda feel bad for him,because you get an extra clip when all the slideshows of all characters pop up,of him be

  • I think its more he fact shes around characters like Kate or Chloe most of the time so I dont find her that bad. Also due to me photo revenging Victoria she does start bitching her and Nathan out more so i'll give her that.

    She only really annoys me when she gets all hippy

    MosesARose posted: »

    I'm glad you liked Max. But in this episode I found myself screaming at my television telling her to shut up. I just hope next episode she grows a back bone or balls or something. Because it feels like I'm just playing with a more stable Kate.

  • edited March 2015

    I think for me it's more of a disconnect thing. We barely know anything about Max, other than she wants to be a photographer and she has this power. Plus a few other bits and pieces. Maybe that's why I find it hard to emphasize with her; I barely know her. But with Chloe we see her lives problems playout in the moment. I think I gravitate towards Chloe more because I feel as if I know more about her than Max.

    I think its more he fact shes around characters like Kate or Chloe most of the time so I dont find her that bad. Also due to me photo reveng

  • So was ep 2 any good?

  • edited March 2015

    That was a pretty damn good episode. 9.8/10

  • edited March 2015

    I love Max, she's a cutie pie.

    Alt text

  • Characters and Voice Actors - Life is Strange: Episode 1

  • I'm so drained after playing episode two. I can't even gather my thoughts right now. dozes off

  • Heavy rain was awesome :)

    Have yo played beyond to souls? (its from the same people)

  • edited March 2015

    Any ideas who could be a supervillain? (we all know someone is or will be its fate)

  • I will extract Episode 2 Speech File and Music File soon. If anyone is interested in Speech File and Music file of Episode 1, feel free to PM me okay?

  • I'm not entirely sure who Chloe's heart is with, but apparently she wants to marry my Max, so maybe Max?

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I agree, Chloe is starting to annoy me during the train scene. Yeah it was sweet, cute moment and all but lying on a railroad tracks?! You f

  • It was amazing. 9.5/10

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So was ep 2 any good?

  • Damn good episode 2, better than the first. But I'm definitely going back and playing it again and changing some choices.

  • Who? sry can't remember

    Mat_Den96 posted: »


  • The janitor probs not. How about Frank?

    Mat_Den96 posted: »


  • And yes i know he can be shot i was joking

    Mat_Den96 posted: »


  • I doubt it. She still looking for Rachel. I don't know, maybe she's still besties with Max... Gonna wait for Episode 3, its gonna be a hella exciting Episode!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not entirely sure who Chloe's heart is with, but apparently she wants to marry my Max, so maybe Max?

  • Episode 2 had some of the hardest choices in any game I've ever played. Choosing to not answer Kate' s call was hard choice and one I regret kind of.

    Damn good episode 2, better than the first. But I'm definitely going back and playing it again and changing some choices.

  • Much better than the first.

    Not to say it doesn't have it's issues carried over from the first ep. (still a lot of bad dialogue) but it actually invoked some emotion in me. In particular the last leg of the episode was actually super engaging and I felt shit for characters.

    The episode focused a bit more on the relationship on Chloe and Max and gave the player a bit more agency... So yeah, not terrible. Still some work to go, but I can see the game stitching and suturing itself up before my eyes. And I never thought I'd be finding myself as invested as I was toward that last really powerful scene (if you've played it, you know what the fuck I'm referring to).

    I just hope she'll be ok...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So was ep 2 any good?

  • Small spoiler:

    I has been CONFIRMED there will be a determinant love relationship with Chloe if the player choses. The same goes for Warren.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not entirely sure who Chloe's heart is with, but apparently she wants to marry my Max, so maybe Max?

  • It was confirmed in an interview to be a future choice

    MosesARose posted: »

    That would be so awesome. It would be cool if the player gets to choose between the two. I'd definitely pick Chloe!!

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