Too Soon to Be Called Friends?

In Episode 2 if you have Rhys & Vaughn go to Hollow Point, as Fiona you can pick the dialogue choices to tell Scooter if Rhys/Vaughn are your friends or not. Considering in the seemingly short time they've been traveling together and how much they initially trust/not trust in each other would it be too soon to call them friends or? I usually pick the 'short alliance' option but I'm wondering of your guys's opinions, thanks.


  • I chose to just be "friends" for now... I don't think my Rhys and Fiona have developed their friendship enough to say ACTUAL friends...
    Huh, now that I say that, I've just reassured myself for choosing Jack in the end. You go Brain!!

  • edited March 2015

    Good point, had not considered using the friend word loosely. The problem with me is the face Rhys makes when Fiona can say they're friends, he looks surprised maybe even touched. I sided with Fiona since I do not trust Jack besides him wanting to betray/kill me at some point, plus haven't told anyone about Jack yet so siding with him plus not telling anyone to me equals a big bite in the ass later. Have to admit his plan seems better than Fiona's but I'd only side with Jack for fun. Thanks for your opinion.

    AChicken posted: »

    I chose to just be "friends" for now... I don't think my Rhys and Fiona have developed their friendship enough to say ACTUAL friends... Huh, now that I say that, I've just reassured myself for choosing Jack in the end. You go Brain!!

  • I mean they've known each other for like what, a day? I say too soon.

  • Exactly what I was thinking. So I guess this possibly be more reason to side with Jack plus with him being Rhy's idol and all. Like the choices page says about this choice: The devil you know vs the friend you think you know. Thanks for your input.

    I mean they've known each other for like what, a day? I say too soon.

  • edited March 2015

    Well, life or death situations do tend to make you bond a bit faster.

    Also, have you seen Rhys' reaction if you have Fiona call them friends? Adorable.

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  • edited March 2015

    True that as well. Like I said in one comment, I Like the option saying we're friends cuz of this dork's face, ughhhh it is adorable haha. Thank you for posting the gif for it.

    Well, life or death situations do tend to make you bond a bit faster. Also, have you seen Rhys' reaction if you have Fiona call them friends? Adorable.

  • Oh come on, Scooter doesn't have to know about our little business or whatnot, why do we have to tell him we're "temporary allies" or that we're not friends when all he's asking is if they're with us or not. I figured out - what the heck, it's for the better both for Scooter so he could relax and apparently for Rhys too. I mean, Fiona can always stab him later. xD It won't kill her to be nice for once.

    So I'd say it's a win-win option even if you don't really think they're friends.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I chose the "temporary alliance" option since "friends" seemed a little too soon. But then Rhys looked butthurt over it, so I guess he actually thought they were friends lol.

  • If he did, he wouldn't be so surprised when Fiona said they're friends.

    Snoogle posted: »

    Yeah, I chose the "temporary alliance" option since "friends" seemed a little too soon. But then Rhys looked butthurt over it, so I guess he actually thought they were friends lol.

  • I said we're friends, I try to be nice as possible most of the time.

  • Course he'd be trying to hide his, err butthurtness?, with sarcasm. I think possibly he thought they were considering the entirety of the situation they're all in, how the girls were betrayed and himself could/did feel with the Vaughn/Vasquez situation(depending if you forgave him or not). Maybe he needed someone to actually say it, have reassurance? Dunno could be looking into it too hard lol. Thanks for your opinion as well.

    Snoogle posted: »

    Yeah, I chose the "temporary alliance" option since "friends" seemed a little too soon. But then Rhys looked butthurt over it, so I guess he actually thought they were friends lol.

  • They're pretty contradictory reactions :/. He acts hurt if you say you're not friends and then acts surprised if you say you are. Maybe it's a case of not expecting Fiona to consider them friends but still kind of hoping she would?

    I do want to squoosh his adorable face when he looks so touched over the "friends" option though.

    DeityD posted: »

    If he did, he wouldn't be so surprised when Fiona said they're friends.

  • That is also something I hadn't considered, was thinking about it too hard haha. I'll probably go with this in mind when I redo my choices thanks for your opinion.

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh come on, Scooter doesn't have to know about our little business or whatnot, why do we have to tell him we're "temporary allies" or that w

  • Thats usually how I play my version of Rhys as well. Good to hear another opinion thanks.

    I said we're friends, I try to be nice as possible most of the time.

  • I went to Old Haven, but had I chosen to go to Hollow Point, I'd have called them friends. Rhys's touched reaction is way too adorable that I almost want to go back and change my choice.

  • Ya his face shows how surprised and how unexpected that answer was, it's adorable haha. I always picked Hollow Point, since it shows Fiona has been sighted and how he says "we'll go to Old Haven like a family" which I think is sweet lol. Thanks for another opinion.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I went to Old Haven, but had I chosen to go to Hollow Point, I'd have called them friends. Rhys's touched reaction is way too adorable that I almost want to go back and change my choice.

  • It's never too soon to be called a friend :D especially those who are destined to be more

  • Yes, destined to be a sister-in-law.

    Linsepins posted: »

    It's never too soon to be called a friend especially those who are destined to be more

  • Haha that'd be great.

    Yes, destined to be a sister-in-law.

  • You're right, Sasha makes the best kid sister-in-law to the soon-to-be-married Rhys and Fiona. :P
    (okay, last time I make a shipping post. i couldn't resist)

    Yes, destined to be a sister-in-law.

  • Like for you man. Made me crack up.

    I mean, Fiona and Sasha, with one being a future sister-in-law in Rhys could go either way.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    You're right, Sasha makes the best kid sister-in-law to the soon-to-be-married Rhys and Fiona. :P (okay, last time I make a shipping post. i couldn't resist)

  • More than friends....

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  • I think he's a very controversial character to begin with.

    Btw, in ep2 we have three lines - one when we choose to go to Hollow point and he says "and then we'll go tohether... like a family". Then there's the Captor asking him why he chose to go there and ALL of the lines imply that they're at least important to him, even when he says that he learned it working for Hyperion (that... team spirit bs). And the last one when Assquez asks him who helped him, he can say "My friends helped" meaning Sasha and Fiona.

    But what the actual F, this is the same guy who backstabbed people and send them to work in eridium mines. How can he be such an asshole and such a wuss at the same time? Tbh, I don't quite understand his motivations and prioreties. Maybe he just values loyalty and does what he can for his friends but completely indifferent to random people. That... explains a lot, actually. I just thought about it while reading and writing this.

    Snoogle posted: »

    They're pretty contradictory reactions . He acts hurt if you say you're not friends and then acts surprised if you say you are. Maybe it's a

  • This gif kills me every time...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    More than friends....

  • Nah, it's pretty cool analazing characters like that. I just put myself in Fiona's place while playing and came up with this. I think it suits her, lie and embellishment are means to an end for her. And little white lie can't hurt that much.

    Rexarik posted: »

    That is also something I hadn't considered, was thinking about it too hard haha. I'll probably go with this in mind when I redo my choices thanks for your opinion.

  • I mean one of the choices you can tell the Stranger why going to Hollow Point is because of Loyalty so that could be his main value or the one thing he really cares about, maybe needs at this point. It is annoying how he goes back and forth like that. Maybe he'll make more sense as the story continues from whatever choices you make?

    DeityD posted: »

    I think he's a very controversial character to begin with. Btw, in ep2 we have three lines - one when we choose to go to Hollow point and

  • It is quite fun and having other people join in as well. It does fit her character well I agree. I'm usually bad trying to be in a characters shoes since I'm guilty of picking the 'goody goody' choices, ex. "we're friends, like a family" lol.

    DeityD posted: »

    Nah, it's pretty cool analazing characters like that. I just put myself in Fiona's place while playing and came up with this. I think it suits her, lie and embellishment are means to an end for her. And little white lie can't hurt that much.

  • I chose friends because if they double cross me maybe it will make them feel bad.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh god, his face is so cute it physically hurts.

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    Well, life or death situations do tend to make you bond a bit faster. Also, have you seen Rhys' reaction if you have Fiona call them friends? Adorable.

  • I chose friends since 1. It's none of Scooter's business anyways, 2. They'd been through some pretty intense stuff together that forced them to trust each [and you know...didn't let each other down, meaning that there is some trust built up], and 3. they really seem to already be considering each other members of the same group without actually thinking about it, instead of still thinking of each other as enemies/whatever you want to call their previous dynamic.

  • edited March 2015

    Just skip the friends stage.

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    Seriously, though, in a real life situation it'd definitely be too early but since this is a game I see no reason to hurt his feelings.

  • Alot can happen in 24 hrs. And intense situations where you are forced to put your trust in someone who you may not otherwise, is a perfect recipe for forming fast relationships. You see what people are really made of.

    IMO they are friends, if uneasy ones. Hell, i trust Fiona and Sasha (as Rhys) more than i trust Vaughn and Yvette.

    I mean they've known each other for like what, a day? I say too soon.

  • Well yeah, it is a bit too early to call them friends. But I have an easier time believing they are a group of friends searching for a vault together than the Walking Dead Season 2's group of survivors (No offense to TWD Season 2).

  • I mean, sure, it's a lil too early but in my eyes....they're all bffls. They'll have sleepovers every saturday night and have pillow fights with each other that turns into Fiona and Sasha pointing their guns at Rhys and Vaughn :3 just a normal early friendship

  • I chose "temporary alliance" cause my Fiona likes messing with Rhys, though she probably sees them as friends.

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