Handsome Jack's daughter

So for those who played BL2, his daughters death (Angel) was such a significant turning point for his character.
So I'm just wondering, is the Hologram that Jack is at the moment know that his daughter his dead? Cause he didn't he died, so when was this hologram of Jack made?


  • He probably doesn't know.....and that's probably for the best.

  • edited March 2015

    Nakayama probably didnt know about Angel so Hologram Jack probably wouldnt either. But if He did know of Angel, he wouldnt have known if she were dead, and Holo-Jack would probably be real mad if he found out. Please let him find out.

  • If he doesn't know, I'm not going to be comfortable being the one to tell him.

  • I'm actually apprehensive of the idea. 8U; He's in our head, imagine how his rage could affect us if HoloJack learns his daughter is dead. His rage in BL2 was a pretty frightening change (at least to me), so seeing it up close and personal would be pretty scary.

  • Jack seems to have memories of his time alive though, e.g. the "Wallethead" stuff which seems like far too specific information for Nakayama to have programmed in. He probably does know about Angel, and as you said, he'll be pissed if he doesn't already know what happened.

    That'd make for a good "You get revenge for me right now or I'll make you get revenge."

    Nakayama probably didnt know about Angel so Hologram Jack probably wouldnt either. But if He did know of Angel, he wouldnt have known if she were dead, and Holo-Jack would probably be real mad if he found out. Please let him find out.

  • He doesn't remember dying or fighting the Vault Hunters, so I'm thinking holo-Jack doesn't know.

  • I personally think the AI is pre Where Angels Fear to Tread, but I really, really hope that Telltale addresses Angel in some fashion (especially considering how ridiculously underused she was in TPS).

    It makes me wonder why, if Jack/Nakayama had the technology to create an AI this advanced, that he didn't make one for Angel too. I know that Nakayama probably didn't know about her, but if Jack really cared about her he could have found some way around it... It makes me think that the only reason he didn't is because the AI couldn't have had her powers, in which case he wouldn't have a use for her - which just drives home the fact that she was only ever a tool to be used and abused, and never his daughter. :'(

  • You have to remember how Jack viewed AI's : Not really people. I don't think he would have seen a point in making an AI Angel since it wouldn't really be Angel to him. Personally i feel that Jack cared a great deal about his daughter beyond the mere utilitarian uses for her powers (why would you keep a picture of a simple tool on your desk?) and it continued as he became Handsome Jack in a twisted way.

    I personally think the AI is pre Where Angels Fear to Tread, but I really, really hope that Telltale addresses Angel in some fashion (especi

  • I personally believe that he genuinely thought he loved her, in the same way that he genuinely thought that he was the hero of the story - but to anyone who isn't a megalomanic, narcissistic, psychopath it's pretty clear that he was just completely delusional...

    The fact that the photo on his desk is of her at a much, much younger age than she would have been during TPS (by which stage he has already imprisoned her in the control core) shows that he infantalises her and is fixated on the idea of her being his daughter and not the reality of their actual relationship. Even when he perceived her as nothing more than his 'loving, doting daughter' she was once again just a tool to boost his ego and add to his delusions of grandeur/morality.

    You have to remember how Jack viewed AI's : Not really people. I don't think he would have seen a point in making an AI Angel since it would

  • Godammit, that's so sad :'(

    I personally believe that he genuinely thought he loved her, in the same way that he genuinely thought that he was the hero of the story - b

  • I find that people with kids usually carry around pictures them being fairly young. Regardless, i'm not really willing to pass judgement on Jack and his relationship with Angel pre-TPS without knowing what Hyperions and general humanitys attitude and usual procedures towards Sirens are and what exactly happened with Angels mother. It might be that hiding Angel away in the core was the best of a bunch of bad options :/

    Hadsome Jack is, of course a whole diffrent matter. Love, twisted, is not much diffrent from hate.

    I personally believe that he genuinely thought he loved her, in the same way that he genuinely thought that he was the hero of the story - b

  • Yeah same here... To be honest I kinda felt a bit sympathy towards him this episode, even though he's a bit of a dick at some points...

    If he doesn't know, I'm not going to be comfortable being the one to tell him.

  • It's been heavily implied (mostly by Anthony Burch) that Jack himself killed Angel's mother and blamed her for it - but I do agree that we've yet to see the whole story and so anything else is just assumption - hopefully Telltale can shed some light on it!

    I find that people with kids usually carry around pictures them being fairly young. Regardless, i'm not really willing to pass judgement on

  • Now that I think about it, there was a side quest added into Borderlands: The Pre Sequel, post launch called "Handsome A.I." which has Nakayama trying to replicate or copy jacks mind. Its mostly played up for comedy and didn't think much of it when I played it but now that I think of it, they patched it in after Tales was released and given the events there, I wonder if that's where this stems from. If it is, then given the timelines of the game, the Jack in Rhys head would be unaware of the end events of The Pre Sequel, as well as all the events of Borderlands 2, so he wouldn't be aware of Angel's demise. I didn't even think of this and now I really hope they explore this.

  • It's 100% not the same AI as from the TPS side mission as this one wears the Handsome Jack mask, BL2 Jack's outfit and has the grey streak through his hair.

    Also there were obviously some huuuge improvements between the two. I originally thought that because Jack kept Angel a secret from Hyperion that Nakayama wouldn't be able to include his memories of her, and the AI would be blissfully unaware of her existence - but considering the super obscure things Jack does remember (everything about Vasquez/Wallet Head, punching his mother etc.) it's got to be more directly linked to his actual memories than Nakayama asking him a few questions.

    Now that I think about it, there was a side quest added into Borderlands: The Pre Sequel, post launch called "Handsome A.I." which has Nakay

  • Personally, I always like the idea that Angel genuinely did kill her mother by accident. In her boss battle, she tells you that Jack uses guilt and manipulation to drag people into his schemes. So if she did kill her mother, even in an accident, Jack could easily use it against Angel and keep her meek and guilt-ridden.

    It's been heavily implied (mostly by Anthony Burch) that Jack himself killed Angel's mother and blamed her for it - but I do agree that we'v

  • ''Don't pick a fight with a man with nothing left to loose''

    I think HoloJack knows about Angel, but just doesn't remember her. It took a lot of time for him to remember who Vasquez was in his past...although Vasquez is/was less important to him. So I just think HoloJack knows all the people he met, he just doesn't remember them.

    So...If we keep being quiet about Angel, we'll be all good. I don't want Jack to take control of Rhys and then raid Sanctuary...

  • Wow.. that sounds something I would want to see!

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'm actually apprehensive of the idea. 8U; He's in our head, imagine how his rage could affect us if HoloJack learns his daughter is dead. H

  • A+ logic skills there!

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    Jack seems to have memories of his time alive though, e.g. the "Wallethead" stuff which seems like far too specific information for Nakayama

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