Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • It's got to be Samuel...Who else has a soft voice that Kate wouldn't know?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah the man with the "soft voice" could very well be Samuel. I got a feeling that he is either tied to what's going on or he knows something.

  • Oh fuck...I just remembered! He had pictures of Rachel Amber in his shed! FUCK!


  • Yeah the man with the "soft voice" could very well be Samuel. I got a feeling that he is either tied to what's going on or he knows something.

    I'm also going to guess that this is the same room where Kate was drugged by Nathan and his associate (the one with the "soft voice").

  • Same. It's kinda interesting how each of Max's friends are possessive of her. (Although each has a semi-understandable reason)

    Chloe: doesn't want Max to pick up the phone.
    Reason(s): major abandonment issues, only has one friend.

    Kate: comes off as a bit possessive in episode two.
    Reason(s): depressed. Only has one (true) friend.

    Warren: fairly relaxed, but i get a vibe from him, he comes on WAY too strong, and I bet he's going to get jealous of all the attention Chloe is getting soon.(also apparently, maybe stalking her)
    Reason: huge (likely unrequited based on her journal) crush on Max.(no excuse if he actually is stalking though.)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I kinda like him less in this episode, because, before asking Max to go with him to the movies, he asked Brooke, and if Max accepts his offe

  • My favorite part of the episode was exploring the school and being in class right before the whole Kate incident. It reminds me of my day around my school, calmly walking around, talking with everyone, going in classrooms before class starts to talk to people...

  • Out of everyone we've met, nobody else. So Samuel may also tied into what's going on.

    I thought Samuel was suspicious in E1, and along with him, I think this episode also made Jefferson more suspicious. He is quick to defend Nathan, if Max tells him about Nathan having a gun in the bathroom, yet he is pretty quick to help Max throw David under the bus, if she has the picture of him with Kate.

    It's got to be Samuel...Who else has a soft voice that Kate wouldn't know?

  • I just thought Samuel was retarded, he probably still is but I don't know.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Out of everyone we've met, nobody else. So Samuel may also tied into what's going on. I thought Samuel was suspicious in E1, and along wi

  • I'm not sure if he is. He seems like he could be, but he seems to know quite a few things.

    I just thought Samuel was retarded, he probably still is but I don't know.

  • Yeah those three certainly are possessive of Max.

    I agree Chloe and Kate's reasons for it are semi-understandable, Warren, on the other hand, I'm really sure what to think of him after this episode. Him spying at Max while she's in her room certainly gives me the creeps.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Same. It's kinda interesting how each of Max's friends are possessive of her. (Although each has a semi-understandable reason) Chloe: doe

  • Better than the first episode!

  • Yeah, i'm definitely going to keep an eye on him now.
    (Mostly unrelated) I'm suprised so many agreed to go to the marrathon with him. I doubt Max will actually have time for it since she has to balance 3 friendships, 2+ enemies, superpowers, a missing person, and a tornado.
    I highly doubt there's time for "going ape" in her schedule.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah those three certainly are possessive of Max. I agree Chloe and Kate's reasons for it are semi-understandable, Warren, on the other h

  • I've read some theories that him spying on Max might be related to the call he answered before Max talked to him. Some thought that it could've been a call from Nathan or Victoria, because without Max there, they can just go and trash her room, though I don't think this is the case. If you don't report Nathan and comfort Victoria, does anything happen?

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Yeah, i'm definitely going to keep an eye on him now. (Mostly unrelated) I'm suprised so many agreed to go to the marrathon with him. I do

  • I wonder who took those pictures of Rachel posing. Could it have been this guy?

    Alt text

    Oh fuck...I just remembered! He had pictures of Rachel Amber in his shed! FUCK!

  • The plot thickens.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I wonder who took those pictures of Rachel posing. Could it have been this guy?

  • I don't think he did either(Or should I say hope so).. But did you notice how creepy he seemed in this episode? Stalked Max out of it really. I totally shipped then in ep. 1 but now think I'm more on the Chloe hype if I had to choose. Nathan seems like the too obvious choice and he seems way to into drugging girls 1st.. God I hate Nathan.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Warren is actually the one who I had in mind, due to what Rachel wrote about the guy, but if it was him, I don't think he did anything bad to her


    The plot thickens.

  • Don't trust anyone...Even yourself.

    Adammq10 posted: »


  • Everybody's in on everything :O I must hide EVEN FROM MYSELF, I'd ask for help but your all conspiring together

    Don't trust anyone...Even yourself.

  • He still gets a call. But your room isn't trashed.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I've read some theories that him spying on Max might be related to the call he answered before Max talked to him. Some thought that it could

  • I just tried to watch CinnamonToastKen play Episode 2. Oh god that was awful. He even made fun of the BIG scene at the end. I tried to watch Ken play these story based games multiple times but clearly their not for him.

  • Nathan is a pretty big douchebag.

    If there is a choice on who will be Max's love interest, I think I'll choose Chloe. After episode 1 I kinda was torn between choosing Chloe or Warren, but with him stalking/spying, along with fake promises of a hug and being happy about blowing Brooke off, if you tell him you'll go with him to the movies (or acting like a kicked puppy if you blow him off, and saying he'll go by himself, even though he had already asked Brooke).

    Chloe ain't a saint, but unless she does something really assholish in the future, I choose her, for now (unless she dies for good, and Dontnod sinks muh ship)

    Adammq10 posted: »

    I don't think he did either(Or should I say hope so).. But did you notice how creepy he seemed in this episode? Stalked Max out of it really

  • Yes it does. Could Jefferson, Nathan and Samuel all be working together, and are the ones responsible for the "missing" girls?

    Could Frank be their drug supplier?

    The plot thickens.

  • 'Girly''

    What does that mean?

    pratikrockz posted: »

    This is shitty game i ever played so boring and girly i wasted my 4 hours i wish i can take it back

  • Well that's what I had expected. Maybe he made up the story about waiting for someone to call him, and he was just there to see if he could catch a glimpse of Max without her clothes on, but you never know. We'll just have to keep an eye on him.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    He still gets a call. But your room isn't trashed.

  • He was probably expecting Max to be some big manly man and for the game to be full of action and violence and hyper realistic blood. Can't forget dat hyper realistic blud.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Girly'' What does that mean?

  • Yeah that kind of pissed me off how he laughed about it.

    I just tried to watch CinnamonToastKen play Episode 2. Oh god that was awful. He even made fun of the BIG scene at the end. I tried to watch Ken play these story based games multiple times but clearly their not for him.

  • Trying REALLY hard to be Pewdipie, eh?

    I just tried to watch CinnamonToastKen play Episode 2. Oh god that was awful. He even made fun of the BIG scene at the end. I tried to watch Ken play these story based games multiple times but clearly their not for him.

  • edited March 2015

    Can anyone that has/had access to the leaked files confirm if there was in fact a Chloe ending, that ended up being removed/not making it to the final version of episode 2. I find it pretty odd that the save file and chapter select both specify that you're with Warren at the main campus. As if there is supposed to be an alternate ending, where Max is with somebody else (probably Chloe).

    I've seen some speculating that whatever the Chloe ending was supposed to be might be reworked and used in the final version episode 3 (possibly to ensure E3 is released on time, since it should be released on the 5th of May, at the earliest)

    With that, I'm going to speculate that the scenes we see in the preview (where Max and Chloe are sneaking around Blackwell at night) take place on the same day as E2, so maybe the ending with Chloe was supposed to lead directly into E3 (possibly Chloe going to Blackwell to comfort Max, and the two start planning about what they are going to do), so it might end up being used as the intro for E3.

  • The game itself tells you to not trust anyone. Seriously, I've lost count of the times I saw "trust no one" written on the environments.

    Adammq10 posted: »


  • I really hope he isn't a stalker/peeping tom, he seems like a good friend, I hope it was just an in-joke the developers put in, thinking we wouldn't notice, but I realize how unlikely that is.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well that's what I had expected. Maybe he made up the story about waiting for someone to call him, and he was just there to see if he could catch a glimpse of Max without her clothes on, but you never know. We'll just have to keep an eye on him.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Even yourself

    Yeah, you'll never know when you'll decide to slit your own throat or jump off a building. I can't trust myself. Not my hands, not my feet not anything. Time to go cut some limbs off. But do I trust the cutting tool?

    Don't trust anyone...Even yourself.

  • Don't.Trust.Anything.

    They all have eyes.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Even yourself Yeah, you'll never know when you'll decide to slit your own throat or jump off a building. I can't trust myself. Not my hands, not my feet not anything. Time to go cut some limbs off. But do I trust the cutting tool?

  • I hope I'm wrong about him, because he was one of my favourite characters in the first episode, but these things made me like him less in this episode. Maybe the devs put that in as a joke, or maybe they didn't, we'll just just have to wait for the future episodes.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I really hope he isn't a stalker/peeping tom, he seems like a good friend, I hope it was just an in-joke the developers put in, thinking we wouldn't notice, but I realize how unlikely that is.

  • I really liked it it put all telltale games to shame in that they say your choices affect the game this episodes shows for once a story based game is actually doing. If this was a telltale game im sure there would be no way to save kate.

  • There would be... but she only has 2 lines in the next episode or dies off screen or she doesn't appear again or she only sends Max text messages.

    Then again, we should wait to see how Dontnod handles Kate's determinant status.

    cooperb21 posted: »

    I really liked it it put all telltale games to shame in that they say your choices affect the game this episodes shows for once a story based game is actually doing. If this was a telltale game im sure there would be no way to save kate.

  • edited March 2015

    I replayed episode 2 and made sure this time that I saved Kate, and I got Nathan suspended (I felt so satisfied when that happened. Fucking asshole.)

  • Not that it was all that tough to top really.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Better than the first episode!

  • Wow somebody studied up on time travel mechanics and Quantum theories


  • I actually wasn't expecting the principal to suspend Nathan, since his family has invested a lot of money in Blackwell, so I thought he would just make some excuse for the brat, so he (Principal Wells) earned some of my respect. Something bad will probably happen to him, since the Prescotts seem to be a family of douchebags.

    I replayed episode 2 and made sure this time that I saved Kate, and I got Nathan suspended (I felt so satisfied when that happened. Fucking asshole.)

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