everyone here knows how you feel about a male taking more spotlight than the female
Oh do they now? Because I don't remember making one single post saying that Rhys is taking the spotlight from Fiona. In fact, I don't remember doing this for any characters based on gender.
Care to give me evidence?
If you're that interested, I made a list of the topes Rhys succumbs to a few days ago on the forums. This isn't something Im making up to pretend I'm making an argument different to that which I am.
All you've done is assume I've said something then make fun of me for it. Which isn't remotely fair.
I didn't say anything about him being male.
you are implying it and you have done it before and everyone here knows how you feel abo… moreut a male taking more spotlight than the female
He's more comfortable territory because he's tropey, not because he's male.
yea sure thing pretend like that is your reason
You have a reputation for complaining about people only liking a character because they're male. Sorry for putting words in your mouth if that isn't what you mean but next time try to be more specific to avoid situations like this.
...those are examples of what Im talking about.
He's more comfortable because he's more of a typical hero, e.g. dorky sidekick, confident-but=not-as-confident-as-he-seems.
People are putting words in my mouth here to a ridiculous extent.
Right, so people ASSUMED I said something (when I didn't) and then went on to MOCK me for making an argument which I didn't make?
Seems f… moreair.
Jeez, sometimes this forum is very hard to stay on
Apology not really accepted. This happens a lot, it makes me feel like shit, I've told people that before and they don't stop.
Actions speak louder than fucking words.
So me having a 'reputation' (always nice to know people think things about you that they don't say) means its fair to mock me for a post by implying I said things I didn't?
Also, I would really really really love you to list some times I've said people only like a character because they're male.
You have a reputation for complaining about people only liking a character because they're male. Sorry for putting words in your mouth if that isn't what you mean but next time try to be more specific to avoid situations like this.
Flog, stop, I'm not looking to argue with you over this. You like to imply stuff and if you only would've decided to specify then we could've avoided all of this.
So me having a 'reputation' (always nice to know people think things about you that they don't say) means its fair to mock me for a post by … moreimplying I said things I didn't?
Also, I would really really really love you to list some times I've said people only like a character because they're male.
Because I can't remember doing so once.
Flog, stop, I'm not looking to argue with you over this. You like to imply stuff and if you only would've decided to specify then we could've avoided all of this.
Oh do they now? Because I don't remember making one single post saying that Rhys is taking the spotlight from Fiona. In fact, I don't remember doing this for any characters based on gender.
Care to give me evidence?
i would really love to trust me i really do but i have better things to do than go through old threads and your comments just to find proof so sorry about that one
but i'll say this to try explain myself, you have a reputation for giving people trouble just for liking a male character over a female maybe you don't realize it (i don't know how you wouldn't) because you keep denying it but as you can see i'm not the only one who is saying this either way you should be more clear if you actually meant it to be something else anyway i'm not gonna argue with you from here so don't even try to say anything else
When did I imply it?
everyone here knows how you feel about a male taking more spotlight than the female
Oh do they now? Becau… morese I don't remember making one single post saying that Rhys is taking the spotlight from Fiona. In fact, I don't remember doing this for any characters based on gender.
Care to give me evidence?
If you're that interested, I made a list of the topes Rhys succumbs to a few days ago on the forums. This isn't something Im making up to pretend I'm making an argument different to that which I am.
All you've done is assume I've said something then make fun of me for it. Which isn't remotely fair.
Me not specifying doesn't make making fun of me based on assumptions okay.
And the reason I didn't specify is because I'd already had a debate about this yesterday and didn't think it needed to be repeated.
Also, I don't see how Rhys is the typical hero, his end game is being on top and getting the big score like Fiona, not saving the world or defeating the villain, plus Yvette doesn't really give him instructions, she's an ally that helps him out like Vaughn, and while Vaughn is dorky, Rhys is a dork as well.
Of course you didn't, because you're a nice person.
It's the others I'm annoyed about, in particular the large number of people liking the posts mocking me (which is as good as mocking me themselves, really).
Well, that didn't turn out too well. Sometimes it's better to repeat stuff.
I get that I should have been more specific, but that would merit responses of 'would you specify please?' not 'dont fucking start', surely?
The rudeness above and below is not my fault - it was caused not only by other peoples unfounded assumptions but their own rude natures.
Flog I didn't mock you. I asked "Really Flog?", then I provided an explanation why some of us like him.
Well, that didn't turn out too well. Sometimes it's better to repeat stuff.
Just to say I added a bit to my post after you replied which you probs haven't seen.
Well, it would be nice to have fewer sucky people running around the forums being rude for no reason, with no-one other than me challenging them, is all I'd say.
Of course you didn't, because you're a nice person.
Thank you. Honestly I'm going through a hard time and any small thing does help … moreme.
It's the others I'm annoyed about, in particular the large number of people liking the posts mocking me (which is as good as mocking me themselves, really).
People suck. What else can I say?
Of course you didn't, because you're a nice person.
Thank you. Honestly I'm going through a hard time and any small thing does help me.
It's the others I'm annoyed about, in particular the large number of people liking the posts mocking me (which is as good as mocking me themselves, really).
Of course you didn't, because you're a nice person.
It's the others I'm annoyed about, in particular the large number of people liking th… moree posts mocking me (which is as good as mocking me themselves, really).
Well, that didn't turn out too well. Sometimes it's better to repeat stuff.
I get that I should have been more specific, but that would merit responses of 'would you specify please?' not 'dont fucking start', surely?
The rudeness above and below is not my fault - it was caused not only by other peoples unfounded assumptions but their own rude natures.
Just to say I added a bit to my post after you replied which you probs haven't seen.
Well, it would be nice to have fewer sucky people running around the forums being rude for no reason, with no-one other than me challenging them, is all I'd say.
So your reasons for being rude were based on assumptions...because of things I supposedly have said but you have no evidence for?
Um, right. Seems like a nice thing to do.
you have a reputation for giving people trouble just for liking a male character over a female
I've never done that before. If I thought people should prefer all female characters to male ones, then why would I personally prefer Luke to Sarah? And Omid to Katjaa? And Mike to Bonnie?
Oh do they now? Because I don't remember making one single post saying that Rhys is taking the spotlight from Fiona. In fact, I don't rememb… moreer doing this for any characters based on gender.
Care to give me evidence?
i would really love to trust me i really do but i have better things to do than go through old threads and your comments just to find proof so sorry about that one
but i'll say this to try explain myself, you have a reputation for giving people trouble just for liking a male character over a female maybe you don't realize it (i don't know how you wouldn't) because you keep denying it but as you can see i'm not the only one who is saying this either way you should be more clear if you actually meant it to be something else anyway i'm not gonna argue with you from here so don't even try to say anything else
My sarcasm was about not knowing why most people prefer him.
The reason is that he's comfortable territory for Telltale gamers in many wa… moreys. E.g. dorky sidekick, friend on screen giving advice, 'HES NOT AS CONFIDENT AS HE SEEEEEMS' etc.
He's more tropey.
Yvette is the same trope as that girl from gears of war who does nothing but advise you and be your ally over the intercom for the first two games, I'll look for the exact name of the trope.
He's not 'the' typical hero, he's 'a' typical hero. His endgame is different to most (but so is fiona's so theyre on level pegging there), but he suffers from many tropes of cheesy writing that Fiona simply doesn't.
Also, I don't see how Rhys is the typical hero, his end game is being on top and getting the big score like Fiona, not saving the world or d… moreefeating the villain, plus Yvette doesn't really give him instructions, she's an ally that helps him out like Vaughn, and while Vaughn is dorky, Rhys is a dork as well.
Again, I don't see how cheesy writing is a bad thing considering this is a comedy series and its Borderlands, which has always relied on cheesy characters.
These forums are run on a modification of the Vanilla Forums software, which I believe lacks an ignore feature. Unfortunately, I don't know if this feature could be added, but for what it's worth I do think the web team is making iterative updates to different parts of the site.
We were wondering why people prefer Rhys to Fiona. In my opinion this is because he represents more familiar territory for them, such as tropes and cheesy situations.
I personally detest all use of others' materials for story creation, and thats essentially what tropes and cheese are, so I have a strong negative reaction to examples of it. Its just a personal thing.
Again, I don't see how cheesy writing is a bad thing considering this is a comedy series and its Borderlands, which has always relied on cheesy characters.
That's why it would be the best ending. Though... not only does it confirm Rhyiona, but it also kinda sinks the ship, since they both die... oh well, I'll just pretend that Loaderbot pulls a Deus Ex Machina and saves his parents.
That's why it would be the best ending. Though... not only does it confirm Rhyiona, but it also kinda sinks the ship, since they both die... oh well, I'll just pretend that Loaderbot pulls a Deus Ex Machina and saves his parents.
Well, I mean, when episode 1 came out people were saying how Rhys felt like a breath of fresh air in how much of a dork and out of element character he was compared to Lee and Bigby.
To me, he's more interesting, and relatable in a sense that he tries to act all confident and cool when he's actually kind of a dork that's a little in over his head, and I personally think that Troy does a better job voicing him even though Laura Baily is great.
It isn't bad, I wasn't saying that.
We were wondering why people prefer Rhys to Fiona. In my opinion this is because he represents more f… moreamiliar territory for them, such as tropes and cheesy situations.
I personally detest all use of others' materials for story creation, and thats essentially what tropes and cheese are, so I have a strong negative reaction to examples of it. Its just a personal thing.
Well, yeah, sure, that's because Telltale sort of had (well still have, really) a preferred type of protagonist, so that Rhys was different was nice.
But that doesn't mean his character isn't cheesy. In fact it made it even more likely - Telltale weren't used to writing characters like him and so, as is instinctual, they looked at how most people do them in society, and as a result they took a blow to originality automatically.
Rhys is a new kind of protagonist from telltale, but not at all a new kind of protagonist in fiction outside of telltale. So its sort of ironic really. In an attempt to be fresh in their own studios, Telltale wrote a character that would be stale anywhere else.
Well, I mean, when episode 1 came out people were saying how Rhys felt like a breath of fresh air in how much of a dork and out of element c… moreharacter he was compared to Lee and Bigby.
To me, he's more interesting, and relatable in a sense that he tries to act all confident and cool when he's actually kind of a dork that's a little in over his head, and I personally think that Troy does a better job voicing him even though Laura Baily is great.
When did I imply it?
Oh do they now? Because I don't remember making one single post saying that Rhys is taking the spotlight from Fiona. In fact, I don't remember doing this for any characters based on gender.
Care to give me evidence?
If you're that interested, I made a list of the topes Rhys succumbs to a few days ago on the forums. This isn't something Im making up to pretend I'm making an argument different to that which I am.
All you've done is assume I've said something then make fun of me for it. Which isn't remotely fair.
You have a reputation for complaining about people only liking a character because they're male. Sorry for putting words in your mouth if that isn't what you mean but next time try to be more specific to avoid situations like this.
That's fair. It would be a lot better for this forum to have some king of ignore mechanism.
No, they aren't.
But they're more so than Rhys and Vaughn.
I've asked for it countless times but the mods say it isn't possible.
So me having a 'reputation' (always nice to know people think things about you that they don't say) means its fair to mock me for a post by implying I said things I didn't?
Also, I would really really really love you to list some times I've said people only like a character because they're male.
Because I can't remember doing so once.
Flog, stop, I'm not looking to argue with you over this. You like to imply stuff and if you only would've decided to specify then we could've avoided all of this.
Me not specifying doesn't make making fun of me based on assumptions okay.
And the reason I didn't specify is because I'd already had a debate about this yesterday and didn't think it needed to be repeated.
i would really love to trust me i really do but i have better things to do than go through old threads and your comments just to find proof so sorry about that one
but i'll say this to try explain myself, you have a reputation for giving people trouble just for liking a male character over a female maybe you don't realize it (i don't know how you wouldn't) because you keep denying it but as you can see i'm not the only one who is saying this either way you should be more clear if you actually meant it to be something else anyway i'm not gonna argue with you from here so don't even try to say anything else
Flog I didn't mock you. I asked "Really Flog?", then I provided an explanation why some of us like him.
Well, that didn't turn out too well. Sometimes it's better to repeat stuff.
Also, I don't see how Rhys is the typical hero, his end game is being on top and getting the big score like Fiona, not saving the world or defeating the villain, plus Yvette doesn't really give him instructions, she's an ally that helps him out like Vaughn, and while Vaughn is dorky, Rhys is a dork as well.
Of course you didn't, because you're a nice person.
It's the others I'm annoyed about, in particular the large number of people liking the posts mocking me (which is as good as mocking me themselves, really).
I get that I should have been more specific, but that would merit responses of 'would you specify please?' not 'dont fucking start', surely?
The rudeness above and below is not my fault - it was caused not only by other peoples unfounded assumptions but their own rude natures.
Just to say I added a bit to my post after you replied which you probs haven't seen.
Well, it would be nice to have fewer sucky people running around the forums being rude for no reason, with no-one other than me challenging them, is all I'd say.
Thank you. Honestly I'm going through a hard time and any small thing does help me.
People suck. What else can I say?
I saw it.
Cool. Well, hope you're doing okay man.
So your reasons for being rude were based on assumptions...because of things I supposedly have said but you have no evidence for?
Um, right. Seems like a nice thing to do.
I've never done that before. If I thought people should prefer all female characters to male ones, then why would I personally prefer Luke to Sarah? And Omid to Katjaa? And Mike to Bonnie?
I'm getting better, it'll just take a while. Thanks again Flog.
You didn't say that. I was trying out that sarcasm thing you used earlier.
Um. I know you were being sarcastic, obviously you don't think that person is sexist.
The comment was targeted at me as if it was the type of thing I'd say.
I never would, and never have, thus the confusion.
If you don't think I'd say something like that then the sarcasm doesn't really make sense. Unless you're mocking left wingers in general I suppose.
No probs. Here to talk if you ever want.
Maybe some other time. I'm okay right now.
So you'll let them both die? Well... if they die holding eachother, then it is the best ending, for me.
Rhyiona confirmed.
Alright, guys. Flog61 clarified themselves, so let's get back on topic. Please refrain from insulting other members. Thanks.
Yvette is the same trope as that girl from gears of war who does nothing but advise you and be your ally over the intercom for the first two games, I'll look for the exact name of the trope.
He's not 'the' typical hero, he's 'a' typical hero. His endgame is different to most (but so is fiona's so theyre on level pegging there), but he suffers from many tropes of cheesy writing that Fiona simply doesn't.
Again, I don't see how cheesy writing is a bad thing considering this is a comedy series and its Borderlands, which has always relied on cheesy characters.
@HiroVoid @Flog61
These forums are run on a modification of the Vanilla Forums software, which I believe lacks an ignore feature. Unfortunately, I don't know if this feature could be added, but for what it's worth I do think the web team is making iterative updates to different parts of the site.
That's a funny way to spell RhoderBot.
It isn't bad, I wasn't saying that.
We were wondering why people prefer Rhys to Fiona. In my opinion this is because he represents more familiar territory for them, such as tropes and cheesy situations.
I personally detest all use of others' materials for story creation, and thats essentially what tropes and cheese are, so I have a strong negative reaction to examples of it. Its just a personal thing.
How could you, Sniper? I believed in you.
Must be a love-hate relationship in some playthroughs. Or pissed off ex.
That's why it would be the best ending. Though... not only does it confirm Rhyiona, but it also kinda sinks the ship, since they both die... oh well, I'll just pretend that Loaderbot pulls a Deus Ex Machina and saves his parents.
Loader Bot best son confirmed.
Well, I mean, when episode 1 came out people were saying how Rhys felt like a breath of fresh air in how much of a dork and out of element character he was compared to Lee and Bigby.
To me, he's more interesting, and relatable in a sense that he tries to act all confident and cool when he's actually kind of a dork that's a little in over his head, and I personally think that Troy does a better job voicing him even though Laura Baily is great.
Well, yeah, sure, that's because Telltale sort of had (well still have, really) a preferred type of protagonist, so that Rhys was different was nice.
But that doesn't mean his character isn't cheesy. In fact it made it even more likely - Telltale weren't used to writing characters like him and so, as is instinctual, they looked at how most people do them in society, and as a result they took a blow to originality automatically.
Rhys is a new kind of protagonist from telltale, but not at all a new kind of protagonist in fiction outside of telltale. So its sort of ironic really. In an attempt to be fresh in their own studios, Telltale wrote a character that would be stale anywhere else.
Was there ever any doubt that Loader Bot was the best son a company man, and his con artist wife, could ever ask for?
This is a beautiful post. This post needs to be treasured.