Worth the wait?

Atlas Mugged was probably one of the best episodes TTG has made in a while, for me personally anyway. All of the usual complaints I usually have were resolved. For me, the episode hit the two-hour mark, there was an actual puzzle, options to communicate with the other characters, and even a handful of hubs. This episode was pretty damn funny, too. My favorite part? Alt text

What did you guys think? Was it worth the extra wait?


  • Absolutely. 10 out of 10, would wait again.

  • I greatly enjoyed the episode. That sock revealed was so damn hilarious and so beautiful lol. :D

  • edited March 2015

    A very well done episode. It didn't seem short at all like previous series have (i didn't time it so I have no idea and don't really care :)
    Although another 4 month wait should never happen again.

  • 100% worth the wait - TT truly outdid themselves. Obviously I'd prefer not having to wait four months, but if that's what it takes to produce episodes of this quality then I would do it all over again (and at least I have all you guys to keep me from going too insane)!

  • Worth the wait? Definitely. Tales is easily becoming my favorite Telltale series ever. Heck, I don't even mind waiting for episode three!

    Nope, don't mind at all. Not one bit. I'm totally cool.


  • And you to keep us sane. :)

    100% worth the wait - TT truly outdid themselves. Obviously I'd prefer not having to wait four months, but if that's what it takes to produc

  • For me yeah. In my opinion, it wasn't as good as the premeire, but it was still pretty damn enjoyable.

  • Worth it! It made me laugh so hard at times!!

  • Yep, it was worth it. I wouldn't even mind waiting that long again if in the result we'd get as amazing episode as Atlas Mugged.

  • Yes it was, but I still hope the rest dont take as long between episodes

  • Definitely worth it, the episode was great and had some fantastic humor.

  • Of course I think it was worth the wait. It was just as much as fun to play as the first one, but I didn't even notice the wait that much.

  • Definitely. I enjoyed this episode just as much if not more than Zer0 Sum, which was an amazing start to the series! I can sort of understand how people can see it as 'filler' though, tbh not that much happened when you compare it to the pace of the first one, but I honestly wasn't bothered at all, I loved Atlas Mugged.

  • Yup, yup. It was good...perhaps too good. I would hope Telltale to consider extending the waiting times if we get amazing quality like this (idk maybe not I can be impatient lol).

  • Yeah it worth the wait. But you know, the wait would've been even more worth it if it were 1,5 months and not 4.

  • I can't understand how people saw it as filler. Why is everyone in such a rush? Just enjoy the ride.

    Definitely. I enjoyed this episode just as much if not more than Zer0 Sum, which was an amazing start to the series! I can sort of understan

  • Exactly, this game is good enough that the slower parts are just as enjoyable as the fast-paced scenes. This is easily my favourite TT game yet.

    KCohere posted: »

    I can't understand how people saw it as filler. Why is everyone in such a rush? Just enjoy the ride.

  • people can see it as 'filler'

    Alt text

    Definitely. I enjoyed this episode just as much if not more than Zer0 Sum, which was an amazing start to the series! I can sort of understan

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