Totally agree - I think episode 2 set him up really well as this delightful jerk who's charismatic and entertaining (just like the beginning… more of BL2), but I want them to burst that bubble and let him wreak havoc (and then go back to the comedy a'la the milkshake moment)!
Yea Fiona does,but when I replay the episode Fiona has more money than she had at beginning of the episode like their's a bug like she has $… more1885 at the start of the episode she doesn't get that until the end of the episode ok I think Telltale needs to fix it
Right, what could possibly go wrong when you trust Jack? I mean just look at this face.
Totally a face you can trust. xD
Just kidding, I chose him 2 times and Fiona just once (just to see what she'll do). Because yolo!
Btw I only noticed it in TFTB that his teeth are oddly sharp. And now with the glowing eyes he looks like Bigby (at the end of ep5) that went full psycho.
I also got The Borderlands Handsome Collection and it's great but still I can't find the dlcs on it I hope gearbox fix that too
Oh, finding the dlc in Borderlands games is kinda confusing. Pretty much, you just have to go into the fast travel and go to the new location that triggers the starting of dlc. Like for example; to start Tiny Tiny's Attack on Dragon Keep, you have to fast travel to the Unassuming Docks. I'm not really sure if you have to finish the game or reach a certain point to start playing the dlc missions, though.
Umm hey is anyone having money problems and not seeing anything on Rhys's Inventory or is it just me i played episode 2 I played 4 times the… more 5th and 6th time I played again on my save file I got 4 different save files and when I played on a second time on my save it still hasn't shown Rhy's inventory like the shield I pick up on episode 1 and the stun baton and the money too I started with the money I got from finishing the second episode so I guess it's bug on Xbox one or maybe on other consoles?I hope Telltale can fix it and I also got The Borderlands Handsome Collection and it's great but still I can't find the dlcs on it I hope gearbox fix that too
Indeed ;-;
I'm going to feel so empty after the final episode... maybe waiting is actually a good thing.. but it's so... tormenting........... I'm torn
I also got The Borderlands Handsome Collection and it's great but still I can't find the dlcs on it I hope gearbox fix that too
Oh, … morefinding the dlc in Borderlands games is kinda confusing. Pretty much, you just have to go into the fast travel and go to the new location that triggers the starting of dlc. Like for example; to start Tiny Tiny's Attack on Dragon Keep, you have to fast travel to the Unassuming Docks. I'm not really sure if you have to finish the game or reach a certain point to start playing the dlc missions, though.
It's okay and I can see your point too. Maybe we Tales fans are sometimes too eager to blame GOT for something it has nothing to do with. Even when I know that, I still tend to have negative thoughts about GOT. Silly isn't it?
Hey bros! I've been looking at this thread for a while now, and decided to finally join in. You guys are what's making the wait for episode 3 bearable.
Hey bros! I've been looking at this thread for a while now, and decided to finally join in. You guys are what's making the wait for episode 3 bearable.
Hey bros! I've been looking at this thread for a while now, and decided to finally join in. You guys are what's making the wait for episode 3 bearable.
Well I don't really hate GOT, it just doesn't fit into my taste. I can see why people like it so much and it's not a bad's just not that interesting to me..
Hey bros! I've been looking at this thread for a while now, and decided to finally join in. You guys are what's making the wait for episode 3 bearable.
he can go from 0 to 1000 real quick.
Huh? At the monster that basically ate everything/one in his path?'re complaining about a bug that gives you MORE money? Logic.
No, he meant Fry's dog.
Ah. For some reason I thought that he was replying to Jack. No idea why.
Right, what could possibly go wrong when you trust Jack? I mean just look at this face.
Totally a face you can trust. xD
Just kidding, I chose him 2 times and Fiona just once (just to see what she'll do). Because yolo!
Yeah,not at all. xD
Btw I only noticed it in TFTB that his teeth are oddly sharp. And now with the glowing eyes he looks like Bigby (at the end of ep5) that went full psycho.
That avatar.... I have a sudden urge to shoot you in the face...
Pls stahp bringing back horrible memories
You should feel ashamed that you let him die!
I need Tales ep3 right now
I always feel guilty when I don't shoot him in the face
How can you hate this precious soul??
From what I heard a lot of people did hate Sarah though...
Not even 2 weeks and I feel like I need more ;-;
What movie/show is this gif taken from, out of curiosity?
Hmm...I think it was more diverse with her. A lot of both.
Duck did nothing wrong...
Oh, finding the dlc in Borderlands games is kinda confusing. Pretty much, you just have to go into the fast travel and go to the new location that triggers the starting of dlc. Like for example; to start Tiny Tiny's Attack on Dragon Keep, you have to fast travel to the Unassuming Docks. I'm not really sure if you have to finish the game or reach a certain point to start playing the dlc missions, though.
Indeed ;-;
I'm going to feel so empty after the final episode... maybe waiting is actually a good thing.. but it's so... tormenting........... I'm torn
No need to get to a certain part, you can do it the moment you get to Claptraps house in BL2.
It is silly but it also human nature. I've started to realize people can hate anything with no good reason.
So... What's our guesses for the release dates so far?
This wait is physically eating me from the inside out and I think I need medical help
Eternal bleeding? Call DOCTOR ZED.
Last time I saw Doctor Zed, he hammered a needle straight to a patient's heart.
Hey bros! I've been looking at this thread for a while now, and decided to finally join in. You guys are what's making the wait for episode 3 bearable.
Awesome, welcome to the forums! Being on the forums really does make the wait more bearable. It's pretty hilarious and fun around here.
Welcome to the forums. We will share pain, tears and joy together.
Well I don't really hate GOT, it just doesn't fit into my taste. I can see why people like it so much and it's not a bad's just not that interesting to me..
Welcome, have a seat.
That thread is an awesome way to forget about the wait...a bit...
No episode 3 news?!Well 100 page reach.Achievment one : Dramatic 100 pages
Too long man.. too long