The ammo limit mechanism is ridiculous

Basically you have your sister with a sub machine gun who wastes thousands of bullets an episode yet for some reason Fiona only gets one bullet per episode and has to decide if and when to use it. The rest of the story is top noch and I definitely like the customization options available.

But the ammo as a plot device needs to go


  • Probably because the gun does tons of damage? And i'm pretty sure it's not gonna "go" because some people don't like it

  • I actually like it. I like the feeling of "crap, do I use it now and risk wasting my only ammo or what?".

  • Agreed. TT games have never been about shooting unlike the normal Borderlands series. Perhaps thats more your thing.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually like it. I like the feeling of "crap, do I use it now and risk wasting my only ammo or what?".

  • Yeah, I play these games for the story not the gameplay so...shrug

    Agreed. TT games have never been about shooting unlike the normal Borderlands series. Perhaps thats more your thing.

  • edited March 2015

    Same as I know TellTale do good stories. If I wanted loads of ammo and to blast stuff I'd play Borderlands 1/2/Pre.

    I ment more your thing @ CrazedRabbit.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I play these games for the story not the gameplay so...shrug

  • I like the mechanic, actually, it adds for some tough choices, though in the case of Finch you didn't have a choice, it was use another single bullet or die.

  • It's a Jacobs, enough said.

  • Sigh that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

    Limited ammo as a plot device doesn't work for the borderlands universe. That doesn't mean Borderlands needs to become a FPS what it means is telltale needs to figure out something else to create decision points.

    Same as I know TellTale do good stories. If I wanted loads of ammo and to blast stuff I'd play Borderlands 1/2/Pre. I ment more your thing @ CrazedRabbit.

  • So do I thats why it's especially jarring when Telltale ruins immersion for me by creating decision points so divergent from the Borderlands Universe or even the other characters within the story.

    And no I'm not buying Telltale lame hey I hate guns so I'll only carry one bullet explanation.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I play these games for the story not the gameplay so...shrug

  • To each their own, I suppose. I'm quite content. :)

    So do I thats why it's especially jarring when Telltale ruins immersion for me by creating decision points so divergent from the Borderlands

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well it seems to be the only other gun the group currently has. Fiona did use Sasha's first SMG (the one that dealt shock damage) during the opening but we never see it again so I assume it fell out of the big hole at the back of the caravan.

  • Well, keep on whining, cause that plot device isn't going anywhere and doesn't seem to be much of a problem for most people.

    Sigh that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Limited ammo as a plot device doesn't work for the borderlands universe. That doesn't me

  • edited March 2015

    Lame thread.

  • He's got a fair point. In a universe where I can go open a trash dumpster and find an explosive rifle still fully functional, multiple times a day? You figure Fiona would pick up something.

    But that being said, I still like the pistol anyway.

  • Fiona isn't a mercenary, she's a con artist who only uses guns for emergencies, she relies on her wit and brain to get out of most situations, that's part of the charm of this spin off, you're not playing as Vault Hunters or mercenaries like every other Borderlands game.

    So do I thats why it's especially jarring when Telltale ruins immersion for me by creating decision points so divergent from the Borderlands

  • The hidden pistol fits Fiona's con artist role. It'd be a hell of a lot less subtle if she was carrying some Torgue rocket spitting anything up her sleeve.

  • I like it and would like to see results if u use it. As for me it'll rust in the pistol until if force to use it its jammed.

  • edited March 2015

    Well, the original borderlands games are all about "looting and shooting" It wouldn't fit Fiona's character if she walked around with a machine gun killing every bandit if her deal goes wrong. She needs something small to defend herself with. And it REALLY would not fit Telltale's style of adventure games if you had the option to murder everyone in a room with you. Fiona would probably NOT be okay with that. Nor would Felix.

    So do I thats why it's especially jarring when Telltale ruins immersion for me by creating decision points so divergent from the Borderlands

  • edited March 2015

    Who said that Fiona would be looting and shooting? There would still only be specific instances where a gun could be used but ammo would or should not be a factor.

    Think about what you are saying who bothers to carry a gun and only carries one bullet (even if the individual never intends to use it)?

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, the original borderlands games are all about "looting and shooting" It wouldn't fit Fiona's character if she walked around with a mach

  • edited March 2015

    There is nothing wrong with the pistol at all. It's the idea that she carries a pistol with one in the chamber that I have a problem with.

    Where is the logic in that? Especially in a universe where bullets are easy to come by? Oh and finally her sister is also a con artist yet doesn't seem to have a problem expending nor finding bullets. It just seems like a lazy way to create decision points on telltale part without investigating whether those points make sense or founded on lore.

    ElJacko posted: »

    The hidden pistol fits Fiona's con artist role. It'd be a hell of a lot less subtle if she was carrying some Torgue rocket spitting anything up her sleeve.

  • Sasha is more practical and likes to mess with gadgets. Fiona is the haggler of the two.
    She tend to say, let me do the talking and Sasha say I wont have it any other way.

    No where did anyone called Sasha a con artist that I can remember...
    She's just a sister and partner to one.

    There is nothing wrong with the pistol at all. It's the idea that she carries a pistol with one in the chamber that I have a problem with.

  • Sasha is using an SMG, and Fiona is using a little tiny derringer. Even if Sasha has plenty of bullets, they'd simply be the wrong caliber for Fiona.

    One reason why Fiona can't just scrounge up more bullets from any random trash can may be because the derringer itself could have been custom-made by Felix, making it one-of-a-kind, and therefore any ammo for it would also have to be custom-made, meaning there'd be only a very limited amount of it for her to use.

  • edited March 2015

    A con artist who relies on her brain and wit to get out of most situations, not guns.

    Who said that Fiona would be looting and shooting? There would still only be specific instances where a gun could be used but ammo would or

  • It makes sense within the context of Fiona's character and the way the story is told. This is a Telltale game first and a Borderlands game second.

    There is nothing wrong with the pistol at all. It's the idea that she carries a pistol with one in the chamber that I have a problem with.

  • Well, it is intended for "emergencies only". so it makes sense to have a small gun if it is used for an emergency. (Ex: running from a guy but shooting him once to slow him down.)

    Who said that Fiona would be looting and shooting? There would still only be specific instances where a gun could be used but ammo would or

  • This poster gets it. Rare caliber rounds are a pain to get in real life too even if you are experienced at hand loading because at worst you have to manufacture the casing yourself too. The gun itself looks like a Jakobs custom jobbie collectible/curiosity/prototype that i'm betting is pretty damn expensive in the right circles. People who buy expensive custom guns are implied to be wealthy enough to pay for the hand-made ammo they require too. Wonder how the dinky little thing ended up with Felix/Fiona though. And how old those two round we have seen were. Note that the box with the barrel adapter had slots for two rounds on the side, so we might not see another round for the gun for some time.

    craftyard posted: »

    Sasha is using an SMG, and Fiona is using a little tiny derringer. Even if Sasha has plenty of bullets, they'd simply be the wrong caliber f

  • Glad telltale fixed this. Rest of the game was top notch and I'm really enjoying the series.

  • So you went from the worst possible review like 1/10 but since they added UUUUNLIMIITTEEEEEED.... AMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    You now rate it 10/10 would play again?

    Glad telltale fixed this. Rest of the game was top notch and I'm really enjoying the series.

  • I never said either but hey whatever continue.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So you went from the worst possible review like 1/10 but since they added UUUUNLIMIITTEEEEEED.... AMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You now rate it 10/10 would play again?

  • Fine. I will continue. Huh. How bout that. You went from hating episode three to 10/10 would unlimited ammo again?

    I never said either but hey whatever continue.

  • Still, it's kind of annoying how Telltale dropped that interesting decision mechanic just to please ONE person, even if bigger Borderlands fans didn't seem to have a problem with it.

    I never said either but hey whatever continue.

  • It was episode three of TWD season 1.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Fine. I will continue. Huh. How bout that. You went from hating episode three to 10/10 would unlimited ammo again?

  • edited September 2015

    I'll still continue. who hates the walking dead season 1? people that like UUUUNLIIIIMIIIITEEEEEEEED.......


    (or people with opinions since opinions are lovely things)

    It was episode three of TWD season 1.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2015

    That's enough bigdogg, he never said he hated the third episode of this series, he even states he was only annoyed by this mechanic and loved the rest if the game in this thread.

    Also he doesn't hate TWD S1, he just didn't like its third episode (unless he stated that somewhere else).

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'll still continue. who hates the walking dead season 1? people that like UUUUNLIIIIMIIIITEEEEEEEED....... AMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's who! >:O (or people with opinions since opinions are lovely things)

  • Pshh I wish I could have expressions through the interwebs. I was only joking aroond. Sorry if I wasn't clear enuffs with the UNLIIIIMIIITEEEED... AMMOOOOOO! remarks p_p

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That's enough bigdogg, he never said he hated the third episode of this series, he even states he was only annoyed by this mechanic and love

  • There's still the "lucky bullet" which could be a huge decision maker (if you still have it...)

    J-Master posted: »

    Still, it's kind of annoying how Telltale dropped that interesting decision mechanic just to please ONE person, even if bigger Borderlands fans didn't seem to have a problem with it.

  • I very much doubt this.

    They prob realized this internally at some point. Anyways, this has been the best game I've played by far of the telltale developed games. Pumped for the last episode.

    J-Master posted: »

    Still, it's kind of annoying how Telltale dropped that interesting decision mechanic just to please ONE person, even if bigger Borderlands fans didn't seem to have a problem with it.

  • if you played the other games you'd know that ammo types differ in availability, even though an smg by definition uses pistol rounds, the borderlands universe treats them differently, Fiona's pistol probably uses maliwan cells (pistol) or sniper rounds (as they're some of the scarcest

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, it is intended for "emergencies only". so it makes sense to have a small gun if it is used for an emergency. (Ex: running from a guy but shooting him once to slow him down.)

  • No worse than episode 3 of TWD S2.

    It was episode three of TWD season 1.

  • Lol, as long as the story is fantastic, I really don't care.

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