He/She said VS. Reality

So, For Us who played nice for each Fiona and Rhys, i find it really weird that in the He/She said scenes they HATE eachother, and in the 2nd episode where the Stranger say to Rhys ''Why did you go to hallow point? whats there to gain?'' and my rhys said that because of loyalty, i wanted my friends loyalty, then Fiona say the thing you did is what got us here (along these lines) plus this is for those who did go to hallow point OR played Fiona and Rhys as friends and not enemys... they will notice the difference between their stories and Reality. plus Rhys and Fionas costumes seems darker, maybe more advanced now then before? did you notice how they hate eachother in the ''PRESENT'' scenes?


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what you think went wrong? unless this is a big lie and they are working together which i doubt. because fiona went missing which is actually captured against her will and then rhys went to find her which lead again to him being captured... idk :/ i hope we get to the present soon, i love those flashbacks but i hope we understand what ''REALLY'' happened and make the present count. and maybe understand where fiona and rhys are coming from and why they now hate eachother.

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  • I think Handsome Jack will turn him into a complete d-bag by the end of the game.

  • idk, maybe if you trust jack (which i do) too much fiona will lose her trust in you. good point! but i wonder what really happened. fiona REALLY hate rhys xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I think Handsome Jack will turn him into a complete d-bag by the end of the game.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah lol, but I don't trust Jack for a second, not after what happened to Roland... ;(

    Mercyva posted: »

    idk, maybe if you trust jack (which i do) too much fiona will lose her trust in you. good point! but i wonder what really happened. fiona REALLY hate rhys xD

  • edited March 2015

    yea, but remember all of them lost something. handsome jack did lose his daughter angel who betrayed him, and he wasnt like that in the begining of the pre sequel, i feel for everyone actually

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Yeah lol, but I don't trust Jack for a second, not after what happened to Roland... ;(

  • Maybe I just have no sympathy, but yeah it's a sad story for Jack. Though he became a madman that needed to be stopped, so I can't trust him.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yea, but remember all of them lost something. handsome jack did lose his daughter angel who betrayed him, and he wasnt like that in the begining of the pre sequel, i feel for everyone actually

  • edited March 2015

    Um. Why? I mean, because of what happened with him meaning up till that moment his crimes were actually not that bad?

    I thought that it's pretty dumb to trust him in the very beginning of BL2, when we learned what happened to Pierce. I mean he killed her right after saying that he let them go if she tells him what happened to her face.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Yeah lol, but I don't trust Jack for a second, not after what happened to Roland... ;(

  • Jack's a psychopath, I don't care if people feel bad for him, a crazy man is a crazy man. He killed for no reason, I don't care if it's Pandora or not, he was evil.

    DeityD posted: »

    Um. Why? I mean, because of what happened with him meaning up till that moment his crimes were actually not that bad? I thought that it's

  • That was kinda my point. I'm saying what happened to Roland was pretty late in the game, but it sounds like it was a turning point for you and a reason why he can't be trusted. He killed Pierce and all the people with her for no reason at the very beginning, Roland was by no means the first of his victims.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Jack's a psychopath, I don't care if people feel bad for him, a crazy man is a crazy man. He killed for no reason, I don't care if it's Pandora or not, he was evil.

  • Oh sorry I didn't realize that's what you meant. Yeah no Roland's death wasn't the turning point, I knew from the beginning, just Roland's death hurt me man. ;(

    DeityD posted: »

    That was kinda my point. I'm saying what happened to Roland was pretty late in the game, but it sounds like it was a turning point for you a

  • Well,yeah we've all been there. (Though by the end of the game I personally felt nothing. I was exhausted and felt sick, and I was glad it was finally over. But emotionally - nothing,and not in a positive way more like hollow inside. I wasn't mad, scared or sad, I just wanted it to be over no matter what. And I mean, it felt kinda... realistic? This freaking game tho, I swear. I never thought it's gonna be anything but fun, god I was SO wrong.)

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Oh sorry I didn't realize that's what you meant. Yeah no Roland's death wasn't the turning point, I knew from the beginning, just Roland's death hurt me man. ;(

  • I think it's some sort of con. How can you make the characters you play as hate each other?

  • edited March 2015

    Sounds to me like Rhys did something wrong [whether intentional or not] and Fiona blames him for it. Although where Rhys is still kinda mad at her for 'ruining his life' at least for the early stuff involving the vault key, it seems more to me Rhys wants to make amends because he's not being so blaming as Fiona is being on him, or at least that's the impression I got; Rhys was trying to find her in the beginning.

    As for outfits, Fiona's darker clothes were seen in the van in Episode 1. I'd take a guess Rhys' clothes are his own or custom made because they're very similar to his first outfit with the lines down one leg and the jacket having a likeness to the first one too. Also I think he got his haircut done after seperating from Fiona because of how she comments it like she's not seen it before in the first episode when they're tried up. So maybe he quit being a Hyperion and changed out of his work clothes?

    I'm not sure what it could be though. I mean it could be Rhys made a promise and broke it, or unintentionally broken from something beyond his control and Fiona didn't want to hear it or didn't believe him, Hyperion tricks, blah blah blah. Or it could have something to do with Jack, or Sasha since she isn't there, and anything on her sis getting captured or hurt would probably piss Fiona off. Those would be my guesses.

    Or Rhys ate the last slice of chocolate cake when he said he didn't and Fiona will neeeeever forgive him, NEVER!

  • edited March 2015

    Pretty cool analysis, I think you've got every little detail in here :)

    I also thought, Rhys said that Gortys is a "bad business", so maybe we can take it as the hint their plan never worked and they simply blame each other for that. Doesn't explain why Rhys was searching for Fiona though, what did he mean when he said "we can work this out"? Where's Sasha and Vaughn? How long they haven't seen each other - to the point when Rhys got a new haircut? What the hell even. So many questions.

    Yeah, also maybe it's not about Rhys making amends,maybe it's just the way he is. You know, like it's just a part of his personality,because he's kinda... I'd hate so say pathetic but um. Well, I think you got the idea. More likely to apologize and not likely to wind up people on purpose. I mean, in the ep1 he had every right to be angry at Fiona, Sasha and Felix but he wasn't, despite everything. He still was kinda friendly. Kinda.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Sounds to me like Rhys did something wrong [whether intentional or not] and Fiona blames him for it. Although where Rhys is still kinda mad

  • Maybe Jack might take control of Rhys a few times and make him do some douchebag things? And then Fiona hates him in the present without knowing it was Jack

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I think Handsome Jack will turn him into a complete d-bag by the end of the game.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too

    Maybe Jack might take control of Rhys a few times and make him do some douchebag things? And then Fiona hates him in the present without knowing it was Jack

  • then all vault hunters are evil, n that world there is no good or bad people, they just wanna live.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Jack's a psychopath, I don't care if people feel bad for him, a crazy man is a crazy man. He killed for no reason, I don't care if it's Pandora or not, he was evil.

  • edited March 2015

    Well the vault hunters aren't evil, the people they kill are bandits and psychos. Jack is definitely no hero, he killed innocent people like Pierce but what is true is that Pandora is......

    Mercyva posted: »

    then all vault hunters are evil, n that world there is no good or bad people, they just wanna live.

  • tbh, I don't believe in 'good' or 'evil' (particularly when it comes to characters in stories like BL) There are just people, sometimes they act in the own self-interest or the interest of another individual, other times for the interest of the majority, and there are always both positive and negative consequences of both. Everyone has their own motivations, there is no such thing as a 'good' person and an 'evil' person to me.

    Mercyva posted: »

    then all vault hunters are evil, n that world there is no good or bad people, they just wanna live.

  • personally i didnt care for roland, you know Nisha, wilhelm and many died in BL2 including jack and angel.. if you think of it people die, sometimes for a reason like roland, and sometimes for no reason like Pierce. its pandora and there's many shades of grey, no white or black. its a dark world covered with humour to cope. i wont consider jack a ''villian'' he is so much more than that. and the pre sequel proved it. and when you start BL2 jack tells you that he is the actual hero of that story, so we dont know how or why was the turning point for him. because he is a hadsome jerk, but in the events of BL2 he was a handsome psychopath who's pain found humour in killing. he got past the ''villian'' persona. i think he was a lost soul like so many other, and angel's death was caused him to kill roland, because he took away what meant most to the people of sactuary just like how they took angel from him. so yeah long story short, Hnadsome jack will be so missed even tho you may consider him ''evil''

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Oh sorry I didn't realize that's what you meant. Yeah no Roland's death wasn't the turning point, I knew from the beginning, just Roland's death hurt me man. ;(

  • Won't be missed by me tho... Also Bloodwing died, and I felt saddened by that as Mordecai was the one I played as, I was upset at Roland's death, because I liked his character and my friend played as him with me when I was playing as Mordecai. I consider Handsome Jack the evil villain, even if he just a good person turned crazy.

    Mercyva posted: »

    personally i didnt care for roland, you know Nisha, wilhelm and many died in BL2 including jack and angel.. if you think of it people die, s

  • the chocolate cake convinced me LOL. i dont think it a con thing. why would they wanna be killed, and why rhys wanted fiona in the beginning of ep1.. and where is the vault key? i have a 60% feeling thats its about jack. i hope we get to play the ''present'' more

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Sounds to me like Rhys did something wrong [whether intentional or not] and Fiona blames him for it. Although where Rhys is still kinda mad

  • yes! you got a good point. maybe rhys betrayed fiona and went to hyperian? and maybe vaughn was left behind? maybe rhys chose hyperian over fiona and even the vault key chase thing! :O also he seemed more advanced considering his ''hazel'' eye. maybe jack and rhys are one person now, maybe they now they learned to control eachother and never show who'sin control?

    DeityD posted: »

    Pretty cool analysis, I think you've got every little detail in here I also thought, Rhys said that Gortys is a "bad business", so maybe

  • edited March 2015

    This ain't no place for NO HERO to call HOME.

    you say Nisha is a good person then? xD or salvador? LOL. remember that there is NO good person. because handsome jack considers himself the ''hero'' or the ''good'' person that ever happened to pandora. if you learn about each vault hunters echo you see that there is no good or bad, they all are different. im not talking about the events of BL2 or the pre sequel, just in general, when i play as a vault hunter i dont consider myself the savior that pandora need, no. i just help to get what '' I '' need. i am a big borderlands fan, and i know when i play that i am no hero, so i play as one. also, if you see vault hunters as ''good'' people then why they rob dead corpses? and steal weapons? think of it lol.. the vault hunters may have a good cause like maya maybe she is unique and one of 6 only sirens n the world and her villiage used her or whatever, so she left. and killed people on the way lol...... so no one is good in that world, because if you are then you'll be dead. because the majority kills the minority, and the majority of that world is all kind of bad, so why be good in a world wants to kill you?

    EDIT : the only person i consider as kinda good is athena, because she still struggles with her morality, and whats good and bad, plus in the pre sequel, she dont find killing as a goal or maybe ''FUN'' like nisha lol, she just was hired.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Well the vault hunters aren't evil, the people they kill are bandits and psychos. Jack is definitely no hero, he killed innocent people like Pierce but what is true is that Pandora is...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAPD2X_pjAY

  • edited March 2015

    True, but I guess it's more of my playstyle lol. I like playing as the good, and the vault hunters almost always go against crazy/bad people, that I would consider as evil. (Steele, Jack). Forgot that they called Nisha, Wilhelm, and Athena vault hunters, but that's because I played some of the Pre Sequel but didn't enjoy as much as 1 and 2. And they are looting off the corpses of people have already killed and stolen, doesn't make it right, it's just that they loot the corpses of bandits, and dangerous animals too. Idk tho.
    (But btw I was referring to the song for the fact that it does say that is no place for no hero, not because I thought it was pointing out that Pandora has some heroes.)

    Mercyva posted: »

    This ain't no place for NO HERO to call HOME. you say Nisha is a good person then? xD or salvador? LOL. remember that there is NO good pe

  • i agree. they all serve themselves kinda. which is unique, because in games now aday we alway play as heros that saves the day, but rarely like in borderlands where no, you are not a hero, you are just living. and killing people to achieve that is okay, because that world took what you love most, so yeah, like tiny tina's DLC.. in BL2, yo got to see that they still struggle to cope even tho its funny, it still hurt them :)

    tbh, I don't believe in 'good' or 'evil' (particularly when it comes to characters in stories like BL) There are just people, sometimes they

  • it depend on who you play as, i dont think ''sane'' when i play salvador, nisha, kreig or axton xD you can say they are good people but they are all kind of crazy, i see alot of interviews about each vault hunter background, and i dont think i would be sane if i was in their place xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    True, but I guess it's more of my playstyle lol. I like playing as the good, and the vault hunters almost always go against crazy/bad people

  • Maybe she doesn't believe him, hence part of the lying piece of shit thing she says.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, I'm sure Rhys would at least tell her it's jack who did it...

  • Well, I'm sure Rhys would at least tell her it's jack who did it...

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too

  • edited March 2015

    And I'm not sure what to think of Zer0 lol, but I played as him, and Mordecai in BL1, I did play as Athena is tps, but I only played that game a little.

    Mercyva posted: »

    it depend on who you play as, i dont think ''sane'' when i play salvador, nisha, kreig or axton xD you can say they are good people but they

  • I think Rhys or Handsome Jack does something to Fiona hence the beginning of ep. 1: Rhys - "Fiona! We can work this out!..."; and ep. 2: When Fiona wants to hit him just to "get it out of her system".

  • Yeah, that could be true. If someone told me they were seeing the ghost of someone who was long dead, I wouldn't believe them.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Maybe she doesn't believe him, hence part of the lying piece of shit thing she says.

  • i never played as zer0.. whats he like? i am a gunzerker kind of player, i am not good playing as zer0... i play axton, salvador, nisha and athena. kreig is way too much crazy for me to handle tho xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    And I'm not sure what to think of Zer0 lol, but I played as him, and Mordecai in BL1, I did play as Athena is tps, but I only played that game a little.

  • they already know that jack exist, i was surprised when the ''stranger'' said something about jack to rhys.. because when i played as rhys i kept handsome jack a secret! so i dont think that was a good idea xD but i wont change it..

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, I'm sure Rhys would at least tell her it's jack who did it...

  • edited March 2015

    Well he's like a ninja, obviously. But he's just a bounty hunter with style, I guess you could say. He also speaks in haikus, and he constantly travels around looking for a challenge. (One challenge happened to be the vault). A lot of people say he was the worst vault hunter in 2, but I liked him, they only say that because of his move which is really meant for co-op play, so you could sneak up and revive the other player.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i never played as zer0.. whats he like? i am a gunzerker kind of player, i am not good playing as zer0... i play axton, salvador, nisha and athena. kreig is way too much crazy for me to handle tho xD

  • i have a feeling that rhys left fiona and the whole vault key plan to go to hyperian where he thinks he belong.. just a thought.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    I think Rhys or Handsome Jack does something to Fiona hence the beginning of ep. 1: Rhys - "Fiona! We can work this out!..."; and ep. 2: When Fiona wants to hit him just to "get it out of her system".

  • I think they'll get captured by Hyperion at some point (episode Escape plan Bravo?), but I'm not sure they'll capture all of them as they only seem to be interested in Rhys...

    And I don't think that Jack is still "inside him" (lol I like that phrase xD) because in present sequences they talk about him like he's not here anymore. Though they might be lying of course.

    Abscence of Sasha and Vaughn is what bothers me more than anything here though. And the fact that Rhys is searching for Fiona. From what we know (pretty much nothing xD) he has no reason for doing it. It sounds like they already dealt with the Gortys project and got nothing out of it, so why the heck they're still together if they hate each other guts? There must be something he needs from her but whaaat. Damn it I hate episodic system.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yes! you got a good point. maybe rhys betrayed fiona and went to hyperian? and maybe vaughn was left behind? maybe rhys chose hyperian over

  • I think the biggest indicator is the change in color of Rhys's echo eye. Where it was blue before it is now yellow/orange which corresponds with the color change if you choose to trust Jack at the end of ep. 2 and he upgrades Rhys's echo eye. This shows that even if you don't choose to trust Jack he gains control or influences Rhys at some point down the line. Handsome Jack probably took control or influence Rhys to do something to screw Fiona over in some way.

    Not really sure where the "lying" part might come in. Even if Fiona doesn't believe Rhys if he explains about Handsome Jack she doesn't comment on it when Rhys tells his side of the story about Jack. Although the present situation doesn't seem like the two outright hate each other to me. It seems to be more built on frustration and mistrust. Things don't look peachy, but it doesn't seem to be an insurmountable obstacle. They even needle each other a little less in ep. 2.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, he is telling a story so the stranger WOULD know about Jack. (Bla, Bla, Bla, then I saw Handsome Jack...) that kind of thing. But Fiona hates Rhys for some reason. I don't think their master plan is to con this Stranger because what would he have? They didn't know that the Stranger wanted to know about the Gortys Project, would they? It's only speculation though. Who knows?

    Mercyva posted: »

    they already know that jack exist, i was surprised when the ''stranger'' said something about jack to rhys.. because when i played as rhys i kept handsome jack a secret! so i dont think that was a good idea xD but i wont change it..

  • notice his eyes. its not blue anymore, its kinda hazel. it turns that way whenever jack is around. plus jack did a few enhancement to rhye's echo eye. so we dont know yet, but i dont think jack went that far .......... lol.

    DeityD posted: »

    I think they'll get captured by Hyperion at some point (episode Escape plan Bravo?), but I'm not sure they'll capture all of them as they on

  • yes, i suspected that. i trusted jack. so it will be interesting...

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