He/She said VS. Reality



  • I know, I look at his eyes all the time (needless to say, now he looks kinda creepy with this intense stare). But it's not a real proof. It could be simplly that Jack improved it or it's a new implant. In ep2 before hacking either the gun or the car in the desert (right before that) when Jack tells us we can do it Rhys' eye turns to a brown-orange. At the end of ep2 it starts to glow. But if we look closely, all those 3 orange colours are different. So yes, it's a sign that something's changed, but not necessarily a sign of Jack's direct influence or his presence. Though it's possible he's still there of course.

    Mercyva posted: »

    notice his eyes. its not blue anymore, its kinda hazel. it turns that way whenever jack is around. plus jack did a few enhancement to rhye's echo eye. so we dont know yet, but i dont think jack went that far .......... lol.

  • Not really sure where the "lying" part might come in.

    That could simply be the fact he posed as Vasquez's um lackey (I guess?) and acted like he was sent here - I mean If we're going by the logic where he calls her "scheming pandoran scum" (or what was it he said). Seems they both refered to their roles in the original deal.

  • you have a point... jack upgraded rhye's echo so he can control stuff through him. if this is indeed true and jack is gone and rhyes is all upgraded and stuff, then what he can actually do? hack stuff? control stuff but as himself and not jack? idk... something is fishy about this

    DeityD posted: »

    I know, I look at his eyes all the time (needless to say, now he looks kinda creepy with this intense stare). But it's not a real proof. It

  • edited March 2015

    yes they did say that referring to the original way they met.. which was by fiona scheming to get the money, and rhyes ruining the whole play by catching the vault in his robotic arm and scanning it through his echo eye. people dont forget their first impression of you, so maybe thats the case, but when they get ''captured'' its way pass that first meeting, in my playthrough i played them as friend, and in the ''present'' they hate eachother like the 1st time, so something had to happen to cause all that tension and hate

    DeityD posted: »

    Not really sure where the "lying" part might come in. That could simply be the fact he posed as Vasquez's um lackey (I guess?) and a

  • edited March 2015

    Maybe. Maybe not. For now it feels more like - "doesn't seem like the two outright hate each other to me. It seems to be more built on frustration and mistrust."

    I see it like either they're lying to the captor and playing their roles or they're just being fed up by each others bs and got nothing out of the Gortys deal. I'd say it's the latter and they're just blaming one another for the failure.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yes they did say that referring to the original way they met.. which was by fiona scheming to get the money, and rhyes ruining the whole pl

  • Everything is fishy right now. xD Because we know nothing, literally - and can only speculate. And yes, talking about Jack like he's gone while having that flaming eye of Mordor is just one hell of a mixed message.

    Mercyva posted: »

    you have a point... jack upgraded rhye's echo so he can control stuff through him. if this is indeed true and jack is gone and rhyes is all

  • BL2 jack tells you that he is the actual hero of that story, so we dont know how or why was the turning point for him

    No, we actually know that. Especially if you played TPS and did all the optional missions in both games and listened to all audio logs related to him. There was no turning point, it was a slow build up right from the childhood combined with his personality, which all exploded in the end of TPS when he got crippled AND got all the power and money in the world at the same time.

    Mercyva posted: »

    personally i didnt care for roland, you know Nisha, wilhelm and many died in BL2 including jack and angel.. if you think of it people die, s

  • Well, I think that there might be more than just "You broke my promise and now I hate you forever." cliche.

    Telltale can think beyond that.

    Here is what I think; By the end of Episode 6 or 5, Rhys would be killed off by Vasquez and then Handsome Jack would take over his body via the technology that Rhys possesses, and then. His soul awakens and his eyes turn hazel. Or instead, Rhys would be replaced by Handsome Jack as the Ghost thingy.

    You can see that because in the "Present" scenes, Rhys didn't act like Rhys. He acted more like Handsome Jack. And the interesting part about that is that during the scenes Rhys' eyes would change colors every scene. Blue, Hazel, Blue, Hazel. And, Rhys would also wear a light Black color that Handsome Jack wears.

    And when Rhys' body is controlled by Jack, he would do things that Rhys would not usually do.

    Such as murdering, exploding shit. Being a Villain overall. And that would make Fiona pissed as fuck to the limits where she hates him.

    And speaking of Murder, if Rhys' body WAS controlled by Jack, then Jack might do something over the limits such as killing off Sasha or Vaughn. Which explains why we don't see them both when we are captured by that masked man.

    Here's your answer, this is why Fiona hates Rhys.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Sounds to me like Rhys did something wrong [whether intentional or not] and Fiona blames him for it. Although where Rhys is still kinda mad

  • Jack's doppleganger said it all - "even nice people here are murderes". I think nuff said. xD

    Mercyva posted: »

    it depend on who you play as, i dont think ''sane'' when i play salvador, nisha, kreig or axton xD you can say they are good people but they

  • A lot of people say he was the worst vault hunter in 2

    Are they for real? Never seen anybody like that tho, lol. And I though Zer0's everyones favourite. Needless to say, I liked him myself to the point where I an't play as anything else. xD (I just hate getting close to the enemies to boot, they're all gross and scary in BL2 xD)

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Well he's like a ninja, obviously. But he's just a bounty hunter with style, I guess you could say. He also speaks in haikus, and he constan

  • Lol, but yeah I have seen a lot of people who were disappointed with Zer0, and a lot of people say Axton or Maya as the best I think.

    DeityD posted: »

    A lot of people say he was the worst vault hunter in 2 Are they for real? Never seen anybody like that tho, lol. And I though Zer0's

  • I don't understand them. At all. What can be more badass than an assassin robot/alien/whatever ninja freak who speaks in haiku, has a freaking katana as a melee weapon and can do smiley faces? :) Like, no way.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Lol, but yeah I have seen a lot of people who were disappointed with Zer0, and a lot of people say Axton or Maya as the best I think.

  • I don't know man, but I love Zer0 so I don't care what they think.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't understand them. At all. What can be more badass than an assassin robot/alien/whatever ninja freak who speaks in haiku, has a freaking katana as a melee weapon and can do smiley faces? Like, no way.

  • Does Handsome Jack drool when he sleeps?

    Well, I think that there might be more than just "You broke my promise and now I hate you forever." cliche. Telltale can think beyond tha

  • flaming eye of Mordor

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    DeityD posted: »

    Everything is fishy right now. xD Because we know nothing, literally - and can only speculate. And yes, talking about Jack like he's gone while having that flaming eye of Mordor is just one hell of a mixed message.


    DeityD posted: »

    Everything is fishy right now. xD Because we know nothing, literally - and can only speculate. And yes, talking about Jack like he's gone while having that flaming eye of Mordor is just one hell of a mixed message.

  • i see what you did

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    J-Master posted: »

    Does Handsome Jack drool when he sleeps?

  • You gotta admit it looks disturbing. Like he's staring RIGHT INTO YOUR SOUL. :D

    Mercyva posted: »

    flaming eye of Mordor

  • There's a differene?..

    (I've no idea how it's called properly, I just remembered that phrase from Alan Wake all of sudden)

    -XYAB- posted: »


  • It's not called the "eye of mordor" It is the eye of Sauron!

    DeityD posted: »

    There's a differene?.. (I've no idea how it's called properly, I just remembered that phrase from Alan Wake all of sudden)

  • Same thing. xD Like there's some other huge ass eye in LOTR regardless of what it's called. :D

    -XYAB- posted: »

    It's not called the "eye of mordor" It is the eye of Sauron!

  • Now you're on my last nerve, bro XD

    DeityD posted: »

    Same thing. xD Like there's some other huge ass eye in LOTR regardless of what it's called.

  • Alt text

    Hey hey hey hey, it's a quote m'key. xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Now you're on my last nerve, bro XD

  • yes, you can say that.. i dont think they are lying, because why? rhys seem to have been looking for Fiona and then get smacked, and Fiona seem to have got in trouble before rhys, in her words 'hours ago'

    DeityD posted: »

    Maybe. Maybe not. For now it feels more like - "doesn't seem like the two outright hate each other to me. It seems to be more built on frust

  • you spoiled TPS for me xD i didnt play it yet!!!! :( whyy do dis. i got the handsome collection and i am playing as athena.

    DeityD posted: »

    BL2 jack tells you that he is the actual hero of that story, so we dont know how or why was the turning point for him No, we actuall

  • yes xD

    DeityD posted: »

    Jack's doppleganger said it all - "even nice people here are murderes". I think nuff said. xD

  • I think they're just using the capturer guy and they don't actually hate each other. I think it's a setup.

  • Now that would be awesome! But then again, episode 5 picture shows some kind of battle between Rhys and Fiona so I'm not so sure where this story really ends up.

    I think they're just using the capturer guy and they don't actually hate each other. I think it's a setup.

  • I'm not sure what to think on that theory, although I did notice Fiona punched Rhys in the neck, not the head which is when Handsome Jack makes a habit of appearing. But wouldn't Fiona be in a more violent frame of mind if Rhys/Handsome Jack controlling Rhys killed her sister? She'd probably want to kill him more not mock him.

    I still think Handsome Jack isn't um, inside Rhys anymore. He might've gotten taken out by Hyperion.

    Well, I think that there might be more than just "You broke my promise and now I hate you forever." cliche. Telltale can think beyond tha

  • Rhys didn't use protection.

  • I don't realy think it can be considered as a spoiler if you played BL2, I didn't say anything specific really. It's there we first saw his mask after all and in TPS we found out how he got it. Nothing more.
    And as I said, there wasn't an actual turning point for Jack. We know he did a lot of fcked up things long before the events of TPS and BL2 so in that matter it's also not really a spoiler. Don't worry so much. :)

    Tbh, Athena is no fun btw. Could never finish the game with her. xD

    Mercyva posted: »

    you spoiled TPS for me xD i didnt play it yet!!!! whyy do dis. i got the handsome collection and i am playing as athena.

  • Well yes, there's that. I mean, there's a chance they're lying - still, because they don't seem that eager to escape and all that. But without knowing anything at all I find the other theory more believable for now, yep.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yes, you can say that.. i dont think they are lying, because why? rhys seem to have been looking for Fiona and then get smacked, and Fiona seem to have got in trouble before rhys, in her words 'hours ago'

  • why you dont like playing as athena? personally i really like her, its tricky tho if you play SOLO like myself, but i know how to play as her now since i'm at a higher lvl now, and btw, who you did play as?:p

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't realy think it can be considered as a spoiler if you played BL2, I didn't say anything specific really. It's there we first saw his

  • yeah think so.... if jack was still around he would be more of a jerk and mean than what rhys did when he got captured. maybe he traded handsome jack to get money from hyperian? and bailed out on the whole vault key chase which caused fiona to be angry?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'm not sure what to think on that theory, although I did notice Fiona punched Rhys in the neck, not the head which is when Handsome Jack ma

  • yes, and its sti on the ''he/she said'' which means we will get flashbacks almost to episode 5!!.. too bad we cant play the ''present'' more...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Now that would be awesome! But then again, episode 5 picture shows some kind of battle between Rhys and Fiona so I'm not so sure where this story really ends up.

  • and why would a ''bandit' just hear them talk? thats odd to me. if he was a real bandit he would've killed them long before and whole she/he said extravaganza. maybe rhys abandoned the whole vault key play and went to hyperian adn got load money to hand handsome jack to them, and then he returned to pandora to talk to fiona, and then both of then were captured which forces them to look for the vault even tho they or 'rhys' ditched the whole plan and fiona with it to go to hyperian.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well yes, there's that. I mean, there's a chance they're lying - still, because they don't seem that eager to escape and all that. But without knowing anything at all I find the other theory more believable for now, yep.

  • protection for what

    Rhys didn't use protection.

  • It's not that I don't like playing as her, I guess I'm just enjoying playing as Timothy (Jack's doppelganger) waaay too much. :D To the point where I can't play anyone else, even though I beat the game once and playing again.
    I just like both his personality and skills - I find it more suitable playing single with it because you know, 2 buddies at your side in combat can come in handy.

    Athena is cool and badass but I don't really like her active skill and don't dig her personality. I feel like her comments and reactions are not that interesting and funny. I get enough of her describing it all in the background. I don't like Wilhelm for the same reason, too "professional" and dry. So it leaves me only Tim and claptrap but claptrap is really annoying. Like, really. xD

    Mercyva posted: »

    why you dont like playing as athena? personally i really like her, its tricky tho if you play SOLO like myself, but i know how to play as her now since i'm at a higher lvl now, and btw, who you did play as?:p

  • For me thats the reason i play as athena, yes her ''skill'' tree is not the best of all, but she's just a breath of fresh air, you can see that she just was hired and still struggle with her morality, i like her cold ass comments tho xD i am planning as athena to be my main one, maybe later when i beat the game i'll try claptrap and nisha, nisha is so cruel that i must see the difference between her and athena xD that would be so funny

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not that I don't like playing as her, I guess I'm just enjoying playing as Timothy (Jack's doppelganger) waaay too much. To the point

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    Mercyva posted: »

    protection for what

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