Borderlands MMO?

so i was responding to a different topic (Borderlands 3) and got to reading all the other suggestions when i realized that my ideas weren't right for BL3, but instead for a different project, a Borderlands "MMO" (like Destiny) so here's my ROUGH concept...

so i was thinking about this with the ending of TPS, which i won't spoil, but just a line of dialogue had me thinking...

so, recently a game came out that ripped off the borderlands format and tried to turn it into an MMO, with some degree of success. but the game never was as fun as Borderlands. so here's my idea.

Destiny, but Borderlands.

i think it would be so freaking cool. now, in order to achieve that, without the visible armor that destiny has, you'll have to be able to create your own vault hunter and pick from a list of 20 or so "Classes" broken into categories. Cyborg, Siren, Marksman, etc. then each category breaks down into sub-cats. cyborg subs could be a tree focused on enhancing your combat, one focused on tanking called Sentinel, and one focused on using your cybernetics for support roles. Marksman could break down into Hunter, Assassin, etc.

it's not perfect, but with a little time and polish, i honestly think Gearbox could pull it off.


  • I like that idea of a creatable vault hunter, but idk I mean you already can play online with people, even if it just 4, do we really need more vault hunters.

  • edited March 2015

    Gun Gale Online? If you got that reference I love you....

  • as much as i'd like to bathe in the glory of referential love, i'm afraid that google had to get that reference for me. although, for what it's worth, i guessed, and was 100% correct!

    my deductive logic was as such: Gun Gale Online has the unmistakable flavor of an Anime name, with seemingly random words thrown together. I don't watch anime, but know of Sword Art Online, and had assumed that Gun Gale was either a spinoff, or an piece of that anime's lore.

    having excellent logic is almost like being psychic.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Gun Gale Online? If you got that reference I love you....

  • so here is my vision for more than 4 VH's at a time...

    you would still form teams of 4, similar to destiny's fireteam system, but out in the wild your team could encounter another team of vault hunters, possibly flagged for PVP, possibly not. but the real bread and butter is an idea i had while playing destiny...

    world bosses.

    say you're on Pandora, in some random big ass field area, and someone who has gone through a chain of quests and raids to piece together a vault key. it spawns the boss and notifies everyone on that particular instance of pandora that a world boss is incoming. it has a 3 minute summon timer, allowing all who want to participate time to arrive. then, the boss fight starts. for simplicity of example, imagine the Denial boss from Claptastic voyage, with one large boss that spawns tentacles, and occasionally some adds.

    upon the fight starting, the game analyzes the number and level of the players involved and adjusts accordingly, spawning level 7 tentacles for the level 5's-7's to fight, maybe some mid level adds for that demo, and then the main boss itself, a level 35 monster being tanked and spanked by the higher levels.

    everyone at every level then gets to feel important and included in this massive group accomplishment.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I like that idea of a creatable vault hunter, but idk I mean you already can play online with people, even if it just 4, do we really need more vault hunters.

  • Lol okay

    as much as i'd like to bathe in the glory of referential love, i'm afraid that google had to get that reference for me. although, for what i

  • That is a pretty good idea!

    so here is my vision for more than 4 VH's at a time... you would still form teams of 4, similar to destiny's fireteam system, but out in

  • It could be a good game, but I think it would be better if they didn't make it in the first place. Borderlands hasn't really evolved enough in my opinion. Gameplay-wise, all Borderlands games from Gearbox are practically identical and I don't think that will change in the future. Sure, the idea has great potential, but I just think Gearbox will rather make Borderlands 3 because they already know how to make it work.

    If it does happen though, I hope it won't be like Destiny. Borderlands has always had a decent story and/or atmosphere (with great characters!), while Destiny to me felt like all the effort went into the visuals and shooting mechanics, leaving the world completely unexplored and uninteresting. And this is one of the biggest reasons why people were disappointed by Destiny. If a Borderlands MMO does happen, it needs to have narrated quests, an interesting plot and a good atmosphere. And if they made a truly open-world map of Pandora to run around in, it could actually be pretty damn awesome.

  • exactly my thoughts. i don't want them to do Destiny: Pandora Edition. Destiny took a chance, sure, but they didn't deliver even a fraction of the product they promised. if they do it, i want them to do it right. huge, free roam pandora, and as for the visuals, well, no need there, borderlands has nailed it's style and has no need to spend too much time on that.

    as for them just going with what already works... have some faith. every once and a while a game takes a plunge and it pays off. hell, look at what borderlands WAS before the cel-shading. they took a massive leap and it paid off. no saying they won't do it again, ya know?

    It could be a good game, but I think it would be better if they didn't make it in the first place. Borderlands hasn't really evolved enough

  • Borderlands before cell-shading? Not sure what you mean, all Borderlands games have cell-shading.

    You know what I think would be even better than a Borderlands MMO? Something like Fallout x Borderlands. But with co-op, of course. It would leave more room for exploration and world immersion, not just uninteresting, grindy sidequests like "Pick up food: 0/8" or something like that. I'm currently going through BL1 and quests like these are extremely annoying.

    exactly my thoughts. i don't want them to do Destiny: Pandora Edition. Destiny took a chance, sure, but they didn't deliver even a fraction

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah it has some quests like that, but it is worth it to get the xp when you get to the later story missions. What character are you playing as?

    Borderlands before cell-shading? Not sure what you mean, all Borderlands games have cell-shading. You know what I think would be even bet

  • Mordecai. It's my second playthrough, I already finished the game about a year ago, decided to replay it. Basically, it would be nearly as good as BL2 if nearly every mission wasn't so boring. It's a damn shame really.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Yeah it has some quests like that, but it is worth it to get the xp when you get to the later story missions. What character are you playing as?

  • False. (with Rainn Wilson meme). before it was ever released the game was non-cel shaded. just google it.
    or here's a link to an e3 video people have apparently forgotten.

    i feel old.

    Borderlands before cell-shading? Not sure what you mean, all Borderlands games have cell-shading. You know what I think would be even bet

  • Ah, Mordecai was who I played as too. I didn't find the missions boring, though I did play BL1 when it came out, so maybe the game just wowed me with it's concept enough that I didn't find it boring lol. (But this is also coming from a person who almost did all of the fetch quests in DA: Inquisition.) But I do feel BL2 is better overall, in story and just the fact it's more recently updated than the first.

    Mordecai. It's my second playthrough, I already finished the game about a year ago, decided to replay it. Basically, it would be nearly as good as BL2 if nearly every mission wasn't so boring. It's a damn shame really.

  • Holy shit, I never knew about that. Thanks!

    False. (with Rainn Wilson meme). before it was ever released the game was non-cel shaded. just google it. or here's a link to an e3 video people have apparently forgotten. i feel old.

  • I'm okay with a Borderlands MMO so long as they release Borderlands 3 too.

  • There's an official Chinese version coming out this year, but it seems unlikely that it will be released elsewhere:

    I'm personally not a fan of the idea.

  • Oh yeah, I remember this. It looks awful.

    There's an official Chinese version coming out this year, but it seems unlikely that it will be released elsewhere: I'm personally not a fan of the idea.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I'm not really a big fan of an MMO for this title either. I love it as a co-op series. In fact, it's one of the best co-op titles I've played. They just do it so well, I can't see why they'd need (or want) to change their formula.

    There's an official Chinese version coming out this year, but it seems unlikely that it will be released elsewhere: I'm personally not a fan of the idea.

  • no problem, strange to think isn't it? that we almost ended up with THAT borderlands. in some alternate universe... some people say they think it looks better, but i don't think they'd have stood by that if it actually released in that state.

    Holy shit, I never knew about that. Thanks!

  • Man, i would like to see them do one game with these graphics.... Maybe that would make me play brderlands more often....

    no problem, strange to think isn't it? that we almost ended up with THAT borderlands. in some alternate universe... some people say they think it looks better, but i don't think they'd have stood by that if it actually released in that state.

  • edited April 2015

    I remember that! This was the original trailer (before the graphics change).

    How different would the game and the whole universe have felt? I'm glad that they went cel shaded, though. I think it fits the humor (aside from that, it ages better).

    False. (with Rainn Wilson meme). before it was ever released the game was non-cel shaded. just google it. or here's a link to an e3 video people have apparently forgotten. i feel old.

  • You lost me at mobile game

    There's an official Chinese version coming out this year, but it seems unlikely that it will be released elsewhere: I'm personally not a fan of the idea.

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