This is the geratest shipping of all time

Let's mix it up TT ! Surprise us with unexpected relationships like:

Sasha and Vasquez
Fiona and Yvette
Rhys and Scooter
Vaughn and Handsome Jack (he really seemed to like his abs)

Oh noes! Will Sasha become the new president of Hyperion? will Fiona bombard Pandora with loader bots while Yvette is off mooching somebody for lunch money? Will Rhys be with Scooter during the day and with Vaughn during the night when... dun Dun DUUUN, Jack takes over. Will we ever find out if Wallet head is really wearing a wig or not? Stay tuned...


  • Sorry bro, but Rhyderbot is confirmed :3

  • Aw man... not in my case sadly. Loader-bot hates me. Unless it'll try to rape me or something...

    Sorry bro, but Rhyderbot is confirmed

  • Let's add a bit of GoT to the mix too!

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    Pipas posted: »

    Let's add a bit of GoT to the mix too!

  • edited March 2015

    Pphhht. Rhys and Loader Bot? Nah, Fiona and Loader Bot is where it's at. :P

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    Sorry bro, but Rhyderbot is confirmed

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    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Pphhht. Rhys and Loader Bot? Nah, Fiona and Loader Bot is where it's at. :P

    Can you just imagine how their conversations would be like?

    Pipas posted: »

    Let's add a bit of GoT to the mix too!

  • I don't know. Let's call @ABigBadWolf to find out.

    HAHAHA OMG I CANNOT EVEN Can you just imagine how their conversations would be like?

  • 50 shades of Scoosher?

    Pipas posted: »

    I don't know. Let's call @ABigBadWolf to find out.

  • Yes please.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    50 shades of Scoosher?

  • I´ll write it. ;)

    Pipas posted: »

    Yes please.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I´ll write it.

  • Asher groaned as he lifted his head. His whole body felt sore and he didn´t know what exactly had happened to leave him in this state.

    He slowly got up and frowned. Where the hell was he? All he remembed is trying to head back home with Malcolm and Beshka and then his mind was a blank. This did not look like any place he knew... hewanted to pretend it wasn´t freaking him out a bit but there was no point in lying to himself.

    He patted himself to make sure he still had his axe with him and cursed under his breath when he realised he´d left it behind in the fight with the Lost Legion.

    He looked over to his side and read the sign (was that a painting of a woman on it?). "SCOOTER´S" was written there in bold, big letters and Asher wasn´t quite sure what that meant but if he was gonna get any answers he´d have to start talking with someone.

    He hesitantly entered the place and looked around. He couldn´t identify half the things decorating the room and he was pretty sure he was hearing some strange music but couldn´t tell where it was coming from either. This place was unholy, he decided.

    "Oh, hey, man, what can I do for ya?"

    Asher almost jumped when he heard the voice coming from behind him. What a strange accent, too, he found himself musing. It was almost...attractive. He gasped and coughed when he noticed what he was thinking and turned around to face the man.

    "Hello? You okay, man? You look pale as hell, haha!"

    Asher couldn´t help but blush. What...what was it about this man? He´d never even considered that he might like men...yet here he was. Clearly ogling this strange stranger (ah, that was funny, he thought for a milisecond).

    "I..." he coughed to clear his throat, "I need some help."

    "Sure thing, man! Where´s your ride so I can fix it for ya?"

    Asher wondered why the man (Scooter, if the sign was right) wasn´t even confused about his out of place appearance.

    "...Ride? You mean like my horse?"

    Scooter laughed his perfect, noisy laugh and Asher had to put a hand over his heart to calm it. He had a feeling it´d come out of his mouth if it beat any faster.

    "Naw, man, I mean your caravan or whatever you roll with!"

    Asher tried to compose himself.

    "I´m...this might sound strange to you but you have to believe me. I´m...not from here. I don´t belong in this world. I don´t know how I got here. I don´t have what you call a caravan or anything of the sort. I just need some help."

    Scooter shrugged.

    "Ah, well, man if that´s the case you can stay here for a while, sort yaself out n all that. I don´t mind!"

    Asher could literally feel his palms sweating and rubbed his hands together to try and cover it up. It didn´t seem like Scooter was even aware of his new found affections, however.

    "I would like that. Thank you...Scooter."

    His name felt sweet on his tongue. A perfect match.

    Scooter waved his hand.

    "It´s no big deal man! Gotta look out for each other, haha!"

    Asher watched as the man slowly moved away to...well, go do whatever it was he did and smiled to himself. Screw Ironrath, this would be a lot more fun.

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    Also holy crap, you've written it so fast. :O

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Asher groaned as he lifted his head. His whole body felt sore and he didn´t know what exactly had happened to leave him in this state. He

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    With the amount of things I´ve written fingers are just moving at the speed of light now. :D

    Pipas posted: »

    10/10 Also holy crap, you've written it so fast. :O

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