Consensus is that, the show reached its peak at end of Season 4, but from Season 5 ~ 8 show gradually decreased in quality, and majority of people didn't like the series finale ending.
Probably Last Words by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, editor and maybe the head of Vertigo comics (since Fables has been a Poster Child s… moreeries for them for many years)?
I do wish they would have the return of illustrated FAQs for one last time though. It can't be helped if there just isn't enough space (due to other content, and that is okay, since they're not actually mandatory), but some of them (in the past) were pretty hillarious.
I have an odd feeling that Rose will wind up in the same place he is, not for romance, but for forgiveness, when she dies (and she will!)
… more Apparently the main story will be 80 pages long, and the rest of the issue will be Last Stories for characters like Lake etc. as well as Boy Blue XD
On his Twitter there's close up pictures of each part basically it just shows that each cub has their own world which I think is cool :P There's also a world whete "lots of dragons are born" if anyone knows what that's about?
On his Twitter there's close up pictures of each part basically it just shows that each cub has their own world which I think is cool :P There's also a world whete "lots of dragons are born" if anyone knows what that's about?
Wow, just wow.......this cover brings me to tears (with the whole end of the journey feeling)....
So far, I can see from the cover:
… more* Snow
* Rose
* Bigby
* Flycatcher
* Beast
* Beauty
* Jack Horner
* Charming
* King Cole
* Geppetto
* Ozma
* Maddy
* Cinderella
* Boy Blue
* Totenkinder
I like it. It gives off the ensemble feel, which is what Fables was in the first place (although Snow and Bigby are like the poster characters).
Only two characters I can't tell who they are: the guard who is whispering to Cindy (maybe it's Grimble? Though I'm not sure), and another character who is looking at the statue back turned away from the viewer (character betweem Beauty and Jack Horner, the number "150" also kinda hides the character a bit.
Also, I kinda wish they had included Pinocchio on this cover - they have Geppetto, Flycatcher and Boy Blue in here, why not him (I mean come on! He's one of the Fly-Blue-Pinoc trio!)… [view original content]
I have a feeling that everyone is happy with the first world. The best explanation for Ambrose's vision of the future therefore would be that Snow visits all the cubs frequently.
I have a feeling that everyone is happy with the first world. The best explanation for Ambrose's vision of the future therefore would be that Snow visits all the cubs frequently.
The first world is The Hess. A huge part of the world is The Black Forest, which spreads across several kingdoms. Bigby loves his old home, but Snow would not like looking in certain directions. Bigby wouldn't want to leave his home, unlike Snow.
Precisely why I chose it for the post (in addition to it being one of my favourite songs)
Also, I aplaude your choice in music. Rammstein ist das beste!
However, this is for a good reason nonetheless. Every September, the band meets to discuss future plans, and this year they decided not to do another album for now. They say something along the lines of having no artistic dirrection to do anything at this point.
There is a silver lining, however. Till, alongside Peter Tägtren from pain, is recording an album set to release in May titled "Lindemann". There is teaser on youtube for the album.
This may not be related to this forum, but even on the telltales forums there has to be room for Rammstein.
Alas, to my intense dissappointment, no
However, this is for a good reason nonetheless. Every September, the band meets to discuss future… more plans, and this year they decided not to do another album for now. They say something along the lines of having no artistic dirrection to do anything at this point.
There is a silver lining, however. Till, alongside Peter Tägtren from pain, is recording an album set to release in May titled "Lindemann". There is teaser on youtube for the album.
This may not be related to this forum, but even on the telltales forums there has to be room for Rammstein.
Ok thnx.
I don't even read the comics and I think this cover is just so beautiful..
Definitely read them!!!! XD
And it states 1001 Nights of Snowfall format.
That means a narrator (probably Ambrose or Bigby) will tell the Last Stories XD
Or better yet Snow White will be the narrator.
Actually I would prefer that...
But she already narrated 1001 Nights, let someone else do it :P
1001 Nights was set before the main comics and narrated the past, it makes a lot of sense if Snow also ends the timeline.
Unfortunately, I've heard that the author has rather dodgy views about minority rights and, in particular, Israel, so don't wish to give him money.
Yes, Bill does have quite the fondness for Israel and that comes through in one of Bigby's lines in the comic...
Each to their own dude
Awesome cover. Can't believe come July 22nd Fables will be over...for now at least. It's been a helluva ride!
Also, one last Boy Blue story...
o.O Please explain my friend
Just saying that it is always possible that Fables makes a return a few years down the line. At least that's what I hope happens!
And you sir are awesome for thinking so!!!
Finally, another forum member who agrees with me: Fables COULD return at some point in the future! XD
Did anyone else see the worlds picture Bill put up?
No, do you have a link to it?
I am rather excited for Boy Blue's last story. I can't wait to see where he is and currently doing right now.
I have an odd feeling that Rose will wind up in the same place he is, not for romance, but for forgiveness, when she dies (and she will!)
Apparently the main story will be 80 pages long, and the rest of the issue will be Last Stories for characters like Lake etc. as well as Boy Blue XD
Awesome, at least we will get more resolutions.
Em I'm on my phone in a lecture so can't link it right now but it's on his twitter! I'll try put up a link later
I see world's for Connor, Ambrose and Ghost...
On his Twitter there's close up pictures of each part
basically it just shows that each cub has their own world which I think is cool :P There's also a world whete "lots of dragons are born" if anyone knows what that's about?
Willingham has quite a fondness for Game of Thrones, so maybe he was making a shout out to Westeros?
boy blue is my favorite in this series and i hope we get to see him in this issue
In order the worlds are Snow & Bigby's, Ghost's, Therese's, Connor's, Blossom's, Ambrose's, Dragon's Birth, and Winter's.
I hadn't realised the first was Snow and Bigby's but i see that now! That makes me very happy!
I have a feeling that everyone is happy with the first world. The best explanation for Ambrose's vision of the future therefore would be that Snow visits all the cubs frequently.
Bigby and Snow I hope! :O
The first world is The Black Forest (Bigby's woods) and the other world's are for each of the 6 Cubs...
The first world is The Hess. A huge part of the world is The Black Forest, which spreads across several kingdoms. Bigby loves his old home, but Snow would not like looking in certain directions. Bigby wouldn't want to leave his home, unlike Snow.
(Dances to Sonne by Rammstein in celebration)
"Hier kommt die Sonne!"
the Sonne being what I hope is a worthy ending to such a great series.
Freakin' love Rammstein!!!
Funny how the video to Sonne is a version of Snow White where she abuses the Dwarves :P
Precisely why I chose it for the post (in addition to it being one of my favourite songs)
Also, I aplaude your choice in music. Rammstein ist das beste!
I could look this up myself, but do they have a new album coming out anytime soon?
The latest album I have for them is Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da...
Alas, to my intense dissappointment, no
However, this is for a good reason nonetheless. Every September, the band meets to discuss future plans, and this year they decided not to do another album for now. They say something along the lines of having no artistic dirrection to do anything at this point.
There is a silver lining, however. Till, alongside Peter Tägtren from pain, is recording an album set to release in May titled "Lindemann". There is teaser on youtube for the album.
This may not be related to this forum, but even on the telltales forums there has to be room for Rammstein.
The General Chat section has a whole thread dedicated to Assassin's Creed :P
So it's not really meant to be in TWAU part of the forum, but it can be 'here' if you know what I mean?