All Praise the New Mods!
All praise our new Mods!
I think this is a great choice and I'm looking forward to see them patrolling like our other great Mods like Blind, Ozzy, Jennifer, and Vain.
Your thoughts on this promotion?
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Congratulations @kiwi_walking_dead!
Praise them!
Congratulations kiwi ! I know you'll be a great mod
Not to take the steam out of kiwi being promoted to mod, but perhaps we might get other mods soonish as well. I'm not being cryptic - I legitimately don't know as it depends on whether or not the people we reach out to respond.
Should I update this thread when they arrive too?
P.S. Check your PM @GoldenPaladin.
If you want, but who knows when (or if) that happens.
Again, not everyone we reach out to says yes and we're also choosy about who we ask to join - not out of snooty elitism, but because we care a lot about this.
You sure? ;P
...April Fools! :P
What else would it be?
If this is Apirl Fool's joke, Blind you win everything.
This is highly suspect.
That's weird. You should have a Moderator tag next to your name (that usually appears after you refresh the page when you make a post).
What do I win? "Everything" is a broad thing to give as a prize.
ALiens. Aliens everywhere.
Hmm weird, I dont see moderator next to my name.
April Fools!
Bows I'm deeply humbled.
Hmm, I was unprepared for this question.
How about the title: The Blind Sniper God.
Kiwi is such an awesome user and I have a feeling he/she will be an amazing mod.
Thanks for recommending me, Blind
And the other mods I'm sure
You can still see all the other fancy moderator things, right?
Yeah, we've had our sights on kiwi for a while.
...Wait, actually you might need to log out and back in. I had to do that when I became a moderator before I could see all the features.
Try that.
Thanks Sarah, I appreciate it.
April Fools!
...Just kidding. I'll ask Puzzlebox about this. I'll also PM you.
I have, twice lol
Hmm, I'll ask around. Hang on.
Congratulations Kiwi. You now have true power and I know it's tempting, but please don't ban me.
You should see it soon enough. The cache servers seem to be taking their time updating your role.
Yeah thats probably what it is.
lol dont worry. only if you break the guidelines, and i'm pretty sure you wont do that
You seem enthusiastic
Hopefully this isnt Telltale soon or this wont be happening till 2016.
Odd, when I look at your profile it says "moderator" next to "member" but otherwise you'd never know.