Who do you want rhys/fiona to end up with?



  • Handsome Jack AI/everyone

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    Dapnee posted: »

    For me, it more: Rhys/Fiona - can see it, but I'd rather it being an annoyed siblings relationship Rhys/Sasha - oh god they're cute t

  • I know there are couples in the borderlands universe, I'm just saying that romance isn't very borderlands-ey.

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    Green613 posted: »

    E̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶s̶ ̶R̶h̶y̶s̶ ̶X̶ ̶V̶a̶u̶g̶h̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶p̶.̶ Struck through because Rhyiona is clearly master ship, and Poogs' fraudulent behavior.

  • If it is developed right and doesn't take away from the story, it shouldn't really matter if "it's been done before", that doesn't make it bad.

    Not each other. Please. That's too predictable and overdone. Hopefully anyone else.

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    It could be like Jathena (yes I just used that term) where its all hinting and then develops off screen cause a game like Borderlands doesn't really need to worry too much about romance.

    Trentest0 posted: »

    I would rather have no romance plotline to get in the way of the existing narrative, but if we HAVE to have one, each other. Because it would be funny... with the whole... playing as both of them thing... heh.

  • Sasha so far is the only person to make Rhys drop his act and be his genuine self.
    But Rhys and Fiona bicker like a couple and are being pushed together by an unseen force. Quite literally in the last scene, its almost as if someone was pushing them together.......


    Sasha so far is the only person to make Rhys drop his act and be his genuine self. But Rhys and Fiona bicker like a couple and are being pu

  • Rhys and Loaderbot or Rhys and Sasha or Rhys and Fiona

  • I really, really, really want to see Fiona end up with August.

    Also, I'm partial to Rhysa.

  • You forgot Moxxi/Mordecai. He seems to be interested in getting back with her in the middle of TPS, though.

  • Makes it repetitive and predictable, IMO. I never said it would be bad though.

    If it is developed right and doesn't take away from the story, it shouldn't really matter if "it's been done before", that doesn't make it bad.

  • Male heteronormatives and homophobes would have to play quick time event sex scenes of the above pairings, each from Fiona and Rhys' perspectives.

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    You. I like the way you think. xD

    As much as I find all that interactions between Rhys and the girls I don't really see that much differences between that and his interractions with Vaughn or Zer0. And don't really understand why if something have to be canon it have to be the first option by default. Well, I guess it's not the case with gearbox or ttg but still.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Fiona and August, Rhys and Vasquez. Angsty. Male heteronormatives and homophobes would have to play quick time event sex scenes of the above pairings, each from Fiona and Rhys' perspectives.

  • I second this. Kinda tired of this stuff too, mainly because it's everywhere and once it's in the movie/game/book series people care about it more than about the story... or other characters.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I rather have some become best friends rather than a couple, I'm not really interested in romantic stuff in this story. I hope if they do an

  • edited April 2015

    Sasha's younger and less experienced. More emotional. You're saying that Rhys is not that bad (and I agree with it of course), but why can't you see she's not a bad person either? She's just scared, she's not that confident as Fiona to trust someone so easily. And yes, you can say that Rhys wasn't doing all the stuff like killing people and all, but would you really care about that if you met someone who served in the nazi structure? She was right when she said that he contributed to it because when you refuse to act agains something it's almost as bad. And we know for a fact that he did some disturbing things himself, just not that much.

    And I actually can see why Sasha trusts him less than Fiona trusts Vaughn. Rhys is trying to be something he's not and in that being slippery. And the fact he doesn't have a weapon (though he DOES have it, a stun baton, remember?) proves nothing because being from Hyperion means having advanced technology. If he wasn't so pathetic, he would've been very dangerous.
    You also have to remember that if was Sasha and Fiona who tried to con him (and then kill), he had every right to be angry and reacted like they (or mainly Sasha) did. But he didn't. He reacted differently and it must be very confusing. It's really hard to believe he's not plotting anything against them in ep1. In ep2 she's a lot friendlier, regardless of what you said to her before the race started. I'd say even friendlier than Fiona and imo it's an interesting detail.

    I'm not sayin that you're wrong or can't feel the way you do about her of course.

    Fiona seemed fine with Vaughn, so I don't get Sasha's problem, other than the fact that she is a trigger-happy punk.

  • Each other of course

  • That's why I put Moxxi/Everyone - Mordecai, Marcus, Jack, about a jillion others...

    LawmanZero posted: »

    You forgot Moxxi/Mordecai. He seems to be interested in getting back with her in the middle of TPS, though.

  • I just think it's wrong to write someone off as 'bad' when you don't know them at all - you only know one or two things about them. It annoys the hell out of me when people think they have the right to judge others and treat them differently because of what they think they know about them. I'm not saying Sasha has no reason to be wary of course, but since she met Rhys he's done nothing to suggest that he was dangerous or malicious - in fact quite the opposite, both he and Vaughn were cooperative. Also, stun-baton vs gun? Nope, not the same at all. Sasha clearly had the upper hand here and she chose to exploit that to be cold and cutting rather than turning it around and trying to build bridges which would've been the more mature and sensible thing to do.
    I guess she is a few years younger than all the others, but that shouldn't mean that she gets away with shit.

    DeityD posted: »

    Sasha's younger and less experienced. More emotional. You're saying that Rhys is not that bad (and I agree with it of course), but why can't

  • The thing is, why should she try to build anything? He's a nobody. He's not her friend. Not her buddy, he's a random person who they were suppose to rob. That's what they do for living. In the ep1, they're not even partners in crime, boys are practically their hostages. And Rhys being friendly doesn't fit in the situation at all. You know that they weren't gonna split the money, don't you? If it wasn't for Felix's stunt, they would just kill them, end of the story. That's why Fiona was rather rational. She knew they have to work together but she would kill them without a moment hesistation if she could find the money without them. It's interesting that it's always Fiona in ep2 who's displeased with both Vaughn and Rhys despite her initial professional approach.

    But why Sasha was so aggressive? Because of her lack of confidence (which she clearly shows when we pick either silent option or another one saying no when she's asking to hold the stun baton). That's not because she's a psycho, that's because she was afraid. Who wouldn't be? I know a lot of people who have problem with her attitude - and they forget that we're not Rhys. She wasn't being rude to us. We're associating to much with Rhys in that matter because we know for a fact he's harmless (though can we really say harmless about someone who was sending people to work in eridium mines and backstabbed his coworkers? he pretty much admited it when we chose "I was always like this"). But sisters don't know that, trust has to be earned. And being Hyperion on Pandora is practically a death sentence - everyone were trying to do... something with the boys, it's not only Sasha's thing - the bandits at the beginning were triggered too and even Scooter, who covered Sasha and Fiona despite thinking that they're might be murderes or worse.
    But in the ep2 she changed her behavior and now pretty much relaxed around them, while Fiona in the contrary is pretty distant and cold. I don't even want to start on her "present" attitude. It's a way worse imo than what Sasha did, but somehow she doesn't get as much hate for some reason.

    And there's that thing that we can't get past it because Sasha's a woman. She gets more shit for her agressive behavior than all other male characters combined who were also rude to Rhys over the game. It's also the fact tha she wasn't funny doing that - like Jack said in TPS, you can get away being an asshole but only if you're funny. Which she's not. And because subconsciously we still can't get over the fact that females can behave like that. They have no rights for it because we think that any male person is higher in the social hierarchy.

    She's 24 if you haven't scan her, while Fiona's 29 and Vaugn's 27. I think Rhys is close to 27-30 too.

    I just think it's wrong to write someone off as 'bad' when you don't know them at all - you only know one or two things about them. It annoy

  • Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

  • RhyshaForLife

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    nursethalia posted: »

    Wow, this triple posted. Annnnnnd I can't delete it.

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    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Sets table for two] [Lights candles] [Serves meal.] [Ushers Fiona over to her seat.] ^_^ here you go miss, we have other refreshme

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    I just think it's wrong to write someone off as 'bad' when you don't know them at all - you only know one or two things about them. It annoy

  • I will make Rhys end up with Jack (though I don't think that would happen XD)
    And I don't know for Fiona. I don't really ship her with anybody.

  • And of course they have a scene with Vaughn's abs instead.

    My wizard powers were off.

    nursethalia posted: »

    That part in TPS cracked me up. "WHO WANTS TO MAKE OUT?"

  • If it aint Rhyiona, it aint no good

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    If it aint Rhyiona, it aint no good

  • Yea



  • edited April 2015

    Wolvervine and Spiderman are Bros,Bro just like Rhys and Vaughn or Rhys and Jack or Rhys and Loader Bot


  • edited April 2015

    Yea Bro,Are You With Rhysha Fans? Cause I'm one too

    Brofist #LoaderBros #RhyshaForLife

  • i think rhys should date me because he is amazing and im amazing

    Zinthous posted: »

    Each other. They are perfect for each other.

  • Bro.. That's bro, bro.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Wolvervine and Spiderman are Bros,Bro just like Rhys and Vaughn or Rhys and Jack or Rhys and Loader Bot LoaderBros

  • Bro For Bro,Bro

    Linsepins posted: »

    Bro.. That's bro, bro.

  • As it is Telltale games, you must let us choose.
    In case you don't, Rhys and Fiona! :D

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    As it is Telltale games, you must let us choose. In case you don't, Rhys and Fiona!

  • 100% agreed.

    Bralef posted: »

    I don't mind either way, as long as any romance that happens is actually built up. If, say, Rhys and Sasha have no further chemistry beyond

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I'm sorry but I guess I have to be the one to say it. Rhys and Vaughn are the only two people in the game with any real chemistry and behave like an old married couple.

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